fairy flame

Chapter 559

"You want something from the Four Forbidden Areas?"

Taoist Gongyang was surprised at first, then hesitated immediately, and said in a voice like a mosquito: "Cough! Old men can indeed enter these four forbidden places, and it is not difficult to obtain ordinary treasures inside, but there are a few The treasures protected by dozens of forbidden laws cannot be moved, I wonder what nephew Luo Xian wants?"

When he said this, the old man Gongyang seemed a little uncomfortable, and his tone was not as firm as before.

Luo Yu naturally knew that the old man was probably talking big just now, and the embarrassment and hesitation at the moment is a good proof.

But Luo Yu didn't talk bluntly, and still smiled flatly: "What the junior wants is related to the Yuankui mother bamboo in Yuankui's mausoleum, and needs seniors."

"The 2000-year-old Yuankui mother bamboo! Thank you for thinking it out! That Yuankui mother bamboo is the most precious thing of the Xue family. The two masters of the Xue family will usually practice next to the Yuankui mother bamboo. If you want to steal Yuankui's mother bamboo, don't say that I don't have this ability. Even if I have it, it will cause endless troubles. Your three bottles of Huayuan stone milk are not worth the risk. If nephew Luo Xian is not joking with this old man If so, change your request."

"In the Yuankui Mausoleum, there are still some Yuankui Thunder Bamboo from 600 years, or even a thousand years old. As long as Nephew Luo doesn't need too much of these things, I can get them for my nephew. Moreover, in 2000 The old Yuankui mother bamboo is a bit wasteful even if it is used by our alchemy-stage ancestors, I don’t believe that you, a foundation-building stage monk, need such a high-year Yuankui thunder bamboo to refine any treasure.”

Taoist Gongyang interrupted Luo Yu without thinking, and shook his head in a deep voice.

The attitude on his face was very firm, and there was no sign of anything to talk about.

But Luo Yu was not surprised at all, but said with a smile on his face that did not diminish.

"How can this junior not know about senior's concerns, and this junior has no intention of framing senior. After all, if something happens to senior, then junior will not be able to get away with it afterwards."

When Luo Yu spoke, he seemed calm and unhurried, which vaguely made Taoist Gongyang puzzled.

"Just tell me if you have any plans, you kid is also very clever, you probably won't ask me to do stupid things, hehe."

It seemed that Luo Yu had a perfect plan, and Taoist Gongyang was also aroused a little interest.

The old and the young are as affectionate as confidantes and friends at this moment.

This is also because Luo Yu's condensed soul milk is very useful to this old man who studied the Five Elements Puppet, and it is even very important. This old man's heart is itchy and Luo Yu is too vigilant to steal it, which makes Taoist Gongyang eager to stop. up.

"Actually, senior Gongyang guessed wrong. This junior doesn't need the mother bamboo of Yuankui, but the root of the mother bamboo—the bamboo shoots of mother Yuankui that grows in the ground!"

Luo Yu hinted by opening the skylight to speak frankly.

If you can have this Yuankui mother bamboo shoot, then Luo Yu's Wulei Banner can be completely refined, and if you use the Yuankui mother bamboo shoot from the year 2000 and refine it with a mysterious flame, the thing you can produce will be scary , Luo Yu can't guess exactly how old it can be refined, because he has never used materials from the year 2000, but the power must be amazing.

This is also the reason why Luo Yu was unmoved when Taoist Gongyang said that he could steal the millennium-old Yuankui Thunder Bamboo. Since it is necessary to refine it, it is natural to refine it to produce an earth-shattering treasure. The old saying that Luo Yu's cultivation base is too low, even if there are 2000 years of materials, it is impossible to use them in a short time, although it is true, but so what, at worst, Luo Yu put away these treasures first, and wait for the cultivation base in the future It’s too high, it’s never too late to use it again!

With the help of the mysterious flame, he doesn't have to worry about the slow improvement of his cultivation.

"Underground Yuankui bamboo shoots?"

