fairy flame

Chapter 530

"The fourth-level monster river monster? When did such a powerful beast appear in this round river!"

Luo Yu knew very little about monsters, but when he heard what Yan Lingsu said, he understood the origin of the giant beast in the river, and he immediately became suspicious. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

It's not just Luo Yu, everyone is surprised how such a powerful monster can appear in this round river. Level [-] monsters are rare anywhere in Yuanjiang Country, maybe only in some Jedi Only a few will appear in the middle, and usually it depends on luck to find one.

"Hey, this fourth-level monster! It's a good material."

Li You stood against the wind and smiled triumphantly.

The master was only a few feet away from the river demon, and he seemed extremely confident that the river demon would not be able to break through his sword net, so a smile appeared on his face.

At this time, I saw Li Youchong's crystal flying sword a little far away, and suddenly the little sword screamed joyfully, and suddenly grew to a size of several feet. At the same time, the sword body was densely covered with a layer of white water vapor, water vapor Like a dragon going out to sea, circling a huge sword, making a roar of a long whale sucking water!

With the small crystal sword wrapped in white water vapor, it immediately released a powerful and invincible aura. With the sharp shaking of the sword light, there was an extremely thick rolling thunder sound in the water vapor, which made people feel strange Very.

"It's the cloud of whale water!"

The first time Luo Yu saw this white smoke-like mist, he immediately knew that Li You was going to show his true skills. They all said how powerful the 'Qi' in the alchemy stage was, and this was the first time Luo Yu had the opportunity to see it with his own eyes.


The river demon and the white sword net below were unable to fight for a long time, and seemed to be aware of the strength of the man in front of them, but on the contrary, it aroused the ferocity of the beast. The cold eyes like crescent moons rolled, and there was a strange sound like water flowing. After the sound, the three giant claws that stirred up the towering water column shook violently. Like inflated balls, their size became bigger again, and they smashed down on Li You like three skyscrapers!

The end is extremely powerful!

Luo Yu was terrified watching from the side. If he faced such an attack, even if he had a way to break it, he would not do that, because just by looking at the giant figure of this beast, he could tell that it was definitely divine power Very, I'm afraid that one face-to-face can take away all the bones in my whole body!

"That's what makes it interesting, Shu!"

Li You was not afraid. When the handprints were turned, the whale water cloud above his head surged crazily, and dispersed into three huge white chains flexibly, shooting out like a gust of wind!

At this time, the river demon is also experienced in fighting, so naturally he will not let the chains wrap around him, his mouth is open, and dozens of ice picks and ice arrows are spit out in one breath, taking the first step, going straight to Li Yuu's three white chains left.


A scene that surprised Luo Yu happened, I saw that the white chain was pulled by Li You, without dodging at all, and directly collided with those ice picks and ice arrows, but it seemed like something unreal, the chains were all frozen by the ice pick. The arrow pierced through without any hindrance, and after the two touched each other, they separated again unscathed.

"Water escape technique!"

Seeing such a miraculous scene, Luo Yu couldn't help applauding in a daze.

At this time, after breaking through the three chains of the ice pick and ice arrow, there was no longer any obstruction, and with just a slight flash, it wrapped around the three giant claws with great flexibility, quickly surrounding them in circles, Then pull hard!

Luo Yu looked surprised!

The apparently powerful tentacles of the river demon were restrained by water vapor that was many times smaller than it, as if in a prison. They couldn't shake the chain of white air, but were strangled by the white water vapor that seemed to be blowing away, just like an adult's giant fist was struck by a baby's hand, and it also made the opponent No matter how hard you struggle.

"Haha, get up!"

Unexpectedly, Li You didn't mean to kill the river demon with one blow. Instead, he used the chain of white air to slowly pull the three huge tentacles up into the sky. The huge body of the river demon was gradually lifted out of the water, and the scene was horrifying!

The river demon that emerged from the water looked extremely weird, like a huge ball like white jade, but what was weird was that there was a strange eyeball on the ball.

At this time, the river demon seemed to be startled by Li You's strong methods, roaring and struggling angrily, but it was of no avail.

Similarly, Li You's magic weapon, the white flying sword, did not stop. After easily destroying the opponent's water arrow, it swayed like a dragon wagging its tail. The speed slashed on one of the trapped tentacles!


With a crisp sound, the black skin on the river demon's tentacles was vulnerable to a single blow in front of the small crystal sword. Li You's natal magic weapon entered it hard, and immediately pierced it out from the other side!

In an instant, a huge long arm of the river demon was cut into two sections. The incision was smooth, and a large amount of black blood was spraying out. The severed arm fell into the water uncontrollably.


