fairy flame

Chapter 1233

"Brother Luo, this Fellow Daoist is a person who can make friends. If there is a chance later, I can remind this person to be more careful. Maybe this person can help us, but it is not appropriate to tell this person the plan. How to do it, you can act according to your discretion."

Just when various deeds of the old monster appeared in Luo Yu's mind, the voice of the corpse, at the moment when the storage bag suddenly vibrated, sent a voice transmission to Luo Yu.

This voice actually used the technique of "one line of sound transmission", which condensed the spiritual thoughts into a sound thread and pierced Luo Yu's body, so that the sound was not heard by the ears, but emanated from the body, but once the words were finished, The corpse monster cut off the connection again, looking extremely cautious.

Hearing this, Luo Yu couldn't help being a little interested in this old monster. He could make a corpse monster that even his fellow disciples doubted say such a thing, and risked using sound transmission under the perception of a group of old monsters who formed alchemy. The monster is very trusted by the ghouls.

Before being shrouded by two extremely strong divine thoughts, the corpse monster did not dare to make any movement, and this first-line technique of sound transmission was originally a secret technique of sound transmission that could only be mastered in the late stage of alchemy, and the concealment effect was extraordinary. The skills are comparable, even if some monks who are stronger than themselves are detected by their spiritual sense, they will not be discovered.

The corpse monster uses this technique with the spiritual sense in the middle stage of alchemy, which will inevitably cause a certain loss to its own spiritual sense, but it can make her pay so much attention to it, which also shows that the old monster will never turn to the sky spider sect at critical times.

When the three of Luo Yu appeared near the stone table, Fatty Jin made a silent gesture to Luo Yu, and instead of disturbing the middle-aged man in black, he also raised his eyes and looked up.

Following the direction the black-robed man was looking at, Luo Yu had already looked up and saw there.

Under the light curtain several feet high above everyone's heads, a blue crystal ball the size of a dragon's eye was floating close to the light curtain. There is a sense of depth and abnormality, faintly inside the crystal ball, there seems to be a miniature water-blue magic circle flashing, probably it is the phantom circle covering this place.

But the black-robed man and the other alchemy cultivators in the garden were all staring at the sky, obviously not interested in the crystal ball, but the waves of blue light emitted from time to time like waves on the crystal ball, turning into pieces of blue clouds slowly floating in the light. After a scroll on the screen, it drifted around and scattered to form a huge scene.

On the screen, two monks are competing with each other on the three high platforms. On the stand where the black-robed man surnamed Gan is paying attention, a dark man with red light shining from his body sits cross-legged on a giant cloud of flames. A crimson fireball the size of a bowl kept flying out of the red cloud. The number was so large that it covered two-thirds of the high platform in red. The power can be even greater!

Even so, in the three stands, only around the high platform where the dark man was, no monk dared to watch nearby. Since the dark man cast the spell, a surge of high temperature has spread rapidly, and it seems that even the ban cannot be completely eliminated. The place had already become unbearably hot.

The eyes of the man in black robe surnamed Gan were also completely focused on the dark man.

Luo Yu couldn't help looking towards the place where the scarlet fireball hit wildly, and saw there was a silver ball of electricity about Zhang Xu that was also suspended in the air, with countless electric wires flickering on it, almost every one of them could die with a fireball.

The two seem to be at a stalemate, consuming each other's magic power.

But with Luo Yu's eyesight, he can naturally see deeper. Although the momentum of the silver electric ball is not as powerful as the raging sea of ​​fire that surrounds it, the spiritual power consumed by each arc is much smaller than that of the fireball.

Although the cultivator in the electric ball couldn't see his appearance clearly, he could use his mana to fluctuate his aura. I'm afraid he was also a foundation cultivator at the same level as the dark man. In this way, unless the dark man had other means to turn the situation around, otherwise It's a matter of time before it fades away.

At this time, Luo Yu swept away Jin Fatty and his wife. Although the two of them were also staring at the light curtain, they only paid attention to the reaction of the silver electric ball, and their expressions were much more relaxed than that of the man in black robe with the surname Gan. It seems that these two people are competing , respectively from their respective sects.

However, Luo Yu was alone, so he naturally didn't have the strong interest of these three, so he turned to think about what the corpse said just now, and how to remind the black-robed person surnamed Gan next.

Before it was time to burn an incense stick, Luo Yu, who was meditating, was suddenly interrupted by a deafening thunder. He raised his eyes and looked again.

At this time, the situation in the stands was as predicted, the silver thunderball was still standing unbroken, but the red cloud of flames shrunk by nearly half, obviously lacking in strength, and was catapulted down by the lightning arc, retreating steadily.

Seeing this, the man in black robe surnamed Gan obviously looked ugly.

But this can't bring back the defeat at all. After a burst of thunder, the silver electric ball finally saw the opportunity, and the coiled electric light suddenly became thicker, and it seemed that there were countless silver circles shooting out from a distance.

