fairy flame

Chapter 560 Xue Fang

Luo Yu meditated silently, it was because there was an inexplicable worry in his heart. Ever since talking with Ximen Yan, for some reason, Luo Yu always felt a strange atmosphere of oppression. They are all hidden dangers, but I really can't see anything.

Moreover, Ximen Yan hinted to herself that there seemed to be some weirdness in this forbidden hut, but the so-called weirdness was nothing more than a forbidden method such as surveillance and tracking. Whether it really existed or not, at least with Luo Yu's current formation level, it was impossible to see the problem Come on, but to be on the safe side, it's best not to show yourself too much in this hut in the future.

He glanced at the sound transmission talisman with a faint expression, just when Luo Yu wanted to sink his mind into it, suddenly he was inexplicably startled, Luo Yu slapped the storage bag without thinking, and took out the small skull flag. , after a little hesitation, he quickly raised the small flag, and at the same time a series of summoning formulas were hit on the small flag.

After the latter howled ghostly for a while, under the tumbling surge of a large amount of blood mist, a huge scarlet and terrifying grimace slowly squeezed out of the blood mist. Luo Yu looked at the blood demon in front of him, and smiled slightly. After nodding, he said a few words silently at the corner of his mouth, and then stretched out his hands flat.

And Xuesha received Luo Yu's sound transmission order, and the ghost eyes flickering like ghosts inside suddenly flickered, and immediately followed Luo Yu's instructions, and opened his mouth to spray!

A streak of blood-red yin energy as thick as a baby's arm shot out, and instantly circled Luo Yu's body like a python, from head to toe.

Immediately, after the cloud of blood mist wandered around every place on Luo Yu's body, it shot back quickly, and disappeared into the mouth of the blood-red ghost face in a flash.

"It seems that there is no problem, but it is better to keep a distance from Ximenyan in the future."

Luo Yu breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the non-exceptional message from Grimace.

Just now, he was worried that the savage female cultivator would do something on his body recklessly, leaving a tracking mark or something, so he wanted Xue Fiend to check it with his keen sense of smell.

As a result, I didn't have any special smell marks on my body, it seemed that this woman didn't have the guts to turn against each other because she couldn't agree with each other, otherwise Luo Yu wouldn't mind destroying flowers with her hands.

After feeling relieved, Luo Yu took a look at the contents of the sound transmission talisman. It was just words of concern to pay attention to his own safety, be alert to those around him, and not to intrude randomly. This made Luo Yu feel relieved. If you follow the master and wife closely, you won't have many problems.

Luo Yu's mood improved a little, so he didn't dare to practice kung fu inside. He just simply crossed his knees and held his breath to absorb the spiritual power from the outside world, even if it was just a little bit, Luo Yu would keep himself in the state of fullest mana at all times.

The peaceful night passed.

In the early morning of the third day of the celebration, Luo Yu meditated all night, and after feeling that his lungs were filled with energy, he got up and left the hut.

As soon as he flew out, he met the master and his wife who were going to the Blood Origin Hall. Luo Yu looked respectful and smiled, and hurried forward to say hello.

Li You briefly talked to Luo Yu, and because at noon today, all the Patriarchs of Jiedan were going to set up the Qiyuan Mirage formation, he left with his wife in a hurry.

But before leaving, he told Luo Yu that some good-quality spirit beast pills came out of Xuefang in the back mountain, and asked Luo Yu to go to the market to buy some and feed them to Tianming.

Luo Yu's spirit beast is very likely to be a mutant spirit beast, an extremely rare treasure, and Li You also wants to see the strength of Tianming when it grows up.

So after learning the news, he paid attention to it and told Luo Yu.

When Luo Yu heard this news, he was also very happy. Destiny is easy to say, growth is not slow at all, and he likes to eat spiritual fruits of fire attribute spiritual trees, so it is easy to deal with.

But Luo Yu's other two little ancestors, the cubs of the turtles, are not easy to serve. They seem to be not very interested in the five-element spiritual fruit and elixir. There are no shadows of them, Luo Yu has long wanted to find some better food to feed them.

It's just that for this kind of prehistoric spirit insect that has not appeared in Mengzhou for almost ten thousand years, apart from some simple records of habits and appearance, Luo Yu's "Beast Spirit Book" does not specifically mention the mantis tortoise. What do you like to eat, how to advance the fastest and so on.

These will require Luo Yu to explore one by one for a long time to come.

Therefore, with the news provided by Li You, Luo Yu naturally wanted to see it.

After watching the master and wife leave, Luo Yu drove the blue light of Youri Zhou to Xue Fangzhong in a hurry.

The sooner you go, the better, because after those patriarchs leave Yingxue Mountain, Taoist Gongyang will bring Yuankui Musun over to trade with him.

This is more important to Luo Yu.

'Xuefang' is only a few miles away from Yingxue Mountain, and because of the birthday of the ancestor of the Xue family, the number of monks in Xuefang has increased greatly. From the foot of Yingxue Mountain, you can see groups of people going to Xue Fang is a monk who tries his luck.

