fairy flame

Chapter 1230

Seeing the clouds and light beads one after another on the mountain walls on both sides of the passage, Luo Yu smiled slightly, and took out the Yanluo cassock that had been idle for many years. .

In fact, with his own suspicious nature, if there were no these cloud light beads, the situation in the passage would be exactly the same as the description of the corpse, Luo Yu would be suspicious, but now he is not so worried.

As soon as the sound of the incantation stopped, the golden light from the vestment faded away, and Luo Yu below it turned into nothingness at the same time.

This time, not only did Luo Yu completely restrain his figure and breath, but he also leaped lightly, turning into a faint phantom in a flash, and shot into the passage in a flash. Fly out more than ten feet away!

Under Luo Yu's spiritual glance, the entire passageway was only a hundred feet away, and the white light emitted by the cloud light beads everywhere hit Luo Yu's body, passing through like nothing, and there was no shadow on the ground.

Now that he has achieved a small body training, he has a flash speed that is almost teleportation. If he really wants to expand the speed to the extreme, Luo Yu even suspects that without the Yanluo vest, the speed alone can make these cloud light beads unable to keep up with the reaction.

Of course, this kind of thinking can only be verified in normal times. At this moment, there is only a blurred phantom, which disappears and appears for a while, and in a blink of an eye, it reaches the end of the passage.

All the way was smooth, without encountering other restrictions or institutions.

In front of him was a sealed white jade stone door, Luo Yu stood under the door in a small place where no light was shining, and pondered.

This stone gate exudes a faint fluorescence, it doesn't look like a ban, it seems that this gate is completely made of expensive moon dew stones, but Luo Yu knew the mystery of this gate before coming, it is by no means as simple as it is in front of him, so it won't happen now Hands-on.

"This door can only be opened with a secret technique cultivated by the old man. Otherwise, although fellow Taoists can do it, it will definitely take some effort, so I will leave it to the old man here." Guanghua rushed out, and after a circle, he landed in front of Yumen.

It was the ferocious corpse monster, but at this moment, the monster's strange eyes looked at Yumen excitedly, and the light flickered.

"Fellow Daoist, please go ahead." Naturally, Luo Yu didn't have any objections. After finishing speaking, he waved his sleeve lightly, and the 'Nifeng Bottle' hovering in front of him shot towards the opposite side.

This was originally a corpse monster's treasure. Because this monster's current body can only drive the spirit of a corpse ghost, it had to be handed over to Luo Yu for use, and it was even more careful to put it away right now.

Although Luo Yu said that there was no abnormality on the surface, he was really tempted by this Nifeng bottle in his heart. This treasure is also an imitation of an ancient real treasure. The two miraculous effects of "Fixing Wind" are a rare auxiliary treasure.

"Passing through this door, behind is one of the old body's training rooms. The place where the old body is held is in the main cave next door. There are two foundation-establishing monks guarding it. At that time, there is no need for fellow Taoists to take the two Hand over the traitor to the old man." The corpse smiled, and confessed again, sounding as if he had great hatred with those two people.

"Fellow Daoist is more familiar with the layout here than I am, and it should be so." Luo Yu replied lightly, then stepped back and stood aside, but still stared at Yumen thoughtfully.

The corpse monster immediately began to cast spells, and saw that it made a talisman with its hands, and suddenly appeared blossoming black clouds, which disappeared in place in a flash. The next moment, the black clouds appeared in front of Yumen, and they turned into a The black air talisman, carrying the tumbling brilliance of the runes, slapped Yumen hard.

After a burst of pitch-black light circled around the Yumen, the giant gate suddenly shook, and then its shape distorted in the billowing black air.

Luo Yu turned his head to look at the corpse monster, and saw that the monster's jet-black five fingers lightly closed together, and the jade gate suddenly shone with white light, as if to resist the attack of black air, but at this moment, a strange invisible wave gushed out of the billowing black air , as soon as Yumen came into contact, there was a whine, and all the brilliance died down, and finally even itself shrank rapidly, turning into a jade plaque and being taken away by the black energy.

