fairy flame

Chapter 584 Blood Thunder and Purple Ax

For Luo Yu's series of strange behaviors, the Huanxi monk really believed it, but at the end of the conversation, he suddenly sensed an inexplicable danger with his powerful spiritual sense at the middle stage of foundation establishment, but this danger came It was too fast, and when he was unprepared, he only heard the sound of a "thud" and a colorless and transparent thin needle easily pierced through his body protection mask, and was about to pierce the vital heart of Monk Huanxi's body in the blink of an eye. , but the old man's complexion flashed a little strangely, his body shook slightly, and the gray linen robe he was wearing suddenly exploded, turning into crumbs and scattered in all directions!

The colorless thin needle was extremely fast, and was not affected by the blast wave. It pierced straight in, but was blocked by a golden mask that suddenly appeared after the blast wave, and from time to time came out "bang bang!" Boom' three consecutive metal friction sounds!

Immediately, I saw Luo Yu beckoning towards the void with some regret, and with a slight 'poof' sound, a thin needle about an inch long was quickly put into his sleeve by Luo Yu.

The stealthy attack of the soulless needle just now was still blocked by the opponent. It seems that the soulless needle at the level of high-level magic weapon is not as sharp as before for monks in the foundation building stage. The possibility of being seen through the invisible effect of the soul needle will be greatly increased!

But in the end, it seemed that a certain treasure worn by the other party saved his life. Luo Yu raised his eyes and saw that the latter's clothes were torn apart, but he was wearing a gleaming cassock at some point. Wrapping the person's neck tightly, just now Luo Yu let the soulless needle stab several times in a row, but they were all resisted by the golden light emitted by this golden cassock.

Luo Yu's regret is that if he stabbed this person's eyebrows or neck fiercely at the beginning, maybe the other person's skin will peel off even if he is not dead.

And at this time, Monk Huanxi, who had survived the catastrophe, first had a flash of fear on his face, but when he found that he was safe, his expression suddenly became gloomy!

Luo Yu, a mere cultivator in the early stage of foundation establishment, almost killed him by sneak attack, it is really not an exaggeration to extract his soul and refine his soul!

"Okay! Your disguise technique is not bad! Since there are no other tricks, let this old man send you on your way!"

Monk Huanxi waved his spiritual power to transform the acacia bowl to the maximum, turning into a black shadow like a hill and smashing it towards Luo Yu's head, and there was a loud howling sound immediately!

But then, a scene that even challenged Monk Huanxi's nerves appeared!Luo Yu actually stood there motionless, just looking at himself with a mocking face!

Does this person have any tricks!Monk Huanxi is really crazy!Luo Yu in front of him seemed to be playing tricks on him all the time!

But no matter what, the idea of ​​smashing Luo Yu into a pile of meatloaf was deeply ingrained in Monk Huanxi's heart. Although his face changed, he kept flicking his fingers, and he still controlled the acacia bowl and rushed over!

"Hehe, when Luo kills people, he always wears a wristband."

An understated and floating voice came into Monk Huanxi's ears. When the latter heard it, he felt a chill down his spine, and at the same time, a heart-piercing burning pain came from his left hand. The old man had no time to think about it. Underneath, a cloud of emerald green smoke burst out from the Yao Tian Ling. The smoke was closely connected with the old man's palm, but when the emerald green smoke came into contact with it, the old man's left hand In the blink of an eye, it was filled with dark green sores and tumors, and there were even dark green silk threads that swelled up along the meridians in the arm!

For a split second, Monk Huanxi only felt short of breath and dizzy for a while!

Frightened, this old man threw the token out without even thinking about it, but when he flew into the air, Luo Yu easily grabbed the token in his hand, and at this moment Luo Yu put on a token with both hands at some point. A pair of red gloves covered with thorns, if you look closely, there are traces of emerald green brilliance flashing on these gloves that are exactly the same as those on the token!

"Despicable! There is poison on the token! The second elder of Hell, save me quickly!"

Monk Huanxi roared for a while, but after the roar, a light emerald green poisonous mist had quietly emerged around his neck. If he didn't control it, once the poison entered his mind, he would surely die.

Therefore, Monk Huanxi couldn't care less about dealing with Luo Yu any longer, and hurriedly called the acacia bowl back to his body to guard it firmly. At the same time, the golden cassock flew out, fluttering around the man's body. With these two guards, Monk Huanxi could still Don't worry about adding a layer of spiritual power shield outside the body, and then immediately sat cross-legged in the air and swallowed several pills frantically, and began to heal his wounds with a look of shock and anger!

But at this moment, Luo Yu has already released the seven-star yin fire blade to transform into two kinds of black and green brilliance intertwined. In an instant, the trick of "seven stars in one" is about to be used, and the phantom of the giant knife above his head gradually emerges, while Luo Yu's sleeve robe is light With a slight shake, there was another white bone command flag wrapped in traces of blood on his left hand!

Luo Yu sacrificed the flag to the top of his head with one hand, and the mana from his whole body gushed out crazily, and the two strands submerged into the Qixing Yinhuo Blade and the Bone Token flag respectively!

The former turned into a huge black knife fifteen or six feet long like a black wind whistling, while the white skull on the latter seemed to come alive, with wisps of will-o’-the-wisp glowing from its eyes, and bursts of thick and rotten blood-colored mist billowed out , In a moment, a blood cloud gathered above Luo Yu's head, and in the blood cloud, there were still traces of bloody electric arcs flickering and flickering!

