fairy flame

Chapter 567 Teleportation array and empty spar

Luo Yu calmly came to a dark corner where no one could be seen. After looking around for a while, he immediately used the painting skin technique he was familiar with, and a strange spiritual power rushed to Luo Yu's face Looking up, the facial features were like extremely elastic dough, and they began to change according to Luo Yu's memory. After a long twist, Luo Yu, who came out from the corner again, was already the same as the horse-faced monk just now. It's almost the same.

It's just that the horse-faced monk has the strength in the middle stage of foundation establishment, which cannot be disguised. After thinking about it, Luo Yu simply doesn't reveal his aura, and uses the resting formula to hide it completely, as long as he can confuse the opponent.

But at this time, Luo Yu, to be precise, should be the monk with the horse face. His face had already changed into a livid and frightening expression. After the middle-aged man found himself, he walked in with a calm face.

Luo Yu walked briskly to the middle-aged man, and regardless of the astonishment in the other's eyes, he said directly: "Did a foundation-building monk come to test you just now, wanting to find out my identity?"

The voice sounded worried and hurried, but the expression was really vivid.

But when the middle-aged man heard these words, he immediately calmed down his expression a little. After the surprise faded away, when he was about to speak, a wave of vigilance suddenly surged in his heart, and he forced a smile to respond: " Why did the senior go and come back again?"

The tone of this person's answer to the question is obviously doubtful about the identity of the person in front of him, hesitating.

For a moment, Luo Yu didn't expect that although this person was timid, he was not sloppy at all, and he was extremely careful, but Luo Yu didn't know how to answer, because he didn't know whether this was the other party's code word or something, in case the answer was wrong Yes, then it will be troublesome.

I saw Luo Yu humming heavily in a hurry, with a dissatisfied expression on his face, then he took out the 'Yao Tian Token' he had snatched from his sleeve, flashed it slightly in front of this person, and immediately took it away go in.

"Stop talking nonsense to me! If you delay the big event, your little life can't afford it!"

Luo Yu threatened with cold words, as if he didn't want to say more.

But what Luo Yu didn't expect was that after he took out the Yaotian Ling, the middle-aged man immediately looked like a mouse seeing a cat, his expression suddenly changed, and after hearing Luo Yu's impatient voice, the feeling in his heart The trace of surprise disappeared immediately, and at the same time, he put on an apologetic smile, and said in a respectful low voice.

"Senior, don't be offended. This junior didn't mean to be rude. There was indeed a Foundation Establishment cultivator who came to this junior to inquire about it just now. That's why this junior was so careful just now. Could it be that senior has some quarrel with that person?"

The middle-aged man asked with a trace of curiosity and doubt.

"Really? Don't ask if you shouldn't! Otherwise, you won't live long."

Just judging from these few words and the expression on the middle-aged man's face when he saw Yao Tianling, Luo Yu had already proved what he thought in his heart, so he immediately yelled in a bad mood.

The latter naturally admitted his mistake again and again, and bowed his head in silence.

"You didn't tell him who I am?"

Luo Yu suddenly had a murderous look in his eyes, and asked again.

Since things can't get better, then Luo Yu won't be so passive that he doesn't even know who is trying to deal with him. Maybe he can use this identity to find out some secrets, but at this moment, he must be careful with every word. Be careful not to let him see that something is wrong.

"Senior, you can't be more worried. We are just acknowledging your orders and ignoring others. Even the younger generation doesn't know the identity of the senior, so how can we tell others."

The middle-aged man naturally smiled smugly.

"Ah That's good."

Luo Yu was startled when he heard the words, but after pondering for a while, he said expressionlessly.

After some testing, I didn't expect such a result. The person in front of me didn't seem to be lying. It seemed that he really didn't know anything. This Yao Tianmeng made things so secret, I don't know if it was planning What are you wearing?

Luo Yu was faintly worried, perhaps the other party's plan had something to do with this birthday celebration.

