fairy flame

Chapter 561

"It turns out that the senior also came here for the Spirit Beast Pill. The villain has heard about it. It seems that the shop that sells the Spirit Beast Pill is in the opposite row of shops, a medicinal material store called 'Black Jade Building'."

The servant bowed his head respectfully and replied.

"The Black Jade Pavilion is, that's disturbing the little brother."

Contrary to the expectations of the boy and everyone in the shop, Luo Yu didn't show any arrogance, but instead thanked the boy.

There are not many monks in the foundation building period who can have such a good temper.

It's just that after receiving Luo Yu's courteous treatment, this young man was so surprised that his face became very excited. To be treated politely by the monks of the Foundation Establishment Period, he hadn't encountered it a few times after working for so many years.

Seeing that Luo Yu was about to turn around and leave, this person couldn't help being flattered and stepped forward and said: "Since this is the first time for seniors to go to the Black Jade Building, and the rules in this Black Jade Building are somewhat different from those of ordinary shops, seniors may not Know?"

"Oh, I would like to hear about it."

Luo Yu revealed a faint smile and said.

"Senior, you are being polite. It is the junior's honor to be able to do your best for the senior. Speaking of which, some ordinary treasures in the Black Jade Tower can be bought with spirit stones. This is no different from ordinary shops, but if there is something that is in demand When the 'fresh goods' appear, the landlord there will make a strange rule that barter is required."

The boy said sincerely.

"Barter? Do you want to exchange treasures of equivalent value for the things you want to buy?"

Hearing this, Luo Yu really didn't know these things.

"That's right. The owner of the Black Jade Tower usually asks the buyer to exchange precious medicinal materials that are more than 500 years old. This time, the middle-grade spirit beast pills belong to this category. Unless other treasures are top-grade magic weapons and mid-level attack and defense talismans Rare items such as mid-level five-element escape talismans may also be able to attract the landlord's attention, as for the others, the possibility is very small."

When this Xiaosi said this, his face was slightly disapproving, and his tone seemed to be not very polite to that Heiyulou.

Luo Yu understands that although these merchants are friendly on the surface, there must be a lot of conspiracy behind the scenes, and it is normal for them to slander from time to time.

Of course, this little servant was probably also reminding Luo Yu that if he didn't have the elixir of the precious year, he shouldn't go to the Black Jade Tower, lest he get a bad nose.

But who knows, if it is 500-year-old medicinal materials, other people may have to rely on chance to obtain it, but for Luo Yu, this is not a problem.

When Luo Yu finished asking, he strode away from Xiaonan Pavilion with a little thought, and then looked around on the street. According to the direction pointed by the other party, Luo Yu hardly took too much effort, and saw a whole family made of black and white. A stone house shop made of jade.

But this stone house has a strange shape, narrow at both ends and wide in the middle, resembling a huge black strange fish.

Luo Yu was surprised by the shape of the shop, but then stepped inside without hesitation.

"Huh? There are so many tricks in this Black Jade Building."

Almost as soon as his feet stepped inside, Luo Yu saw two spacious and dark passages in front of him, one on the left and one on the right, all made of black unknown jade. But it was pitch black, with only a faint light shining through.

I don't know what's going on behind the passage!

The shop has such an unusual sense of contrast that it would have closed down long ago if it hadn't had some sought-after items.

"This fellow Taoist, if you come to barter, just go to the left passage, if you come to buy some common materials, please go to the right passage."

At this time, an old man with a gray beard came out from the passage on the left. After looking at Luo Yu, he was a little strange at first, but immediately returned to normal and said.

When Luo Yu heard the sound, the same astonishment flashed across his face as above. The old man who was in charge of receiving at the door of the Black Jade Building was actually a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment. This kind of handwriting is not ordinary.

However, with some strength, it is really possible for Luo Yu to buy food suitable for the mantis tortoise to advance.

"Qing is here to barter."

Luo Yu didn't have any expression on his face, and a tepid voice came out of his mouth.

"Hehe, fellow daoist, please go to the left. I hope you can buy what you want this time."

Seeing this, the old man with gray beard was not surprised by Luo Yu's tone, and respectfully made a gesture of invitation.

Like Luo Yu, many people in Fangshi would neither pretend to be ignorant nor swollen their faces to appear fat, in order to prevent the other party from finding out their cards, which would cause unnecessary troubles.

Luo Yu was also polite, and walked into the passage calmly.

The light around the passage is dim, but if it is just to distinguish the direction, the naked eyes of the immortals can do it.

I don't know what kind of material this black jade is made of. Luo Yu walked in the aisle, and felt a wave of coldness seeping in from the bottom of his feet. Under the stimulation, he kept his mind clear.

But this cold meaning is not a kind of cold attribute spiritual power, because the icy cold thread in Luo Yu's body has never moved.

The layout of this passage is also very strange. Only then did Luo Yu realize that the passage was actually a spiral bend. picture of.

There are giants more than ten feet tall holding a trident to fight giant beasts, and there are also three or four giant beasts with long beards and top horns fighting each other, all kinds of things, but it is strange that in these pictures They all have some characteristics, they are not on land, but seem to be in the rough sea.

These fierce battle scenes belonged to the type of head-to-head confrontation, which was so weird that Luo Yu was extremely shocked.

Those hundred-foot monsters that seemed to be able to set off strong winds, thunder, and huge waves could only run away after Luo Yu glanced at them, but the half-grown stone-carved man in front of him seemed to have divine power that pierced the heavens and the earth, with stars and moonlight belts all over his body. Surrounding him, such as the advent of the god of thunder, cutting rivers and seas, all relying on his own physical fists and feet and the trident giant halberd in his hand to fight in a real way.

Punch!Make hundreds of feet of deep-sea ravines and turn the world upside down!

kick!As if hollowing out the deep sea and kicking into the abyss, the violent waves cover the sky and block out the sun, making the sun and the moon dark!

Can humans and monsters fight like this?

It was the first time Luo Yu saw it, and he couldn't help thinking that it was drawn as a prank for fun, but he didn't want to form an indissoluble bond with this scroll after hundreds of years.

After leaving the passage, there is a shining hall inlaid with exquisite moonstones everywhere, and dozens of people in it are watching something quietly.

And Luo Yu glanced around, and found that the hall was covered with various transparent counters, inside the counters one could clearly see various elixir neatly placed, and there were even some magical artifacts and precious monster materials , which surprised Luo Yu a little.

But none of those monster beast materials surpassed the third-level monster beast, so it was meaningless to Luo Yu.

The second update of "Xianyan" has been delivered, please collect it

There is an exam in the evening, the number of words in the second watch today is a little less, please forgive me, there is no way


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