fairy flame

Chapter 542 Yuan Kui Thunder Bamboo

"Hehe, this old man dare not say too much. After all, there are too many and too complicated skills in the world of cultivating immortals. There are advantages and disadvantages after cultivation, and special physiques are also common. Some monks are born to be extremely restrained against certain medicines. The elixir of the elixir can't be effective, so it can't be generalized, but after taking the Minghuang elixir, it did help the old man's breakthrough, but the old man can't produce any evidence to prove that if Mrs. Lan If you don't believe it, you can ask all the Taoist friends from the Cuixia School, Nine Swords Valley, Lie Beast Mountain and other sects. I believe that the efficacy of the Minghuang Pill is still recorded in some classics of the sect. ( Apex Fiction hand-made novel)”

The red-crowned old man seemed to have been aware of everyone's reaction long ago. Seeing that he had taken the initiative, he couldn't help instigating loudly like a bell.

Sure enough, when Mrs. Blue Shirt heard the words, she glanced at the poisonous old monster next to her quietly, as if she was asking the other party whether the story about Minghuang Pill was true.

"I've heard of the famous name of Minghuang Pill, Dumou, and it does have this miraculous effect. However, if Mr. Xue really has this pill in his hand, he might as well take it out first so that I can open my eyes."

The poisonous boss frowned in a strange voice and asked.

Even though he said so, everyone here is not salivating at the Minghuang Pill. If the other party really has this miraculous panacea, then it is not impossible to discuss the matter of killing the three pythons together.

"That's natural, otherwise, how dare the old man speak empty words in front of fellow Taoists."

The red-crowned old man smiled slightly, and then turned around with one hand, and suddenly a strange yellow-brown bamboo tube appeared in his hand. It is the Minghuang Pill.

However, the bamboo tube itself has not been inspired by any spiritual power, and it actively emits circles of white misty cold air around it, and there are also faint sounds of lightning, thunder and thunder coming from the bamboo tube, which can't help but make everyone's eyes shine again. , took a few more glances at the yellow-brown bamboo tube.

At this moment, in the entire hall, only Luo Yu was shocked!

When Luo Yu 'poof' saw this weird little bamboo tube, his pupils shrank immediately!

"Spiritual bamboo with dual attributes of cold and thunder!"

On this small bamboo tube, there is a cold air coming out at the same time as Lei Guanghao does not contradict, the two do not exclude each other!

Luo Yu was shocked when he saw it from a distance. In order to practice the ancient formation method "Five Thunder Formation Sutra" these years, Luo Yu also asked the owners of many medicine shops in Fangshi to pay attention to this rare spiritual bamboo for him. I looked through the classics to see where this kind of spiritual bamboo is sold or grown, but there is still no news about it. It is unexpected that the ancestor of the Jiang family has such a small section in his hand.

It's just that the Wulei flag that Luo Yu needs to refine initially needs bamboo shoots, and the bamboo tube in the hands of the ancestor of the Jiang family is too small, not enough for Luo Yu to refine a formation flag.

Luo Yu watched and suppressed his curiosity. He knew in his heart that in this Blood Origin Hall, he was not qualified to speak based on his cultivation in the early stage of foundation establishment.

"Huh? Could it be that the one in Mr. Xue's hand is one of the four forbidden places of the Xue family. The Yuankui Thunder Bamboo that grows in Yuankui's Mausoleum, judging by the spiritual energy fluctuations emitted by this bamboo tube in the hands of fellow Taoists, it seems that it is more than a thousand years old." ?”

After staring at the bamboo tube, Li You asked calmly.

Only elixir and spiritual things that have been grown for more than a thousand years can have independent aura fluctuations and have a certain ability to protect themselves

When Luo Yu heard this, his heart burst into joy. He almost didn't doubt that Li You had the ability to read minds. Why did he just have such an idea, and the master asked him what he doubted in his heart.

"Hey, fellow Daoist Li knows a lot. Yes, the Yuankui Thunder Bamboo in Xue's hand is a female bamboo that first grew in the Yuankui Mausoleum. It has survived for nearly 2000 years. A small section of the bamboo trunk is made into this bamboo tube. Due to the dual effects of freezing the cold air and warding off evil spirits from thunder and lightning, it is undoubtedly better for preserving precious elixir than the jade bottle, a magic weapon that only has the ability to freeze and refrigerate. many."

