fairy flame

Chapter 1232

When Luo Yu was observing the other party with fixed eyes, this person also looked Luo Yu up and down, but after a few glances, after a little judgment in his heart, this person greeted Luo Yu with a smile.

"This is Brother Luo, Jin Changsheng, the elder of Tianju Huayi Sect, who is in charge of receiving fellows who came from afar this time. I have been paying attention to Brother Luo's name for a long time, and I have long wanted to see Brother Luo's demeanor. I heard that you live in this town, how could you arrive so late, fortunately, the last few martial arts competitions of the seven sects have just begun, such a wonderful grand event is rare on weekdays." The Jin The surnamed Fatty is careless. When we met for the first time, he treated Luo Yu as a friend without restraint.

"It turned out to be Brother Jin, the name of Daoist Sword Cultivator, and Luo is also very famous. When I saw him today, he was really impressive. However, I heard that Brother Jin always likes to fight against the strong to hone his swordsmanship. Why! What about the comparison skills of these juniors?" , would you be interested too?" Luo Yu asked back with a faint smile, but he didn't want to say more about why he was late.

"Oh! Brother Luo also knows about Jin's hobbies, not bad! Watching the competitions of these juniors, how can I have the same level of skill as me, Jin is really not interested, the only reason why I have to wait here for a day, mostly It's because brother Luo and fellow daoist's way of body training also take the path of confronting the tough with the head and fighting the strong with the strong, so you and I might as well communicate with each other, it will definitely be of great benefit to both of us." The fat man surnamed Jin said When the strong fought against each other, their eyes immediately lit up.

Luo Yu never thought that this person would make such a request when they met, but it seems that the fat man surnamed Jin is purely obsessed with discussing and improving, rather than targeting them intentionally, which is not considered impolite.

But even if this person is right, with Luo Yu's current strength, how much progress can he make when discussing Taoism with a monk in the early stage of alchemy, just as he was about to refuse, suddenly behind the fat man surnamed Jin, an arrogant voice came.

"My girl dares to assure you, you are not Luo Daoyou's opponent!" The voice was quite clear, but when Fatty Jin heard his face change, he subconsciously moved a small step to the side, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was restrained and invisible. trace up.

At the same time, a red-haired female cultivator in red, even a handsome young woman with fiery red skin, came out from behind Fatty Jin. The woman first nodded to Luo Yu coldly, and then she was full of evil spirits again. Staring at Fatty Jin, he said in a deep voice, "Hmph! You can't even beat me, and you still want to fight with fellow Daoist Luo. Last time you lost to Du Kui, you also lost face. I haven't settled with you yet. Woolen cloth!"

In fact, Luo Yu already knew who the red-haired woman was after hearing this, but speaking of it, this story is really legendary.

This woman should be called Yinrong, known as Tianhong Fairy, and she is a very famous monk in the previous generation. Like Fatty Jin, Tianhong Fairy is also in the early stage of alchemy, and both of them are sword cultivators, so it is worth mentioning What's more, these two are still a well-known sword repair couple.

It is said that when the two first entered the world of cultivating immortals, their relationship was not good. There were countless male cultivators who pursued Yinrong. What, the two suddenly became husband and wife overnight, if it were another woman, it would be fine if they were punished in the same court at most.

But this Fairy Tianhong had an extremely virtuous temperament, and since then she has identified with Fatty Jin and will not marry unless he is the only one, but later this woman made a rule for Fatty Jin, and Luo Yu couldn't help laughing when she heard it.

The rules are very simple, that is, Fatty Jin is not allowed to have another concubine in this life, and he is not allowed to have any unreasonable thoughts about her until his supernatural powers have not surpassed Fairy Tianhong. The two are just dual cultivation partners in name!

Ordinarily, other male cultivators would definitely work hard when encountering this kind of thing, or simply ignore this woman, but Fatty Jin suffers from the fact that he seems to only fall in love with this woman, but somehow, his cultivation has been unable to exceed Fairy Tianhong, the strange relationship between the two has been maintained until now.

