fairy flame

Chapter 541 Three Python Apes and Minghuang Pill

There are level four monsters appearing in the Yuanhe River, which is too sensational. It stands to reason that the Xue family has been in charge of this area for so many years, how could such a ferocious and powerful monster appear at the door of his house, which is obviously unreasonable. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

But Li You didn't seem to need to lie, unless he really met by chance, otherwise, wouldn't it be dangerous for people from the Xue family to go in and out of Yuanhe at all times?

"It turns out that Li Daoyou also encountered such a powerful monster."

Sitting next to Li You, the blue-robed Confucian student who was more than half as leisurely as he was, with a pensive look on his face, stretched out his hand to caress the felt hat on his head, and said lightly, as if he felt the same way.

"What, is it fellow Daoist Zhao?"

Hearing the difference in the other party's tone, Li You faintly felt something was wrong.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of most people in the hall flickered, feeling the unusual tone in the two people's tones, and they didn't know what they were thinking, but Luo Yu carefully noticed that the old man's face twitched slightly after hearing this. for a moment.

"The one Zhao encountered was not bad. It was just an ice-eyed spider with the strength of a third-level monster, but the strange thing is that this beast also appeared in Yuanhe."

When the blue-robed fellow Taoist said this, both of them were shocked at the same time. When there are no monsters anywhere in the world of cultivating immortals, why are there so many monsters around Xue's house? Coincidentally, all of a sudden It would not be a coincidence that two monks in the alchemy stage met each other.

When everyone thought of this, they couldn't help turning their eyes to the red-crowned old man in the chief seat. Since outsiders like them could see something was wrong, it must be impossible for the Xue family, who is the owner of Yingxue Mountain, to be ignorant of this.

Sure enough, at this time everyone heard Xue Qinglin sigh with a sad face, and slowly put down the teacup and said.

"To tell you the truth, about half a month ago, many powerful monsters suddenly appeared near the Eagle Snow Mountain, either hiding in the mountains, or hiding in the depths of the Yuan River ghostly. Vicious and bloodthirsty, now, many disciples of our Xue family have been brutally murdered."

Xue Qinglin's face was full of sorrow, and his words stopped suddenly, as if there was something unspeakable that he couldn't say.

But after a while, everyone seemed to be surprised by what he said. After thinking about it, he forced a smile and added: "But you can rest assured, for more than half a month, the old man has personally Organized a number of cleanings around Eagle Snow Mountain, and now the land area around the Eagle Snow Mountain is still safe, but the monsters hidden at the bottom of the Yuan River, because of the special reason of the underwater environment, are still there. There are some remaining evils that cannot be completely eradicated, which is why we have specially pointed out several absolutely safe ways to cross the river for fellow Taoists."

Xue Qinglin's words undoubtedly gave everyone a dose of reassurance, allowing everyone to breathe a sigh of relief from worrying about being surrounded by monsters.

"It's not normal for so many monsters to appear at once, has Fellow Daoist Xue figured out the reason?"

At this time, the beautiful woman in blue shirt who was sitting next to the poisonous old monster thought for a while, and asked with doubts in her eyes.

"Through the investigation in the past half a month, there are some clues, but"

When the old man with the red crown said this, his voice cut off, and his face sank again.

"Fellow Daoist Xue has something to say, you might as well just say it. If I can help you, I will do my best."

The beautiful woman in the blue shirt glanced at the alchemy monks with a sweet smile, and said in a mild voice.

"Yeah, what's the inconvenience of Mr. Xue, you and I have known each other for a hundred years, as long as a fellow Taoist tells me, even if it is thousands of miles away, this old man will go through fire and water to come to help."

The poisonous old monster glanced at Li You and his wife provocatively, and said loudly.

After the poisonous old monster said this, the rest of the alchemy masters in the hall naturally followed suit.

As if with a few words of effort, these alchemy patriarchs were united as one, and they were able to fight for those who could do both.

It really made Luo Yu realize what hypocrisy is.

"It's not that Xue doesn't want to talk about it, it's just that a sixth-level monster is involved, and I'm afraid it will implicate fellow Taoists."