The corpse turned around at this moment, appearing under the black air, opened its mouth, and inhaled the black air along with Yumen into its abdomen.

"The magic weapon of fate!" Luo Yu's face flashed strangely, he couldn't help sighing, and then said leisurely.

Although he found Yumen a bit strange, he never thought that it would be the natal magic weapon of the corpse monster. Of course, it was also because he hadn't really touched everything in the realm of alchemy, so it was normal that he couldn't see through it.

"Don't blame fellow Taoist, after all, this is the first cooperation between you and me, it's better to be careful, the old man has no malicious intentions..." The corpse monster said something earnestly, and suddenly his face changed drastically!

A golden chi claw shot out from Luo Yu's chest without any warning, and struck right at the neck of the corpse monster. The speed was so fast that the corpse monster close at hand couldn't react at all.

Just when the monster was in despair, a muffled sound came from the ear, the golden claws flashed past and hit a snowy light, and a transparent shadow flashed away from behind the corpse!

Not only disappeared without a trace, even the divine sense could not be detected, Luo Yu couldn't help but let out a light sigh.

"Not good!" The corpse monster reacted quickly enough. After knowing Luo Yu's purpose, almost at the same time as the mutation appeared, it suddenly shot backwards, and at the same time waved its five fingers, a layer of black air mask All over the body, and at one mouth, a ray of jade flames scattered around, and he became vigilant.

As expected of a cultivator of alchemy, this kind of response is really sophisticated. The monster would not be able to attack at close range. Although the defense was impeccable, but thinking of the scene just now, the corpse monster was still terrified. If Luo Yu hadn't made a timely move, he would definitely It was difficult to get out of the body, and when she was about to ask what it was, Luo Yu's face sank, and a sea of ​​golden light several feet in size instantly filled the entire training room.

The corpse monster only felt an overwhelming pressure sweeping towards him, but when it really fell on him, it disappeared as quickly as the sun melted into snow.

However, the strange shadow naturally won't feel as good as her. The space above Luo Yu's head fluctuates together, and the shiny sheet of Xu Daxue reappears. Human beings who have ruined their good deeds are cut in half!

But he was in the Yuanhai, and there was no suddenness in his every move. Luo Yu just twitched the corner of his eyes, and he didn't see any treasures released.

The moment the two fist shadows were struck out, it was like two gusts of wind rushing into the sky, howling harshly. The wind pressure was so fierce and swift that it even made people feel suffocated.

Luo Yu actually relied on the tyrannical body of the body refiner to take a blow from this unknown thing!

'Buzz! After a heavy impact sound like a bell, the snow-bright sheet hit from above and hit hard, and was bounced away in a shock, as if chopped on a shield!

Luo Yu held his fists high, his body was flashing with golden light, but he was not damaged at all. Surrounded by the huge pressure of Yuanhai, where the snowy light sheet appeared, the strange figure was finally forced to show up with no escape.

Somewhere in the golden light waves concentrated like a vortex, there was a roaring beast sound, and an oval transparent monster struggled endlessly in the golden light.

The one who attacked them turned out to be a monster!

Luo Yu was surprised for a moment, but he didn't intend to continue to be in a daze at all. He clasped his hands together, and there were four or five places in Yuanhai where golden light surged, transforming into sharp blades of vitality.

"Go!" With a wave of his arm, these golden light blades trembled slightly, and shot towards the golden vortex in the middle in a flash.

No matter what the origin of this beast is, since it is trapped in the Yuanhai of the body refiner, its strength will inevitably be greatly reduced, not to mention that it cannot dodge right now!

Seeing the light blades screaming towards them, in the flashing golden light, they slashed at the monsters one after another, but the latter's body twisted like a ball, and the place where the light blades flew became empty, and the sharp blades with concentrated vitality were all gone. Sliding past its ever-changing side!

Luo Yu, who was looking at it now, was stunned, but before he could react, the ghost suddenly let out a roar, a black light flashed somewhere on his body, and a long black striped shadow flashed out. It pierced through the golden vortex transformed by Yuan Hai.

