fairy flame

Chapter 569

After Yan Lingsu heard this, the ethereal expression on his face remained unchanged, and he didn't seem to be surprised, but replied indifferently: "Actually, if you don't ask Fellow Daoist Luo, I will tell Fellow Daoist about this. After all, this matter is indeed related to us. The actions of the four are somewhat related, and Lingsu doesn't want to drag everyone down because of my personal reasons."

The woman spoke softly at first, but her expression suddenly became slightly agitated.

"Xue Yinyang's coming to see me is actually related to my mother!"

Yan Lingsu's gaze was firm, and she turned around lightly, her bright phoenix eyes looked towards the direction of the back mountain, dazed in a daze.

"Is it related to Senior Yan? Is it really in the Black Water Ice Pool!"

Luo Yu was surprised this time, and asked in a daze.

"I don't know, Xue Yinyang just said that not long ago, there was a strange movement in the black water ice pool, and he vaguely saw an ice spirit and cold spirit rising into the sky, but when the monks of the Xue family rushed there, the vision It's over, and there were still many monks who saw this scene and can testify."

The woman seemed to be fascinated, and without turning around, she told her frankly: "Do you know that in the entire Mengzhou, there will never be more than five monks at the alchemy stage who can use the true energy of ice spirit and cold soul, but if those People don’t dare to break into the Blackwater Ice Pool to mess around alone, and my mother is one of the rare ones, and it just so happens that the "Guanghan Gong" she practiced is just suitable for the bitter cold environment of the Blackwater Ice Pool!"

In fact, when Luo Yu heard this, he already understood that this woman was determined to make a breakthrough, but he was not as optimistic as this woman.

Yan Lingsu also knew that by doing so, it was very likely that the gathering place of the four would be exposed, but in order to find her mother, she had to test it out. When she saw Luo Yu's silent expression, she seemed to want to When he was saying something, Luo Yu interrupted him with a meaningful smile.

"Since Daoist Yan has made up his mind, I can understand it, so I won't ask any more questions. However, the weasel pays new year greetings to the chicken, so please be careful tomorrow, Fellow Daoist Yan. No matter what the reason is, Luo doesn't want to lose one person when he leaves. It can be said that the two middle-level earth escape talismans are coming from the Yan Taoist gang, and tomorrow, if the fellow Taoists enter the Blackwater Ice Pool and encounter danger, they may be able to use them."

This time, Luo Yu made up his mind. Instead of being entangled with this woman and disturbing his mind, he might as well follow her wishes. He just needs to do his best, and he still has a lot of troubles to deal with. deal with it.

I saw that after Luo Yu finished speaking, regardless of Yan Lingsu's stunned and surprised expression, with a flick of his sleeve robe, a golden talisman appeared in the palm of his hand, but immediately fell in front of Yan Lingsu with a flash of brilliance, floating in the air. In the middle of the sky, Luo Yu didn't wait for the other party to refuse, so he turned around and walked into his hut without hesitation.

After the figure entered the room, the next moment, the forbidden brilliance outside the room rose up, enveloping the entire hut at once.

Luo Yu's series of seemingly indifferent but caring actions made Yan Lingsu not know what to say for a while. After standing quietly outside the house for a long time, he came back to his senses in a trance, and then turned towards himself walk in the hut.

At the same time, the light of prohibition was lit outside the house, and it could not be closed tightly.

Luo Yu, who returned to the house, couldn't help but feel tired for a while, sighed suddenly, and slowly sat down cross-legged to think quietly.

Judging from all the current signs, the things in Ying Xue Mountain became more and more confusing and confusing. Luo Yu didn't let himself be in this kind of environment for a long time, which made him feel a little bit of crisis in the dark.

Luo Yu forced himself to calm down, and did not dare to meditate. He sat alone in the room with his eyes closed and meditated, flashing all the things in the past few days in his mind one by one, not easily missing the slightest detail, and Carefully analyze the pros and cons.

In the end, although Luo Yu didn't figure it out, he still had a rough idea of ​​who and what things he should be wary of.

In addition, Luo Yu also took out the sound transmission talisman that the master had sent to him. After thinking for a while, Luo Yu also left the words he wanted to report in the sound transmission jade slip. Zhunyin Yujian quickly issued a seal formula, and after a burst of bright yellow light trembled, Yu Jianjian rushed out of the hut with a 'swish', and the restriction outside the house did not block the slightest bit, and the yellow light soared into the sky and sank into the high-altitude clouds Gone.

At the same time, Luo Yu began to close his eyes and meditate. If his predictions were correct, Daoist Gongyang should have succeeded immediately, and he still had to make a deal with this old fox.

After Luo Yu sent the sound transmission jade slip, the hut suddenly became silent.

At the same time, on a mountain peak covered with thorny bushes, there are seven people forming a large circle with their legs crossed and their eyes closed, but they are not meditating because each of them is floating in front of them or hovering above their heads , or walking in the palm of a light white square flag of different sizes!

Although the size is different, the appearance of the monster painted on the Sifang Command Flag is exactly the same. It is a pure white one-horned lion with a bloody mouth and thin eyes. One can tell it is some kind of mysterious powerful monster at a glance!

I saw these people's hands, whether fast or slow, hastily or slowly, continuously typed out complicated formulas one after another, which turned into various auras and hit the pale white square flags one after another, and immediately absorbed all the flags without reservation. The aura is also constantly rising, and there is a faint white air like a dragon running through the heads of the seven people, turning bright and dark in the circle surrounded by the seven people, forming some kind of subtle connection.

These seven people are none other than the seven alchemy patriarchs who came here in advance to set up formations. At this moment, they are all arousing all their mana to sacrifice the seven white command flags, and the command flags are initially formed under the support of their strong mana. The power and influence is already very frightening.

Any immortal cultivator in the qi training period here, if he feels the astonishing spiritual pressure for a moment, he will probably be uncontrollably fainted.

At this moment, the expressions of the seven people are not relaxed, but extremely dignified!

After half a stick of incense, the front part of the white gas that was walking around the seven people suddenly stopped, but immediately caused the white gas behind that was still at the same speed to squeeze forward, but no matter how the white gas behind was pushed forward However, the former was unable to move even an inch, but the white air rushing from all around was still pouring in desperately, gradually gathering more and more white air, and a dazzling white ball of light visible to the naked eye formed step by step among the seven people. , There were bursts of explosive and restless breath from inside!


The white ball finally swelled to the limit and exploded suddenly, unable to grow any larger, as if raining white light on the heads of the seven people.

The moment the white ball exploded, the seven people all snorted at the same time, but they didn't dare to hesitate. They all raised the square flags in front of them, and they spread out in the wind and turned into several feet in size, like a white cloud covering the sky. Above the seven people's heads, the white light rain hit the seven white clouds, like a mud cow entering the sea, without any change.

But as the light rain gradually dissipated, the bodies of the seven patriarchs bent as if they couldn't bear the pressure, and there was a little pain on their faces.

However, the seven of them immediately returned to their normal state.

At this time, one of the red-capped old men opened his eyes first, and a sternness flashed in his cloudy old eyes, but when he saw the people around him slowly recovering, a friendly and friendly smile appeared on his face.

After a few breaths, the remaining six people opened their eyes one after another, and it was difficult for them to hide a hint of disappointment.

"It failed again. It seems that the Qiyuan Mirage Array is not as easy to control as we imagined."

The first to speak was the poisonous old monster who had always been dissatisfied with the Cuixia faction, and his expression turned ugly after he finished speaking.

The second update of "Xianyan" has been delivered, please collect it


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