This matter is not only in the waters of Yuling Island, even if it is put in the entire Moya sea area, it is the joke that all the alchemy cultivators love to talk about most. At the beginning, he was not deeply involved in the world, and the only time he was confused, he didn't know what it was like at all, and his understanding of the way of men and women may still be no different from that of ordinary children.

Luo Yu didn't expect to run into this legendary couple right after arriving here.

When Fatty Jin heard that Fairy Tianhong exposed his shortcomings, he could only smile awkwardly. Cancan responded perfunctorily, as if he dared to retaliate, and at the same time gave Luo Yu an extremely innocent look. Meaningful color.

Naturally, Luo Yu didn't mind anything, and Fatty Jin said a few words of comfort to Fairy Tianhong, and then stopped talking nonsense, and directly talked to Luo Yu about other things, while leading the way and flying towards the mountain.

When the three of them appeared at the mountain gate at the same time, it inevitably caused a commotion among the nearby low-ranking monks, and also caused a series of four or five high-ranking monks' spiritual thoughts to sweep down from the clouds and mist above their heads until the three of Luo Yu flew away from the spot , the last divine thought was withdrawn.

Although Luo Yu didn't track back, he could guess who was so 'concerned' about him.

But this person put all his thoughts on the 'three people'. I wonder if he noticed a storage bag on Luo Yu's waist. When his divine sense was retracted, it shook slightly, and then returned to calm.

On the other hand, the three of Luo Yu didn't seem to notice anything.

The stand where Brother Jiedan was located was not set too high. Luo Yu flew a cup of tea tightly, and stopped at a height of more than a hundred feet.

An empty square-like platform in front of him was covered by a huge white mask. There were low-pitched conversations and the sound of clinking wine glasses. It seemed that all the alchemy cultivators present were inside.

When Luo Yu's expression moved, the golden light in his eyes gathered, and when it became a little dazzling, he looked away from the white light curtain, and only took a second look at the situation inside, and the fat man on the side took out a flag first, With a wave aimed at the light curtain, a white beam of light with the same breath as the light curtain shot out instantly, hitting the light curtain hard.

The light curtain did not emit a single sound, but with the beam of light as the center, a crystal clear passage with a diameter of ten feet appeared. One end of the passage led directly to a verdant pavilion surrounded by lush green trees, and within ten feet there was green light. Little by little, the flowers, plants and trees are arranged in tight clusters, and it looks like a secluded garden carefully arranged by someone.

There are only seven or eight alchemy cultivators who can be seen inside, some of them are staring at the light curtain above their heads, watching the competition situation of the disciples of our sect seriously, and some are lazy, drinking tea, chatting, playing chess and discussing the way, it is really enjoyable scene.

But there are more than these monks forming alchemy, because there are four or five areas in the manor that are isolated by the forbidden law. Although Luo Yu did not take the initiative to investigate the situation inside, judging from the fluctuations in these places, there are definitely other monks forming alchemy. .

Cultivators of Danjie have their own tempers, even if some are reluctant to show their faces in public, it is quite normal.

Of course, after glancing at what he could see clearly, Luo Yu was still a little surprised, because only when he reached the alchemy stage would he have the opportunity to experience the real situation at this level. , but the disciple of the monk who formed the alchemy, how can he have the qualifications to be equal at the moment.

"It's just a phantom formation. These people are usually high-ranking people. If we don't treat them well, I'm afraid there will be all kinds of dissatisfaction." Seeing Luo Yu's calm expression, Jin Fatty explained with a slight smile.

"Brother Luo must have known some of them, so I don't introduce much to fellow daoists. When I came here, Senior Brother Zuo told me that after Brother Luo arrived, Senior Brother Zuo would personally introduce someone to fellow Daoists. Senior Brother and Senior Sister Lan presided over the grand apprenticeship ceremony for Junior Brother Zuo at Gongyue Hall, I'm afraid it will take a while, during this period, I will be recommended by my concubine as a fellow Taoist, I will go in together first and then talk about it." Fairy Tianhong's eyes flashed Said, at the same time the first person walked into the light curtain.

