fairy flame

Chapter 529 Level 4 River Demon

At this time, Luo Yu saw the huge river with rippling blue waves as if surrounded by smoke and clouds under his feet, and he couldn't help feeling emotional in his heart. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Luo Yu has also seen one of the three major rivers in Yuanjiang Kingdom. Last time, the Lanhe River was famous for being extremely long and narrow, almost running through the entire Yuanjiang Kingdom. The circular lake on the edge, as far as the eye can see, is full of vast expanse, probably covering an area of ​​at least several hundred miles.

In the eyes, it is obvious that there are some small land in the lake with green shade on it, which is much larger than the artificial hills placed in ordinary manors, but smaller than some islands near the sea. There are quite a few, so it is called a small floating island by the local monks.

Occasionally, the floating island is used as a place for low-level Qi training monks to rest and meditate when they are tired from flying. There are no houses or people on it.

But the Yuanhe in front of him is undoubtedly much more dangerous than the Lanhe.

Because the Lan River is narrow and long, at most it has raised a larger number of monsters, but there is an extremely dangerous Jedi in the Yuan River - the existence of the Black Water Ice Pool.

The monsters in the Blackwater Ice Pool are some famous fierce beasts, and many of them can travel between the Blackwater Ice Pool and the Yuan River, so if many monks want to go to Xue's house through the Yuan River , is also a little dangerous.

If it weren't for the poisonous and cold environment in the black water ice pool that is more suitable for their cultivation, and the reason why the Xue family has been suppressing them all year round, this Yuanhe might not be so peaceful.

Of course, there are still many monsters in the depths of the Yuan River, but after so many years of exploration by the Xue family, they have also opened up several safe ways to cross the river according to the laws of monster activities, and they can often avoid some monsters. The extremely powerful monsters in the river, many monks who come to celebrate their birthdays now take the few safe ways to cross the river.

Originally, this time, Luo Yu and his party planned to take the safe road across the river as planned, but they took a shortcut in order to save their spiritual energy, so that if they went from their current position to the mountain range where Xue's family was located, they would have to take a long detour. It was a circle, so Li You temporarily decided to cross over like this. After all, there were two alchemy cultivators on the dharma chariot. Even if there were any powerful monsters in the Yuanhe River, one of them would come out and the other would die.

Looking away, Luo Yu saw Yan Lingsu's eyes turning, as if he was also looking at this place.

Suddenly, as if a tacit understanding had been born, Yan Lingsu found that Luo Yu was looking at him, and his mind trembled, and the scene of embarrassment and shame in the Zihan bamboo forest suddenly appeared. Luo Yu's eyes seemed to be the same at that time, staring at Peeking at her by herself, Yan Lingsu's unreasonable heart began to churn, and at the same time, a trace of rosiness flashed across her snow-white and jade-like pretty face, but she immediately suppressed it forcibly, and glared at Luo Yu fiercely. One glance!

The sudden sharp gaze woke Luo Yu up instantly. Originally, Luo Yu hadn't thought about that, but after seeing the changing expression on the woman's face, Luo Yu was not a fool without interest, so he naturally understood what the other party thought. When that matter came up, Luo Yu looked away in embarrassment.


However, at this moment, just after the Hongying car that had flown into the lake had just turned around a floating island in the lake, more than a dozen giant water arrows like iron guns rushed up in the river, and the wind was fierce. , the target happened to point directly at the red-tasseled chariot that Luo Yu and the others were sitting in!

I saw that these water arrows came too suddenly, and in the lake where everyone was unaware and unprepared, at a loss, these water arrows whizzed wildly and hit on the red cloud covering the red tasseled car. On the ground, the brilliance of the two burst into each other.

However, this red cloud is not only beautiful, but also contains the powerful defense and space conversion capabilities of the ancient red-tasseled chariot. Immediately, an overwhelming change occurred after the collision. These seemingly powerful water arrows rushed in In the very first moment, it was scattered by the huge red light shock, turning into an ordinary rainwater and falling straight down.

And the rest managed to rush into the red clouds, but turned left and right in an unknown direction inside, and even some water arrows collided uncontrollably, directly turning into rain and bursting open. Due to the restriction of the formation, it didn't touch the surface of the Hongying chariot at all, so it shot out from the clouds again.

However, the shock generated by the collision between the water arrow and the red cloud still woke up the four people inside.

