fairy flame

Chapter 575

"Everyone, get ready! Start to set up the formation!"

The moment the black shadow was about to appear, Xue Qinglin immediately withdrew his smile, and at the same time yelled at the people around him in a solemn voice!

As soon as he finished speaking, a thick layer of spiritual light appeared on his body almost at the same time under the comprehension of several alchemy patriarchs. After the spiritual light enveloped the whole body, there were white square flags flying above everyone's heads, white light He circled generously.

After the seven people's hands formed the same seal formula with dignified faces, all of them entered the flashing white command flag with a flick of their hands, and the spiritual light of the formula disappeared quickly.

Then several patriarchs uttered the incantations of the refugees in unison, and under the plausible words, the flying seven order flags uttered a clear sound at the same time, and after the white light rose and shrank, it became bright and dazzling!

And at this moment, the huge black shadow finally broke through the sea of ​​fog, brought a gust of wind and screamed, and fell heavily on the ground!

Immediately, a pungent and unpleasant smell of blood rushed towards the seven people, and in the blink of an eye, it filled the entire peak of black mist!

When several patriarchs saw the appearance of the monster in front of them clearly, they all couldn't help feeling a little bit of fear in their hearts.

At first glance, the monster in front of him looked like a python with a head and a python body. It was covered with dense silver-gray scales. It was about thirty or forty feet high and more than ten feet wide. It seemed like a moving hill, suddenly appearing in front of you.

What's even more strange is that this beast actually has three heads, each of which looks like a ferocious ape, which is very scary.The silver-gray hairs on the heads of the three apes hang down straight like steel needles, shining brightly, and a row of sharp and huge teeth are distributed in a canine pattern, which is extremely bloody. The strong smell of blood is from the three apes It came from the giant mouth.

After the appearance of the three pythons, the heads of the three apes swung back and forth on the seven people, roaring in a low voice. When they looked at the seven people in front of them, they became extremely cold and terrifying. The thorns stood up violently, and at the end of the python's body, the snake's tail, which was stronger than a hundred refined iron, swung around, and even the air made a 'chichi' sound!

"Friends of the Daoist! Formation!"

Xue Qinglin scanned the three python apes with his spiritual sense, and immediately saw that Li You's words were true. The beast's aura was irritable and unstable, and it looked like it was seriously injured. Suddenly, he felt a little regretful in his heart. If he had known this beast earlier If it is advanced today, there is no need to spend the precious Minghuang Pellet to invite these people to help. I and my clan brother Huotou Tuo are enough to kill it.

It's just that killing the monsters this time is only a small part of the plan, and the Minghuang Pill given out is not so easy to swallow.

After Xue Qinglin's order fell, the seven of them were divided into two groups as if they had agreed long ago, four in front and three in back in an orderly manner.

The four people in front were Xue Qinglin, the poisonous old monster, Li You, and the felt-hat Confucian scholar. Seeing that the three pythons might attack at any time, they met the three pythons from the front without advancing but retreating.

These four people either opened their mouths to spray, or slapped the top of the head, or slammed their chests and abdomen twice. After making various strange movements, treasures containing powerful coercion shot out from their bodies one after another. They are different, but almost all of them are very small when they come out, and after a while, they grow to several feet or tens of feet in the wind!

These are the natal magic weapons that can only be sacrificed by alchemy monks!

At the same time, the three people standing behind nodded and raised their heads tacitly at the same time. They all poured all their magical power into the four flags above their heads, and the flags shone like daytime. Suddenly, the white clouds from above appeared in this world. The brilliance of the white clouds was misty and illusory, like a transparent mirror.

Immediately after the four of them submerged their respective banners into the ground, Baixia violently trembled and burst, turning into a hurricane-like white air wave covering the entire mountain, and after creating such an amazing scene, the three of them still Instead of stopping, he played various spells more quickly and connected them together!

In an instant, the situation changed again!

The surface of the white air waves like mountains and seas set off waves again, and milky white beams of light shot up into the sky crazily, like a volcanic eruption. Roughly counting, there are a total of [-] beams of light forming a strange pattern, a huge white light As soon as the pattern appeared, those white beams of light seemed to be summoned by some kind of strange call, and they all rushed to a certain place above the heads of the three boa apes!

The speed of the beam of light was strange, and it actually came to the three pythons one step ahead of the four alchemy masters in front. However, when the beast was about to attack, those beams of light stopped at the top of the beast's head and converged crazily. In the blink of an eye, a huge and extremely white The ball appeared dangling above the heads of the three pythons!

The white ball trembled, seemingly fragile, and would shatter if touched casually, but unexpectedly, the beast was still inexplicable, and the ball suddenly expanded to a diameter of more than a hundred feet

, and exploded suddenly like lightning, as if after the thunder roared and the sound of lightning strikes sounded, all the scattered white air rolled down and turned into a four-four with a length and width of about a hundred feet. Square mask!

The mask is white and flawless, and the inside looks cloudy, and the scene is constantly changing, but only the three huge pythons trapped in it are extremely clear.

Of course, this beast obviously did not expect to suffer such a weird attack. Under the anger, everyone could hear the deafening roar even through the mask.

