fairy flame

Chapter 1231

"Then thank you fellow daoist, maybe this worm can take the old man to find the Heavenly Spider Cult's lair in the future, and wipe them all out!" The corpse said calmly, showing the hatred in his heart, and seemed to know some kind of insect repellent tracking technique.

When Luo Yu heard this, he didn't believe it too much, and he didn't take it too seriously. If the Heavenly Spider Sect really had the Nascent Soul power as he suspected, it would be beyond their ability to deal with it.

However, with a flash of his figure, he calmly retreated to the side.

At this time, the corpse monster started to cast spells with a solemn expression, but it seemed that it had been prepared for a long time. When it came to the monster insect, it opened its mouth, and the jade gate that had been put away before was sprayed out, and it quickly turned into a jade gate. , and at the same time the corpse flicked five fingers at Yumen.

Immediately after the jade door buzzed, it opened to both sides, revealing a green light curtain inside, smooth and transparent like a mirror, and the next moment, a green light flashed down from the light curtain, and it was in front of the demon insect in an instant .

The emerald light rolled down mercilessly, covering the demon worm inside, and then the corpse muttered something, pinched the spell in its hand repeatedly, the emerald light kept flickering and shrunk, and the demon worm seemed to start to shrink as well.

Luo Yu's heart brightened when he saw this exquisite transformation technique, and when he was about to observe carefully with his spiritual thoughts, the sound of the curse in the corpse's mouth stopped, and he grabbed it with one hand, and the Cuixia suddenly turned into a green streak. The light rose into the sky, and after a few flashes, it disappeared into the light curtain without a trace.

The jade gate closed again in a flash, and it turned into a ray of crystal jade light that fell into the corpse monster's mouth.

"I didn't expect Youshi to have an ambush in secret. This time it's really thanks to Brother Luo. Now there are only two remaining foundation cultivators guarding outside. To deal with these two, the old man himself is enough. Hehe, let's start with the two of them." , I want to personally liquidate these traitors bit by bit." The corpse monster first thanked Luo Yu, but glanced at the direction outside the door, and immediately changed his face, and his voice was extremely cold.

"Are these two people willing to work for the Sky Spider Sect, or are they under some kind of restriction? If it's the latter, fellow Taoists are not afraid to kill each other rashly, and they will alarm each other?" Luo Yu saw that this person was so obsessed with revenge. Can not help but ask more.

In addition, the corpse monster's emphasis on the sect's family rules and eradicating dissidents made him quite vigilant. For nothing else, no matter whether this matter is successful or not, once it is spread, the reputation of the Huayi Sect may plummet. The easiest way to avoid this situation is to silence Luo Yu, the only insider.

However, judging from what the corpse monster told Qiu Yan last time, this person also has clear grievances and grievances. Maybe he is too suspicious. , who can threaten himself.

"Brother Luo, don't worry about this. The old man has already investigated clearly. There are dozens of foundation-building cultivators of our sect who were threatened and bought by the emissary. Even if the emissary has extraordinary means, it is impossible for the emissary to establish a mind with these people at the same time." Liaison, they were just detained with a few spirits and practiced the soul-suppressing card, so they had to be controlled by others. Of course, these people may not be able to help themselves at first, but afterward they continue to receive many benefits from the emissary. It's not enough to believe that you are loyal to the faction, but killing them will be a one-hundred-point!" The corpse monster said in a heavy tone, as if it had murderous intentions towards these people.

Naturally, Luo Yu didn't want to intervene in the internal disputes of Huayi Sect, so he wouldn't meddle in other people's business. If it was something like the soul-suppressing card, killing it would have no effect. Apart from the effect of simply controlling the life and death of others, this card has no effect. other effects.

"I remember your Excellency said that it will take a long time to find the real body and unlock the restriction. I believe that during this period, you will not rest assured that Luo will be by your side. I heard that the large teleportation array leading to Moya City was also built on this mountain. In the abdomen, Fellow Daoist must know the exact location." Luo Yu was silent for a while, then suddenly changed the subject, and asked calmly.

"Hehe, the old man still has some trust in Fellow Daoist Luo, but what is Brother Luo going to do with the teleportation formation? Although our faction has three transfer orders to control the formation, they are all in the hands of the emissary. There is no transfer order. Friends can't activate the teleportation array." The corpse seemed to be taken aback for a while, but his eyes flickered, and he asked in surprise.

"It's nothing, I just thought that there will be nothing to do for a while anyway, so I might as well go to visit, or maybe you want Luo to go to other more confidential places."

Hearing Luo Yu's cunning explanation, the zombie would naturally not believe it, but just like what Luo Yu said, it's really inconvenient for people to spy on his spellcasting later, not to mention that the Wanshou Sect is indeed somewhat secretive and inconvenient to make public.

If Luo Yu just looked at the teleportation array, since he couldn't use it anyway, why worry about it, besides, the mystery of the mid-distance teleportation array, in fact, can be comprehended by people in a short while.

The corpse monster's thoughts turned quickly, and he immediately thought clearly.