All the actions of the two happened too fast, and the elders of Hell who had already forced the monk surnamed Du to a dead end heard the latter's call for help, and both of them looked back with some disbelief on their faces, and they happened to see The scene where Monk Huanxi could only defend passively, and when they saw the giant knife and blood cloud above Luo Yu's head, both of them were stunned!

But in a critical moment, it’s not easy to see death, and besides, there are only two people on my side, and the combination of the complete set of exercises practiced by the two elders of the underworld is very powerful. Both have great odds.

For a moment, the long chain of Youguang and the big black net turned around and rushed straight towards Luo Yu, while the monk surnamed Du who was lucky enough to survive at the moment didn't dare to stay for a moment longer, and flew to the restricted area in a flickering figure. Next to the light curtain, magic weapons were released to attack the light curtain of the five-color flame light array frantically, but no matter how powerful a monk in the foundation building period was, he could not resist the full defense of more than a dozen high-ranking monks who practiced Qi. The ripples on the force's light curtain are rippling, but it will obviously take some time to break through completely!

"Seven stars unite! Slash!"

The incomparably skilled handprints and the well-known incantations were spit out from Luo Yu's hands and mouth respectively, and then he raised his right arm lightly and then swung it down violently!


With a slight chirping sound like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, the black and green giant knife that stopped on Luo Yu's head fell rapidly like a thorny thorn, and the powerful momentum even pushed away the air near the place where the giant knife passed. wind!

At the same time, after the blood mist above Luo Yu's head let out a howl, amidst the bloody tumbling, a huge blurry grimace flashed out of the blood mist, and with a slight movement of the blood mist, it quickly flew to Huanxi On the top of the monk's head, the latter was enveloped inside.

It's not that Monk Huanxi doesn't want to leave, it's just that in the state of healing, he can't use his mana rashly, otherwise the poison will spread more, and at this moment, under his full defense, Luo Yu is fighting three against one, if he can still kill himself , then he is not a monk in the foundation building stage, I am afraid he must have a cultivation base in the alchemy stage!

The giant knife and the two beams of light collided one after another, and the sound of explosion burst out immediately. At the same time, the black light, the dark light, and the black light intertwined respectively, and layers of ring-shaped air waves vibrated in all directions!

And almost at the moment when the two collided, the figure of the two elders of Hell Prison was unstable at the same time, and they sank rapidly in a burst of paleness!

"Extreme complete set of instruments!"

As soon as the two elders fought, they were forced to retreat by the opponent's powerful attack, but with the experience of these two people, they naturally knew what kind of treasure the opponent was using. A complete set of top-grade magic weapons, which are almost rare, can be obtained, so a trace of greed flashed in the eyes of the two of them, and all their spiritual powers were frantically poured away!

It worked!After all, the two elders of Hell Prison were two people, and Luo Yu was distracted by other things. The falling trend of the black giant knife gradually slowed down, and there was even a hint of turning things around!

But Luo Yu seemed to have a plan in his mind, and everything could not escape his calculations. He unhurriedly pointed at the blood-colored mist and lightly tapped it. The ferocious grimace roared, and he opened his mouth and shot out a jet that was only as thick as a little finger. A red electric arc came out, but although the red electric arc was extremely thin and narrow, it was several feet long, and it struck the dark red mist released by the acacia bowl fiercely in a zigzag!

Luo Yu was expressionless, but the Huanxi monk who was healing his wounds became happy!

This Luo Yu really wanted to die, he dared to directly attack the soul-devouring blood mist that he cultivated so hard, but he didn't know that it was the most vicious and harmful thing in the world of cultivating immortals!

But this time Monk Huanxi was wrong. Luo Yu's Blood Fiend Thunder is the head of all evils. As long as the number of Blood Fiend Thunder is enough, even the natal magic weapon of a monk in the Danqi period will be filthy and useless. Iron exists!

Sure enough, the next scene that made Monk Huanxi's soul fly into the sky appeared. Before that, no magic weapon dared to touch the soul-devouring blood mist. After the zigzag long arc rushed in, it seemed to enter In the realm of nothing, the dark red blood mist was struck by the arc without any blocking effect, and while penetrating through, a large area of ​​dark red blood mist was not under the control of the 'master' who liked the monk , was quickly sucked away by the red arc a lot!

The electric arc broke through the blockade of the acacia bowl magic weapon as fast as lightning, and then bounced onto the golden cassock, intertwined with the circles of golden protective light released by the latter, and the brilliance burst violently and non-stop , but when Luo Yu squinted his eyes, he still found that the red arc was forcing the golden light back steadily, and the brilliance of the golden cassock quickly dimmed, and it would be a matter of time before it could pass through!

But Xuesha Ganglei didn't break the magic weapon in front of him at once. Could it be that he encountered restraint?

"Buddhist treasure!"

After thinking for a while, Luo Yu looked at the golden cassock and murmured in a low expression, a look of impatience suddenly appeared on his face, and after a flash of evil in his eyes, he pointed his hands at the red grimace and shouted the word "disease" !

Suddenly, amidst an ear-piercing scream, a ghostly purple-black light and shadow flashed quietly in the blood mist!

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