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Zuo really bothered me. I don't know which fellow Daoist you recommended. Could it be that he has something to do with Luo?" Luo Yu also followed in a calm and unhurried manner. asked.

"It's the Great Elder of Gan Naruto, and he is also a fellow Taoist who has cultivated metal-based exercises and formed alchemy. Brother Zuo said that if Brother Luo can share with this person the technique of attaining Tao, it will be of great benefit to you, but It's a pity that although this person has a rare metallic spiritual root, he didn't take the road of sword cultivation." As soon as Fatty Jin entered the light curtain, he went straight to a corner like clouds and flowing water, and replied with a lot of meaning.

The couple seemed to have a very high status among the monks who formed the alchemy. As long as the monks they met along the way were not serious about doing other things, they would all be very polite to them.

"Metallic cultivators, this is really rare, but with the other party's qualifications, I'm afraid Luo can only ask for advice. Although I practice both dharma and body, most of my thoughts are on the way of body training." Luo Yu secretly thought about it. Zheng said the intention of this move, but said humbly in his mouth.

There are not many small roads in the garden. Wherever you go, you can meet some old monsters of alchemy. Along the way, you will meet a few familiar faces. They are monks of alchemy who have appeared in gatherings. After seeing Luo Yu, they also smiled He signaled, and most of the remaining monks who didn't know the alchemy were very indifferent when they saw Luo Yu, and they didn't know what these old monsters were thinking.

At this time, the three of them had come to the end of a path, and there was only a stone table with an unfinished chess game on it, but there was only a man in black robe nearby, about 40 years old Looking up, looking up at the high-altitude light curtain.

There is nothing unusual about this person's appearance, the only eye-catching thing is that there is a golden crow tattoo embroidered on this person's face, which covers half of this person's face and half of his neck. It looks lifelike, like a birthmark born with him, but this A ferocious bird was imprinted on the face, looking menacing.

But Fatty Jin did not lie. Even though Luo Yu was more than ten feet away, he still felt a trace of familiar golden spiritual power fluctuations on the other party. It seemed to be mixed with a little fire attribute, but it was mainly golden spiritual power.

Such a person, if he can really ask the other party about his alchemy experience, it will indeed be of great help to Luo Yu.

"Fellow Daoist Luo is worried about whether this person's temper is easy to deal with. In fact, fellow Daoist can relax. This time, Fellow Daoist Gan asked to get to know Brother Luo on his own initiative. This person is not for any other reason. He just wants to inquire about the Heavenly Spider Cult from Brother Luo. The thing is, before Fellow Daoist Daoist did not reach the realm of alchemy in the early years, there was a confidante whom he loved dearly. When the two of them traveled to the remote ancient sea, they were also targeted by the monks of the Sky Spider Cult. In exchange for a chance to escape for fellow daoist Gan, although fellow daoist Gan survived, he lost his beloved and made him swear to the heavens that he would be at odds with the demons of the Sky Spider Cult for the rest of his life.

These words were told to Luo Yu by Tianhong Fairy through sound transmission. Before hearing this experience, Luo Yu hadn't remembered the identity of the other party for a while, but after hearing this story, Luo Yu immediately remembered about this person. Some of the origins.

Stories tend to be better remembered than sects of names.

Among other things, Luo Yu also admires this person's perseverance. This elder Qian has a dual-attribute gold and fire spiritual root, and is extremely talented in the golden spiritual root. In addition to cultivating metal-nature skills to improve the realm, he also spent a lot of perseverance to delve into the fire-attribute supernatural powers that can restrain the evil methods of the Sky Spider Sect. A strange supernatural power known as the 'Golden Crow Battle Formation' came.

This supernatural power is called "supernatural power" for monks with the surname Gan, but when used by low-level disciples in the sect, it is called "battle formation"!

I heard that Gan Naruto has recruited very few disciples in the past few years, and these few disciples either have the golden spirit root or the fire spirit root aptitude. Under the Golden Crow's battle formation, the debt was paid in blood.

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