fairy flame

Chapter 554 Visit

"It's not necessarily true. After all, you and I have checked these two pills before and found nothing wrong. If we can't find anything with our knowledge, it's hard to say whether it's true or not, but no matter what. , we are not in urgent need of this thing, the poisonous old ghost and Zhao old ghost in the hall are about to end their lifespan, they are more anxious than us, so we just need to wait for those two people to take it , if there is no problem, then we are worrying too much. If there is a problem, we have learned from the past.

Shen Qian had a clever mind and said calmly.

"Haha, Qian'er and Wei Fu think about going together."

Li You also clapped his hands and smiled lightly.

In the early morning of the next day, the second day's celebration of Eagle Snow Mountain began again, and it was undoubtedly another day full of people and noise.

Luo Yu didn't go out to join in the fun, because at this moment he was condensing the second child-mother heart sword energy, and his whole body was surrounded by a sharp blue light.

And the source of this blue light is the ancient sword of Xu Changqingfeng hovering above Luo Yu's head, spinning by itself.

Luo Yu held his breath and calmed down. After the first condensed experience, the second time was not very difficult, but after borrowing the power of the ancient Qingfeng ancient sword, Luo Yu's cultivation of the heart sword qi was too sharp , often when the body's meridians are running, there will be unbearable cutting pains for ordinary people. Fortunately, Luo Yu has adapted to severe pain since he was a child.

I saw him flipping his hands outward, releasing streams of milky white spiritual power with his ten fingers, and the latter accurately sank into the ancient sword of Qingfeng. Suddenly, the white spiritual power and the light of the blue sword flashed alternately in the room, and the ancient sword of Qingfeng was like a Like a bottomless pit, he greedily absorbed, and with the influx of more and more spiritual power, the speed of the sword's rotation became faster, and the blue brilliance that enveloped Luo Yu also competed to dazzle.

"go with!"

Suddenly, I don't know how long it took, after Luo Yu conveyed a lot of spiritual power, a soft drink came out of his mouth.

Almost as soon as the voice fell, Luo Yu stretched out his right hand, made a lotus flower and pointed at the Qingfeng ancient sword above his head three times in a row, extremely fast!

"Puff puff!"

Three slight noises were heard, and suddenly three feet long blue sword energy flew out of Luo Yu's sleeve robe, and rushed into the ancient sword of Qingfeng non-stop, without the slightest sound of collision, It seems that the two coexist in one body, with the same origin.

After Luo Yu's three strands of Cuixu sword energy were completely submerged into Qingfeng's ancient sword, his face did not show the slightest slack, but became more cautious, because the fierce aura of Qingfeng's ancient sword was rapidly compressing Luo Yu's three strands of Cuixu sword energy , so that it undergoes a qualitative transformation!

This Qingfeng ancient sword has a special ancient formation pattern, which can multiply the monk's sword energy and sword intent, but this process is also extremely difficult.

However, this was not the first time that Luo Yu experienced such a thing. After playing some strange seal formulas in his hand, with the support of his own powerful spiritual power, the swaying and shining blue light became firm and firm again.

And Luo Yu seized the opportunity, the left hand was the same as the right hand, made a lotus flower and pointed again, and gave the same soft drink!


In an instant, three more sword qi of Cuixu rushed out from the index finger of the left hand, and submerged into the Qingfeng ancient sword like a river returning to the sea, but this time the ancient sword made a slight noise, and the fusion was not as easy as before.

Almost as soon as the Qingfeng ancient sword absorbed the other three Cuixu sword qi, the ancient sword's aura suddenly trembled, fluctuating up and down, as if something was rushing in it, trying to break out.

"One son and one mother, separate and unite!"

Luo Yu's face remained unchanged, and he played out all kinds of control techniques without missing a beat, all of which hit Qingfeng's ancient sword, and at the same time shouted a spell from his mouth.

This process seemed a bit long and difficult, but as time passed bit by bit, there were bean-sized beads of sweat on Luo Yu's forehead, and the ancient sword of Qingfeng had to succumb, gradually stabilizing the agitation.

After about half a stick of incense, two cyan light spots, one large and one small, emerged from the left and right ends of the sword tip. It is transparent and dazzling, but the larger cyan light spots do not emit as much light as the smaller ones, which is very strange.

Luo Yu's eyes finally showed excitement after seeing the two cyan light spots appear, but he did not dare to be distracted or neglect to control the two light spots to chase each other.


As if the sound of water droplets scattered, the two cyan light spots wandered for a long time according to a certain trajectory, and finally met together,

There was a cracking sound of 'Kaka', and two points of blue light collided and merged into one, turning into a blue light spot the size of a thumb, faintly surrounded by a group of blue halos.

