fairy flame

Chapter 543

For a while, the alchemy monks in the main hall agreed one after another, only Taoist Gongyang, who had been left alone for most of the day, did not speak, but the other party seemed to be happy that those people ignored him, although he knew that he was a knot. Dan stage monks, but due to various reasons in the cultivation method, apart from the purity of spiritual power, this old real attack power is absolutely at the bottom among the alchemy stage monks. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

In addition, his talisman 'thick soil shovel' only has the magical escape technique, it is not good at attacking, and it can't help if he goes there. Instead, he is making a fool of himself in front of monks of the same level. Even if Xue Qinglin personally invites him He probably won't be tempted by this old guy.

Such a monk of alchemy really makes people feel extremely sad.

At the same time, Luo Yu set up a character of bullying and fearing toughness for this person in his heart, that is, he could bully monks with a lower level of cultivation than himself, and once he met someone of the same level, he would soften his feet.

At this moment, Taoist Gongyang didn't feel embarrassed at all, he just bowed his head silently and enjoyed drinking to himself, with an expression that he was enjoying it and everyone didn't know what it was like.

"Haha, okay, when I am [-] years old, you can come to celebrate my birthday, and you can help my Xue family get rid of the 'three pythons'! It is really an honor for Xue, come here! I would like to offer a toast to everyone! "

Seeing that so many monks in the alchemy stage were willing to contribute, the red-crowned old man was very happy. He couldn't help but smile, and he looked at everyone with a glass of wine and said boldly.

"Hehe, let's drink this cup together."

All of a sudden, the alchemy stage patriarchs in the hall seemed to be in a good mood because of the Minghuang pill, and they toasted each other frequently.

Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu stood beside Li You and Shen Qian, one on the left and the other on the right, their faces full of antiquity, each thinking about something in their hearts.

Half an hour was spent amidst bursts of hypocritical chatting and laughing, and after the banquet, the old man in red crown ordered the group of beautiful dancers to come out just now, when he was about to feast the eyes of several ancestors.

Suddenly, the handsome male cultivator Xue Yinyang who is known as 'Tian Daozi' smiled inexplicably, and after whispering a few words to the family elder beside him, 'Huotou Tuo', the latter groaned slightly, as if he was a little embarrassed, but his eyes flickered twice After that, he immediately got up with a sudden smile and said to everyone.

"Dear friends, I have a suggestion. I think everyone is tired of watching these vulgar dancers. Not long ago, I heard that my nephew Yin Yang practiced a sword dance. If it can match the melodious sound of playing the piano , it is really unique in this world, how about letting Yin Yang make a show of shame for fellow Taoists?"

Huotou camel with a smile on his face, and as soon as he finished speaking, he fixed his eyes on Yan Lingsu. The implication could not be more clear. Among the monks present, who is proficient in the rhythm of the piano, who dares to compare with Mengzhou Bing Fairy.

In this way, it is obvious that he wants Xue Yinyang and Yan Lingsu to dance together. After all, a beautiful and extraordinary person like Yan Lingsu is really rare in the world. Any man will be stunned when he first sees it. exciting.

Xue Yinyang is extremely talented, and Yan Lingsu and Yan Lingsu are both monks of Tianlinggen. If they can get together, they will indeed be a man of talent and beauty, and they can be passed down as a good story in the world of cultivating immortals.

As soon as Huotou Tuo finished speaking, most of the founders of the alchemy cast their eyes on Yan Lingsu, with different smiles on their faces.

"I don't know what Miss Yan wants?"

Although the fire-headed camel knew Yan Lingsu's cold personality, so many high-level monks were interested in it, and Xue Yinyang was a genius-like character with extraordinary appearance and high cultivation. The two were indeed a good match.

At this moment, only one person in the entire hall suddenly felt emotional!

It's Luo Yu!

After Luo Yu, who was originally indifferent, heard this, he didn't know why he suddenly became nervous. His whole body was boiling and burning. He instinctively didn't want Yan Lingsu to agree, but he couldn't figure it out. There were so many seniors in the alchemy stage present. , I really don't know what to say.

In fact, Luo Yu doesn't understand why every move of this woman can affect his heart, because Luo Yu has never felt that he is in love with her. Luo Yu never does anything hasty when he likes someone or is emotionally attracted to someone. Every time this happens, he thinks it may be because Yan Lingsu is the first person who makes him feel a little bit excited. The explanation seems reasonable.

"Seniors, you are laughing at me. What Ling Su is proficient in is the art of killing music, which is as powerful as a spear! I am afraid that I can't cooperate with Fellow Daoist Xue because of the superficial and vulgar knowledge of the way of rhythm."

Yan Lingsu looked at the crowd with cold eyes, and responded with a salute in his voice without the slightest trace of fireworks.

There was no fear of the alchemy monks present on the face, and Miaoman's body revealed a calm breath.

After finishing speaking, he raised his head slightly, and walked to Luo Yu's side with small steps.

Seeing the beautiful figure of this woman approaching, Luo Yu suddenly had a sudden impulse, and his whole body felt a little hot.

Seeing this woman's eyes were extremely clear, she said to Luo Yu: "I want to see the scenery of the Eagle Snow Mountain, can fellow Daoist Luo accompany you?"


As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly froze after the crisp sound, and there was no sound, as if one side was dead!

Before Luo Yu opened his mouth, he felt several sharp eyes looking over him, staying on him, as if he was sizing him up. Most of these eyes were from monks in the alchemy stage, and Luo Yu looked at him with a feeling of cold hands and feet , the pores all over his body stood on end, but immediately these gazes were turned away, and the patriarchs in the alchemy stage in the hall all had smiles that were not smiles, and they looked at Luo Yu and Xue Yinyang with deep meaning in their eyes.

Li You frowned slightly, but Shen Qian, the teacher's wife, looked at everyone with a sneer.

Originally, according to Luo Yu's temperament, he didn't like to be the center of attention, so he liked to act low-key. Now that so many people are looking at him, Luo Yu should have refused, but when the words came to his lips, he focused his eyes on the beautiful woman behind him Finally, a dark thought in his heart could not be resisted like a mountain torrent erupting, and it immediately occupied his heart. Under the control of this nameless thought, Luo Yu seemed to have a kind of fearless feeling in his whole body when the world collapsed. Ling Ran's momentum.

This is something that Luo Yu's previous cautious and low-key character has never felt!

With eyes like electricity and voice like wind, Luo Yu suddenly became full of pride, put aside some distracting thoughts, and said with a faint smile: "Let's go."

As soon as the words fell, Yan Lingsu beside her suddenly had a look of surprise in her beautiful eyes, and she was vaguely puzzled.

But Luo Yu didn't bother to observe these things, because after he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a sharp needle-like eyes piercing his body, almost giving him a feeling of cold wind hitting his body, And Luo Yu turned his head to look around, that sharp sword-like gaze quickly retracted, Luo Yu only saw a figure turning his head away.

It was Xue Yinyang!

This person must have been ignored by Yan Lingsu because of his kind invitation, but he just favored Luo Yu and became jealous and hated!

Luo Yu is not only inferior to him in appearance, but even his cultivation is much worse. It seems that Xue Yinyang is better than Xue Yinyang in all aspects, but from Yan Lingsu's tone, it can be heard that the other party is more willing to be with him. Luo Yu seems to be together.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, this is just Yan Lingsu's escape plan. Luo Yu was dragged into the water innocently, but in the eyes of a proud man like Xue Yinyang, Luo Yu has already offended this person. bottom line.

Since he claims to be No.1 below the alchemy stage, one can imagine how powerful his methods are, and no one has dared to compare him openly!

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