Taoist Gongyang frowned doubtfully, but after pondering for a moment, his eyes flickered twice, and he asked suspiciously: "Do you want me to use the earth movement technique to sneak into the ground, and then kill Yuan Kuimu under the ground?" Steal the bamboo shoots?"

"Senior guessed right."

Luo Yu smiled back lightly.

"This method is not impossible, but there is usually an alchemy cultivator who is as strong as the old man guarding the vicinity of Yuankui's mother bamboo. It is not a problem to sneak under the root of Yuankui's mother bamboo, but when cutting Yuankui's mother bamboo shoots, Yuankui's mother bamboo will definitely fluctuate abnormally, so it is impossible for the other party not to find out, since your boy said so, he must have thought of how to solve this problem."

Taoist Gongyang glanced at Luo Yu meaningfully, and said undeniably.

"That's natural. Haven't seniors forgotten that the alchemy patriarchs of Yingxue Mountain will go to the sanctuary of the three apes half a day in advance the night after tomorrow? Isn't it a good time for seniors to do it? Moreover, seniors will go to the habitat of the three pythons half a day in advance. After obtaining Yuan Kui's mother bamboo shoots, even if the Xue family's ancestor of Dan Jie had no evidence, he would still think of his seniors. What the younger generation meant was that the seniors immediately went to fetch Yuan Kui's mother bamboo shoots to share with them The junior trades, and then takes advantage of the opportunity when many patriarchs are dealing with the three python apes, so they can easily leave this place, so even if the Xue family suspects it, the seniors will have already stayed away from this place by then."

"The juniors can't guarantee that this method will be successful, but I believe in the abilities of the seniors. If it is said that it will fail, the chance of failure is very small."

After Luo Yu finished speaking slowly, he couldn't help adding a word that fanned the flames.

After carefully listening to Luo Yu's plan, Taoist Gongyang twitched a few times, obviously aroused interest, the more difficult and exciting the theft, the more interested this old man is, and according to Luo Yu's analysis, regardless of success If you fail, there is always a way out. For Master Gongyang, who knows his own strength, it is really not too dangerous.

"Okay! Okay! I didn't expect you to turn your head so fast. I didn't expect this. It's a pity that you have already worshiped that stinky Confucian Li You as your teacher, otherwise it would be better to do 'stealing repair' together Miaozi, what a pity."

The more Taoist Gongyang thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, and he couldn't help but exclaimed in delighted surprise, and couldn't help but praise Luo Yu a few words.

"Hehe, then the senior has agreed, as long as the senior will hand over the Yuankui mother bamboo shoots to the subordinate, then the junior will definitely offer the Huayuan stone milk with both hands."

Luo Yu also heaved a sigh of relief and smiled with satisfaction.

It is really not an easy task to fight wits and bravery with a patriarch of the alchemy stage, but it has finally achieved its goal.

But Taoist Gongyang seemed to be excitedly thinking about how to steal it, and he was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't turn his head when he heard Luo Yu's kind words.

Luo Yu responded with a smile and didn't mind. After a while, Luo Yu and the boss who came back to his senses detailed the place and time of some transactions.

Then the old man claimed that he would make some preparations before stealing Yuan Kui's mother bamboo shoots, so he said goodbye and separated from Luo Yu.

Originally, Luo Yu wanted to keep the conversation between himself and Ximen Yan that the veteran overheard secret, but after thinking about it, the Taoist Gongyang was about to make a mistake with the Xue family, so how could he still report to the other party and offend Cuixia? There's nothing good about pies.

After Taoist Gongyang left, Luo Yu looked around cautiously, regained his composure, and went back as if nothing had happened.

When he came to the hut with beautiful scenery, he suddenly found a light red sound transmission talisman stuck on the restraint outside his house. With a slight movement of Luo Yu's consciousness, he found that the sound transmission talisman was the imprint of the master's mana.

Luo Yu calmly took the sound transmission talisman into his hand out of thin air, but didn't want to watch it immediately, strode into the room and closed the door, and immediately opened the restraint in the room.

As soon as he entered the room, Luo Yu sighed and sat down in the room, still holding the sound transmission amulet in his hand, with a contemplative look on his face.

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