fairy flame

Chapter 1234

Luo Yu and the friar surnamed Qian became quite speculative when they chatted, as if they had forgotten the time.

The result of the martial arts meeting of the seven sects was settled after nearly two hours. The top three were not surprising, and the top two were all taken away by the disciples of the Huayi Sect. However, No.3 was beyond the expectations of all sects. It was taken away by the little-known 'Green Soul Gate'.

Luo Yu suddenly remembered that the small island where the Xuanyin Lingquan was located seemed to be within the sphere of influence of the Qinghun Sect, so Luo Yu looked curiously at the No.3 competition for the first monk.

To say that in this competition, the key to victory is not how powerful the skills or supernatural powers in Qinghunmen are, but that the disciple relied on a set of vicious flying needles and swallowed an unknown elixir to stimulate himself. Potential, to get away with it.

Although he defeated the opponent in the end, he also suffered a lot of self-injury and almost lost his temper. If the referee hadn't announced it in time, the disciple might be more serious than the opponent in terms of real injuries.

Before the disciple of Qinghunmen fell to the ground, he was rushed up to the stage by a big man in purple robe, and he was taken away for treatment. That purple-robed monk was said to be the only one in the Qinghunmen at the alchemy stage. Luo Yu thought that maybe in the future I would get a little entangled with this person, so I couldn't help but look a few more times, but soon the big man in purple robe disappeared.

Although the cultivator surnamed Qian did not rank among the top three in his sect, he seemed to think that being able to make friends with Luo Yu this time was an unexpected gain, and he looked down on the ranking of the sect a lot.

"Since fellow daoists are almost here, Senior Brother Zuo and Senior Sister Lan have already prepared a banquet in the main hall, and please come to Gongyue Hall first, and then have a drink and exchange."

Not long after the results of the seven factions competition were announced, just as the alchemy elders were discussing a lot, Fatty Jin's extremely polite voice echoed in the entire manor.

After finishing speaking, two intersecting sword rainbows, one blue and one white, took the lead to soar into the sky with astonishing momentum, and in the blink of an eye, they pierced into the clouds and mist on the top of the mountain like leading the way through thorns and thorns.

Immediately after Jianhong, four or five streaks of escaping light also flew up slowly, and soon flew into the clouds and mist in a flash.

Seeing this scene, not long after, the second wave and the third wave of alchemy cultivators also unfolded their escape light, or the spiritual light burst out, and they shot away quickly, or floated up leisurely, turning around with various rays of light, without rushing Soar up.

Luo Yu was almost the last wave, together with the monk surnamed Qian, after a few breaths, he appeared in front of the cloud and mist restriction.

But this time, they didn't need to search for the exit in the cloud and mist. As soon as the two approached, the white thick fog seemed to sense something. circular channel.

Luo Yu glanced lightly, but there was no movement, but the monk surnamed Gan beside him didn't hesitate much, his body surface shone with a glow, and his whole body was wrapped in a red flame, and he went straight to the other end of the passage, but Luo Yu was in front of him. After the figure disappeared for a while, he flew forward with a calm expression.

After a while, through the mist about a hundred feet away, Luo Yu appeared in front of a palace with a huge wall. After the light stopped, Luo Yu raised his eyes to look at the hall in front of him.

But except for a huge wall more than ten feet high and an open door staircase, the rest of the so-called Gongyue Hall is covered by a light blue thick light curtain at the moment. It's just a single magnificent wall.

Luo Yu stared at the so-called 'Gong Yuedian', a sneer could not help but he returned to normal soon.

At this time, more than a dozen monks of different heights standing in front of the temple gate also quickly discovered Luo Yu's arrival. After the group of monks made a commotion, Luo Yu thought that this group of people wanted to notify someone again.

As a result, he waited for less than a moment, and a dazzling rainbow shot out from the palace gate, and stopped on Luo Yu's body after a flash.

"It's really Brother Luo! Zuo thought that Fellow Daoist would not come, but Fellow Daoist is a distinguished guest, please come in quickly." The light suddenly dispersed, and a hearty laughter came out from inside at the same time.

"Brother Zuo kindly invites you, and Luo has personally agreed, so how dare you break the appointment?" When Luo Yu saw this man's delighted smile, he couldn't help but think of Qiu Yan staring sadly at the bedside, but this loathing The meaning did not show on the face at all, but replied with a smile.

Zuo Zheng looked enthusiastic, and when he heard this, he was about to say something when, not far behind the two of them, after a burst of mist, a tall figure flew out.

"Friend Qi!"

"Hey! Isn't this fellow Daoist Zuo, the one next to your Excellency is..."

The person who came was actually the big man in purple robe from the Qinghun Sect just now. This person was also alone. When he saw Zuo Zheng standing nearby, he immediately reacted and greeted him. But Zuo Zheng arrived later than Luo Yu. After a while, a look of surprise flashed on his face.

"This is Fellow Daoist Luo. Brother Qi should have heard of it. By the way, the noble family has won the top three this time. Zuo has not yet congratulated fellow Taoist. In the future, the noble family will definitely take advantage of the distribution of spiritual veins in the overseas islands." Yes." After a brief introduction, Zuo Zheng suddenly said with flickering eyes.

