fairy flame

Chapter 1163 Magnetic Barrier

() Luo Yu clearly remembered the formation patterns depicted on this formation flag, so he discerned the traces returned by his fingers, and immediately knew secretly that this was the first formation flag he planted first.

Even if he couldn't see it with his own eyes just now, and he didn't have divine sense to judge, it also proves that he must have been moved!

From this point of view, he did guess right. This place, which is suspected to be at the bottom of the enchantment, has abilities that are completely different from the previous disasters of water, fire, wind and thunder. It is no wonder that Luo Yu has not felt any other dangers. If you want to, you have to comprehend these things like the gate of space.

Fortunately, Luo Yu had done a lot of research on the way of teleportation, so he couldn't find the way at all, let alone he suspected that this was the third change of domain power that he had been thinking about for a long time!

Therefore, even if there is no necessary reason, Luo Yu will not let go of the opportunity to realize it for himself. As the domain power under his control becomes stronger and stronger, even though the simple repulsion and attraction in the past are still somewhat powerful, Luo Yu always feels that Yuli must have other changes and strengths, but he has been struggling to find the slightest direction, and now the eyes are right in front of him!

What makes Luo Yu's heart more exciting than getting it without any effort.

Compared with the weird and far-fetched mysteries before, Luo Yu felt that the changes here were more traceable, and even if he couldn't get what he wanted this time, at least it made Luo Yu aware of the horror of domain power being able to transform space. In the future, I will always be able to continue to spend my heart and soul on this more practically.

Having made up his mind, Luo Yu set aside the main purpose of this trip to set up formations for the time being, and instead went back and forth tirelessly along the two footholds that imply the magic of space.

For a while, as Luo Yu continued to advance and retreat to the place where the two array flags were located, his flickering figure repeated itself in two similar places, like a phantom, faster and faster each time!

This almost fanatical obsession rarely appears in Luo Yu's heart, which is always calm and cautious. Even for those famous magic weapons or spells that cannot be controlled, Luo Yu will only pursue them purely with the mentality of strengthening his strength after obtaining them. , Comforting myself with the fact that if I don’t get it, there will be more choices, or maybe it’s because these are always other people’s things, not only owned by him, so I always feel less than perfect.

But the current situation is very different. Although I dare not say that I am the only person in the world who is fortunate enough to comprehend and use the law of the black domain, but there will never be many. Therefore, there is no experience to learn from on the road ahead, and future achievements will be even more important. Looking at the individual, not to mention that this kind of coincidence can almost be described as against the sky, so no matter what changes can be made based on this perception, this is definitely the only one in the world!

It's like body refiners who possess Yuanhai, they must use their own unique skills to use their strengths. Their own supernatural powers may not be the best, but they must make their opponents unable to know the roots.

Luo Yu is keen on this, naturally he wants to use the power of the black domain to find another way and create his own way. When Luo Yu suddenly understood this truth during hundreds of times, he was led by a group of scattered spider web-like domains. The picture scroll compiled in my mind suddenly merged with a memory of the past!

In an instant, all the scenes in my mind seemed to be completely shattered by two extremely bright electric lights, leaving only two flashing lights chasing and playing!

Luo Yu clearly felt that his thoughts coexisted in two bright balls that split and merged quickly, which contained the collision of past thoughts and present various inspirations, continuously blooming colorful and mysterious brilliance to illuminate his spirit. Incomparably clear!

"Attraction and repulsion. Attraction and repulsion. Since the double beads can generate a magnetic hole! Or vice versa, this is the third change of the law of the black domain!" In panic, Luo Yu's eyes burst into a gray light of domain power, and he grasped it. What, he burst out laughing out loud.

A feeling of melting ice and snow, which climbed up to the depths of the soul, made Luo Yu go straight down from extreme tension, and every pore in his body trembled comfortably!

