fairy flame

Chapter 555 Visit

Regardless of the purpose of this woman coming to him, Luo Yu can almost conclude that the relationship between Ximen Yan and Xue Jing was extremely close last time, and he let Xue Jing be in the auction back then. I lost face at the meeting, but at that time, because of the painting skin technique, the other party didn't know me. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

But if this woman told Xue Jing that 'Qing Yu' was 'Luo Yu', although Xue Jing didn't dare to trouble him face to face because of his cultivation, he still wouldn't rule out doing something to him secretly.

Right now, Luo Yu has established a hostile relationship with Xue Yinyang as everyone knows, and he has to be careful in everything. If Xue Jing and Ximen Yan are also involved, he will be even more frightened. A trap ambush you.

Luo Yu really didn't want to make troubles, just finish the task safely and go back to work.

"Senior Luo is serious. Yan'er just came to tell Senior Luo a secret for the sake of old friendship, but she never thought that Senior Luo would be so unkind."

Ximenyan's face was sad and her voice was charming and charming, but how shrewd Luo Yu was, how could such a beauty trick make him fall for it.

I saw that Luo Yu still didn't turn his head, walking in the restraint, while sarcastically saying.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Ximen, for your concern. I can see clearly what danger is around Luo. I don't feel that it is a violation of the relationship between Fellow Daoist and Xue Jing that is worthy of scrutiny. Is it normal?"

Luo Yu didn't believe this woman's nonsense, old friendship?It's all bullshit, and the hatred of yesteryear is pretty much the same.

It's ridiculous to come here rashly just to care about your own safety. I'm afraid there will be a series of thrilling lies behind it. With Luo Yu's temperament, he will never believe it.

Often the person who says you are in danger is the one who will cause you danger.

"Senior Luo is really astute, and Yan'er won't hide it. This time, I want to tell senior about the secret of the Xue family's affair with the Kuaiji Mountains."

Seeing that Luo Yu was about to walk into the room with one foot, Ximen Yan's beautiful eyes rolled, as if she had thought of something, and as if she had made some determination, she simply said her intention.

Hearing these words in Luo Yu's ears, he immediately paused, as if his body was frozen there.

After Wei Wei for a while, Luo Yu turned around slowly, and said with a condensed expression: "The secret of the Xue family and the Kuaiji Mountains? This is a big deal, but Luo is a widow. What can it have to do with me?"

Having said that, but Luo Yu and the other party looked at each other with confidence, their momentum involuntarily weakened by three points, and their hearts were turbulent. Ximen Yan seemed to know that this time the Cuixia faction did not really want to celebrate her birthday, but It's a secret investigation!

Otherwise, even if the other party really knew something, why would they find me!

Luo Yu never believed that someone on his side would leak the secret, but looking at this woman, it didn't look like she was lying.

"Hehe, senior Luo is too cautious. Yan'er came here with sincerity this time, and I hope that senior Luo will not reject my concubine thousands of miles away."

Ximen Yan smiled coquettishly, seeing through Luo Yu's strong attire, a gleam flashed in her eyes, and said in a clear and melodious voice.

Hearing this, Luo Yu's face flickered with surprise, and immediately his face darkened again. He didn't answer directly, but stared at the woman before speaking in a calm voice.

"Fellow Daoist Ximen put aside the so-called 'secret' first, why not just say what you want to exchange for this 'secret' from Luo."

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Yu already understood that Ximen Yan must have known about her mission this time, otherwise she would not have come here so confidently, and said these words to herself with confidence.

Therefore, Luo Yu might as well simply have a showdown with the other party. Of course, Luo Yu will not believe everything Ximenyan said, but if the other party really has something that can betray the Xue family's secrets, it is true that he knows a lot of the Xue family's secrets, then it is not unreasonable. We can talk about it.

Compared to Luo Yu looking around for evidence in a daze, perhaps it is a good choice to start with this woman. Of course, when dealing with such a scheming person, Luo Yu must hold on to his principles and not be used by the other party.

"Senior Luo speaks quickly, but this is not a place to talk, how about another place?"

Ximen Yan said to Luo Yu with a smile on her eyes.

"Then go inside."

Luo Yu looked around, but he forgot that such a conspicuous place is really not suitable, so he wanted to call this woman into the Taoist room.

But as soon as Luo Yu turned his head away, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Ximen Yan blushed immediately after hearing the word 'enter the house', and just stood there in a daze without moving.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu didn't figure it out at first, thinking that this woman was going to play some tricks, but immediately slapped her forehead fiercely, and suddenly laughed in surprise: "I forgot, the status of Fellow Daoist Ximen is not as good as before. , if you are in the same room with me now, it is indeed a bit inconvenient, so please ask Fellow Daoist Ximen to find a suitable place to talk."

With the unusual identities of Ximen Yan and Xue Jing, if someone finds them coming out of Luo Yu's room, it will inevitably damage their reputation and cause a lot of gossip.

"Thank you, Senior Luo, for your understanding. In fact, Yan'er doesn't want to go to the senior's house. Apart from her identity concerns, the restrictions inside and outside the house may not be very safe."

Seeing that Luo Yu understood her difficulties, Ximen Yan immediately had a moving smile on her face.

"Restriction is not safe? Fellow Daoist Ximen means that these restrictions have the effect of surveillance and eavesdropping?"

Luo Yu suddenly asked in surprise, but as soon as he said the words, he felt that it was impossible. With his current formation skills, unless it was a prohibition set by an expert in the alchemy stage, there might be some tricks to hide it. His investigation, but the other party obviously would not do so.

Even if this is the case, it is impossible for Master and Mistress not to discover these secrets. If there are any strange things, Luo Yu should have received the news long ago.

"I'm not sure about my identity, but in order to be on the safe side, it's better to ensure absolute safety."

Ximen Yan chuckled, and responded in a gentle voice.

Luo Yu nodded, and he should be more cautious in other people's places. Maybe there is really some weird forbidden method that can have this effect, and it might not be obvious even with ordinary methods.

"Senior, please follow me."

Seeing that Luo Yu agreed, Ximen Yan smiled sweetly, and walked down the mountain stream with a slight swing of her willow waist.

Luo Yu waited for the other party to walk more than a hundred meters away, and then followed behind with a calm expression.

The two of them always kept a certain distance on the road, even in some lively and crowded places, no one found any connection between Luo Yu and Ximen Yan.

Luo Yu followed closely behind, and after walking for about half an hour, Luo Yu and Ximen Yan came to the bottom of a small valley.

This place is surrounded by towering trees as thick as two people hugging each other. The green branches and leaves are like green barriers enclosing the valley tightly, but it is a place that is not easy to be found by the naked eye.

At this time, Ximen Yan, who was slowly leading the way in front, gradually stopped, while Luo Yu came not far behind the other party after a while.

"Fellow Taoist Ximen can speak now?"

Seeing this woman, Luo Yu pretended not to see her, as if she was preoccupied with something, Luo Yu asked in an unusually vigilant voice.

However, he took a look at the place, and did not find any dangers such as formation ambush.

"Is it so difficult for senior to call Miss Yan?"

Unexpectedly, this woman turned into a tactful and mournful tone after sweeping away her seriousness and sincerity just now.

When Luo Yu heard it, he almost didn't even think about it and asked in a startled voice: "What do you mean! Did Fellow Daoist Ximen trick me here on purpose?"

The second update of "Xianyan" has been delivered, please collect it

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