fairy flame

Chapter 550

"Mr. Xue, don't worry. Since the other party is here to celebrate his birthday this time, he will not dare to do anything to you. Moreover, Yingxue Mountain is the sphere of influence of your Xue family. No matter how powerful he is, as long as he is not a cultivator in the alchemy stage, he will not dare to do anything to you. There will never be waves. (Apex novel hand-written novel)”

Ximen Yanming rolled her eyes, and said with a smile.

Hearing what Ximenyan said, Xue Jing was naturally more relieved, but immediately bragged without changing his mind: "Since this person dares to come here without knowing his life, then he has to let him eat it." It’s hard, right! I can still use the plan of my ancestors, and maybe I can send someone to get rid of it secretly.”

"The family ancestor's plan? How come I don't know at all, what kind of plan is so secret?"

When Ximen Yan heard the words, her eyes were full of surprise, and she asked hurriedly in a voice full of surprise.

But as soon as the words were out of his mouth, he immediately realized that he had lost his composure, and quickly recovered a faint curiosity on his face.


Xue Jing just uttered a word, and suddenly realized that he had accidentally slipped his mouth. The family ancestor had strictly warned no one to spread the word. If anyone leaks the secret, no matter what their identity is, they will be punished. The pain of burning the body.

Although this Xue Jing is a dude, he is still very cautious when it comes to matters related to his life.

"The family ancestor strictly forbids rumors about this matter. I also overheard it. If I told you, I'm afraid it would immediately bring disaster to the monks who came here from Chu Mushan. So Yan'er, you should not ask any more questions."

As if afraid that Ximen Yan would get angry, Xue Jingsheng lied and talked nonsense using all means of coercion and lure.

"It's so serious! Don't tell me I'm about to be your wife, even if I'm half of the Xue family, I don't even have the right to know?"

Seeing that Xue Jing was so vigilant, Ximenyan was shocked to think that there might be some big conspiracy in the Xue family, but she was even more curious, but she said in an extremely aggrieved way.

"Hey, I must never talk about this matter. If I tell you, I will suffer. You just need to stay in our Xue family obediently. After a long time, the elders of the family will naturally believe you. Last time I was with my father I have said some good things for you in my ears, isn't your father, Venerable Iron Hand, already valued by your ancestors?"

Xue Jing thought that Ximenyan's words meant that she had been wronged at Xue's house, so Xue Jing quickly said good things to comfort her.

But this made Ximenyan even more uneasy. Xue Jing could hold back the beauty and not reveal the secret, and kept his mouth shut to such an extent. I am afraid that the conspiracy of the Xue family this time is not small!

And if some things were too curious, it would be a kind of exposure, so she was neither convenient nor dared to ask any more questions.

This woman actually has her own careful consideration.

Because less than one-tenth of the monks from Chumu Mountain escaped from that incident, and Ximenyan's elders, the "Six Immortals from Chumu", were almost killed and injured. Everyone was killed by the bloodbath of the devil.

And because it is well known in the world of cultivators that Chumu Mountain holds auctions every year, and the business in the market is very good. In addition, the beehive-like wall holes of Chumu Mountain are rented out to some low-level monks for cultivation, so there must be a lot of savings left over these years.

Therefore, many second-rate forces in the world of cultivating immortals have their eyes on this "fat sheep". Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs. In desperation, in order to preserve the continuation of the Ximen family's direct lineage, Ximen Yan had to wronged herself and defected to Xue Jing, wanting to win After winning Xue Jing's favor and having a solid backer, he will try to revitalize Ximen's family again.

As a result, after arriving at the Eagle Snow Mountain, they found that although Xue Jing's status in the Xue family was not low, the real core figure of the Xue family was Xue Yinyang, the Daozi of Heaven.

After some contacts, Ximenyan did find that Xue Yinyang had too many outstanding Xue Jings. There was a huge difference between the two of them.

Later, Ximenyan realized that Xue Jing's status could never surpass his elder brother, so she started to seduce Xue Yinyang again, but after several probing and flirting, she found that Xue Yinyang had no interest in him, not only that, Xue Yinyang is not interested in other female sexes, only the ice fairy 'Yan Lingsu'.

And Ximenyan didn't dare to use coquettish techniques on Xue Yinyang, otherwise she would be held grudge by the other party, and in the end, she had no choice but to curry favor with Xue Jing again.

Therefore, after Ximenyan came to Xue's house, she was depressed every day, and used all kinds of sinister and vicious plans in her heart. However, the ancestor of Xue's family lived for hundreds of years and had seen too many scheming tricks. He would completely trust her, and it seemed impossible to use the Xue family to strengthen the strength of the Ximen family.

