fairy flame

Chapter 1164 Supernatural Power 'The Universe Ball'

() Luo Yu just flew into the sphere, and the clouds formed by the black and gold two-color body armor on his body circled around him, and only in an unrecognizable instant, Luo Yu's figure suddenly disappeared on the spot . ..

It seemed that Luo Yu walked out of this space in one step, but the space did not fluctuate at all, as if nothing had ever happened!

Just when this weird golden ball regained its calm, only Zhang Xu away, located in the other half of Yuanhai, a burst of golden black glow rose from the other golden light ball, gradually spreading and surging, At the same time, Luo Yu, who had disappeared without a trace, couldn't hide his astonishment and briskly walked out of the golden light ball."

Space, Yuanhai, and Jinqiu are all like rocks in this process, as before!

However, the moment Luo Yu stepped out of the golden ball, he tilted his body sideways until he landed on the ground before he stood firm. It looked more like he was thrown out of the golden light ball unprepared!

But even though he was a little ashamed, on the contrary, in Luo Yu's heart, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and his expression was so excited that it couldn't add up!

"That's true! It's no wonder that even the Empress Baiyu couldn't hide her envy when she talked about Yuli, but I was so stupid that I thought I was deceived. I have such weird and unpredictable powers that almost go against common sense. I'm afraid people won't understand even if they want to break their heads. Although this move was learned secretly, it was created by me. How to use it in Yuan Hai, I should choose a famous name anyway. Since there are other people in the ball If there is Qiankun, let’s call it ‘Qiankun Ball’.” How can Luo Yu not be very excited, the teleportation within Yuanhai in the past is actually just an illusion that the speed is so fast that it’s nothing more than a real immortal cultivator and body refiner Since ancient times, Dou Dao has been familiar with and has many ways to break this kind of teleportation.

But the Qiankun Ball is different. Although Luo Yu can't describe how fast the real space travels, the feeling of the Qiankun Ball to him will never be much worse. The space is no longer blocked to form a bridge!

Therefore, in terms of speed and dodge, this supernatural power has already surpassed the secret art of Yuan Hai's teleportation by a lot, but don't forget that the universe ball does not distinguish between each other, that is to say, once other people are in Luo Yu Yuanhai. If you touch the Qiankun Ball carefully, you will immediately appear from another place at a loss!

Thinking of this, Luo Yu wished he could look up to the sky and laugh!

No one understands the horror of this unexpected move better than him, plus domain power is an existence that cannot be sensed by divine sense. Even if the Qiankun Ball is only this one, and there is no other attack power, Luo Yu is also great. Feel happy and satisfied.

Immediately, Luo Yu saw Lie Xin happily pulling up the array flag on the ground, and with a little force with his arm, he threw the flag towards the golden ball in mid-air, and the same kind of movement disappeared on one of the golden balls regardless of people or objects. Luo Yu's array flag was pulled back from another golden ball in an instant, which was really miraculous and amazing.

However, if such a big golden ball really appeared, it would be inconvenient to operate, and the opponent would not easily walk into it, unless he could control the size of the golden ball as he wished, Luo Yu almost thought of it.

In the final analysis, the golden ball is always dominated by Yuan Hai, and its size can be changed according to Luo Yu's will. Similarly, although there are many domain powers transformed by the black silk in it, it is like human hair, no matter how many there are, it can be bound together. Of.

As soon as Luo Yu had this thought in his mind, Luo Yu couldn't wait to subdivide his sense of mystery, and the result was exactly as Luo Yu expected, the giant golden ball with the size of three feet shrunk as it slowly rotated.

Two feet by one foot, although the golden light ball is getting smaller and smaller, but when the diameter approaches three feet, the speed of change obviously becomes more difficult, but the shape and color always remain round and pale gold.

When Luo Yu felt that his sense of mystery was depleted and his body began to heat up and tremble slightly, he finally let out a long breath and stopped in time. About two feet, only the size of a wheel, Luo Yu threw the formation flag into one of the universe balls again, and flew out of the other universe ball as before.