The river demon's tentacles were cut off, and it immediately let out a roar of anger and pain, which was harsh and unpleasant.

At the same time, a large amount of black light came out from the remaining two arms. The stench was incomparable. It was obviously something sinister, but Li You seemed to have expected it, so he didn't worry. He saw these black lights and Li You's whale water cloud. As soon as they came into contact, the two began to engulf each other, but although the white clouds were still inferior in quantity, no matter how much black light wrapped them, they could calmly shake the black light away without any harm to themselves.

"This whale water cloud has such a long magic power!"

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu was shocked and said immediately, the chain of white air seems to be weak, but during the time of the battle, it is as solid as a mountain, no matter how crazy your river demon attacks, there is no change, such astonishing magic power, Luo Yu is really hard to imagine.

However, Li You's whale water cloud energy is more than enough to trap the enemy, and it seems that the attack power is slightly insufficient.

Seeing that the river demon was resisting desperately and still not being subdued, a trace of evil spirit flashed across Li You's face. Suddenly, the crystal flying sword was dazzling again, and it was about to attack in a flash of inspiration!

But she was dissuaded by the mistress standing beside Li You.

"Husband, wait a minute. This river demon is already a fourth-level monster. It's a pity to kill it like this. Why don't I let my resentful demon have a full meal?"

As soon as these words came out, Li You suddenly smiled, stopped immediately, and pondered: "Yes, Qian'er, your resentment is about to advance, and the resentment likes to eat the brains of living beings, this river demon is a good supplement thing."

After finishing speaking, he gently waved his hand back to Feijian, and immediately disappeared into his body in a flash. This is the benefit of the natal magic weapon, which can be conceived in the body of a cultivator, and it is convenient to take it when he wants it.

Seeing that the teacher's wife was chanting Yinmian with a smile, she reached into her sleeve and took out a green misty handkerchief. With a flick of the sleeve, the handkerchief immediately flew into the air, and it immediately turned into a giant of several feet. At the same time, a lot of green light and An uncomfortable '咻咻' sound came out from the handkerchief, full of evil spirits!

As soon as Luo Yu heard this strange sound, he immediately thought of what it was, and couldn't help but change his face!

Grudge!The most powerful vengeful spirits of Cuixia Sect's Resentful Soul Gap, usually as long as such grievances appear, they will be reported by the on-duty monks of the Wraith Spirit Pagoda immediately, and then the vengeful spirits will be subdued by the ancestors of the alchemy stage, Luo Yu He has always heard about it, but he has never seen it. Of course, he has killed a lot of junior wraiths.

The green light emitted by the handkerchief gradually shrank, and rolled together slightly, revealing a green light face without facial features inside, a light face visible to the naked eye!

Back then, Luo Yu saw only faint shadows.


As soon as the huge bald face with a figure of more than two feet appeared, he fixed his eyes on the trapped river demon, let out a cry of excitement, and flicked his bow, and immediately turned into a slash The arrow flew towards the river demon, and the target was pointed directly at the huge blood-colored eyes on the river demon's body!


At this moment, the remaining two tentacles of the river demon were still imprisoned by Li You, unable to move a single bit. After seeing the sudden monster rushing towards him, he instinctively realized the danger. The water arrow and water polo wanted to block it, but the grudge didn't seem to be afraid of these five-element magic attacks at all. With his bare face twisted for a while, a large amount of green Yin Qi burst out from his mouth, turning into a green wall to attack all the ice arrows They all resisted, but turned around, and the figure condensed into a green light beam and went straight to the explosion.

After the grievance used the ghostly transformation technique to reduce its size, those water arrows immediately lost their target, and were calmly passed by the green light beam in the rainstorm-like attack collision. Only one or two water arrows hit the green light beam by chance. The above didn't work at all.

The wraiths in Wraith Soul Gap are very strong against the spells of the five elements. They are not afraid of ordinary spells at all. Only after they are trapped and killed dozens of times continuously can they be ground to death!

Breaking through the barrier of the water arrow, the resentful demon shot into the huge bloody eyes like a scimitar with a loud cry. The river demon immediately looked terrified, roared furiously, and rolled violently, slapping the water surface continuously, as if suffering great pain in his mind. , and there is still a growing trend. At the same time, accompanied by the roar, the body of the river demon also changed. The transformation of the body made the river demon's spherical body unbearable, and the blood vessels all over the body burst violently, like huge bloody earthworms that had grown for hundreds of years, wriggling all over the whole body, very terrifying!

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