There was only the sound of thunderbolts, and the crackling of the fireball was immediately suppressed, and there was no way to fight back. The thunder and silver snake pierced through the red cloud fiercely without hesitation, and when it burst again, the fire was full of slender wires swimming, completely blown away. Scattered into countless sparks and scattered.

At the same time, the dark man who was covered by dense thunder and lightning saw so many thunder lights coming at him under the exhaustion of mana, his already pale face turned pale, and he gave up in fright.

The thunder arc almost reached the door of the big man before disappearing in a flash.

Seeing the defeat of the dark man, the black-robed man surnamed Gan was somewhat disappointed. He let out a long sigh before turning his eyes away. He seemed to have no interest in the referee's result announcement.

"The disciples taught by Brother Gan are getting better and better every time. If Martial Nephew Lu hadn't restrained his apprentice a little bit in his exercises this time, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to gain any advantage with his supernatural powers alone. You are less than a year old, and you are so proficient in using fire attribute supernatural powers. It seems that you have won the true biography of you, and I am afraid that you will be in the top three next time." After the fat man chuckled, he said with great emotion.

"Skills are not as good as others, Gan has nothing to say, and it's not ashamed to lose to the noble family, hey! This fellow Taoist has a strange face, Brother Jin, can you introduce Gan?" The monk surnamed Gan seemed to be interested The calculation of success or failure is not very important, and before he finished speaking, he turned his head and saw the three of them, and his eyes immediately fixed on Luo Yu.

After just a few glances, the monk surnamed Gan immediately became surprised.

"Of course, fellow daoist, haven't you always wanted to see Brother Luo?" Fatty Jin tilted his head and looked at Luo Yu and the monk Qian, and said with a half-smile.

"Your Excellency is Brother Luo! Hey, Fellow Daoist came at just the right time. Gan is thinking about how to make friends with Daoist. Brother Luo doesn't mind sitting here for a while." The middle-aged man in the black robe was no longer doubtful, and hurriedly greeted him politely. Come, and flipped over with one hand, and lightly brushed the surface of the stone table, a silver-white jug was wrapped in a white light, and it fell firmly on the table in a flash.

"Silver Gu wine!" Fatty Jin said happily when he saw the small pot, his eyes could no longer be moved.

When Luo Yu and Fairy Tianhong heard this, one of them was stunned, and the other was moved.

"Brother Jin is really a connoisseur of wine. Gan's jug made of 'spirit-absorbing stone' can almost block the smell of wine, but it still can't hide it from your nose. However, this wine is not easy to brew. This time, Gan only brought a jug. Brother Jin, please be merciful." The man in the black robe with the surname Gan gave a wry smile.

He is well aware of this person's drinking capacity, if he didn't want to inquire about the Sky Spider Sect this time, he would not be willing to take out this high-quality spirit wine.

"Don't worry, give him a hundred guts, he won't dare to drink too much!" Fatty Jin's eyes were shining, and when he was about to get drunk, Fairy Tianhong came back to his senses and answered for Fatty Jin first .

This woman's voice was extremely calm, but only Fatty Jin could hear the coldness in her words.

"Hey! Of course, Jin is only taking a drink for the anti-drug effect of this wine. Besides, it's the business to meet other fellow Taoists. Let Brother Luo and Brother Gan have a good chat later." Upon hearing this, Fatty Jin seemed to be stepped on his tail, and the excitement died down immediately, and he said with an embarrassed smile.

"Luo seldom drinks, so I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you all. I'm used to drinking my own spiritual tea, no matter where I go." Luo Yu turned his eyes to several people, and said to everyone indifferently.

"Oh! I almost forgot that brother Luo is a body that can be used for body training, and he can avoid all kinds of poisons. This pot of wine is a shame." Said colorfully.

Although most of the three of them probably understood that Luo Yu's words were somewhat guarded, but this is understandable. The three of them are people who have lived for hundreds of years, so naturally they don't have any opinions in their hearts.

Afterwards, a few people sat around the table, and the monk surnamed Gan generously lifted the wine jug. After setting the wine glasses, the mouth of the jug tilted slightly, and a slender, silky green wine line flowed out.

The color of this wine is beautiful, and the aroma of the wine comes with the wind. It is indeed a top-grade wine. After the monk surnamed Gan poured a glass for Fatty Jin and Fairy Tianhong, he carefully put down the small white pot, but at the same time raised his hand, a red After Xia flew around, she immediately erected a barrier.

Fatty Jin only glanced at the contents of the cup, and immediately began to drink with great joy, while the monk Gan and Fairy Tianhong just tasted it and started chatting casually.

Luo Yu sat at the side, watching Fatty Jin and his wife chatting about the Silver Gu wine with the monk Gan.

But since the corpse said that these two people are absolutely trustworthy, now Luo Yu will naturally cooperate and will not show any lies.

But not long after, Fatty Jin reluctantly drank the third cup, so he left with Fairy Tianhong because there were other monks who had formed alchemy to entertain him this time, and only Luo Yu and the black robe with the surname Gan were left behind two people.


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