Luo Yu almost couldn't help but feel ecstatic, firstly because the size of the golden ball can be controlled at will, and Luo Yu feels that as long as the sense of mystery grows in the future, the universe ball can become bigger and smaller, It has become even more weird and difficult to guard against. Secondly, this kind of spatial supernatural power was extremely rare in ancient times. Even if someone with a higher cultivation level than Gao Luoyu, it is not so easy to deal with him. Unless he encounters those space treasures, otherwise in Under the body protection of the Qiankun Ball, it was too difficult to injure Luo Yu.

It's a pity that I don't know if it's a coincidence or I haven't been familiar with it yet. Luo Yu used nearly [-] Wusi transformed by Yuli to complete the two Universe Balls. In the future, Yuan Hai will no longer be able to be used, but this is only a temporary shortcoming. In the future, when Luo Yu refines more domain power and his sense of mystery increases greatly, even if he controls Yuan Hai and Qian Kun Ball at the same time, he will be able to use it. Those who have the strength to spare.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected harvest this time, which allowed him to further understand the mystery of domain power. Although Luo Yu still couldn't give Luo Yu much confidence under the monks of the Nascent Soul Stage, there was always another possibility.

Luo Yu knew that to really grasp the changes of the Qiankun Ball, it would take more time to become proficient, so it was natural to stop here for now. After putting away the formation flags that were planted in two different places on the ground, Luo Yu began to seriously consider the layout of the formation. things come.

Fortunately, I have successfully comprehended the changes in the laws here, and I can sense the abnormality of the nearby domain power at any time. Otherwise, as long as I am moved once during the formation process, all previous efforts will be wasted.

After spending another half an hour, Luo Yuxuan cooperated with the domain power to scan several miles one by one, and finally let him find a stable domain power area with a size of one hundred feet. After carefully checking for a while and confirming that there was no problem, Luo Yu quickly After arranging part of the formation based on this place, the rest have to go through the barrier, and arrange the other half at the end near the chaotic abyss.

But with the experience just now, and overcoming the influence of the space-time rift along the way, Luo Yu's confidence in this trip has greatly increased. With Si's joining, the whole person fled underground.

According to what Empress Baiyu said, the actual journey is not too far away. Luo Yu estimated the speed of the passing of energy in his body, and it is more than enough to deal with it once and for all. A drop of Guangqiong Yuanye.

Although Luo Yu knew that the layer where he realized the universe ball was near the end of the barrier, he never thought that it was the last layer. After that, he continued to go deeper than a hundred feet, but the speed at which his energy was consumed was different, which was really unpredictable. None of the hazards emerged.

Three hours later, Luo Yu spread out Wusi, who was exploring the way, and found a gray crystal light wall ten feet away in front of him, standing there like a sky ravine. its wide.

Such a barrier between heaven and earth exists, thinking that the black domain and the human world are separated by this, Luo Yu's amazement cannot be added for a moment.

Feeling the unfathomable aura from the crystal wall, the domain force in his body trembled as if attracted by great attraction. Facing this crystal wall, perhaps because Luo Yu had the effect of the same origin domain force, Luo Yu could better understand that the crystal wall seemed to be It has inexhaustible power, I really don't know how the Empress Baiyu broke through the wall last time.

After arriving near the crystal wall, Luo Yu didn't act immediately, but separated a part of Wusi and melted into the crystal wall first, but this process was extremely slow, because the crystal wall was purely formed by compressing the domain force, and there was no Like the ordinary black field law, it can be integrated anytime and anywhere.

But at least the crystal wall does not reject Luo Yu. After the black silks are issued from Luo Yu's body and connected in series on the crystal wall, it looks extremely weird, as if Luo Yu's beard and hair stretched out and pierced into the crystal wall. In the wall, but when the place where the black silk touches the crystal wall faintly forms a subtle connection and starts to flash and twinkle, wisps of black light also flicker alternately in various places on Luo Yu's body.

There was a bit of joy on Luo Yu's face, and more and more black silk spewed out again, intertwining around him like a cocoon.

But this time, Luo Yu was not simply protected in it in the past, but a large number of black hairs snaked down from head to toe close to the skin. Under the superimposition and coverage of each black wire, the black light gradually changed from dim to crystallized When he got up, within a moment, a layer of anthropomorphic black leather was tightly glued to Luo Yu's body like armor.

