fairy flame

Chapter 580 Great Fall

As soon as the terrifying and loud howling sound came out, the silver-gray light curtain was enveloped by the howling sound, and after a burst of streaked golden light rippled, everything inside suddenly became silent!

Just a moment ago, Zheng Huan, who was originally under the protection of the silver-gray light curtain, was biting each other with the three pythons and mirage beasts. He had already beaten the mirage beasts to a dim brilliance. As if someone had cast a hold technique, his body froze in place, the huge animal face was full of dullness, and under this dull gaze, streaks of silver-gray blood burst out from the animal's eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and other five sense organs. , Blood spurted from all directions, as if a silver-gray rain of blood had fallen from half the sky!

And the three apes with such serious injuries seemed to be unable to feel it, and they didn't react at all!

No more struggles!

At this moment, after seeing such a terrifying and strange scene, not only the monsters who bear the brunt of the attack, but even the few Alchemy Patriarchs who were watching the play were dumbfounded!I didn't expect that the treasure of monk Nascent Soul's "Inch Golden Ear" would be so powerful, and I still didn't realize it in my mind!

"Everyone, the old man has to collect the spoils first! You're welcome!"

Among the four, only the Confucian scholar in the felt hat, who cast the spell, only had a slight surprise on his face, as if he knew the result a long time ago. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

After the quickest reaction, he saw that the silver-gray light curtain without the control of the three pythons collapsed without a trace. In his heart, he was ecstatic, and the felt-hat Confucian scholar, who knew that the sound wave effect would not last long, moved towards the motionless The three pythons rushed over!

And under this person's slap in the face, the rest of the patriarchs also came to their senses one after another, so they didn't care about being surprised and started to use their own methods.

Xue Qinglin quickly stepped on Wu Gango, turned into a black light and rushed over, while Li You and the poisonous old monster were a little slower. After all, it was agreed just now that the body of this monster has no place of its own. , even if they rushed up, they would not get any benefit after killing the three pythons, so the two of them were not in a hurry.

In case your actions are too obvious, you will be misunderstood by Xue Qinglin that you want to reap some benefits again.

At this moment, the felt-hat Confucian scholar was undoubtedly the first to arrive at the destination.

"Hehe! This lightning-attribute ape head is mine!"

Almost as soon as the figure stopped at the top of the heads of the three boa apes, and waved the golden elephant ears back into the sleeves first, the face of the felt hat Confucian scholar was full of madness and greed, but the sternness in his eyes disappeared after a flash. , and saw Xue Qinglin also quickly approaching the three apes, with black wires flashing out of his head desperately, aiming directly at the head of the ape with wind attribute!

At this time, the felt hat Confucian student's heart trembled. Although it was agreed in advance that the thunder-attribute ape head in front of him belonged to him, but according to the normal vigilant thinking, he was not Xue Qinglin's opponent after all. With such rare treasures in hand, I am afraid that I will not get any benefits, so the felt hat Confucian scholar did not dare to delay, and suddenly spewed out a stream of pure spiritual energy to hit the Miyun Banner magic weapon, and immediately, The golden liquid gas that emerged from the surface of the golden flag transformed into a more pure golden haze and crazily rolled out. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a ten-foot-high golden beam of light fixed in the air, emitting violent and abnormal mana fluctuations!

Not long after the golden beam of light was formed, suddenly the golden light trembled and lightly drank the word "explosion" at the corner of the felt hat Confucian student's mouth, and suddenly it exploded like a golden sun dazzlingly. But there was a huge phantom similar to golden scissors!

After the giant golden scissors shook slightly, it quickly shot at the three pythons with slack eyes. At this moment, the latter moved slightly, as if there was a slight reaction!

But it is obvious that it is not a matter of three minutes before being fully awake.

At the same time that the golden giant scissors aimed at the thunder-attribute ape's head and fell, the felt hat Confucian scholar's face turned pale, but there was a flicker of madness in his eyes.

The giant golden scissors in front of him almost gathered the Miyun True Qi that he had cultivated all his life. At this moment, when all of it was unreservedly released, it seemed that his own mana could not support it, but when he thought that this thing was what Patriarch Xishan wanted For what I want, I feel in my heart that no matter how much I pay, as long as I can win the favor of the ancestor of the Nascent Soul Stage afterwards, it will be all right!

Similarly, a similar scene was happening about ten feet away from the felt hat Confucian scholar.

After Xue Qinglin saw the felt-hat Confucian scholar attacking first, whether it was out of greed or because he really wanted to get rid of the beast as soon as possible, Xue Qinglin had to use all his strength. Seeing the tyrannical look in the old man's eyes flashed, he suddenly turned the beast Wu Gango was thrown into the air, and when the latter grew to a size of more than ten feet and was firmly on top of the head of the wind attribute ape, Xue Qinglin flipped his hands and pinched out a strange formula, murmured silently, and instantly Another finger in the air!