The eyes of the red-crowned old man flickered twice, as if he was a little surprised that Li Youlian knew about Yuankui's tomb, but after the explanation, he still recited a formula in his mouth silently, and with the cooperation of fingerprints, the bamboo tube 'you' in his arms It flew out at once, and then the originally closed round mouth at one end of the bamboo tube seemed to be slowly opening eyes, and the spiritual light separated to the two sides in a blink of an eye.

Luo Yu also stared intently at the bamboo tube, but suddenly his eyes were pierced by a golden light flying out from the round hole. After closing his eyes instinctively, he quickly opened them after recovering for a while, and saw the center of the hall. In the short period of time just now, there was an extra golden-yellow dazzling pill about the size of a baby's fist. The halo is spinning around, which is really beautiful.

"It really is the Minghuang Pill!"

"I'm afraid that such a panacea can only be refined by an alchemy master above the alchemy level."

As expected, many alchemy cultivators present looked at the Minghuang Pill spinning in mid-air, and they couldn't hide the greedy look in their eyes, and they all praised it.

Luo Yu found that even the moment Master and Mistress appeared in this pill, their bodies trembled, and they were obviously moved.

However, relying on the alchemy master's cultivation base, Luo Yu secretly felt the medicinal power emitted by this pill. It was indeed amazing. With his current alchemy ability, he might not be able to refine it even if he had enough medicinal materials.

"Okay, fellow daoists have also seen the Minghuang Pill, whether it can help my Xue family out of this crisis, you should have a decision in your heart, if you don't want to, Xue will not force it .”

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, the red-crowned old man issued another magic formula to make the bamboo tube burst out with a targeted suction force, which sprayed out, and instantly absorbed the golden dazzling elixir, and then asked in a nonchalant tone.

"Li has a question that I have to declare in advance. I don't know how Fellow Daoist Xue plans. If I kill the 'three pythons', will every monk get a pill? And if everyone gathered here It is not difficult to kill the three-headed python with all our strength, but this kind of beast with wild blood has many unique abilities. When the opponent sees that our side is strong, if there is no careful Plan to deploy, I am afraid it is easy to use strange abilities to escape."

Li You pondered for a while, and after secretly looking at his wife, it seemed that both of them knew their own thoughts and were ready to take a risk for the pill, so after careful consideration, they asked in a deep voice.

"Li Daoyou's question is also what Xue wanted to make clear. This time, the old man spent a lot of money to receive a set of seven-element mirage formation equipment. This formation is a set of high-level illusion formations that require seven alchemy stages. Fellow daoists cooperate to guard the seven formation eyes and lock one space. In that case, the old man is confident that no matter how powerful the 'three-headed python' is, he will never be able to escape. After we trap it, it will be like catching a turtle in a jar. Everyone Fellow Daoists only need to attack with all their strength."

"And this old man is confident that this battle will be won, so I won't do that messy thing. Fellow Daoists only need to agree, and I can give you the Minghuang Pill first, so that everyone can trust each other, and when the time comes Cooperate better!"

The old man with the red crown clapped his hands and chuckled, and said in a thick voice.

"Haha, it turns out that Mr. Xue has already made the preparations first. It's such a good thing, why does Du need to think about it? I'll be the first to agree."

Almost as soon as the old man with the red crown finished speaking, the poisonous old monster laughed with an excited and eager expression on his face.

"In the world of cultivating immortals, there are rumors that Taoist Du is open-minded and generous. Judging by today's demeanor, it is true. With the help of Brother Poison, if you can use the poison of the snake in the battle, I am afraid that this trip will be smoother. gone."

At this time, it was Huotou Huo who was sitting next to the old man with the red crown and said with a smooth smile.

"Since this is the case, the concubine really can't think of any reason not to participate, and Lan is also one of them."

The lady in the blue shirt said with a soft-spoken coquettish smile, and there was a seductive coquettish look on her face, but this kind of amorous feelings that can usually fascinate many men who are not in a firm mood, but at this moment in the hall. It won't be of much use, because at the moment, there are two women who look more like celestial beings standing in the Hall of Blood Yuan, but it conceals a lot of the beauty of this woman.

"I am also willing to lend a helping hand."

The alchemy cultivator of Nine Swords Valley also raised his voice and agreed.

"Since everyone is interested in this, how can we miss our couple."

Master and wife looked at each other, and Li You agreed with a smile.

"Zhao is originally a wild crane, a person who likes to be quiet, but I have stayed in the early stage of alchemy for a long time. If I miss this opportunity, I am afraid I will regret it for the rest of my life, so I am also betting on this time."

The monk in the blue robe and felt hat also cleared his throat, and said with no joy or worry on his face.

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