"Hmph, what a guts, I want to see what kind of monsters are playing tricks underwater!"

Li You was sitting cross-legged in meditation, when he suddenly opened his eyes, and said with a stern look in his eyes, then his body suddenly rose, and he flew out of the beast car in a flash of white light.

Immediately after Li You, Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu also became curious, wanting to see what kind of monster had such courage.

Immediately, the two also flew out.

As soon as he showed his figure in mid-air, Luo Yu was surprised to find that a huge vortex with a radius of tens of feet appeared in the lake under his feet at some point, and the sound of rumbling water and wind was loud. The large lake made the waters vibrate and roar, and the scene was astonishing!

Moreover, some white bubbles kept popping out of the vortex, and they all turned into powerful demonic energy and exploded with a bang. The demonic energy was more than ten feet wide and soared into the sky. Luo Yu felt that it was difficult to breathe for a while, it was so oppressive!

However, once Luo Yu's consciousness infiltrated into the vortex, it was immediately torn apart by a spiral force, and he couldn't detect what was hidden under the vortex.

Even Luo Yu's spiritual consciousness, which is comparable to the middle stage of foundation establishment, has done useless work, which immediately surprised him, the monsters below are really extraordinary.

Turning his head to look, the red tasseled car floating above his head was also put away by his wife frowning, standing beside Li You with a rather strange expression, Li You looked much calmer, but Yan Lingsu's eyes were clear and cold, I don't know if I found anything.

"Pop puff!"

As soon as the four of them appeared, there was an ear-piercing whistling sound from the river below, and then more ice arrows shot out from the bottom of the water, the blue light flickered, covering the sky, obviously more powerful and faster than before sooner.

"Good come!"

Li You smiled instead of being startled, raised his eyebrows when he saw this, and opened his mouth to spit out without thinking too much, and suddenly a white misty flying sword shot out from his mouth, like a white lightning strike from the clear sky, The flying sword spun around in mid-air, and circles of ripples visible to the naked eye filled a distance of tens of feet!

During Li You's quick spellcasting, Bai Mengmeng's little sword immediately released dozens of nearly a hundred white sword lights, which quickly interweaved into a huge white sword net, covering all the area covered by the Frost Arrow, and suppressed it wildly!

The two attacks collided instantly!


There were bursts of clear and crisp sounds like the impact of fine iron hitting the explosion, and the auras flickered one after another. The wind scattered and spread unscrupulously. With such power, Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu immediately backed away in fright. took a few steps.

"A magic weapon for forming alchemy!"

Luo Yu suddenly let out a low cry, and looked at the white flying sword in amazement, although the sword looked only about a foot in size and was inconspicuous.

But the power and the extremely pure mana fluctuations are extremely frightening, and the swift sword light that continuously leaps out from above is also extremely sharp, and the Frost Arrow colliding below is no longer an opponent when it hits the face, and it is smashed to pieces by the sword light , the Frost Arrow was instantly smashed into ice shards scattered all over the sky, and was forced to retreat steadily, while the sword net slowly went down!

This white flying sword is just one move, and the power it exudes shocked Luo Yu's heart. The solidity and sharpness of the sword light completely surpassed Luo Yu's emerald green sword energy, and even the sword energy of the heart of mother and child was far behind. No, this must be the power of the talisman in the rumors.

As soon as Li You's alchemy cultivation was revealed, the giant beast hidden in the river seemed to realize how powerful it was, and roared furiously again and again. As soon as the sound came out, it reacted faster and rushed out of the river bottom!

Three jets of blue water nearly as thick as a bucket shot up, rumbling and deafening. Under the water jets, a monster with a huge black head and crescent-like red eyes emerged from the bottom of the lake.

The body of this beast looks like a huge octopus, but it only has three dark and dull giant claws. Each giant claw is more than ten feet long. When it shakes slightly, it makes a crisp sound like a steel whip Again and again!

There are no nails on this giant claw, but judging from the black light on the surface, it must be extremely strong and rough. I am afraid that a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage will be hurt even if he touches it!

While the three giant claws were waving, they stirred up three thick jets of water in the river to fight against Li You's sword net, and stared at Li You with a seductive cold light in their bewitching red eyes.

"River Demon! It's still a level four monster!"

Yan Lingsu, who was standing beside Luo Yu, covered her mouth lightly, with a rare surprise in her eyes.

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