The ghost shadow was less than a few feet away from Luo Yu, and it might be difficult to adapt to the alchemy cultivator, but the body refiner himself uses the body as an attack method, and the ghost shadow can't take advantage of it.

Luo Yu's fists were lifted lightly and struck out towards him. When he was about to touch the strange shadow, he turned his fists into palms like lightning, and grabbed the long shadow!

When the black shadow hit it, a mass of golden and black brilliance burst open.

Luo Yu's body swayed slightly, and he stabilized his body. He felt that something slippery was being pinched in his hand, and he was trembling rapidly, trying to break free. Luo Yu let it slip away partly when he didn't pay attention.

Since this thing has not been shattered, it must be from that strange figure. Luo Yu didn't have time to think about mana, and his hands immediately jumped with a thunder arc. , The black air inside dissipated immediately, and a smell like burnt flesh and blood was released immediately!

Luo Yu sneered, and suddenly increased the number of lightning arcs in his hands. Suddenly, lightning and thunderbolts flashed wildly in front of him, and spread along the long strip into the vortex, causing the power of Yuanhai and the light of thunder to double pinch the strange shadow.

A mournful howl suddenly came out from the thunder, and wisps of demonic aura suddenly emerged nearby. After a while, they all rushed towards the ghost, but as soon as they got close to the vortex, they were swept away by the white lightning arc outside. , and wiped out!

The ghost was completely alone and helpless, twitching continuously in the lightning arc, and then its breath rapidly weakened.

A fierce look flashed between Luo Yu's brows, and he pulled down his hands, grabbing the black stripe and pulling towards him, with a 'plop' sound, a translucent monster was pulled out of the vortex, and then flicked again. Hit the ground hard.

This demon worm has a flat body and is about half a foot long, like a Qiang insect. The six pairs of claws on its abdomen are extremely sharp, white and translucent. It should be the attack of the snow-white light that sneaked up on them just now, and there are two pairs of cicadas on the back of this worm. The wings were flapping violently, and seemed to want to struggle to fly, but the end of the slender tongue in the mouth was tightly pinched by Luo Yu, no matter how hard the wings exerted, they couldn't move.

Not only that, the monster worm's body was already scarred by the electric shock, and the wounds were shocking. If the beast's body hadn't healed like gold and stone, it would have been unable to withstand the pressure of Yuan Hai long after it was severely injured.

When Luo Yu was about to condense a few more blades to completely kill the monster insects, a startled voice sounded from the side.

"Fellow Daoist, please spare its life. This old demon worm does not come from this sect. It must have been cultivated by the emissary. If you kill this beast, the other party may notice it immediately, so it is better to restrain it." It's a corpse monster, it seemed to have just woken up from Luo Yu's display of thunderous methods, seeing the murderous look on Luo Yu's face, it immediately began to persuade.

"Banning this worm? It seems that Fellow Daoists have already made up their minds, so I'll leave it to you to deal with." Luo Yu saw a trace of fear from the beast-like eyes of the corpse, but said leisurely without any objection.

A smile appeared on his face, and Luo Yu flipped one hand over, and put away the white lightning arc in his hand. No matter what the origin of this demon insect, it was hit hard by Luo Yu's innate thunder. up.

Judging from the fight, the strength of this monster is about the same as that of ordinary fourth-level monsters, but it can stealthily attack, which is impossible for ordinary fourth-level monsters.

"If it's just for a period of time, I still have several ways, but since this worm was tamed by Fellow Daoist Luo, after this incident is over, I will return it to Fellow Daoist in person." The corpse rolled his eyes and said slowly.

"No need, I don't want to lose the big because of a small one. It's up to you to decide whether to kill or let go." Luo Yu said lightly after sweeping his eyes over the corpse monster's face.

Not to mention that I am not interested, even if I am really curious, I have to be wary of the power of the Sky Spider Sect. If there is some secret contract in this insect, it would be asking for trouble if the monks of the Sky Spider Sect find themselves through secret techniques.

The corpse monster is also a person with a sophisticated mind, and he understood a little after hearing Luo Yu's answer.

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