At this moment, Shen Qian, the beautiful woman in blue shirt, and Nangong swordsman are controlling the Sifang Command Flag. When the [-]-foot-large Sifang mask is formed, the figures of the three of them are shrouded in a stream of white clouds, and the rays of light After the flash disappeared immediately, the place where the three patriarchs cast their spells just now became completely empty!

At this moment, the four people in front had rushed into the square mask without any hindrance, but the scene they saw was quite different from the outside.

Inside the huge white mask, there appeared two identical boa apes with three heads, tentatively testing each other, gasping for a pungent smell as thick as a bucket, and at the same time, huge eyeballs that were slightly red. He stared viciously at the giant beast that looked the same as him!

The two beasts can't help but have the same shape, and even their movements are consistent to the point of being lifelike!

"Haha, everyone! The mirage in the seven-element sky mirage formation has already turned into a beast. Since these three pythons have a certain wild blood, their spiritual intelligence is much lower than that of monsters of the same level. It is impossible to tell the difference." True or false, with the help of mirage beasts, as long as we don't get out of the mirage blockade, I can let go and attack!"

Seeing this, Xue Qinglin immediately spoke to the other three with a proud face, and at the same time took the lead, only to see a jet-black spear floating in front of him suddenly radiate for a while, and under the instillation of the old man's mana, it instantly turned into a sword. It was tens of feet in size, and when it was waved, there was a loud sound of piercing through the air, and with a scream, it immediately slammed towards one of the ape heads!

At this moment, the three-headed python was staring at the opposite mirage beast that looked exactly like him and dared not make a move, but after seeing the extremely long 'Ugo' hitting him, he immediately With an angry roar, his figure immediately rose several meters higher, one of the three heads raised his head violently, his fangs opened instantly, and after sucking and spitting out, gusts of cyan wind roared fiercely Then I met Ugo!

Suddenly, the aura shines!The gust of wind burst, and Wu Guang pierced into it without fear, and the few wind pillars in front were easily torn apart, but as more wind pillars continued to gather and shrink, Wu Guang's forward speed suddenly slowed down, but he was still in the blue. The fierce left and right conflicts in the wind column kept going!

I saw the two brilliance of Qingwu intertwined in mid-air, as if they were evenly matched.

Seeing this scene, the blood-colored eyes of the three pythons let out a deafening roar, and at the same time twisted the other ape again, and circles of white icy air burst out from its mouth. Under the whirling of the white air, Its light became more and more dazzling, as if a mass of violent ice and snow was forming!

But at this time, the mirage created by the formation didn't move at all?

And the remaining three people in the sky saw that the other head of the three pythons was about to join the battle, so their expressions sank in unison.

But when the three of them saw that the turned ape head was about to release an ice spell, their eyes suddenly lit up!

When the poisonous old monster among them was about to drive the magic weapon 'Viper Staff' hovering beside him to attack, Li You, who hadn't seen him for a long time, took a step ahead, and a white sword light rushed towards him like a horse with sharp vigor. A head was chopped off quickly.

At the same time, Li You's chuckle came from the poisonous old monster's ears.

"Fellow Daoist Poison, you're being polite. I'll give this ice-attribute ape head to Li, and leave the remaining thunder-attribute ape head to fellow daoists to deal with."

As soon as the unremarkable words fell, although the poisonous old monster didn't show any expression on his face, he secretly scolded Li You for being shameless. Everyone knew that the three ape heads of the three boa apes were skilled in ventilation, ice, and thunder respectively. Three attribute spells, and it is more well known that any attack of thunder attribute spells is much more powerful than the same level of spells. Now Xue Qinglin is relying on his cultivation in the middle stage of alchemy to snatch an ape head that can only swallow wind attribute spells, Li You He took the first step to fight with the ice attribute ape, and according to the original plan, there would be only the last thunder attribute ape head and a huge python tail tens of feet long!

Originally, the poisonous old monster wanted to deal with the python tail that supported the free movement of the three ape heads, but Li You finally made his words very clear, and asked him to deal with the most powerful one by name. Couldn't it be that Li You had the upper hand because he was given the reputation of being timid and fearful in front of everyone.

The Poison Boss has reached such a level of cultivation, and his reputation is often considered very important. Besides, everyone came prepared this time, even if it is a bit tricky for him to deal with the thunder attribute ape head, but there is no real threat to his life .

Right now, Li You is flying his sword in the air, and thousands of scorching white sword lights are already fighting with the overwhelming ice rain and ice spears. Under the flexible twisting of the many sword qi, the ice cone is in the continuous sound of 'clicking' , It turned into ice chips and scattered, and at the same time, thunderous collision sounds resounded, and endless colorful auras burst continuously.

Although Li You's sword attack can't really hurt the python ape beast, the latter's ice attribute magic doesn't seem to be too much of a threat to Li You. As long as the little white sword magic weapon rotates in front of Li You once, it can Forming a white sword wheel to completely defend against the ice pick and ice arrow, it seems that Li You is relaxed and still has the leisure to pay attention to the situation of other people.

Seeing this scene, the poisonous old monster had no choice but to grit his teeth, set his mind to aim at the viper stick above his head quickly, and suddenly a large green mist appeared on the viper stick, appearing eerie.

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