fairy flame

Chapter 1165 Changes in the Starry Sky

() "Boom!" Luo Yu's thunder and fire supernatural power seemed to make the nearby dark energy and demonic energy become more irritable. All kinds of evil spirits with teeth and claws rushed towards Luo Yu desperately. >

But as soon as the two came into contact with the shield of thunder and fire, they made the sound of "sizzling" when water and fire met. No matter how amazing the yin devil energy was, it was instantly wiped out under the endless lightning strikes.

After several waves of offensives were easily blocked, Luo Yu finally felt at ease, but the power of the five-color thunder and fire in his body was also consuming astonishingly, so he had to arrange the remaining formations as soon as possible."

The difference from before is that Luo Yu took out three white formation disks this time, and after throwing them above his head, several magic arts wrapped the formation disks at will, and then the activated formation disks First, a blinding white light burst out, and in a blink of an eye, each array disk split into two identical array disk phantoms. When the light and shadow of nine array disks appeared above Luo Yu's head, a mysterious magic circle was faintly formed.

Without waiting for Luo Yu's instructions, the magic circle flew out of the protective shield after a clear buzzing sound, and the yin, ghost fog and magic energy tumbling outside sensed the appearance of the magic circle, and immediately separated part of it, moths flew into the flames surged up.

Luo Yu looked at such a spiritual formation with a pensive look on his face, and didn't intend to help in time. Since this formation belongs to the level of an ancient spiritual formation that he has never heard of, he will naturally be able to deal with it.

At this time, the nine-pan magic circle seemed to communicate with Luo Yu's mind, the white light on the body surface rose and shrank, without any contact with the arrogant demon power, it changed into a small spot in space, and it was hidden somewhere.

This kind of change was really beyond what Luo Yu could think of. He let go of his divine sense and swept towards the place where the light spot disappeared, but there was nothing abnormal at all, which really surprised him.

It's just that Luo Yu didn't want to wait for a long time to appreciate it. As soon as his sense of mystery moved, his body was covered with a layer of black horniness similar to the one just now, and he passed through the crystal wall and returned to the knot in a way that incomparably fitted the power of the barrier. within the bounds.

Then Luo Yu had the previous experience, and with the mentality of knowing how to get out, he could safely ignore any terror created by the barrier to stop or destroy him.

But this trip is the return, Luo Yu can't help but sigh, recalling that there were many thrilling things during this period, but it also proved once again the truth of seeking wealth and wealth

In the enchantment, it seems that several months have passed.

In fact, it took only a few hours for Luo Yu to complete this trip. When Luo Yu returned to Baiyu Mountain, the blood-haired girl had already been waiting in the mysterious medicine garden. Despite the composure accumulated for more than a thousand years, the mood fluctuates that he still has to feel relieved.

Hearing Luo Yu's half-truth and half-false description of the magnetic barrier, the blood-haired demon girl praised Luo Yu even more, and the worry that had always hung on that suffocatingly beautiful face for more than a year disappeared instantly. For the most part, he didn't say a word about the drop of Guangqiong Yuanye, but he was a monster who kept his promise.

But unexpectedly, Luo Yu felt that he had stayed in the enchantment for several months, but in fact it was only less than three hours, which made Luo Yu shocked when he heard it!

This not only proves that the flow rate of time in the enchantment is different from that in the black domain, but also shows that the time in the black domain is very likely to be the same as they guessed compared with the human world. Flow faster!

From the comparison between the time of the magnetic enchantment and the black domain, it can be derived that the time of the black domain is much faster than that of the world of cultivating immortals!

After a long while, Luo Yu regained his composure in the joy of finally confirming the long-awaited joy in his heart. After the Baimai Empress asked about the enchantment in detail, Luo Yu put these distracting thoughts aside for the time being.

Naturally, Luo Yu would not be so stupid as to tell the story of his realization of the third change of domain power, but only briefly mentioned the dangers of each layer of the barrier and the horror of the chaotic abyss. The blood-haired girl had the same experience. People, so there is no need to explain too much to know that Luo Yu's words are true. After learning that Luo Yu can really detect the existence of magnetic cracks, it seems that those words that he swore before were just conjectures. After confirming that Luo Yu has this magical ability , the bright smiling face is even more happy.

