fairy flame

Chapter 581 Great Fall

The piercing sound of 'whoosh' went straight!

I saw nine spikes soaring into the sky, and surrounded the felt hat Confucian scholar in an instant in a violent howling lasing. At this time, the felt hat Confucian scholar just woke up from the shock, and immediately felt the danger around him In the end, I thought these spikes were just a normal attack from the three pythons' dying struggles, so I didn't show much concern on my face, but immediately all the expressions of the felt hat Confucian scholar were overwhelmed by a silver-gray mist up!

Not quite like drowning!It's completely a frightening devouring of the soul!

At the moment of the calcium carbide fire, Li You could only see the Confucian felt hat rapidly enlarging the magic weapon "Miyun Banner" on his head, wrapping his whole body in a flash, and making full defense preparations, but he couldn't stop the silver-gray mist at all. Like a plague contagion, the Miyun Zhenqi barrier released by the Miyun Banner could not hold up even in the blink of an eye, and the golden light wailed instantly, and layers of silver-gray mist rolled over the felt hat. The Confucian scholar was involved in it, and after the cultivation of the latter's alchemy stage, he was wiped out in the silver-gray mist without any resistance except for a scream!

This situation is simply appalling!

I saw the silver-gray mist rolled a few times, and then drifted away quickly. A gust of wind blew by, and several alchemy masters suddenly felt a gust of cold wind 'swish' rising from the vest!

The Confucian scholar in felt hat disappeared without a trace, and was annihilated in flying ash that even the slag could not be seen!

And the thunder-attribute ape head with nine conical spikes didn't even have a chance to see the enemy die. After the spikes were separated from the body, it lowered its eyelids one step earlier than the felt hat scholar, as if the nine spikes were Its natal root is the same, once used, it is a means to kill both!

"The poison of the pupil Gu! These three pythons still have the poison of the pupil Gu!"

Li You and the poisonous old monster screamed in shock, and immediately backed away quickly in fright, chanting the four words "the poison of the pupil Gu" in their mouths, forming thick spots on the faces of the ancestors of the alchemy like a curse. haze!

At this moment, the felt hated Confucian scholar who died is probably the most wronged. Why didn't he think earlier that since these three pythons can survive for many years in the fog filled with pupil Gu poison, they are more or less contaminated with some The poison of the pupil Gu is also very normal, but the felt-hat Confucian students were unlucky, and they were suddenly enveloped by the poison of the pupil Gu, which even the Patriarch of the Nascent Soul Stage feared three points. He also ended up in a distraught end. From then on, the world of cultivating immortals in Mengzhou lost a patriarch of alchemy!

Such a terrifying scene was probably not expected by the seven people who had sworn before departure!

However, at the same time as the two flew back, Xue Qinglin on the other side successfully collected the huge wind attribute ape head. Maybe his attack was too powerful, and the beheaded wind attribute ape capital had no time to cast its spikes. attack. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

But at this moment, Xue Qinglin naturally also heard the screams of the felt-hat Confucian scholar and the strange scene before the other party's death. He was also frightened and quickly withdrew the Wu Gango, and turned into a black light flying into the sky, subconsciously and The last ice attribute ape head kept its distance!

But for some reason, the three ape heads seem to have no connection. In the gust of wind-like confrontation just now, the wind attribute ape head and the thunder attribute ape head fell one after another, but the ice attribute ape head just frowns. It looks like, under such a huge pain, he didn't wake up immediately!

But even so, the remaining three people did not dare to get any closer. There were also nine spikes on the neck of the ice-attribute ape head. It is said that when the other party wakes up and finds that there is no way to escape, he will definitely not resort to the method of dying together just now.

But at this moment, when the three of them were hesitating and dare not do anything, a golden light like a shooting star suddenly flashed down on the place where the felt hat Confucian died just now, and the surrounding area was covered with white haze. It is particularly dazzling in the brilliance!

"Inch gold ears!"

The three of them noticed this treasure almost at the same time, and it didn't dissipate under the poison of pupil Gu, which shows that this treasure is no small thing. Now that the felt hat Confucian scholar has died, the inch golden ear is worthy of its name The ownerless thing!

This is an incomparably sharp treasure!The three people, including Li You, stared at this treasure at the same time. The scene of this treasure showing its power just now has left a deep impression on the three of them, and it is also a real treasure of Nascent Soul stage monks!


Li You's eyes were full of brilliance, and regardless of other people's secretly speculating eyes, when he waved his hand first, a stream of white water vapor gushed out, and when he was about to approach the golden light, suddenly the white vapor exploded with a 'bang', turning into a For a big white hand, grab it down hard!

Although Xue Qinglin and the poisonous old monster behind him were unwilling to use their own methods, but when Li You took the lead, the two of them were half a beat behind each other, so they had to curse secretly in their hearts, but no one thought of it. At this moment, when Li You's big hands of white qi had already tightly pinched the ball of golden light, suddenly there was another jet of black arrow light shooting out from nowhere in the nearby void, the lightning-like and huge white qi The big hands collided together, and instantly the white light and black light burst open at the same time, and they collapsed one after another!

