fairy flame

Chapter 540 Flying Eagle Fruit and Skythorn Beast

"Mr. Xue has wrongly blamed Mr. Li. Our husband and wife were able to arrive early, but we encountered a little trouble on the way, so we were delayed for a little time, which is why we are late."

Li You clasped his fists and smiled, and sat generously next to the blue-robed Confucian student under the leadership of the fire-headed camel. His wife Shen Qian and Taoist Gongyang were both in the alchemy stage, so they were naturally qualified to sit in this hall. He also sat next to Li You.

After sitting down, he flipped his palms, and suddenly a fiery red jade box appeared in his hand, and then said softly, "Mr. Xue's birthday, we and my wife are offering a 700-year-old 'Flying Eagle Fruit' as a small gift, and I hope Mr. Xue will accept it with a smile."

"A 700-year-old eagle fruit? This gift is not light."

Hearing the words, the old man with the red crown was slightly surprised, and immediately waved back to normal, and immediately asked the Huotoutu beside him to step forward politely, and put the jade box away respectfully.

Luo Yu didn't know what kind of elixir the flying eagle fruit had, but seeing the slightly surprised eyes of the other alchemy masters, it seemed that this thing should be very rare.

"This is the congratulatory gift from brother Li? Why do you and your wife just give one congratulatory gift? It seems a bit inappropriate."

Suddenly, an extremely incongruous voice sounded from the opposite side of Li You, but it was the poisonous old monster sitting on the side who was still tasting the wine, shaking his head and speaking as if he was drunk.

When Li You and Shi Niang heard this, they all fixed their eyes on this person, their faces were slightly cold and did not explain, but the poisonous old monster seemed to be coming, poured another glass of spirit wine with interest, and raised his glass to the old man on the main seat He said with a smile: "This time Du Mou came, but he brought an egg of the guardian spirit beast of our sect, Tianthorn Beast, to Mr. Xue, and please accept it, and wish Mr. Xue to ascend to the Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao as soon as possible. "

After finishing speaking, he slapped the storage bag and flew out a two-foot-sized silver box. After falling to the ground, it made a heavy, muffled sound, which reverberated in the Scarlet Hall, as if it contained something very heavy.

"The eggs of the Skythorn Beast!"

After everyone in the hall heard the news, they woke up like thunder in their minds. No one thought that the poisonous old monster would present such a precious congratulatory gift without showing any signs of the mountains. It was beyond everyone's expectations.

Even Luo Yu was quite frightened, staring curiously at the huge silver box on the ground.

'Sky Thorn Beast' is an eighth-level monster that has guarded the Beast Mountain for more than 3000 years. It is said that it has been hiding in the depths of the Beast Mountain.

This beast has the head of an ox and the body of a lion. Its body is like a small mountain peak. Its body is covered with sharp thorns like thorns. It has the blood of an ancient wild beast. Also because of the wild blood, even if it reached the eighth level of a monster, it still couldn't shed its monster body and turn into a human after going through the transformation thunder.

Now the poisonous old monster has taken out all the eggs of the guardian spirit beasts. The involvement in this may not be simple, but Luo Yu doesn't think that this congratulatory gift is really precious, because he has a deep understanding. It is just a beast egg with wild bloodline, until it is successfully hatched and can be used by oneself, it is definitely a matter for every monk to vomit blood. Not only is this spirit beast with wild bloodline difficult to hatch, And even after the hatching is successful, it is extremely difficult and dangerous to advance these spirit beasts. Generally, monks have limited lifespan and cannot wait that long.

Take the "Sky Thorn Beast" of Lie Beast Mountain as an example. In fact, it was cultivated with the painstaking efforts of the ancestors of Lie Beast Mountain. It took 3000 years for the "Sky Thorn Beast" to survive. In order to become an eighth-level monster, one can imagine that a beast egg seems to have an extraordinary origin, but in real comparison, it is not as useful as the "Flying Eagle Fruit" sent by the master and wife.

However, the old man with the red crown still thanked again and again and ordered the silver box to be carefully carried away.

"Hey, the eagle fruit that our couple gave out naturally means flying together. Although the object is only one, it has two meanings. Brother Du recklessly repaired one, so he naturally couldn't understand this meaning, but Li felt that Brother Du The congratulatory gift is really ingenious, it's actually 'give me an egg', haha."

After Li You understood that the poisonous old monster was targeting him everywhere, no matter how good his self-cultivation was, he immediately looked at him coldly, and said in a sneering tone.

