fairy flame

Chapter 1166 Dream Butterfly

() "What on earth do you want to do, am I the next one of them!" Luo Yu's mind was filled with fear for a moment, and his face was pale, pointing at the stars that were flying past one after another. The humble feeling of rebellion made him unable to resist asking the sky loudly.

Naturally, there was no answer, and it seemed that this seductive and cold-blooded Wujing Starry Sky didn't even bother to reply.

The surrounding pressure suddenly doubled, and the rolling vitality crazily turned into a Daoming Huangse sharp blade, which seemed to slash the vitality of the body to pieces, leaving Luo Yu in a violent storm in an instant.

The stars are turning, and Luo Yu is turning. At this moment, Luo Yu seems to know the law of fate in this place. Maybe the stars are people who broke into here one by one like him, and finally completed the butterfly imprint. Maybe it can be said that they are recognized by the starry sky. Finally, sadly walked into endless reincarnation.

Luo Yu only felt that the force of heaven and earth compressed him crazily, and his body was gradually sealed by a layer of bright yellow crystal, which became thicker and more swollen, and became more and more like an incomparably tiny star. The aura of heaven and earth is enough to make him imagine that after thousands of years, he will also turn into one of the countless stars here!

Almost at the same time, when Luo Yu was desperate and no longer struggled, a misty white flame flew out lightly and cleanly, and silently turned into a flame shield to isolate the figure who was sitting cross-legged below. After passing through the mysterious flame, it immediately turned into the pure mana that Luo Yu cultivated himself, and settled in the middle of the limbs and bones.

But at the same time, Luo Yu can clearly feel that his body is accompanied by some kind of attraction, and it is more like those black crystal stars floating and sinking along a certain trajectory. Just now he was looking at them with curious eyes, maybe In their eyes, there is no difference.

The more I look at this world in this way, the more I feel that the chest is like a branding iron burning the skin, the chest quickly becomes charred and then turned into ashes, and the internal organs are mixed in an oven, which is extremely uncomfortable.

Wouldn't it be useful to be unwilling? This was Luo Yu's last thought before his life ended, but when he thought he should fly out of his mind, he found himself waking up in horror and rage. His body was already sweating profusely. It turned out to be just a dream That's all, but why there is such an illusion in the process of absorbing vitality this time, and I am still daydreaming while I am still cultivating, it is extremely unimaginable.

There may be no reason for it, Luo Yu lowered his head and leaned towards his chest. It happened that at this time, he saw the last natural and perfect scene of the butterfly pattern!

Abruptly, the butterfly imprint burst out the aura of blue 蕰蕰, every bit of light was like a real grain of sand, condensed and suspended on Luo Yu's side, the butterfly imprint moved slightly, a pair containing the spirit of heaven and earth Yun's mysterious butterfly eyes meet Luo Yu's four eyes!

So bright as a star, Jinglan is so peaceful that there is no impurity, almost just a look, let Luo Yu fall into it, and fall into the long river of fate that cannot be explained for thousands of times.

Luo Yu felt that all of his mind was fascinated under the eyes of the blue butterfly for an instant, and he and the other party seemed to be indistinguishable from each other, and his mind was completely integrated into the blue butterfly's thoughts. Only then did Luo Yu realize that the other party was so vast and vast that Luo Yu Yu Yi also had a great pleasure that the infinity that had never been before can also be turned into poverty to control. He blinked his eyes in the mood of a blue butterfly, and the world became visible at this moment, thousands of miles, thousands of miles away. The far places are all in the heart.

And the originally insignificant sound between exhalation and inhalation was like a thunderous bang coming from the entire Wujing Starry Sky for him, and his heartbeat fluctuated like a war drum beating between heaven and earth in the Wujing Starry Sky.

He can see that the sun, moon and stars here are brewing in his body one by one, like drops of blood circulating in his body, silently going through the process from brilliant to withered and dim, Luo Yu's heart is like still water, but the feelings of Wujing Xingkong are also Feedback to him, making him feel sad.

He could hear the cry of a baby bird in the primordial chaos, softly spreading to every corner of the starry sky, each sound was louder and louder, and the sound struck Luo Yu's heart in his ears.

Suddenly, Luo Yu couldn't help but burst into tears, why didn't he hear it before, because it was the cry of heaven and earth for some unknown reason, why can he hear it now, because heaven and earth are no longer separated from him, this is not his own cry Does it sound, what difference does it make!

Once again, Luo Yu gave birth to the feeling of standing at the highest point in the distant starry sky overlooking everything, controlling everything, and incarnating the world. The root of this kind of happiness is brought by this blue butterfly that is about an inch in size.

