fairy flame

Chapter 583 Megatron

The moment the man in the black robe and hat fell, Xue Qinglin's face was extremely ugly. He had heard of the name of Fengren Talisman. A big formation, otherwise you won't be able to get stuck at all.

But Xue Qinglin still gritted his teeth with an extremely gloomy expression, and then turned his hand to take out the array flag. Not far away, including the black-robed Dai Liren, the other three black-robed people are also at the early stage of alchemy, and they are also very cooperative Take out the same control array flag from your hand!

But what surprised Li You the most was that besides the six people in front of him, the seventh person who formed the formation at the end was beyond his expectations. There was just a moment of hesitation on the face, and then he was immediately full of murderous intent!

"Poisonous old monster! You have turned to the devil!"

When Li You saw this mirror, he understood everything in an instant. He never expected that there would be monks from Mengzhou joining the Hezhou Demon Dao. He really couldn't think of the reason for a moment, but he didn't dare to be too distracted because of the dangers ahead!

With a slightly calm voice, but with a hint of arrogance and carelessness, a chuckle came out of Li You's mouth again!

"Qian'er, bless your Yan Ling Qi on the wind pillar, and let fellow Taoists see what the real wind escape technique looks like!"

After finishing speaking, the blurred figure in the wind pillar beside Li You waved, and a large piece of crimson light flew out instantly, turning into two huge crimson light wings and flying out one by one. These red lights directly merged with the two wind pillars. At the same time, while rotating and floating, the hurricane that was originally gleaming with blue light suddenly turned into two colors of blue and red light. The size of the wind column swelled a lot, and there was a more violent and unstable atmosphere covering the top of the mountain!

"Hurry up!"

The man in black robe and Li Li shouted, as if he didn't dare to procrastinate any longer, as if he knew how powerful the blue-red wind column was, he waved the flag in his hand first, and the other six waved it at the same time, and immediately the entire mountaintop was blocked again Covered by white clouds all around

At this moment, the battle situation on the top of the mountain where there are endless battles is quite tragic, but the monks who set up the five-color flame array at the foot of the mountain is another scene!

I saw that three of the five people who were sitting upright got up and stood on the ground, but the other two were ghostly only a few feet away from the topmost light curtain of the ban.

One of the three below is a monk surnamed Du, and the other two are the elders of the underworld, but at this moment, the two elders of the underworld do not have the previous gentle expression on their faces. Instead, they surround the pale-faced monk surnamed Du with a gloomy look. , and one of the two standing on the top of the forbidden brilliance at almost parallel height was wearing a half-worn yellow robe, and it was Luo Yu. At this moment, he was staring at the opposite person with an unusually gloomy expression.

But the cultivator in front of him is no longer the middle-aged cultivator with the horse face among the five, but an old man dressed as a bald monk, but the clothes on this person are the same as that of the middle-aged man with the horse face. It's no different, except that a dark red bowl the size of a wheel is flying around in front of the other party at this moment, and a lot of dark red bloody lights are flying out of the bowl. A small part of the parcel floated a longan-sized azure blue bead with traces of silver-gray blood!

The bald old man looked at the azure blue beads in his hand and was full of greed!

However, Luo Yu's gaze turned cold after repeatedly scanning the old magic bowl and the azure blue bead in his right hand for several times!

But at this moment, he felt a little depressed. He didn't know what happened inside the white light curtain on the top of the mountain just now, but he made a huge movement like the ground shaking several times, which made the five people below They looked at each other in horror.

But before everyone had time to figure out what happened, after the last earth-shattering roar, a blue crystal light suddenly shot down from the explosion on the top of the mountain!

Everyone was startled, and they let go of their consciousness one after another. After scanning, they found that a giant azure blue bead had fallen from the sky and hit the five-color flame array at an extremely fast speed. They didn't know what kind of treasure the azure blue bead was. No one came down to look for the patriarch of the multi-knot alchemy period!

It wasn't until the beads were blocked by the light curtain of the formation that the five people came to their senses at once. At this moment, as long as they were not fools, all of them became greedy and took action one after another.

However, this time, not all five of them were fighting for the bead. Except for Luo Yu and the monk surnamed Du, the rest of the underworld elders and the horse-faced monk seemed to have a tacit understanding. The monk surnamed Du was stopped, and the horse-faced monk, relying on his cultivation in the middle stage of foundation establishment, glanced at Luo Yu with disdain, and then suddenly released a dark red alms bowl, which blazed towards Luo Yu with a burst of red light. down!

And when the horse-faced cultivator acted without any scruples, the muscles of this person's face suddenly began to change drastically, and finally turned into the current bald-headed old man!

Originally, Luo Yu's current strength could even fight against a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment. This person's attack could be easily broken by Luo Yu. He grabbed it, but after Luo Yu saw the dark red bowl and the real face of the bald old man, his heart was like a thunderbolt, and he just froze Luo Yu.

The hesitation at that moment made Luo Yu lose the opportunity, and when he woke up immediately, the azure blue ball had already arrived in the opponent's hand, and the dark red bowl was also hitting him, Luo Yu's face turned solemnly, and the blue light surged under his feet, It is easy to avoid the opponent's attack.