Thinking of this, Luo Yu was still unwilling to leave like this in the end, so he asked: "Did that person ask us about this transaction?"

Luo Yu thought, since it was impossible to know the identity of the other party, maybe he could find some clues from the storage bag just now.

"No, even if the other party asked, the junior would not dare to reveal a single word, otherwise the owner will punish him, and the villain will not be able to bear it."

When the middle-aged man said this, seeing the disbelieving look on Luo Yu's face at this time, he finally became a little angry in his heart!

His real identity is not an ordinary shop waiter, if it wasn't for the fact that the alliance requires no one to make any mistakes in what they are responsible for, he might be in a romantic place right now, and was ordered by his master to come here After Niaobula died, he always smiled with others, and even just now because of your personal grievances with the "horse-faced monk", you almost brought disaster to yourself and provoked an existence that should not be provoked. And angry.

At this moment, the horse-faced senior was indiscriminate, he really treated himself as if he was a servant, and shouted at will. Such a high-ranking and pressing question made the middle-aged man feel extremely angry, and finally couldn't help the tone of innuendo. One sentence.

"Senior, I've been more careful recently. The shopkeeper ordered me to find the 'Kongming Crystal Stone' from the bottom of Chizhou's deep sea with great difficulty. Seniors can't cause any trouble in the Kongming Stone because of personal grievances. Once the teleportation array is set up, the elders in the alliance will be furious."

The middle-aged man seemed to complain a little.

If that's the case, I'm afraid all the monks on this mission will suffer.

"Empty crystal!"

Luo Yu was so shocked that he almost blurted out!

Others may not know much about this thing, but he has a deep understanding and a fresh memory!

Isn't that the most important material for refining the teleportation array!

Sure enough, everything was still related to the teleportation array, the appearance of Yao Tianmeng, the disappearance of the old man surnamed Mei, the secret ambush of Lay Qingyi, all these things still happened in the direction Luo Yu least expected!

Luo Yu couldn't help showing a hint of horror on his face.

However, he immediately realized his carelessness. If the other party saw his expression just now, he would definitely become suspicious.

You have to stabilize your mood and emotions.

At this moment, a mere qi-training cultivator dared to accuse Sang Huai of threatening him. Under normal circumstances, he should be taught a lesson!

"Bold! How dare you threaten me!"

Luo Yu sneered on his face, his body was shaken, a powerful aura swept away, and a thick spiritual pressure suddenly emerged, how could a group of small Qi training monks stop it.


The four or five qi cultivators in the shop, including the middle-aged man, suddenly looked terrified. They were shocked by Luo Yu's invisible momentum and retreated several steps, but they still couldn't face it. to kneel.

But at this time, two spiritual pressures that were slightly worse than Luo Yu's suddenly appeared upstairs from the shop, and they pressed down on Luo Yu with a clear purpose, but Luo Yu didn't have the slightest intention to stop, and his face was not surprised. , the spiritual pressure has increased a bit!

Immediately, the aura of the three collided together, and there was a muffled sound of 'bang bang' in the store, and the tables, chairs and counters around were slightly shaken by the invisible air waves, as if even the air was tense all of a sudden.

There are at least two early foundation-building cultivators hidden in this store. Although Luo Yu is one against two, he is not at a disadvantage, but it is just a competition of spiritual consciousness. Let's take a look at the strength of this store. Now that it has been achieved, if you continue to ask questions, you will not be able to hear anything, so you can leave.

At this time, Luo Yu's spiritual sense was touched, and he put away the spiritual pressure as if the tide receded, and the two people upstairs saw that Luo Yu's spiritual sense was so powerful, one against two, they must think that Luo Yu was in the middle stage of foundation establishment monks.

"Senior, you"

The middle-aged man saw that Luo Yu withdrew the oppression and finally managed to stand up, he couldn't help trembling slightly in anger and dare not speak.

The second update of "Xianyan" has been delivered, please collect it


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