"I really

Too stupid!I have been sticking to the fact that domain power can only be used in Yuanhai, which is true, but this kind of teleportation that uses the void as a medium to build a shuttle that can shuttle between two places in space is just adding an extra space in it. In a single Yuanhai Of course not, but who said Yuan Hai has to remain the same! "When Luo Yu was obsessed at this moment, and then recalled the scene when he first saw the twin beads of Shuo Yin and Shuo Yang, he felt almost exactly the same excitement. It turned out that the answer had already been hidden in his heart.

Great ingenuity is like clumsiness, and great ingenuity is hidden in clumsiness!

His hands trembled slightly excitedly, and he clenched his fists involuntarily. The golden light outside his body flickered and swelled up. In the blink of an eye, Xu Yuanhai, which was shrinking around his body, instantly regained its width of ten feet, and then it was like an arrow. What was sprayed out were more than [-] strands of black silk remaining in the body, plus nearly [-] magnetic wires for protection outside the body, the total number exceeded [-], which was the limit of Luo Yu's current grasp.

In the past, Luo Yu only knew to gather the black silk together, and the greater the number, the stronger the effect would be. This time, Luo Yu mysteriously controlled more than [-] black silk to evenly distribute them all over Yuanhai!

Each of these black lights is so small that it is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, but they seem to be clusters of fireflies flickering under the night sky, making the pale golden sea of ​​light in the hemisphere suddenly filled with strange black lights.

"Open!" With a soft drink, Luo Yu closed his eyes and made an unaffected gesture. A fine crack was drawn from the top of the pale gold Yuanhai, extending to the bottom, dividing Yuanhai into two parts. !

The two halves of Yuan Hai naturally couldn't be too far apart, except for a very thin crack between the two, they were still within ten feet of Luo Yu's body.

Luo Yu randomly chose half of them, and walked into it calmly, as long as it was still within Yuan Hai, it was the same for him everywhere.

Then Luo Yu's hands pinched each other's diametrically opposite magic arts, and different golden lights converged towards the palms of his left and right palms respectively, but finally formed two golden light spheres that could not see the slightest difference. With a shake of Luo Yu's arms, After the golden ball trembled, it flashed into the two halves of Yuanhai respectively.

The golden ball of light spun around in Yuanhai, and amidst the dazzling golden light flickering on and off, strands of golden threads began to slowly separate from the golden ball like cocoons, and quickly merged with the erratic black silk in Yuanhai , as the size of the golden ball gradually shrunk, more and more golden and crow-colored auras appeared in the Yuanhai correspondingly, intertwined inextricably, appearing extremely strange and mysterious.

"Get up!" Seeing that the golden ball was completely exhausted, Luo Yu once again controlled his sense of mystery, causing the irregularly shaped halves of Yuanhai to turn into two pale gold with a diameter of three feet as soon as his voice came out. Se, the black and gold two-color balls flashed inside, quietly floating in front of Luo Yu, one in front of the other.

The moment he gradually came out of the huge sphere, Luo Yu certainly did not forget to call back some Wusi to resist the power of the enchantment here, otherwise it would be worthless if he lost his life on a whim.

However, it seems that he is a little unfamiliar with this method of diverting the profound sense into three purposes. The two huge golden balls that are shining brightly cannot be absolutely still. Looking at the beaded sweat on Luo Yu's face, it was obvious that he was struggling.

The three-foot-sized golden balls are separated by one foot, and they are still within Luo Yu's mysterious control range. It's just the first time to use this Yuanhai transformation, and I'm not used to it yet. However, the golden balls never leave the Yuanhai range. Luo Yu Still have some confidence.

If it were practiced casually, Luo Yu might have to practice hard for a while before he could master this method without such a complicated state of stress and tension, but Luo Yu is a person who is serious and selfless. He usually cultivated in the way of penance, so this moment really made him succeed once.

When the two hill-like golden light spheres were completely stabilized, Luo Yu closed his eyes but seemed to be open to seeing clearly his successful move just now. It flew into one of the golden balls naturally!

Then, a weird and eye-opening scene appeared!

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