And this black figure with only facial outline but indistinct appearance appeared just now, and his figure flashed, like a flexible fish plunged into the crystal wall, and the crystal wall was rippling like a sky wall A burst of water ripples came, and Luo Yu passed along the ripples effortlessly. During the process of contact and compatibility between the two, they both emitted the same black crystal light, as if they were connected by yiti.

I don't know how deep it is behind the crystal wall, but it seems that just a moment later, Luo Yu fell from a furnace into an extremely cold place!

Before he could open his eyes in the future, the bone-piercing wind mixed with the sound of howling ghosts and wolves came one after another. Even though the body that had reached Yuanling Realm voluntarily transformed into a ball of golden light to protect Luo Yu in time, it flickered and disappeared the next moment , crumbling up.

The abundance of yin energy and devil energy here is too terrifying. In just one breath, nearly a quarter of the remaining energy in Luo Yu's body was consumed!

No wonder even the monks in the Nascent Soul stage are terrified of the Luanmingyuan. This terrifying place can't last long with its strong mana!

But it seems that the pressure from the outside world is not as good as the changes in the depths of the soul. Amidst the howling yin wind and the soul-stirring rolling magic sound, a violent and violent emotion began to grow from the bottom of my heart, which made people irresistible. To go bloodthirsty, Luo Yu had already prepared to run "Yi Xiang Jue", and his soul was immediately protected by layers of gray light waves, but even so, he was really terrified, and "Yi Xiang Jue" As soon as the power of killing evil and meditating produced by "dispelled these evil thoughts, the fierce and fierce emotions immediately rushed back again, which is endless!

In an instant, it was like being in a purgatory full of Yin wind ghosts and dark gray demon souls!

Luo Yu opened his eyes, and what came into view was a world of mist and mist, with tumbling dark gray seyin air and ghostly ghosts of demons wandering everywhere, and what was even more frightening was the places that could not be seen clearly in the distance, although Already outside the crystal wall, but for some reason, Luo Yu faintly felt the fluctuation of the law of the black domain, but it seemed to be the power of the black domain mixed with magic energy and yin energy, forming another extremely terrifying thing, It felt extremely dangerous to Luo Yu, but fortunately such a place was only limited to a certain area and could not move, otherwise Luo Yu would have no choice but to run away.

These seemingly mutated black domain laws, no accident, should be the magnetic cracks that Empress Baiyao feared deeply, because when Luo Yu swept over with his divine sense, it seemed to be no different from the nearby area, and once he went there with domain power, When sensing, she immediately found something suspicious. No wonder Empress Baiyu needed the help of Luo Yu's comprehended domain power.

However, this trip confirmed many doubts in the past, but Luo Yu really didn't mean to be happy at all. The place is full of endless dark energy, magic energy, and magnetic cracks. I really can't believe that I am still in the human world. The danger that I witnessed was far more shocking than what I heard.

"Luan Mingyuan!" Luo Yu took a deep breath, seeing that the external shield was still shaking more and more violently under the continuous replenishment of his vitality, how could he dare to continue to push it, and quickly crossed his hands in front of his chest. Squeeze different spells, and then divide and close together, and cast the innate thunder fire at the fastest speed, the blue and white lightning in the palm of the hand merges with the three-color real fire and appears at the same time!

A mass of gorgeous five-color rays of light flickered, and electric fire exchanged bombardments, forming a head-sized five-color thunder fire. At the center of the flame, there was a faint image of thunder dissipating, and the burst of '嗤嗤' was also in Luo Yu's ear The resounding was endless, and Luo Yu could clearly feel the moment when the power of thunder and fire appeared, and the coldness in his body was suddenly reduced!

Although this method was created by Empress Baiyu, Luo Yu also held his breath in his heart because the other party had never practiced before, whether it really had the power of restraint that the other party said.

With a flick of both hands, the five-color thunder fire surged up suddenly, turning into an electric light fire cover around the side, the thunder fire jumped over the golden light, and landed firmly outside the Yuanli shield!

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