fairy flame

Chapter 558 Re-trading

The old man Gongyang's skill with empty hands is partly due to the weird gray sack, which is said to be an ancient object with the magical ability to collect treasures, and the other half is the old hands of this old man. If you don't pay attention or hide your treasures well, even if the storage bag is stolen, you won't notice it at all.

Luo Yu didn't want to regret not taking precautions before suffering a loss.

Even if you are rude now, you can only offend him.

"Hmph! My old man's dignified alchemy cultivator can still bully you as a junior. Since nephew Luo Xian is worried, it doesn't matter if the old man stretches out his hands to show you."

Taoist Gongyang was almost out of breath, and his seven orifices were full of smoke. Ever since Luo Yu found out that he was hiding in the ground just now, under this old belief, he didn't dare to make any wrong ideas about Luo Yu. When a junior made a deal, he was misunderstood by the other party instead.

However, for the things in Luo Yu's storage bag, he could only lower the shelf.

Seeing the sulking look on the old man Gongyang's face, but he really didn't move forward, Luo Yu also felt relieved, and said with a calm expression: "I don't know what deal senior wants to do with junior?"

To be honest, Luo Yu also knows that he has a lot of treasures in his hands, even some rare treasures. Although those things are not needed for the time being with his current low cultivation level, as long as he can cultivate to the alchemy stage, no one will be able to use them. It is not of great benefit to him in the future, and it cannot be bought with Lingshi.

Therefore, if the old man Gongyang wanted to exchange those treasures from him, Luo Yu would never agree.

"Haha, although your brat is rude, you can speak frankly. The old man just said it bluntly. I know you have some millennium-year-old Huayuan stone milk in your hand, which is very important to control the fire-attribute puppets. The old man That’s what’s going to be exchanged.”

The old man Gongyang laughed loudly at first, and then his voice became a little urgent and eager, and a trace of fire appeared on his face.

"Thousand-year-old stone milk, how did the senior know that this thing is on the junior?"

When Luo Yu heard the words 'thousand-year-old stone milk', there was only a hint of surprise on his face, and a hint of luck, but he replied that he didn't answer the question.

This old man actually saw the huayuan stone milk on his body. Although Luo Yu didn't think of it at the beginning, but as soon as this old man finished speaking, Luo Yu suddenly realized it.

Back then in the Wanxian Temple in Fang City, Luo Yu was spotted by the master craftsman—Master Chi to have the treasure of earth and fire hidden in his body. The cold air temporarily sealed the vials containing the Huayuan stone milk, so it could be hidden for a while.

But now that the Jade Spirit Hanhalberd was given to Third Sister by Luo Yu, he forgot to properly handle those bottles of Huayuan Stone Milk.

In addition to the ability of the empty hands and empty hands, the old man in front of him is also a master of puppetry. Luo Yu is not surprised at all that he can feel the transformation of the stone milk.

It's just that Luo Yu used the fire armor puppets to maintain many formations to guard the cave over the years, and he has used up a lot of Huayuan stone milk. Now there are only about three bottles left in Luo Yu's hands. Because he was not in a hurry, Luo Yu fell It also didn't use too much mysterious flame to refine this thing.

Now even if the other party finds out, they will not suspect that they have ghosts because of the large number. At most, they think that Luo Yu is lucky and finds some in some fossil stone veins.

"Hey, you don't need to put it in front of the old man anymore, you kid. You have the breath of a low-level fire-attribute puppet in your storage bag. Naturally, you know that the Huayuan stone milk is the rumored 'soul milk'. To be honest, you will be famous. The condensed soul milk is used on low-level puppets, I really don’t know if I should say you are lucky, or are you stupid?”

Daoist Gongyang glanced at Luo Yu's storage bag vaguely, and immediately guessed the contents of Luo Yu's storage bag as if he had 'seeing eyes'.

This made Luo Yu a little shocked!

Seeing Luo Yu's stunned expression, this old man said modestly and triumphantly: "The Tianling puppetry practiced by this old man is very extensive and profound. You, a little foundation-builder, can't understand it, old man." As long as the 'Puppet King' can be refined, there is no need for the cultivator to spend his consciousness to distract control, and he can command hundreds of puppets to defend against the enemy, even the most popular puppet art in ancient times. Time, it’s nothing more than that.”

Taoist Gongyang said at the end, as if immersed in a beautiful fantasy, his eyes became obsessed.

And Luo Yu was terrified in his heart. The other party actually said that he could control so many five-element puppets. If it could be done, then this old man would not be arrogant. Hundreds of five-element puppets attack at the same time. I am afraid that the monks in the alchemy stage will die if they can't stop it, even if they are in the Nascent Soul stage, they dare not be hard-pressed.