And Li You also deliberately accentuated the three words 'send an egg', so that everyone present couldn't help but laugh when they heard it.

Doesn't this imply that the poisonous boss didn't give anything away?

After hearing this, Luo Yu couldn't help admiring that his master, who was usually amiable, also had such a smooth-talking side.

And hearing these words in the ears of the poisonous old monster, it naturally made his face darken in an instant, and after he said "hey" in a serious tone, just when he was about to attack, Taoist Gongyang, whose butt was not hot, hurriedly got up Interrupted, "Daoyou Xue is celebrating his birthday. I came down in a hurry. I didn't prepare any generous gifts, so I just sent an intermediate earth escape talisman."

In fact, Taoist Gongyang didn't intend to give gifts at all, and he didn't even intend to come here to the Blood Yuan Palace, but along the way, there were monks of the same level as Huotuo Tuo by his side, so he was embarrassed to run away, and then he couldn't get off the tiger. After entering the Hall of Blood Origin, I saw that everyone was looking at me with unkind eyes, as if they had hatred, but because no one could say anything openly at this birthday, so I had to suppress the resentment in my heart .

But these gazes, in the eyes of Taoist Gongyang, were as uncomfortable as sitting on pins and needles, which made him feel very uncomfortable. After all the alchemy monks had given gifts, no matter how disregarding his face, it was not good to come here empty-handed at this moment. Reluctantly parting with it, he took out a precious mid-level earth escape talisman, on the one hand to earn back some face, on the other hand, he thought in his heart that after going out, he would earn back the loss as soon as he had a chance.

Taoist Gongyang thought seriously.

In fact, there is another reason, that is, Li You and the poisonous old monster suddenly became inexplicably at odds in this hall, and the poisonous old monster and the Taoist Gongyang had a festival in the early years, and the Taoist Gongyang was afraid of the old poisonous monster and Li You. After the quarrel, because there is nothing to do with Li You, he will turn to trouble himself, and he, Taoist Gongyang, will be wronged, so at this moment, he took the initiative to give gifts to interrupt the unhappiness of the two of them.

"Hehe, fellow Daoist Gongyang hasn't seen him for many years, yet he still remembers the old man's [-]th birthday, which really surprises Xue."

The red-crowned old man on the main seat also smiled very warmly, this old man also had quite a headache just now, although the poisonous old monster and Li You are not as strong as him, but they have the support of the big sect behind them, these cultivators What the family is most afraid of is to offend a certain sect, and it will be very troublesome in the future. Taoist Gongyang suddenly got up to give gifts, which happened to suit Xue Qinglin's wishes.

Moreover, an intermediate earth escape talisman is considered a very precious gift.

After receiving the congratulatory gifts, Xue Qinglin raised his glasses frequently and had a drink with everyone. During this period, although everyone smiled at each other, it seemed that the conflict just now had passed away. In fact, these old monsters in the alchemy stage had their own scheming and secretly Thinking about it.

Luo Yu and the junior disciples all stood respectfully behind their masters, while Yan Lingsu took the initiative to stand next to his wife Shen Qian, looking at everything in the hall with cold eyes.

Not long after, when those good-looking beauties finished singing and dancing, they all saluted the red-crowned old man on the main seat, then bowed their heads respectfully and exited the hall.

At this time, the old man with the red crown glanced back and forth at everyone, and suddenly said to Li You lightly.

"Just now Daoyou Li said that he encountered a little trouble on the road. I don't know what happened? Is there anyone else who dares to take the idea of ​​​​Daoyou?"

After finishing speaking, Xue Qinglin, whose face was slightly rosy because he drank a lot of spirit wine, showed curiosity.

The other Pill Formation Patriarchs took a look at this man, and then looked over calmly.

They all seem to be willing to hear about it.

"Actually, it's not really a problem. It's just that on the way here, when I was flying over the Yuanhe River, I was entangled for a while by a fourth-level river demon, but now it has been killed by our husband and wife together."

Li You turned a blind eye to everyone's eyes, and responded without changing his face.

"What! The river devil?"

"It's still a level four monster!"

Li You casually uttered a sentence, which immediately made everyone in the hall feel turbulent, and they all showed shock at the same time.

The first update of "Xianyan" has been delivered, please collect it.

Youdao is almost exhausted. A big homework can only be completed after staying up for five days and nights without sleep, so the update cannot be stable. Time, I hope book friends will support it a lot.

almost went blank

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