"Alright, the teleportation array that fellow daoists are going to is indeed on this floor, and the distance is very close. There is usually a small team of monks from our sect standing guard there, but now it is estimated that even half of them are less than half. Supernatural powers, I should be able to deal with these people without anyone noticing, but I can only tell my acquaintances the location of the teleportation hall, and other places that involve the confidentiality of the alliance, I am sorry that I have nothing to say, those places are mostly restricted , even if the Taoist friends are extraordinary in strength, it is best not to take risks alone." Once the zombie figured it out, his face became normal, but there was a hint of warning at the end of his words.

Luo Yu originally didn't want to go to other places, but just wanted to verify whether the overseas medium-range teleportation array was fundamentally different from the mid-level teleportation array he had comprehended. With just one glance, the great doubt in Luo Yu's heart can be resolved.

Seeing that Luo Yu readily agreed, the corpse monster's doubts faded a little. After quickly pointing out the location through sound transmission of spiritual thoughts, his mouth immediately turned into a black light with a low smile. .

The corpse monster is naturally clear about the prohibition deployment of his previous cave, so Luo Yu didn't hear any movement at all, and sensed the corpse monster leaving the secret room.

Soon, two muffled hums came from the other end, and then the place became completely quiet.

Luo Yu originally wanted to use his divine sense to pry into the secrets of the corpse monster, but on second thought, he forgot it. For him, the alchemy realm of the way of practicing qi is still a blur in many places. I'm afraid it's just something he saw with his own eyes. It is not necessarily possible to see how famous it is.

Thinking this way in his heart, it didn't take long for Luo Yu to casually look at the secret room, then his figure flashed, and he also turned into a golden rainbow and shot away.

But in fact, at this time, his divine sense has already extended, and everything in the passage ahead is already under his monitoring and induction.

But it seems that because of today's alchemy celebration, many monks who were originally on duty in the Longevity Branch also ran to the opposite mountain to join in the fun. There was no sound along the way, and there were no patrolling people passing by.

After a stick of incense, Luo Yu's whole body shone with golden light, his figure was suspended in the mid-air of a palace made of white jade, he lowered his head and stared at a light array shrouded in a thick white glow, without any expression, for a long time He didn't move, and not far from his feet, there were two guard-like monks, and the decapitated ones were dealt with.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a day has passed. Luo Yu, who left the teleportation hall, has already returned to the secret room where he came. If there is still extra time, based on Luo Yu's interest in the formation, he is happy to study it carefully , but now the agreed time given by the corpse monster is approaching, Luo Yu can only find another chance in the future.

Before the corpse monster appeared, Luo Yu was not in a hurry to urge him, he meditated on the spot, and began to recharge his energy to prepare for the next battle.

There was no movement in the secret room at the corpse monster's side, so Luo Yu wondered if the process of regaining the body would go smoothly, Luo Yu thought with a little worry.

After an unknown amount of time passed, Luo Yu, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the front of the secret room. Strange hoarse laughter.

This time, Luo Yu just sent a voice transmission to Hei Ying with a smile.

After Luo Yu stretched out his hand to tie the bag around his waist, he turned into a golden rainbow and left the place without stopping.

When we arrived at the foot of the main peak of Yuling Mountain, it was already sunset, and at dusk, it happened to be the last few martial arts gatherings of the seven sects. The stand set up in front of the mountain gate was crowded with congratulatory disciples from various sects. From time to time, there were deafening cheers from the group cultivators.

With so many people gathered, standing in Luo Yu's position, he couldn't see the situation on the stage clearly.

Fortunately, as soon as Luo Yu arrived at the scene, he was immediately recognized by a guard disciple in front of the mountain gate. After saluting very respectfully, he hurriedly put down the work at hand, and honestly stayed by Luo Yu's side, not daring to neglect him in the slightest.

But after the person said a few words, he suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly took out a piece of light yellow talisman paper from the storage bag and lit it, obviously for the purpose of communication.

In less than a cup of tea, a cyan sword light shot down from halfway up the mountain. Although the light escape was unpleasant, the needle-like sharpness that hit his face still made Luo Yu's eyebrows twitch.

There is actually a rare sword cultivator in Duanguang. As far as Luo Yu knows, most of the sword cultivators in the overseas world of cultivating immortals have inherited the lineage of ancient sword immortals. All of them are amazingly powerful, but their cultivation is also much more difficult than ordinary skills. Times, Luo Yu has yet to see a real Danjie Sword Cultivator!

But as far as Luo Yu knew, there were only those two sword cultivators of the Huayi Sect.

Qingguang came to his eyes in the blink of an eye, and after a circle, the person inside came out. When Luo Yu saw the figure and appearance of this person, it was far from the ethereal sword cultivators in his mind.

The visitor was bloated, with a round face and big ears, not only his eyes were almost narrowed, but when he walked, his two arms, which were thicker than the legs of ordinary people, could only swing their palms backwards.

This person was only wearing a blue satin blouse, and he had the pampered look of a rich man. He didn't have the slightest demeanor of a sword fairy, but the threatening sword aura just now was clearly from this person.

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