The old man with the red crown saw that everyone was filled with righteous indignation, but he still put on a wry smile and said.

"Level six monsters!"

As soon as these four words appeared, many Patriarch Jiedan, who were full of enthusiasm just now, immediately died down.

According to the division of strength in the world of cultivating immortals, level [-] monsters are almost the same as monks in the middle stage of alchemy. The world of cultivating immortals has not heard of a level [-] monster making trouble for many years. Why is there a level [-] monster near Xue's house? Are there monsters?

"What does Fellow Daoist Xue mean, the group of monsters near Eagle Snow Mountain were all attracted by that sixth-level monster?"

Li You frowned slightly and pondered.

"It's not confirmed yet, but it should have something to do with this beast. I'm ashamed to say that the old man also wanted to kill this sixth-level monster. At that time, I went with my second brother, but it turned out to be a fight. It's a lose-lose situation, and no one has benefited."

The voice of the old man with the red crown became more and more dignified.

"What! Mr. Xue and Fellow Daoist Fire-headed Camel together can't deal with this monster. Where does this beast come from?"

As the Patriarch of Lie Beast Mountain, the poisonous old monster knows everything about monsters in the world of cultivating immortals. Generally speaking, it is difficult to distinguish monsters from monks in terms of strength. To put it simply, if the strength is the same Comparing monsters and monks, the ending is divided into two situations. In the first situation, if the two meet by chance, then the monster can resist the magic weapon of the monk with its physical talent, so it is naturally better than a cultivator of the same strength. It is more powerful, but if it is the second case, the outcome is undoubtedly the opposite. If a well-prepared monk knows where the monster is hiding in advance, and then uses tricks, or uses poison, or uses formations and other means to help, Naturally, the immortal cultivators are more powerful.

And from Xue Qinglin's words, it seems that a monk in the middle stage of alchemy joined forces with a monk in the early stage of alchemy, and then they were fully prepared, but they just fought with each other to lose both sides, which is intriguing.

The monks in the hall began to guess what kind of monsters are so powerful.

"It's a three-headed python with wild blood!"

The voice of the old man with the red crown has become extremely helpless.


As soon as the old man with the red crown finished speaking, the sound of swallowing saliva suddenly resounded in the hall, and the whole hall seemed to have quieted down.

"Three-headed apes! They are wild spirit beasts that can swallow wind, ice, and thunder spells at will. No wonder Daoyou Xue couldn't get any benefits from working together."

The blue-robed Confucian scholar said in both horror and amazement.

At this moment, everyone must have been shocked by the news. The beautiful woman in the blue shirt who had vowed to help just now also fell silent. It is not a joke to deal with sixth-level monsters and monsters with wild blood.

"Actually, I invited fellow daoists to come here this time to solve this problem, but Xue will not let fellow daoists contribute in vain. After the matter is completed, Xue will give every fellow daoist a piece of 'Minghuang Pill' ' as payment."

"Of course, if you don't want to, Xue will also treat you with hospitality."

As the old man with the red crown spoke, he looked around at everyone.

"Minghuang Pill?" Luo Yu stood behind Li You and murmured to himself. He had no impression of this kind of pill in his experience of pills, but he carefully discovered that several people who wanted to put aside their relationship at this time Patriarch, it seems that something has changed at the moment,

Could it be that Minghuang Pill is so attractive?

"Minghuang Pill? Younger sister heard that Mr. Xue successfully broke through to the middle stage of alchemy after taking Minghuang Pill. I wonder if this news is true?"

The beautiful woman in blue shirt who had been silent after hearing 'Three Pythons' turned the jade wrench finger in her hand, and said in a sudden change of tone.

As soon as these words came out, it really stirred up a thousand waves with one stone, and the complexions of all the monks at the alchemy stage changed one after another. Only you know how hard it is for monks at the alchemy stage like them to get to where they are now. , and every breakthrough after the alchemy stage is extremely difficult, and it is often difficult for a hundred monks in the early stage of alchemy to appear in the middle stage. Then he will not come out for decades. If there is any pill to replace such hard work, I am afraid that no matter how resolute the heart is, the alchemy cultivator will not be able to help being tempted.

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