Now Ximenyan is trying so hard to express herself in the Xue family, if she can make some great contributions to the Xue family, maybe her status will be improved.

"Okay, how can I blame you? I'm just worried that you said you want to get rid of that person, but the other person's cultivation base is higher than yours and mine, and I'm afraid you will go out."

Ximenyan looked at Xue Jingdao worriedly, her voice ding-dong clear.

As soon as these words came out, how can we not let a lustful person like Xue Jing feel flustered, and he patted his chest with confidence and pride and said: "Hmph, that person is only in the early stage of foundation establishment. In our Xue family, such a I don’t know how many Elder Keqing there are, and if you find anyone, you can clean up this person, so Yan’er can rest assured.”

"However, to be on the safe side, I still need Yan'er to do one thing for me."

This Xue Jing has done a lot of harmful things, although he is not too scheming, but he is extremely proficient in how to plan and plan to go to Yinren.

"You want me to help?"

When Ximen Yan heard this, she was surprised and puzzled at first, but immediately changed her demeanor, and added with a smile: "If you and I still talk about helping each other, let alone one thing, even if it's ten or a hundred pieces All willingly."

"I knew Yan'er understood my heart best."

Xue Jing suddenly cheered up, deliberately walked to Ximen Yan's side, and whispered in his ear with his eyes fluttering slightly.

I don't know what she said, Ximen Yan was disgusted and disdainful at first, but immediately seemed to be numb all over by Xue Jing's deliberate teasing, her delicate body trembled slightly, and her cheeks were flushed.

Seeing this scene, after Xue Jing finished speaking secretly, he burst out laughing triumphantly

Time passed bit by bit, and in the dense forest of the back mountain of Yingxue Mountain stretched for an unknown distance, there was a loud bang, which scared the birds and animals in the mountain forest to disperse, and there was a lot of screaming!

At this moment, I saw a man and a woman sitting quietly beside the waterfall, with calm and indifferent expressions on their faces. Neither of them looked at each other, but they seemed to have some kind of close connection.

Not long after that loud noise, there was a strange whimpering sound, and seven small black flags danced and flashed spiritually in mid-air, and then flipped under the handprints of a man in a light yellow robe, shooting like sharp black arrows When they got down, they disappeared into the storage bags on the youth's waist one after another.

After the black light flickered, the young man opened his eyes suddenly, as if a golden light flashed quietly in his eyes.

The man and the woman were naturally Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu who had been exorcising demons through soundproofing for most of the day.

During this half day, Luo Yu fulfilled his promise and finally completed the incomplete pattern of "pick up towards flowers and west" on the psychic chalcedony, and returned the psychic chalcedony to Yan Lingsu.

I remember that when this woman received the psychic chalcedony, a gleam of transparency flashed in her eyes, she took a deep look at Luo Yu, but she didn't say much, and expressed all the thousands of thoughts in her heart with the sound of the piano.

But because stimulating a complete collection of flowers from the west will cause a lot of commotion, and some preparations are needed, so Yan Lingsu has been searching for more than [-] years, and is not in a hurry for this moment.

At this moment, Yan Lingsu's ten white and flawless jade fingers slowly withdrew from the strings of the guqin, staring at Luo Yu on the opposite side and said indifferently: "If it weren't for the different ideas from Fellow Daoist Luo, I am afraid that Fellow Daoist Luo would be Lingsu's first Boss, although Fellow Daoist does not understand the rhythm, it does not affect the feeling of resonance between you and me at all, presumably Fellow Daoist Luo is also very talented in the piano way."

These words came from the heart. In the process of Yan Lingsu playing the piano to exorcise Luo Yu, Luo Yu's consistent serious attitude without any distracting thoughts and Gujing's transparent state of mind matched the rhythm he gave out. To make the cleansing of the soul smoother, in Yan Lingsu's view, the effect should be significant.

"Fellow Daoist Yan has won the prize. I don't have any talent for piano. In front of you, 'everyone', I'm just a brute."

After Luo Yu finished his work, he slowly stood up and said modestly.

"If you have it, you have it, if you don't, you don't have it. I don't need to lie to you."

Looking at Luo Yu's habitual reluctance to show off, and even his temper of wanting to hide everything all the time, Yan Lingsu didn't seem to accept it.

The biggest difference between the two is that Luo Yu is too scheming and always wary of others, while Yan Lingsu upholds the upright temperament that no one will offend me, and I will not offend others. However, the two have different personalities and different ways of doing things, but they are quite Let Luo Yu become the first person to understand Yan Lingsu's piano sound.

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