fairy flame

Chapter 551

"Daoist Yan has always said that you and I have different ideas. Luo believes that it is not the case. We just think from different angles. If you don't believe it, you can use your spiritual sense to feel a place about 200 meters behind you. novel)"

After Luo Yu closed his eyes, he wanted to give an example to explain, but using his spiritual sense, he suddenly discovered a scene that happened in the cycle of the natural world and the survival of the fittest.

This is just a living example.

Yan Lingsu couldn't help wondering what Luo Yu was referring to when he heard the words.

I saw that the woman also slowly closed her star-like eyes, and following Luo Yu's guidance, on a big tree about 200 meters behind her, she found a big tree circling around a big tree that was hugged by two people and screaming. Goshawk, and this goshawk is staring at the tree.

Yan Lingsu's spiritual consciousness then sank, and found that there was a scene of fierce beasts fighting under the tree. Another goshawk, which was nearly twice the size of the goshawk hovering in mid-air, had bloody wings and body. It wobbled, as if it couldn't hold on anymore, but the injured goshawk's eyes were unusually sharp and tenacious.

Opposite it is a giant gray-haired tiger. Its figure is not considered sturdy among tigers, the king of beasts. On the contrary, it looks a little thin. There were traces of dripping blood, and a few goshawk feathers around the mouth were stuck to them by coagulated blood clots. It seemed that the gray-haired tiger wanted to hunt and kill the little goshawk that couldn't fly due to its injured wings.

And the other goshawk circling high in the sky is not related to the little goshawk on the ground, but judging by the way it keeps screaming at the gray-haired tiger, it should come to help the injured little goshawk, but the gray-haired tiger It is too big and extremely ferocious. Even if the two goshawks are intact, they probably wouldn't dare to provoke a ferocious beast like the gray-haired tiger. Now the situation is even more critical.

"Fellow Daoist Yan, when you saw this scene, what was your first thought?"

Luo Yu closed his eyes, his face was calm, and he was talking with the other party using the sound transmission technique of spiritual consciousness.

"These two goshawks have firm and sharp eyes, and they don't back down. Judging from their size, they probably have a relationship between father and son or mother and son. Now that one of them is in trouble, the other will definitely go to the rescue even in the face of a strong enemy. , They will also have no fear in their hearts because of the love of their loved ones."

Yan Lingsu also wanted to know what Luo Yu was trying to explain by citing this example. Hearing Luo Yu's question, he truthfully said what was in his heart.

"Oh, what Miss Yan means is that she sympathizes with these two goshawks and wants to save them?"

As soon as Luo Yu heard what the other party said, he was immediately relieved. Yan Lingsu's answer was exactly what he expected beforehand, which proved that Luo Yu was right.

However, Luo Yu still had some testing to do next, so he asked with a devious smile on purpose.

"I will not save. The law of the law of the law of the jungle is the law of the law of the jungle. If you save the goshawk, the other beasts targeted by the goshawk will soon suffer. There will be constant fighting for survival. The same thing happens every moment in this world. , we can’t save them all, and besides, the law of survival in the world of cultivating immortals is undoubtedly worse than the law of the jungle. You saved the goshawk, at least the goshawk knows how to repay a little bit, and won’t hurt you in turn , and as long as there are benefits in the world of cultivating immortals, no amount of kindness can bite you back."

"I've seen this kind of thing too much."

As if recalling something, Yan Lingsu looked at Luo Yu, and said with a lot of touch and emotion in his heart.

"What Fellow Daoist Yan said is exactly what I thought in my heart. Fellow Daoist Yan also knows about Luo's life experience. My mother and I have been dependent on each other since we were young. There is no such thing as a father who doesn't care about me. As a result, I have understood the coldness of the world since I was very young. You can't trust anyone, only with strong strength can you get a better life, especially if you want to survive in the world of cultivating immortals."

Luo Yu heard the other party's sincere words and knew that Yan Lingsu's words were not false, so he couldn't help but respond with empathy.

But immediately, Luo Yu put away his slightly melancholy expression, turned to laugh at himself, and then said flatly to Yan Lingsu.

"Although Fellow Daoist Yan has a heart of stone, when seeing this scene, I'm afraid the first feeling in my heart is to save each other. This is human nature, and Luo is the same, but what I feel differently from Fellow Daoist Yan is that what Fellow Daoist saw It is the process, but what I see below is the result, I think no matter how indomitable these two goshawks are, they will inevitably die in the end."

Luo Yu still closed his eyes. He is good at observation and analysis. He often thinks things more thoughtfully and far-reachingly than others. He can synthesize various situations and see things thoroughly.

"Really? Fellow Daoist Luo is so sure?"

Yan Lingsu was caught by Luo Yu's words, and he felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart towards the unattractive man in front of him.

This kind of feeling inexplicably surfaced in her heart, making her, who had always been in a clean state of mind, seem a little at a loss and confused.

But the cold state of mind in Yan Lingsu's heart has long been ingrained, and this feeling is dissatisfied with the temper she has been accustomed to for many years, which makes her look a little annoyed.

Therefore, he subconsciously refuted Luo Yu's sentence.


There was a slight smile on Luo Yu's face, and he didn't explain or argue, as if what happened next could not escape his palm.

In the jungle, after an eagle and a tiger confronted each other for a long time, the gray-haired tiger felt that the delicious food had reached its mouth, and finally couldn't hold it back. A mighty roar came from its mouth, and the sound made the branches and leaves of the big trees tremble. .

The goshawk was born with the sound of tigers roaring, and under the roar, his heart trembled suddenly, his fighting spirit weakened, and he lost his mind for a moment.

But after the gray-haired tiger roared, it was waiting for this great opportunity, so it didn't care about the threat of the larger goshawk in the sky. The eagle fell to the ground and was very experienced in fighting. The moment the sharp claws touched the little goshawk's body, it pierced fiercely into the little goshawk's body like a sharp machete. It dripped from the claws of the gray-haired tiger.

I could only hear the two goshawks going up and down, as if they were feeling the same, they uttered a mournful cry at the same time.

The injured little goshawk was unwilling to be easily eaten by the opponent, and its fierce nature also broke out. The little goshawk's iron beak and silver hook ignored other things, and directly pecked fiercely!


A bloody arrow shot out from the right shoulder of the gray-haired tiger, and a blood hole the size of a thumb came out, causing it to scream in pain. In its rage, it opened its bloody mouth, aiming at the other goshawk below it. Bite down the wings hard, cut the teeth deeply into the flesh, and then pulled it out violently. Immediately, the little goshawk's wings were destroyed, and it was entangled with the gray-haired tiger on the ground and rolled crazily. Hissing and humming sounded one after another, and the ground was dusty and messy everywhere.

After a while, the mighty tiger's sound gradually overwhelmed the goshawk's low-pitched cry. After the gray-haired tiger bit off a large piece of flesh and blood from the little goshawk again, the little goshawk struggled for a long time. Finally, there was no reaction, and he lay motionless on the ground.

The gray-haired tiger was naturally overjoyed to see the death of its prey, regardless of the injuries in front of it, and began to enjoy the food vigilantly.

But at the moment when the little goshawk died, the big goshawk, which had been circling and daring not to fly down, finally overwhelmed its fear with grief and anger. Taking advantage of the gray-haired tiger's unpreparedness, it swooped down to the gray-haired tiger who had just stood up. Above the head, two sharp claws struck fiercely like sharp swords.

Zila!There was a sound of sharp claws cutting through the flesh, and there was even the sound of rubbing against bones. The gray-haired tiger roared in pain, and its short tail like a steel whip instinctively twitched fiercely, as fast as lightning!

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