fairy flame

Chapter 568 The first confrontation

When Luo Yu heard this, he just glanced at this person, and finally looked deeply at the second floor of the shop, then walked away slowly and calmly.

This strange move made everyone in the shop bewildered for a while, but no one dared to step forward to stop it.

Even the two Foundation Establishment cultivators who were hiding on the second floor just now had no intention of stopping them. Of course, now they thought Luo Yu was the horse-faced cultivator.

But everyone didn't know that Luo Yu was quietly putting one hand on the storage bag at his waist at this moment, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. If there was any change in the two foundation-building stage monks upstairs, he might have to fight a fierce battle. It's time to play, because with the shrewdness of the foundation-building monks, the other party can test out his true and false with a few words.

In the end, Luo Yu breathed a sigh of relief. He walked out of the store smoothly and abnormally, without anyone blocking him. It seemed that the other party didn't dare to be too presumptuous with a mid-stage cultivator of his own, and let it go.

After coming out, Luo Yu didn't stay any longer, and disappeared from the crowd with striding meteors. After a few breaths, at another place a few streets away from this alley, a figure wrapped in cyan light was driving a A Qingzhou magic weapon shot straight into the sky like a startled rainbow.

During the flight home, Luo Yu's expression was extremely gloomy.

Since the matter involved the teleportation formation, it might really make a big fuss. Luo Yu must tell the master and wife about these things, so as not to cause any surprises.

Right now, my cultivation level is still low, so I may not be able to figure out what the powerful Yaotian League means by opening up a teleportation array here, but Li You is well-informed, maybe he will be able to discover something.

About half a stick of incense time passed, Luo Yu paused, then shot down immediately, and entered the Yingxue Mountain, flew past the palace attic without any delay, and arrived at the mountain stream where he lived .

But as soon as the escape light came down, Luo Yu suddenly let out a soft 'huh', and his face changed slightly.

I saw a man and a woman talking quietly in front of their hut.

The two of them naturally felt Luo Yu's escape, and when they looked back, they had different expressions.

One is cold and impermanent, but the other has a flash of murderous intent, and then quickly returns to normal.

Although the expressions of the two were clearly pointing, after Luo Yu saw the appearance of the two of them, he almost didn't need to look much to guess it.

Among them, the male is handsome and suave, well-dressed, like Mr. Pianpian, who else is Xue Yinyang?

Needless to say, the woman is Yan Lingsu with a beautiful face.

Luo Yu knew at a glance that Xue Yinyang must be pestering him again, but what was strange was that Yan Lingsu had been lukewarm about this, so why did he come out to talk to Xue Yinyang now.

Although there were many doubts in his mind for a while, Luo Yu walked over without changing his face.

However, Xue Yinyang didn't know what to say at this time, Yan Lingsu frowned after thinking about it, and then nodded.

Then Xue Yinyang was overjoyed, put on a handsome smiling face and said a few more words, saw Luo Yu gradually approaching, turned around and left with fists in the arms of Yan Lingsu.

unfortunately!The direction of this departure happened to be towards Luo Yu.


As soon as this Xue Yinyang turned around, Luo Yu thought that the other party was jealous and hated, and the hot-blooded brain would rely on the strength of the late foundation establishment to release the spiritual pressure for himself, and give him some warnings such as imposing pressure, after all, that day Luo Yu embarrassed him, but he didn't expect this person to be so scheming. Not only did he not show any abnormal behavior, but he seemed extremely calm.

When the two were only a few meters apart, Xue Yinyang remained calm and just looked at Luo Yu with a smile.

However, Luo Yu knew in his heart how forced the other party's smile was, but since the other party liked such hypocrisy, Luo Yu would not hesitate to accompany him, as if a friend met, showing a friendly smile, but sneered in his heart .

It's just that if Xue Yinyang didn't take the initiative to say hello to him, then Luo Yu wouldn't bother to take the initiative to pay attention to you.

However, just when Luo Yu thought that the two of them were crossing paths, Xue Yinyang suddenly stopped in front of Luo Yu in a polite and elegant manner, and said with the same smile on his face: "I don't know the name of this friend Gao, Xue has always liked to make friends with some of his peers."

These words sounded like an ordinary warm greeting, but when Luo Yu heard it, it was quite different. Xue Yinyang himself was in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and he was much higher than himself, but he kept saying that he was commensurate with his peers. A deliberate hint of irony in itself.

Luo Yu's heart is old and hot, so naturally he would not be irritated by the other party's words, but replied in a flat voice.

"Cuixia School! Luo Yu."

Luo Yu seemed to be intentional, and put the three words Cuixia faction in front, and his tone was stronger, but his own name was mentioned in a low voice.

