fairy flame

Chapter 574 Advancement and Weakness Period

Among them, the horse-faced foundation-building cultivator opened his mouth expressionlessly, and a large group of shimmering aura spewed out from his mouth. After hitting the formation flag in an instant, a ball of dazzling green aura burst out, and then the horse-faced cultivator held All kinds of formulas were played quickly, wrapping the flag in one go.

The rest of the people also used their means one after another to raise their respective formation flags.

But the rays of light emitted by the other three are different, they are gold, yellow, blue and other different colors.

Luo Yu held the formation flag and murmured for a long time, then suddenly stretched out his right hand. After a slight flash of red light on the palm of his hand, Luo Yu wiped it heavily on the formation flag calmly, and then his face turned pale. As usual, he followed other people, throwing the five-color flame flag above his head, and with a wave of his sleeves, a spiritual wind blew out, and the small flag flew and circled around Luo Yu, emitting a blue-colored aura.

The five people raised their flags, and in a short while, the five colors of brilliance took shape in mid-air, and began to intertwine slowly in a certain order and pattern, as if they were merging with each other. The curtain slowly floats in mid-air, it is abnormally thick and looks indestructible.

After the formation was formed, the five formation flags turned into five sword-like brilliance and dashed into the soil as soon as they moved against the wind.

Then, everyone began to wait quietly.

But no one expected that, just before the time for a stick of incense, there was a sudden burst of furious roar from the top of the Black Mist Peak, rumbling like thunder!

Although the five people sitting cross-legged below had been prepared for a long time, after being suddenly heard by this thunderous beast's roar, they all seemed to be facing Tianwei, and felt a sense of horror in their hearts!

Luo Yu was also stunned by the roar for an instant!

Even if the monks in the foundation building period were like this, those immortal cultivators from the Xue family's qi training period were naturally even more distressed. They all shook their bodies, covered their ears with screams, and staggered a lot.

And although Luo Yu's brain was shaken like everyone else, but because his spiritual consciousness was far superior to that of monks of the same level, he was sober faster than the horse-faced monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment. Look up to the sky.

The others also followed Luo Yu, waking up one after another, all staring at the sky with both curiosity and fear.

But at this time, after the deafening beast roar, three extremely thick silver-gray beams of light suddenly shot out from one direction on the top of the mountain, surging against the wind, with a sharp screaming sound, straight through Looking at the sky, from the angle of Luo Yu, those beams of light seemed to penetrate into the clouds, piercing the sky with three huge holes!

These three silver-gray beams of light seemed to be descending from a tornado and hurricane, rolling and stirring in the sky one after another. Luo Yu has seen the most shocking scene since he practiced so far!

Within the range covered by the gray beam of light, the sky tens of miles wide was throbbing with thunder and thunder, a scene of doomsday invasion, and at the same time, the silver-gray fog rushed into the height of ten thousand feet one after another, and spread violently in all directions, like a violent wind and tsunami All the white clouds that come into contact with these silver-gray mist will quietly turn into faint black, forming black clouds hanging in the sky as black as ink, in less than a moment!

The celestial phenomena changed drastically within a range of more than ten miles!

At the same time, an extremely depressing atmosphere immediately rose in everyone's hearts, and the huge black cloud above their heads made the foundation-building monks feel extremely uncomfortable!

The roar of the sixth-level monster is so powerful that it can change the sky, just a trace of raging breath makes Luo Yu feel powerless!

Even though the gap between the cultivation of immortality and the end is huge, Luo Yu didn't expect it to be so terrifying!

I don't know if the masters can handle this kind of power.

While Luo Yu was worried, the situation on the top of the mountain was even more unexpected!

The seven alchemy patriarchs stood in a row in the air, staring at the silver-gray abyss not far in front of them, each of them was amazed, but there was more fear in the astonishment.

And the source of this fear, apart from the angry and violent roar just now, is more from some faint blue flames floating in the sea of ​​fog, seemingly soft and harmless!

The wisps of small flames flickered like fireflies in the sea of ​​fog, wandering around seemingly aimlessly.

And this is the poisonous tribulus inflammation that frightened even the monks in the Nascent Soul stage!

I don't know how long it took for the seven patriarchs to come back to their senses. Although the poisonous fire of caltrops is infinitely powerful, as long as the people don't get close to it, the fire can't get out of the sea of ​​fog without anyone controlling it. It's not the biggest threat. Judging from the black and terrifying celestial phenomenon caused by the three silver-gray beams reaching the sky, it seems that some powerful monster is about to descend from the sky.

There were even a few Patriarchs of Formation who were almost stunned as the expressions on the faces of the founders gradually expanded as the darkness of the sky gradually expanded, covering a wider and wider area!

"Fellow Daoist Xue! Are you sure that the three pythons only have the cultivation base of a sixth-level monster? This level of power may surpass the anger of a seventh-level monster!"

Among the seven people, the beautiful woman in blue shirt asked Xue Qinglin coldly with an extremely gloomy face!

Hearing the voice, he seemed very angry.