After this battle, the politeness of the blood-haired demon girl when she spoke to Luo Yu seemed to be from the heart, so Luo Yu couldn't help but secretly think that if his trip doesn't go well or if he can't predict the magnetic crack, then the face of this big demon girl will change again. how is it.

Maybe it was because this woman's long dream came true and she showed too much joy. Luo Yu seemed to be more pleasing to the eye than usual, but she didn't notice a flash of displeasure on Luo Yu's face. Of course, Luo Yu still dealt with it with a pleasant face. and asked specifically when to leave.

In the past, the blood-haired girl had some grudges against Luo Yu, and would only give vague generalizations, making people feel that everything was under her control, but this time the girl answered frankly.

This woman was obviously interested, and even pointed out to Luo Yu from time to time during the conversation, and she was outspoken about anything that Luo Yu was worried about during the process of leaving.

Half an hour later, Luo Yu, who was tens of miles away from Baiyu Mountain, had gained a lot, and finally could no longer hide his inner emotions, and laughed heartily at the temporary end of his intrigue with the Nascent Soul cultivator during this period.

He is really relieved now, without going through the magnetic barrier, he simply doesn't understand that there is no other way for Empress Baiyu to leave, and both of them have only one chance, and if they miss this opportunity, they may be in trouble for the rest of their lives Dead black domain, this has nothing to do with cultivation, so neither Luo Yu nor Empress Bai can afford to bet!

Welcomed by the Lieyang Bird, Luo Yu rushed to his small mine cave in a good mood, looking up at the sky and falling into the thoughts of leaving the Black Territory.

At this time, the whirlwind catastrophe, except for a piece of five-color cloud that is still rolling and shrinking in the sky, has been completely passed, so the blazing sun bird is much faster than before under the unscrupulous.

The past of the whirlwind catastrophe meant that a large number of miners and hunting teams in Fengshen Town had to go out to work, and at the same time, they were also responsible for finding and recruiting another batch of "newcomers" who unfortunately fell into the black area during the whirlwind catastrophe, so as to ensure that Fengshen Town had enough Protected by the human race and the elite race, there will be no inconsistencies.

But Luo Yu didn't find any hunting monks along the way, and those so-called 'newcomers' didn't seem to appear around here either.

Of course, Luo Yu was just thinking about it casually, and his real thoughts were not on this. Instead, he learned from Empress Bai that the time to leave was only four months away, and his mentality became a bit complicated.

It's not that Luo Yu doesn't want to leave early. After all, judging from Yu Luopan's lack of response, it's only reasonable for Ling'er to be in the open sea. However, he also thinks that if he can leave later, with the benefits and assistance of Heiyu to Yuanshi's cultivation Judging from the effect of comprehending domain force supernatural powers, it really helped Luo Yu a lot.

Luo Yu has experienced a lot in the past year in the Black Territory, and he never expected that he would leave in such a hurry.

Arriving in the cave, Luo Yu immediately opened a passage to the stone room that was completely sealed off when he left. After checking the entrance of the cave and the stone room, no one had come, and he felt relieved.

However, Luo Yu did not rush down, but returned to the Guiyuan Formation in the middle of the mountain and meditated for a while, and then communicated with the Destiny Rat hidden in another part of the cave with the secret technique of spiritual thoughts. There was joy in his heart, but it was quickly replaced by waves of tiredness.

After returning Luo Yu's storage bag and vitality gourd, he returned to the spirit animal bag without making any noise, and began to sleep soundly again.

But every time this was a sign of a breakthrough, Luo Yu was even happier. He glanced at the changes and fluctuations of the demonic energy on the Destiny Mouse very slowly. It seemed that there was still a period of time before the success of the advancement.

Luo Yu couldn't help looking at the Destiny with a little envy. It only needs to sleep for a while, and it can easily break through. It doesn't have any requirements for the place of cultivation or the medicine. God also has a place for them.