And this kind of answer is undoubtedly a blow to the other party. It seems that the wind is calm, but it is actually a battle of wits and courage!

The hidden meaning of this sentence is that no matter how high Xue Yinyang's cultivation base is, what can you do? Before you joined the Cuixia Sect, you were just a mere casual cultivator. The status of casual cultivators is very poor in the world of cultivating immortals. Yes, they cannot be respected at all. When Luo Yu said this, he unconsciously put himself in a superior position.

Hearing this, Xue Yinyang's face paused for a while, his smile restrained a bit, but he also showed extremely high self-restraint, calmly cupped his fists without any anger, and said with unchanged expression: "So it's a cultivator of the Cuixia sect. Xue's eyes are clumsy. I didn’t recognize it, but Xue has remembered it firmly this time, so I will pay a visit some other day.”

After speaking, without waiting for Luo Yu's answer, he quickly left the place.

But what this person said before leaving made Luo Yu's heart tremble, but at this moment he didn't have the time to understand it, even if he couldn't beat Xue Yinyang, he believed that running for his life was safe.

It's just that this person is the most scheming young cultivator that Luo Yu has ever seen. Luo Yu faintly feels that in the future, on his long journey of cultivating immortals, he will be constantly entangled with this person, and he may be an old enemy!

After Xue Yinyang left, Yan Lingsu looked at the two of them indifferently, and when she saw Luo Yu approaching, she seemed to be waiting there quietly knowing something was up.

Just as Luo Yu came to this woman and wanted to speak, Yan Lingsu spoke first.

"Senior Li and his wife have already gone to Heiwu Peak to hunt down three python apes, and they have explained everything on this sound transmission jade slip."

After finishing speaking, he calmly took out a pale yellow jade slip and handed it to Luo Yu.

Luo Yu was taken aback when he heard the words, and couldn't help but take back what he was about to say. He took the jade slip in silence, and at the same time, he put the jade slip on his forehead and slowly checked the contents inside. content.

With such a move, a trace of complexity flashed in Yan Lingsu's eyes.

After a few breaths, Luo Yu finished reading the content, and the expression on his face changed.

"I'm going to help too?" Luo Yu murmured suspiciously.

Although the content inside is too incomprehensible, it is absolutely true that Li You left for himself. The familiar voice and taste above cannot be imitated at all.

It turned out that in order to prevent the three apes from escaping, the ancestors of the Xue family asked these alchemy masters to organize the foundation disciples and arrange some small defensive formations around the seven yuan mirage formation. In this situation, the three pythons are really hard to fly.

It's just that the ancestor of the Xue family appointed him to participate, which is a bit unbelievable, and for a while Luo Yu couldn't think of anything wrong.

After putting away the sound transmission jade slips, Luo Yu's face was a little cloudy. After looking at the woman in front of him, he still felt that he had to clarify the stakes with this woman.

Therefore, Luo Yu didn't hide anything, so he revealed most of what he had seen and heard in Fangshi to this woman. Although Yan Lingsu didn't really come to Yingxue Mountain for a mission, but his life was at stake, and Luo Yu was not good either. I watched helplessly as this woman fell into a trap and fell into a dangerous situation. After all, the relationship between the two is a bit complicated.

It took a full half an hour before Luo Yu finished talking to this woman about some things to pay attention to, and discussed with her what to do next.

In fact, it's just a question of where to run for your life when the waters are at the end of the mountain. Li You also pointed out this point in detail in the Jade Slips.

However, regarding this matter, Yan Lingsu also seemed to have gotten the news from his mother-in-law, and everyone set the meeting point in case of an accident at the Jedi in the Yuanhe River—near the Blackwater Ice Pool.

Although this move is somewhat unbelievable, Li You's explanation makes sense.

Because today the master got a secret map from a friend for many years, which introduced a secret route that can successfully avoid the Eagle Snow Mountain, and then fly from the Blackwater Ice Pool to the Yuanhe River, and the location and direction of the route, There are more detailed records in the jade slips.

Even Luo Yu couldn't help sighing that the master was so delicate and thought so far-reaching.

Of course, all of the above is what the four of them least want to see. In fact, everyone hopes that Heshou can return safely this time. Judging from some of the findings, I am afraid that things are far from being so simple.

However, Li You and his wife still don't know about Yao Tianmeng's arrangement of the teleportation formation here. After discussing with Yan Lingsu, Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu felt that they had to inform the master and wife of these hidden dangers. whats the matter.

"Fellow Daoist Yan, since everyone doesn't want to provoke troublemakers, please forgive me for asking more. Xue Yinyang's sudden visit just now is not just to visit friends."

Luo Yu's words were a bit abrupt, perhaps even he himself didn't know whether there was a hint of jealousy in it.

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