But this plain voice seemed to have other meanings, the purple-robed man only slightly changed, and replied with a smirk: "Fellow Daoist Zuo was joking, we founded the Qinghun Sect less than a hundred years ago, and our foundation is shallow, how can we do it?" Compared with the great sect that has been passed down for thousands of years, what's more, I know the strength of this faction, and the existing spiritual veins of Lingdao are enough for the development of this faction."

What this person said was extremely humble, but Luo Yu faintly felt that the evil spirit on the big man fluctuated for a moment, and he was faintly dissatisfied.

This feeling did not come from spiritual perception, but since Luo Yu practiced the Buddhist technique of "Bazutong", he had a subtle instinctive reaction to some evil energy and magic skills.

"Fellow Daoist is too modest. It should be the first time for both of you to come to Gongyue Palace, maybe you are not familiar with it yet, so why don't you let someone from Zuo lead the way for you." Zuo Zheng smiled indifferently, and didn't ask any more questions.

"It's time to work." Luo Yu and the big man surnamed Qi said exactly the same words.

Immediately, the three of them didn't talk any more. Under the leadership of Zuo Zheng, Luo Yu and the big man surnamed Qi followed closely into the giant hall.

The inside of the hall did not look empty and huge from the outside. On the contrary, what appeared in front of the three of them was a blue hall. Inside was only a portrait of a green-haired Confucian scholar. Although the person in the painting covered his face with wind and frost, his eyes were as bright as lightning. , looking at him for a while, actually made Luo Yu's eyes burn, which is really weird!

Turning around again, the huge palace gate behind him disappeared at some point, only a few stone steps remained, and the other three sides of the hall were all sealed by blue light walls, Luo Yu let go of his divine sense, and swept towards one of the blue walls and go.

Luo Yu has been looking around since the moment he stepped on the steps of the hall. To him, a hall that is known to be transformed by illusion seems to be more interesting to him than the real Gong Yue hall.

In the end, although he found that there were countless tadpole-like spirit patterns on the light wall, which seemed to be transformed by the restriction, but when he wanted to observe these high-level prohibition techniques carefully, the light wall suddenly noticed something, and sprayed out a light blue The spiritual mist covered all the runes, and at the same time, when Luo Yu's divine sense touched the blue mist, he was caught off guard and was shot away.

At the same time, the big man surnamed Qi who was beside him seemed to have the same experience as Luo Yu, and after a flash of astonishment on his face, he returned to normal.

But when the spiritual sense is retracted and only the naked eyes are observed, the blue light wall is still the same as the ordinary wall, as if only the spiritual sense can perceive the existence of the strange blue mist.

"The prohibition of the Qingling Hall here was personally arranged by the master, and it is also the two cores of the Gongyue Hall, which can lead to any floor in the Gongyue Hall, but Zuo has arranged for two people to go to the third floor, because it is different from the two Most of the familiar fellow Taoists are on the third floor." Zuo Zheng explained a few words, then raised his legs and walked to the center of the blue hall, turned his palms over, and a small silver umbrella appeared in front of him.

As for the reason for treating monks who formed alchemy in different ways, neither Luo Yu nor monk surnamed Qi asked much, but everyone understands the reason. In any place in the world of cultivating immortals, the old grudge between monks of the righteous and evil ways cannot be resolved.

Huayi Sect obviously considered this reason before distinguishing the two camps of monks. Although Luo Yu did not reveal which side of the monks he was, but the old man Ying and Wen Zhenren who had made good friends with him were all of the right way. pulse, he was naturally classified to this side.

At this time, Zuo Zheng stood in the hall, threw the small umbrella into the air with a blank expression, and then spewed out a thumb-thick blue arc, which instantly hit the silver umbrella.

This scene made Luo Yu's face change. That blue electric arc was not ordinary mana, but the "true essence" unique to the alchemy realm. With a serious understanding of the realm, although the true essence is only the mana that is pure to a certain extent, as long as the true essence is formed in the body, there are many elementary spells that can be directly "instantaneously" without learning.

Just now the blue electric arc was transformed by Zuo Zheng with the thunder-attribute true energy in his body, and he didn't need to say a single incantation. Of course, this is only one of the benefits of true energy.

Luo Yu fixed his eyes and saw that the thick electric arc burst and opened on the surface of the silver umbrella, and turned into smaller dense electric wires. After flickering, they finally sank into the small umbrella one after another. The shape of the small silver umbrella skyrocketed, turning into a three-foot giant and flying to the opposite blue light wall, spinning around.

In an instant, a wave of pale silver light rolled across the green wall. Wherever the silver light swept, the originally thick green wall foamed into countless runes and retreated, revealing a wide corridor behind.

"After the two fellow daoists walked into the passage, go directly to the other end and you will reach the third floor. Remember not to leave the passage, otherwise you will touch the restrictions around you, and you will have a lot of trouble." Just listen to Zuo Zheng's advice, He took the lead and walked forward again without looking back.

This person's words suddenly lost the enthusiasm before, and instead seemed lukewarm.

If Luo Yu hadn't known about Zuo Zheng's plan, he might have suspected something, but at this moment, the other party might have regarded them as the turtles in the urn, so it's not surprising that his mentality changed drastically.

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