For Luo Yu's surprise and instant reaction speed, and even the blue light boat at the end, a look of surprise flashed across the face of the bald old man opposite.

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Huanxi, Your Excellency is really hiding it deeply!"

Luo Yu forced a bitter smile out of the corner of his mouth, looked back and forth between the bald old man and the darkly smiling old man below, and then said meaningfully!

Unexpectedly, the old man with the horse face turned out to be the Huanxi monk who had met once in the Jiupan Mountains and almost made a move. This person actually used a very clever disguise technique to change his appearance and deceived himself past.

But at this moment, Luo Yu's thoughts are no longer about this person's background and the purpose of disguise, but judging from the situation just now, it seems that Monk Huanxi and Hell Prison have already negotiated a long time ago, and they want to join forces to deal with him And that monk surnamed Du!

It seems that what I have been worrying about these days has still happened.

"Hidden? I'm afraid you don't need to deal with you like this. The order of Yaotian is here! The two elders of the underworld obey the order. You two elders are in charge of fellow Daoist Du below. As for this fellow Daoist Luo, I still have to catch up with him!"

Monk Huanxi smiled ferociously, and at the same time he slapped the storage bag, and a black token with a black mountain engraved on one side flew out. After shaking in front of everyone's eyes, Monk Huanxi took it in again.

The moment Luo Yu saw the appearance of Yao Tianling, he no longer had any doubts in his heart, but not only did he not show panic on his face, but a strange light flashed in his eyes!

As for the two elders in the underworld, after seeing the Yao Tianling, the two nodded respectfully, and then waved at the same time, a long chain of dark light and a large net of black light flew out quickly, and when the two old men released the magic At the moment when the weapon was used, more than a dozen Xue family weapon refining cultivators who had been squatting outside the restriction took out formation disks of the same size and color one after another, quickly poured all the spiritual energy into the formation disks, and then burst out of each of them. More than ten thumb-thick beams of light joined the formation light curtain of the five-color flame formation. Suddenly, the color of the formation became more solid amidst the trembling sound of 'woo woo', and the breath was more majestic than before. many!

"Haha, fellow Daoist Huanxi, please rest assured, these two people will definitely die here today, and they will never escape!"

After finishing speaking, they took the lead, and the two of them joined forces to launch their respective brilliance magic weapons, and blasted towards the head and face of the monk surnamed Du!

And since the cultivator surnamed Du has cultivated to the stage of foundation establishment, he has naturally seen a lot of things in the world. When he saw such a scene, his face was full of ugly colors, and at the same time, he had to release a red short saber magic weapon to entangle the pain of the other party. Hold up hard.

But in a two-on-one fight, the monk surnamed Du was at a disadvantage at the moment of the fight, and he was so frightened that he paled and begged: "Why are you two fellow Taoists? They were all handed over.”

However, when such childish words reached the ears of the two elders in the underworld, they undoubtedly reported their own family to seek their own death. I saw that the two of them kept doing magic tricks in their hands, and said with a sinister smile in their mouths: "Lingshi The two of us are indeed interested in these things, but we are more interested in your head!"

After the smirk, there was naturally a more violent attack, and the sound of "bang bang" bursting at the battle was non-stop!

But after seeing the three people below move their hands, the Huanxi monk couldn't hold it back any longer. After sticking out his tongue and licking his lips cruelly, he was about to sacrifice the magic weapon to kill Luo Yu here. But at this time, Luo Yu suddenly showed a strange expression, and chuckled lightly!

"Brother Huanxi misunderstood you! I'm not Luo Yu, so don't you like Daoist who doesn't know Qing?"

While Luo Yu was speaking, there was an anxious expression on his face, but this expression was blurred by the rapidly changing muscles on his face, and under a burst of facial distortion, Luo Yu's appearance immediately changed into that of a man who had died long ago. The Qingyi layman in his hands!

This time Luo Yu even changed his voice, and couldn't wait to take out a token from the storage bag. With a flick of his fingers, the black token turned into a stream of light and flew towards Monk Huanxi.

"Fellow Daoist Huanxi, this Yao Tian Token was handed over by fellow Daoist in the Jiupan Mountains. Could it be that Fellow Daoist Huanxi has forgotten?"

Luo Yu poured milk soup on the bald old man again and said.

As soon as this remark came out, Monk Huanxi, who was stunned just now, showed a look of doubt on his face, but after hearing Luo Yu say that he had handed over the secret to Qi Yaotian, he suddenly showed a look of surprise on his face .

But he didn't know that after Luo Yu used the soul search technique on Layman Qingyi, the memory of the other party had already been imprinted in his mind like a personal experience. As long as it happened to Layman Qingyi, Luo Yu would not be clear about the secrets.

Monk Huanxi held the black token in his hand, and after sweeping his eyes, a look of shock appeared on his face, but he was still quite suspicious and couldn't help blurting out: "Are you really Qingyi Layman? Apart from the secret orders received by the old man, there are no other missions related to this Eagle Snow Mountain, you are! Not good!"

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