"How could this happen! The last time this old man fought against this evil beast, the other party clearly only had the cultivation base of a sixth-level monster. How could it be possible to become so powerful in just half a month! There must be something hidden in it. "

Xue Qinglin's face was equally unsightly. He never thought that such a thing would happen after he sprinkled the poisonous saliva of the rotten crocodile into the sea of ​​silver-gray mist just now.

He naturally heard the roar not long ago, but he didn't understand that the three pythons in it had taken some kind of strong medicine, and they burst out with such a strong momentum before they showed up.

However, the seven of them did not dare to go deep into the sea of ​​fog to observe. After all, within these two hours, the poison of the pupil Gu and the poisonous saliva of the rotten crocodile initially combined to form an extremely unstable poisonous fire of thorns. If you break into it with your cultivation base, once you touch even a trace of cyan flame, no matter how many treasures you have, no matter how powerful your magical powers are, it will be wiped out in an instant!

Xue Qinglin's ambiguous answer at this time obviously dissatisfied many of the founders of alchemy. Now they all doubt whether Xue Qinglin's statement that the three pythons only have the strength of a sixth-level monster is true or false.

Just when several people looked at each other, there was another questioning voice with a little doubt.

"The changes in the celestial phenomena are too exaggerated. Even a seventh-level monster can hardly cause it with a single roar."

It was Li You who spoke with a pensive expression. He stared at the thick black clouds and the silver-gray clouds rolling and churning in the sky for more than ten miles in the sky, and seemed to see something.

"Oh? Does Li Daoyou know why?"

Hearing this, the Nangong swordsman at the side couldn't help but ask.

The other patriarchs also immediately turned their heads to look over.

"Li is just guessing, but before answering fellow Taoists, Li must ask one thing clearly."

After Li You finished speaking, his eyes fixed on Xue Qinglin. After a moment of pondering, he continued with a heavy tone: "Fellow Daoist Xue, the last time you met this beast, was the other party's cultivation base a sixth-level monster beast at the beginning or a sixth-level monster?" The pinnacle of super monsters?"

"Brother Li, what do you mean by that?"

When Xue Qinglin heard it, his eyes flickered, and he seemed to realize something, but he didn't answer directly.

"It is the peak strength of a sixth-level monster, but as long as this beast is at the level of a sixth-level monster, no matter what level it is, it will not be a threat to the seven of us joining forces."

Xue Qinglin hesitated for a while, then returned to normal, and said indifferently.

"That's not necessarily the case. A sixth-level monster that is about to advance can have such abilities, but it's not controlled by itself."

Li You suddenly became astonished, and after he finished speaking, a smile appeared on his face.

Even Shen Qian, the teacher's wife beside her, looked puzzled.

"Advancing! Could it be that this is the celestial phenomenon for the monster beast to advance? Isn't this the weak period of this beast at this moment!"

The Nangong swordsman from Nine Swords Valley said with a surprised face, and immediately shouted out after realizing it.

As soon as the words 'weak period' were spoken, almost all the other masters of the alchemy became a little excited.

"According to Li Daoyou, we happened to interrupt the advancement of this beast? That caused such a vision, then this beast will be in a state of great loss of vitality no matter whether the advancement is successful or not, plus the poisonous fire of thistle I'm afraid it's too weak to survive the erosion!"

The middle-aged alchemy cultivator wearing a felt hat also suddenly realized.

It turns out that in the world of cultivating immortals, not only immortal cultivators, but also monsters, before or after they have successfully advanced, they should not fight immediately, otherwise the matter of advancing will most likely fall by the wayside, and He will also suffer great damage from the beating, almost cutting off the chance of hitting the bottleneck next time!

Even in the world of cultivating immortals, if someone is interrupted by an outsider at a critical moment of advancement, it would be a hatred as deep as ransacking one's family and destroying one's family.

"Haha, it turned out to be a false alarm. No wonder there was such a weird celestial phenomenon. It turned out that there was a problem with the advanced stage. Didn't the three pythons become paper tigers at this moment?"

Xue Qinglin suddenly smiled with relief on his face, and the worry on his face gradually faded.

The rest of the patriarchs also felt relieved. The celestial phenomenon created by this beast was originally intended to scare everyone. It didn't have much ability at all. It was actually hiding inside to not expose its injuries.

But the seven people watched the poisonous fire of thistle gradually sinking in the mist, and all of them showed smiles on their faces. Under the gradual pressure of this fire, the beast must not be able to hide for long.

But at this time, Li You suddenly stared at the poisonous old monster who had not spoken with a strange expression. With an insolent personality, could it be that Yu'er's speculation in the Jade Slip is really true?

Li You faintly had a bad premonition, but looking at the faces of Xue Qinglin and the poisonous old monster, there seemed to be nothing unusual.

And just at this moment when Li Yousi was thinking about it, a terrified and dull roar suddenly came from the silver-gray sea of ​​fog, and then everyone saw a huge black shadow flickering in the sea of ​​fog with their naked eyes, and then went black. The shadow continued to magnify again, and almost everyone was surprised, the black shadow was about to break through the sea of ​​fog and fly out!

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