With a low cry, countless colorful light spots exploded on the chest, and the blue butterfly immediately broke away from Luo Yu's body, flapping its wings happily into the air!

The Wujing starry sky has ever produced the sound of wind and thunder, which turned into infinite heavenly power and merged into the young body of the blue butterfly. In an instant, the starry sky was full of light, and the blue sky was like a scorching sun breaking out of its shell!

Luo Yu's heart was shocked, and he witnessed with his own eyes the strange scene where the butterfly began to grow wildly. In the blink of an eye, the field of vision was completely replaced by the appearance of the giant butterfly.

Luo Yu was in a trance for it, and he was shocked that the god-like giant butterfly was first conceived by his body, so he couldn't help but feel extremely proud, showing admiration with dizzying admiration.

This gigantic butterfly seemed to have sensed something. Before it fluttered its wings and left the sky, it suddenly looked back, its eyes pierced through Luo Yu with unfathomable eyes, and a wave of great changes that had changed over thousands of years came back to Luo Yu's mind like a stormy sea.

Luo Yu hugged his head and let out a scream, his soul couldn't bear it, and he fainted immediately. At the last moment, he even felt that his soul was exploded and turned into fly ash, and countless golden light fragments overflowed his mind.

Just so dead!

It's ridiculous to die under a single thought!

This sigh containing resentment and endless unwillingness was transferred from Wujing Starry Sky to Luo Yu. At this moment, those blue light spots floating outside Luo Yu's body, which he only thought were beautiful, suddenly seemed to have found something very kind. The light spots of memory that should have dissipated in the world after the death lamp goes out gather together!

The golden shattered soul light cleverly combined with the blue light spots one by one, and the fragmented memories returned. From birth to the moment before death, everything was so clear as if it had just been experienced.

At this moment, Luo Yu was stunned to discover that he had not been reborn, but that the nearly dissipated soul fragments had been recalled and stored in a crystal blue bead, and beside the crystal bead, he could clearly see his cold corpse .

This is how the same thing!Luo Yu was horrified at the way he existed, and suddenly the culprit, the huge butterfly creature, bent down its mountain-like head and opened its mouth, which could swallow the sky and the earth, but only to hold this tiny grain of soul blue. beads.

Before Luo Yu could understand, the giant blue butterfly uttered a roar that shook the nine heavens, shaking Lan Yu, soaring into the sky!

In just a split second, Luo Yu and the giant butterfly appeared at the highest point of the black crystal starry sky transformed by "I", piercing through layers of clouds, flying into the sky and transforming into feathers, spreading their wings and soaring into the sky, adjacent to the other end of the sky A piece of the most colorful peak, this place seems to be the end, the limit of the "world" in the feeling, but the giant butterfly still didn't even think about stopping, raised its head and shook the pair of colorful wings like a sea of ​​light, lifted Breaking through the sky gate, after a moment of severe pain that shattered the eardrums with an earth-shattering loud noise that almost shattered the soul, one person and one butterfly entered a bottomless sky gate, a ray of strong light that had never been seen before. The beam of light pierced down like a sharp blade, and the mind was full of illusions. Just about to call for help, a mouthful of clear and difficult to distinguish air was choked into the nose. Only after the pungent and rotten sensation did I know that this place is not the sky?

Luo Yu was so horrified that he couldn't help but close his eyes, until now he couldn't comprehend what he saw, even if he was dreaming, it wouldn't be so weird! <The wind is blowing in another world full of life.

Here the sun and the moon hang together above the sky, there is no night, and the light emitted is much brighter than the world Luo Yu has seen, the sun can even see its fine outline, the rock inside is red and crystal clear, like a huge golden mirror, while in the The moon on the opposite side is bright and dust-free, as bright and clean as a heavenly palace, full of fairy spirits everywhere.

On the ground, there are green lakes and grasslands, and there are countless flowers and trees in spiritual fields, but there is no living thing to be seen. When Luo Yu was suspicious that such a blessed land of immortals had not been discovered, suddenly an earth-shattering roar came from afar. When did a snow-white hurricane appear, blowing tens of thousands of feet high, passing by like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, the ground suddenly sank, and nearby green hills also collapsed layer by layer, as if it was a punishment from heaven and earth , everything that was full of vitality here was ruined by the wind of destruction.

Luo Yu was a bit unbearable, but found that he was so helpless, but it seemed that he had the same heart as Luo Yu. Extremely stretched out the colorful butterfly claws that cover the sky and sun, and slapped at the coming hurricane.

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