But thinking about it this way, Luo Yu realized that he was not the same. Ever since he had the mysterious flame, ordinary monks no longer had any concerns about pills. If there were no ups and downs during the cultivation process, his cultivation would have already broken through to the point of forming alchemy Realm, of course it's not too bad now, at least Luo Yu doesn't lack pills in the black domain, his mana has been kept full, and he doesn't forget to practice in the immortal way from time to time.

A few months ago, Luo Yu also used the soaring mana in his body to break through the barrier when he had cultivated the Innate Lightning Fire a few months ago, completely healed his qi training injuries, and his cultivation had returned to the late stage of foundation establishment.

From the beginning to the end, Luo Yu's influence on Qi training was far greater than that of body training, so even though the realm of body training was still ahead, Luo Yu still regarded Qi training as the direction of his future cultivation.

And the reason for this is also very simple, that is, from ancient times to the present, regardless of whether the lineage of body refiners develops to its peak period or its trough period, Qi trainers have been steadily suppressed by Qi trainers, even though there will be some powerful people every once in a while. Body refiner, but still unable to reverse the overall situation.

The more he thinks about this, the more Luo Yu feels that it is necessary to go to Fengshen Town again. There are many abandoned qi training classics in it that contain many secret techniques from the four sea areas. Once he leaves here, no matter where he appears in the future A sea area, I am afraid that it will be difficult to have a chance to encounter it.

After all, from Zhuo Wujian's mouth, I learned that the four sea areas are too far apart, and there are countless dangers on the road, even those who are skilled in alchemy rarely have the idea of ​​crossing a sea area.

So it seems that there are still many things worth discovering in the Black Territory. Thinking that this matter should not be delayed, Luo Yu planned to go to the Wujing Starry Sky to perfect the chest pattern for the last time, and immediately set off for Fengshen Town.

hey-hey!Considering that the Jing people in the town have troubled him many times, it seems that apart from collecting some classics, there are many other things to do this time, and this is just a matter of little effort for him, and it can be regarded as a good thing for the same clan. People did their best.

Presumably, Empress Baiyu is about to leave, so naturally, this existence who is regarded as a god by the Jing tribe will not interfere in her own business.

Three days later, Luo Yu, who had finished recuperating, hid all the treasures on his body in a hidden stone cave, and came to the cave. With mixed emotions of certainty and inexplicable worry, Luo Yu finally gritted his teeth and jumped down.

Every time I approach the Wujing Starry Sky, I feel closer and closer. With the gradual improvement of the butterfly pattern on my body, I seem to be recognized as one of them. return.

But what will happen when the butterfly pattern is completed, Luo Yu is also very nervous. This kind of conflicting mentality makes him suffer.

"Bang!" Luo Yu, who was still weighing in his mind, before he knew how much time had passed, his eyes dimmed, and he came to the black crystal starry sky again.

At this time, there happened to be a piece of black haze lingering over, as if a small boat took the initiative to carry Luo Yu, rippling away to the depths of the sparkling and unpredictable sea of ​​stars, through the black haze, one can see Looking at the starry sky that has been seen many times, many black crystal stars with different trajectories pass away from far and near, as if life is going from brilliant to withered, Luo Yu can't help but take a closer look every time, but It is still impossible to judge how big the black crystals are. They come from the depths of the distant and unknown starry sky, and they pass by in front of my eyes, like a streamer phantom. Or the original one, also can't know.

Feedback life, isn’t it the same? Hundreds of years in a hurry and most of the time are spent in cultivation. People who know each other and meet each other will eventually become passers-by one day, and even themselves become meaningless. In the endless flowing river of light and shadow Here, the individual's insignificant and short-lived brilliance is but a glimpse, what can be left behind!

Luo Yu's whole body trembled suddenly, the person in the light and shadow is a metaphor, but the self in the Wujing starry sky is a real existence!In the vast time, Luo Yu's life is just an insignificant part, so why not the life that actually exists in the black crystal starry sky!

Why does Luo Yu feel warm and at home here, why does the vitality of the world here favor him so much, why does this world try to attract him, but repeats the same thing over and over without emotion!

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