At this time, Qingfeng's ancient sword trembled for a moment, and the cyan light was thrown out, and shot directly at the top of Luo Yu's head.

In an instant, the light spot entered Luo Yu's mind and disappeared, while Luo Yu closed his eyes tightly, and began to carefully feel the changes of the light spot in his body, controlling the latter to come to the acupoint he had already prepared. middle.

In the blink of an eye, half a day passed.

During this period, Luo Yu finally practiced the second child-mother heart sword energy without accident, and he was very happy in his heart, but he also lamented that it was too difficult to walk step by step in cultivating immortals.

After refining the second child-mother heart sword energy, Luo Yu quickly took the elixir and began to meditate because of excessive mana consumption on his body.

But not long after, Luo Yu suddenly felt that the defensive restrictions outside the house fluctuated, and when he was in doubt, he released his spiritual sense without hesitation and started to investigate.

Originally, Luo Yu thought it was his master or his wife who was calling him, but when his spiritual sense found out who it was, he was immediately shocked and showed a hesitant expression.

After a while, Luo Yu frowned and rubbed his chin, but finally gave a wry smile, got up and walked out slowly.

After coming outside the house, Luo Yu removed the restriction with a wave of his hand, only to see a graceful and ecstatic figure appearing in front of him.

Luo Yu could tell at a glance that the woman who came looking for him was Ximen Yan who had a strange look at him that day.

This woman stood outside the restraint with a hesitant and worried look on her face, she seemed a little nervous, even after Luo Yu removed the restraint, she didn't react instantly, but came to her senses after a pause, and quickly twisted her jade neck After realizing that Luo Yu had started to stare at him at some point, Tankou exclaimed, and let out a crisp "ah" sound from his mouth, and his face became even more charming and changed into a shy expression that only a little daughter can only have. , her pretty face flushed, and she said in embarrassment, "Senior Luo Luo, Yan'er is being polite."

"So it's fellow Daoist Ximen, I don't know what you want from me?"

A cold voice came out of Luo Yu's mouth, as if meeting a stranger. After speaking, Luo Yu looked at the woman suspiciously, but immediately returned to indifference. He remembered what happened back then. of.

After the Jumushan auction, this Ximen Yan did not abide by the rules, tampered with the storage bag containing the green feather robe without authorization, and even threatened and lured Luo Yu. She is really narrow-minded and extremely cunning.

For this type of people, even if they are as beautiful as a flower, they are still scheming femme fatales who only know how to climb dragons and phoenixes, and only seek profit. Luo Yu doesn't want to get involved in the slightest.

In addition, now that Luo Yu already has a woman he loves, he will not be fascinated by the other party.

"Yan'er doesn't want to disturb Senior Luo's cultivation, but Senior Luo still remembers that time when Mushan was dethroned?"

Ximenyan was not moved by Luo Yu when she saw her charming and charming face in disguise. The other party was not interested in the temptation of her beauty at all. Yu and Yan Lingsu looked very close, so they understood.

Yan Lingsu's ethereal appearance is indeed beyond her comparability.

Therefore, the woman gritted her silver teeth and asked sharply.

"The matter of Chu Mushan? I don't know what Fellow Daoist Ximen wants to ask? Could it be because of the bloodbath that killed hundreds of monks, why Luo was able to escape by chance, or seeing Fellow Daoist Ximen again now, which made Fellow Daoist Ximen feel disappointed Already!"

"Oh, by the way, it seems that Fellow Daoist Ximen is now a member of the Xue family. Could it be that he wants to avenge Xue Jing's defeat in the past and regain the green feather Xiayi from me!"

Listening to the other party's tone, Luo Yu seemed to be unaware of restraining his obsequiousness after knowing his icy breath, Luo Yu couldn't help but look slightly cold, and his voice suddenly became cold.

Taking this opportunity, Luo Yu pretended to be irritated again, and burst out her aura in the foundation building period. The powerful spiritual pressure immediately frightened Ximen Yan's face into paleness. The woman's reaction was not slow, she panicked Under the circumstances, the first time is to prop up a spiritual shield to protect himself.

As soon as the spiritual shield wrapped around the woman's whole body, the seemingly surging spiritual pressure receded in an instant like a tide, making the woman feel soft and unable to exert force, and the mana on the shield was gushing out and at the same time. Between the embarrassment of retracting, I feel uncomfortable all over.

"Fellow Daoist Ximen should go back. Luo is going to practice in seclusion. I want to depose Mushan, which is not what fellow Daoist really wants to ask."

After finishing speaking, Luo Yu's eyes flashed a cold look at Ximen Yan, who was frightened and motionless, and then turned her head away without hesitation, without any intention of paying attention to her.

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