And after the two beams of brilliance dissipated as if they were evenly matched, a six or seven-year-old child whose skin was rotten and scarred and was still bleeding with traces of black blood suddenly appeared at the place of the explosion without a sound, and spit out a large piece of black light with one mouth. The 'inch golden ear' was easily swallowed!

I saw that the child was covered with black and rotten flesh, with black bloodstains overflowing from the seven holes, looking extremely eerie, and there was an ear-piercing and unpleasant sound of '嘿嘿' from his mouth!

But when Li You and the poisonous old monster 'poof' saw the six or seven-year-old child, they were shocked, and exclaimed with fear on their faces: "The baby ghost corpse! The baby ghost corpse of the Bone Demon Lord! "

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Li You subconsciously retreated more than ten feet away before scanning around with wandering eyes!

It seems to be very calm and vigilant about something!

But the heart is like a turbulent sea. The Nascent Soul stage great supernatural monk 'Bone Demon Lord' of the Hezhou Demon Dao became famous for his unique skill is the few 'baby ghost corpses' cultivated by his side through untold hardships. This corpse is on the battlefield at the border It can be said that the reputation is like ghosts and gods. Once there were nine baby ghost corpses that laid down the corpse formation, killing several alchemy-stage patriarchs, and even one person's cultivation was as high as the late-stage alchemy!

He was listed as one of the top ten evil spirits in Mengzhou!

But how could such a vicious thing appear here?This is what surprised everyone.

However, this should not be the visit of the Bone Demon Lord, because the other party does not need to hide at all, and all the people present can be wiped out with a flick of a finger!

Just when Li You and the poisonous old monster were thinking about it, Xue Qinglin showed a gloomy smile on his face, but immediately recovered a very angry look and shouted to the surroundings: "I don't know which friend from the devil way is here, ghost If you are sneaky, you are not afraid that I will beat you to death!"

It sounds like not only is it not afraid, but it also has a righteous and awe-inspiring look to get rid of demons!

"Haha, old ghost Xue still has a bad temper, but this fellow Daoist Li and fellow Daoist Poison are really good-sighted, they even saw through this demon's baby ghost corpse at a glance, but you still haven't run away quickly, could it be Suspect is too long!"

As soon as Xue Qinglin finished speaking, a man in black robes wearing a black hat flashed out from behind the corpse of the baby ghost. As soon as this person's figure was revealed, Li You fixed his eyes on the black robe on the other party's body. I saw three huge bloody ghost heads conspicuously embroidered on the black robe, which was hideous and terrifying!

"A monk of the Shahun Sect!"

Li You's complexion darkened, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. He didn't expect that things would cause so many disturbances, and even the monks of his old rival, the Shahun Sect, were involved. Judging from the tone of the other party, this person is mere alone. Under such circumstances, he would never dare to speak nonsense here. Since he showed up at this moment, he might have already set up an ambush here. Perhaps Xue Qinglin was really as unreliable as Yuer said.

If this is the case, Li You was overwhelmed with fear, and at the same time his right sleeve moved slightly, revealing a glimmer of blue light, and then glanced at a void in the square light curtain with complicated eyes, as if conveying something information.

"Your Excellency, don't be joking, you still want to catch us all by yourself?"

Xue Qinglin said with a flash of murderous intent on his face, and at the same time, he was full of evil spirits, as if he was about to strike. After all, the time passed, and the head of the ice attribute ape that was not dead was gradually shaking. You can wake up in no time!

As soon as Xue Qinglin said this, everyone understood without further ado. Li You and the poisonous old monster also called out the magic weapon one after another. It was obvious that as long as Xue Qinglin gave an order, the three of them would surround the man in black Among them, as for the baby ghost corpse, although it is powerful, in a three-on-one situation, as long as the corpse is not allowed to get close, it is not very difficult to quickly resolve the battle.

After all, under the induction of spiritual sense, the aura revealed by the black-robed man is only in the early stage of alchemy.

"Haha, who said that the old man fought with you, the fun is not over yet!"

The man in black let out a sinister laugh, then pointed his left hand across the air, and at the same time swung his right arm down violently, and saw a black air shot from his left hand at the grinning man standing beside him. On the body of the baby ghost, after a glint of light flashed in the latter's eyes, his immature face opened his mouth expressionlessly, and four black arrows shot out at the same time, three of which were as fast as lightning. They killed three alchemy patriarchs, but the last one went towards the ice attribute ape head that was still awake!

As for the right arm swung by the black-robed old man, a thick layer of black yin energy suddenly appeared, and these yin energy crazily gathered into a pale black knife and shot out, cutting down on the already dead Lei in the blink of an eye. At the neck of the ape's head, there was a huge wound here, which penetrated about one-third of the neck, and the black saber energy cut in along the wound without any effort!

After two consecutive crisp sounds of 'Kaka', the thunder-attribute ape head fell straight down 'gululu', and was quickly taken away by a black air in mid-air!

"Fellow daoists, thank you for your acceptance."

The black-robed old man waved his sleeves with a chuckle, and when the three of them were frightened by the black arrow attack, he directed the infant ghost corpse to spew out a large amount of black light to drown the two of them, and then The figure disappeared in the nearby void, and all the actions of this old man happened in one go. Under the secret vigilance of the three of them, before they could react in the future, the thunder attribute ape head was easily taken away by the old man in black robe.

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