Wu Gango was frantically shaking in mid-air, hundreds of black silk threads were squeezed out desperately, and merged together in the blink of an eye. After the light flickered, it turned into a black-glossy ghost-headed sword. The majestic breath of heart palpitations!

And it's not over yet!

I saw that after Wusi flew out of Wu Gango's gun, a large amount of blood-red air whimpered and emerged slowly, making ghostly screams. After the appearance of these blood-red air, Xue Qinglin's face also appeared Somewhat collapsed, but he still gritted his teeth and controlled the blood-red air to tumbling violently for a while, barely forced into a piece of blood-red light as thin as a cicada's wing and trembling 'woo-woo', the blood-red light stopped next to the ghost-headed sword!

At this time, when Xue Qinglin saw that the old man in the felt hat had launched the giant golden scissors attack, he immediately followed up and launched his two attacks at the same time. Cross and cut!

But at this moment, Xue Qinglin seemed to glance slightly at the old man in the felt hat who was excitedly on his head, and a sinister sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth!

"It actually refined two kinds of Qi!"

After the two rushed to attack respectively, they fell to the back, and at this moment, Li You and the poisonous old monster, who could barely fly to the vicinity of the three boa apes, fought their lives when they saw Xue Qinglin and the felt-hat Confucian scholar Come, I was very surprised, but after seeing Xue Qinglin's black silk and blood, my eyes flashed, and then I couldn't help but burst out!

At this moment, both of them were extremely shocked, that Xue Qinglin had refined two kinds of qi in secret!Although the magic power needed to be activated at the same time is even greater, the power is by no means comparable to that of an alchemy cultivator who has refined a kind of 'Qi'!

This Xue Qinglin has never shown such a hand to the outside world. This person has great strength, and he can bear it so much.

After Li You saw it, there was no doubt in his heart. Compared with himself, Xue Qinglin is definitely much stronger now. Coupled with the strength of the other party in the middle stage of alchemy, it can be said that he is firmly on top of himself in all aspects!



One after the other, the sound of roaring, bursting and colliding erupted. Amidst a flash of brilliance and silver-gray blood spurting, the sounds of the three boa apes crazily roaring in pain were extremely miserable, and a large number of red and white things overflowed in one after another. Driven by the strong wind and strong energy, it scattered all over the sky!

Faced with such a bloody scene, Li You has been letting go of his spiritual sense to sense carefully. Through those dazzling lights, he first found that Xue Qinglin's ghost-headed sword cut into the depth of about one-third of the neck of the wind-attributed ape's head, as if It seemed that he had encountered some great obstacle, but immediately amidst Xue Qinglin's sneer, the seemingly small blood-red light sheet followed, and as soon as it touched the scales on the neck of the wind attribute ape's head, it cut fiercely. After entering, the speed was still astonishingly fast. Immediately after, he pushed forward all the way without seeing it, and shot past the place where the ghost head sword had slashed smoothly. Immediately, a blood-red light shot out from the other side, and the light disappeared into the sky without diminishing. Very far!

All just happen in the blink of an eye!

And the eyelids of the wind-attribute ape-head were only half opened, and they drooped helplessly again, hardly making any struggle sound!

But what happened to that huge roar of pain just now?

While Li You and the poisonous old monster were terrified, they immediately seemed to think of something, and turned their heads to look at the place of the felt hat Confucian scholar in horror!

As a result, as soon as his gaze was fixed on this person, he heard a shrill and abnormal scream in his ears!

Li You glanced over the past, and first found that the giant golden scissors cut into the same third of the neck of the thunder-attributed ape's head with a "click" and was blocked by an inexplicable obstruction, making the giant scissors unable to be stored. Seeing this scene, the old man in the felt hat panicked, and couldn't help but fly closer. Just as he was about to use another method, the thunder-attributed ape head that was not killed in one fell swooped down in heart-piercing pain. After waking up, he suddenly opened his strange red eyes, which were the size of a wheel, and roared in anger and grief under the condition that they were full of madness, desolation and monstrous hatred!

This deafening sound was so close to the felt hat Confucian scholar, the latter had no room to dodge at all, and before he had time to make any defenses, he was shaken into his head by the loud sound, and suddenly his mind was spinning, his ears were full of numbness and buzzing The sound of the felt hat Confucian scholar suddenly stopped in mid-air, motionless!

At this moment, after the thunder-attribute ape-head roared, it was unable to swallow the lightning attack because of the heavy injury, and its body was held tightly by the mirage beast below it, unable to move, but the eyes of this thunder-attribute ape-head flashed Come on with a touch of madness!

No movement was seen, but the circle of silver-gray spikes on the neck stretched and retracted at a speed that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye. With a crisp sound of "Zi La", those conical spikes were like arrows flying from the string. Like shooting at the felt hat Confucian scholar who is doing nothing at all!

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