Of course, Luo Yu is not as optimistic as this old man. After thinking about it carefully, he feels that this matter is unlikely. Just to refine the top-quality materials needed for hundreds of puppets, I am afraid that ordinary small and medium-sized sects will pay for it. I'm sorry, not to mention the old man Gongyang is alone.

However, since this old man likes to be self-satisfied, Luo Yu doesn't need to expose it.

"That's right, this junior does have some condensed soul milk in his hand, but the senior must also know how precious this thing is. I don't know what the senior wants to exchange with the junior?"

Luo Yu stopped talking nonsense and said calmly.

This gave the old man Gongyang an illusion, as if Luo Yu knew the value of Huayuan Stone Milk very well, that is, the preciousness of condensed soul milk, and the other party's original intention to fool him was impossible.

Sure enough, when the old man Gongyang saw Luo Yu's calm look, the occasional light in his eyes seemed to know everything, and he couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Immediately he said with a half-smile: "Nephew Luo Xian is also a monk in the foundation-building period, and he has profound knowledge. Naturally, this old man will not be shameless enough to take advantage of a junior, but you can't even use a treasure that is too powerful, such as a magic weapon. I can’t use it, so the old man will cut straight to the point. Here are three top-quality magical artifacts and several bottles of medicinal herbs that the old man has worked so hard to collect for many years. Calculated according to the value, a small bottle of condensed soul milk is exchanged for a top-quality What do Nephew Luo Xian think about the magic weapon and a bottle of elixir?"

Taoist Gongyang said with an extremely friendly smile on his face.

After finishing speaking, five or six dazzling light clusters appeared in front of him with a flick of his sleeve, floating and spinning quietly without moving.

Luo Yu's gaze could easily see inside, and among the treasures that the old man took out, a pure golden spear was about nine feet long, the golden light was dazzling, with a dragon pattern engraved on it, and it was roaring up to the sky. I knew it was a good attack-type top-grade magic weapon.

In addition, there is a short emerald green ruler with blue patterns and a dark green slippery writing brush like sandalwood. The aura emanating from these two treasures is also very strong. Luo Yu knew at a glance that they were top-quality magic weapons. .

The other two vials exuded a faint fragrance, which could drift leisurely into Luo Yu's nostrils from such a distance, obviously they were also good panaceas.

These treasures can make ordinary foundation-building monks crazy about them in the square market. Taoist Gongyang is full of smiles at this moment, as if he thinks that Luo Yu has no reason to refuse.

However, what made the old man scratch his head was that the junior in front of him kept his gaze blank, and finally shook his head with a deep and helpless face.

This had to make the old man stunned!

There are still monks in the foundation building period who are dismissive of the best magic weapons and panacea?

"These treasures of the seniors are indeed good, but the juniors know the truth that they can't eat more than they can eat. The juniors really can't accept these things."

Luo Yu pretended to be embarrassed and said with a wry smile.

"What! You don't want these things! This is a top-grade magic weapon, you...you are not making fun of the old man! Did you mean to trade with the old man from the beginning!"

Daoist Gongyang was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and couldn't help but yelled at Luo Yu. Could it be that Luo Yu wanted some of the most precious treasures in his storage bag, which were all stolen by Taoist Gongyang? Yes, no matter how much this old man loves Huayuan stone milk, he will not hand over the treasure that he regards as his life just for a few bottles of Huayuan stone milk.

At this moment, Taoist Gongyang stared at Luo Yu fiercely. He thought that Luo Yu deliberately didn't want to make a deal with him or wanted the lion to open his mouth to squeeze him.

Can the tiger beard of an alchemy cultivator be violated at will?It seems that if you don't give this kid some color, he won't care.

Just when Taoist Gongyang looked unkindly, Luo Yu suddenly said another sentence, which made the old man stunned again.

"Senior misunderstood, this junior really doesn't need these treasures, but this junior also wants to make a deal with senior, so that as long as senior is willing to do this junior a favor, then I can hand over all the three bottles of condensed soul milk on my body."

At this moment, Luo Yu smiled strangely with a soothing expression.

"Help me for what? I told you in advance that you don't have to think about the requirements related to the old man's kung fu or natal magic weapon. There is nothing to talk about."

When Taoist Gongyang heard that there was a turning point, he suppressed his anger a little bit, but this old man was also very shrewd, so he didn't overjoy all of a sudden.

Luo Yu didn't even want top-grade instruments and panacea, and this sudden request couldn't be simple.

"The younger generation naturally doesn't want these things. Senior, can you remember what you said just now that you can enter and leave the Xue family's four forbidden places at will?"

Luo Yu couldn't help laughing back.

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