Luo Yu easily identified the right direction through some inquiries on the way.

In less than half a stick of incense time, Luo Yu, who was wrapped in a blue light, gradually appeared in his vision rows of houses gleaming with white light, forming several bluestone streets with different widths.

The construction of these houses is not high, but they are much more exquisite than the earth and stone cabins in the general market. There are elegant attics built of spirit wood, temples made of unknown white jade materials, and some built with solid stone materials. The large stone house has been completed, and there is a constant flow of people inside. It seems that this posture is much more prosperous than the many squares and cities that Luo Yu has seen before.

Of course, this Xue family has been the head of the immortal cultivating family in Yuanjiang Kingdom for hundreds of years, so it is not surprising that Xue Fang can have such a prosperous appearance.

Luo Yu descended without hiding his aura at all. When his figure appeared on a street, the people around him stood a little far away, but luckily he was not too surprised.

Taking a closer look, Luo Yu's spiritual consciousness moved, and he found that in Xuefang, there were quite a few foundation-building monks who seemed to be in a hurry, with cold faces and silent faces, on the street where he was. It's an elementary level of foundation building cultivation, but you can still feel the aura of some mid-stage foundation building monks here and there!

And when Luo Yu's divine consciousness was released just now, within a few hundred meters of him, there were three or four foundation-building monks hiding their auras. They all deliberately avoided their own cultivation, and they were most likely Some elders hired by Dashanpu at a high price, when there are unreasonable unreasonable monks in the shop, they will come forward to threaten them. It seems that I have to pay more attention in this Xuefang.

But Luo Yu doesn't need to pay too much attention to it. Now he really doesn't need to pay too much attention to ordinary monks of the same level.

He glanced at the plaques of several shops around him. It was a coincidence that Luo Yu found that the street he was on happened to be the place where elixir and panacea were sold in Fang City.

However, there are too many shops here, and Luo Yu really doesn't know which one to go to.

After pondering for a while, Luo Yu casually walked into your nearest shop.

This is an ordinary medicine store called 'Xiaonan Pavilion'.

"This senior is very polite. The senior came to my shop, and I don't know what medicinal materials I want. Most of the elixir in this shop is fire-attribute elixir from the Tianzhu Mountains in Yanzhou. For the seniors, I will practice fire-attribute exercises and refine fire-attribute treasures. It will definitely work."

As soon as Luo Yu walked in with curious eyes, there were already four or five guests inside, all of whom were young monks in the Qi training period. They moved away from the corner of the shop, making way for Luo Yu at the same time.

Seeing this, one of the sharp-eyed young men dressed as servants immediately showed an experienced smile and walked over respectfully and politely.

At this time, Luo Yu's gaze had turned around the small shop, and he found that the small shop was divided into several black counters, all of which were some fire-attributed medicinal materials and some fire-attributed refining materials, but they could be placed on the countertops in a big way The ones on the list are all ordinary goods, and they will not be very precious, so Luo Yu just glanced at them lightly.

After hearing the greeting from the young servant, Luo Yu suddenly smiled.

"The Tianzhu Mountains? It is indeed a good place for fire spirit veins, but Qing didn't come here for these fire-attribute medicinal materials this time."

As soon as Luo Yu heard this person's introduction, he knew that the signature items of this small shop were some treasures from the Tianzhu Mountain Range in Yanzhou. Luo Yu had heard of some treasures in the Tianzhu Mountain Range, but only a little.

However, Luo Yu has a certain understanding of the 'Yanzhou'. Yanzhou is also one of the seven Linhai states, but the strength of Yanzhou is only a step behind Lanzhou, the most powerful of the seven states. Mengzhou, where Yu lives, and Hezhou, which is now causing chaos everywhere, are not comparable to the two giants of Lanzhou and Yanzhou.

In fact, to put it bluntly, this is also the reason for the geographical location. Luo Yu heard that Yanzhou is full of lands with fire attribute spiritual veins, and the earth fire resources are quite rich. Most of the monks there are fire attribute cultivators. In addition, among the various attributes of the five elements, the most powerful attack is metallic spells, but there are so few golden spirit root monks in the world of immortality, Luo Yu feels that the five elements can only be counted as four elements.

Among these four elements, fire-attribute magic tools and spells are naturally the most powerful. Even in ancient times, the status of fire-attribute monks was second only to ancient sword cultivators. That's why Yanzhou's cultivating ethos and strength are so Strong and prosperous.

After seeing Luo Yu finished speaking, the servant was slightly taken aback. Luo Yu didn't come here for the fire attribute material, so what was it for?

But this young man was obviously proficient in smooth ways, and he didn't dare to ask senior monks at all.

"I heard that there are some good-quality spirit beast pills in this Xuefang, so Qing wants to buy some. Where is the place that sells spirit beast pills?"

Luo Yu asked in a flat tone.

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