fairy flame

Chapter 585 Killing and Breaking the Formation

After the purple shadow flashed, the Huanxi monk who felt the murderous aura on Luo Yu's face became even more frightened, and without hesitation took out a black bamboo magic weapon from his arms, and ignored the aggravated injuries in his body. Dangerous, he forcefully spewed out a stream of blood, and hit the bamboo magic weapon. The latter circled around it, and immediately turned into a square black shield, spinning and stopping in front of him. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

And at this time, the old man raised his head with some relief, but only saw in his eyes that the strange red lightning had finally struck the blocking golden cassock into obscurity, and it could be said to be completely scrapped. When the bamboo magic weapon touched, suddenly a strange purple-black brilliance crossed the red arc first, and hit the bamboo magic weapon in a flash. The purple grass exploded in front of Monk Huanxi's eyes in an instant!

But the bright light disappeared immediately like a flash in the pan, and the poor Huanxi monk only had time to feel the last sharp pain in the world before his body slapped, and a thin bloodstain stretched from the center of his eyebrows, spreading down quickly. The whole body was split into two by the purple light and fell down!

After the body died in time, the two halves of the body still stared at one eye in disbelief!

This purple-black light and shadow is too fast!After the body of the happy monk Huanxi was split in half, the bamboo raft magic weapon stopped in front of him "Kaka" also split in two, and fell to the ground without the aura fading.

And the red arc that followed was not useless, but after a slight flash, it suddenly burst open and turned into a blood mist, wrapping the half-divided body of Monk Huanxi at once, and quickly rolled back , and was swallowed by that huge grimace in the blink of an eye!

Everyone was shocked by this scene, and they all looked around vigilantly, as if they were looking for the purple-black light that could kill their lives!

What is that?

But at this moment, the purple-black light had no intention of attacking again. It flew back from the void near the monk Huanxi's corpse, and was also swallowed by the huge grimace, but this time it was watched closely by others. The divine consciousness has been discovered!

It turned out to be a huge purple ax with a simple shape, but the body surface exuded black and purple light, and a very evil and cold aura faintly emanated from the strange axe!

This lightning killing was too sudden, when Luo Yu finished cleaning up the corpse of Monk Huanxi, he turned his head coldly, just in time to see the ghost-like expression on the face of the second elder in Hell Prison!

"How is that possible! Quickly assemble the Nether Shield!"

At this moment, the two elders of Hell Prison are still fighting hard with Luo Yu's Seven Star Yinhuo Blade, and their spiritual power collides with each other, but after seeing Luo Yu easily leapfrog to kill a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment, the two of them have a look He was so terrified that he didn't dare to treat Luo Yu as an ordinary early foundation-building monk!

Even the late-stage foundation-establishment cultivators that the two elders have seen would never kill a mid-stage foundation-establishment cultivator so easily. The two thought in horror, but the more fearful eyes came from the blood in front of Luo Yu. cloud!

The second elder's move is very wise, because whether it is the red arc that easily breaks through the blood mist that devours Monk Huanxi's soul, or the purple-black strange ax that is too fast to see the shadow, they all come from the gloomy blood mist. from!

But at this moment, the two of them changed their minds sharply, and they no longer dared to fight Luo Yu head-on. It's the same thing whether they can win or not, but the two of them knew better that even if they sent out all their spiritual consciousness, they would definitely not be able to track Zi Hei Fuying, who dares to make fun of his own life like this!

Therefore, the two of them took back the long chain of Youguang and the big black net one after another, and after their eyes met, they made up their minds instantly, and at the same time opened their mouths to spit out a mouthful of pure blood. The essence and blood burst open, each submerged into the double instruments in a flash, and was quickly absorbed!

The magical artifacts of the two were supported, and in an instant the shape increased a lot, and after they came together in mid-air, they began to fuse their brilliance. In the blink of an eye, they turned into a weird magical artifact, with a ghost tied to one end. The iron chain was bare, but one end of the iron chain was pulling a dense black net, which immediately turned into an unusually thick black mask to protect the voices of the two people inside.

Luo Yu's complexion changed a little at the moment when the black light shield was formed. Although he didn't know the power of the so-called Nether Shield, but after the two magic weapons were combined into one, the skyrocketing mana breath was also indistinguishable. Released in a cover-up manner, it might be difficult for Luo Yu to attack with the Qixing Yinhuo Blade, which consumes more than half of its power.

However, in the plan he had already considered, Luo Yu was not prepared to really kill the two of them at the same time. This is not like the sneak attack just now. It will be the same as just now. After all, the amount of Blood Fiend Thunder in Xue Fiend's body is only a small amount, and it recovers very slowly. The reason why the Acacia Jubilee Bowl was broken was that this magic weapon was originally a shady treasure. In front of the Blood Fiend Ganglei, it was like a child playing house, and it was effortless to break it.

As for the ghost shield of the second elder in hell, the Blood Fiend Ganglei does not have a strong ability to restrain it, even if it can be broken, it will take a lot of effort.

But the reason Luo Yu was most afraid and worried was from the top of the mountain!

The two old men from Hell Prison have teamed up with the members of the Yaotian League to deal with him. If they say that there is no Xue family's instigation, they will not believe Luo Yu's death. Since the other party dares to do this, they will definitely attack Li You and his wife. Come on, although I don't know how the Xue family will deal with so many Patriarchs of Alchemy on the top of the mountain, but once the other party comes to rest and comes to clean up himself at the foot of the mountain, then Luo Yu will definitely die.

At this moment, Luo Yu has no intention of fighting at all, and just wants to leave this place quickly!

As soon as the formula in Luo Yu's hand changed, the huge black and green knife of fifteen or six feet trembled slightly. Just when the elders of the Underworld thought that Luo Yu was going to slash the black and green knife, unexpectedly, the black The green giant knife collapsed in mid-air with a flash of light, and turned into seven green knives in the blink of an eye, and sank into Luo Yu's sleeve in a flash.

Then Luo Yu didn't have the slightest intention of nostalgia, he tapped the blue boat lightly with his toes, spiritual power rushed in along his feet, and his body was wrapped in a ball of dazzling spiritual light, and he galloped through the air.

It seemed that You Rizhou's speed was too fast, and Luo Yu had already arrived near the light curtain of the five-color flame light array the moment the two elders of the underworld just reacted.

At this moment, on the other side of the light curtain, the monk surnamed Du was still desperately attacking the formation light curtain, but every time he was swept away by the five-color brilliance!

"All the disciples of the Xue family obey! Pour all the spiritual power into the array, as long as you can hold this person for a while, the ancestor of the Danqi family will come in person, and he will definitely be able to kill these two people. In terms of rewards for meritorious deeds, you will all have unexpected benefits!"

Seeing that Luo Yu's cyan boat emitted too strong aura fluctuations, it was simply not comparable to ordinary high-level flying magic weapons. Seeing that they could not catch up, the two elders of the underworld did not dare to remove the nether hood rashly to stop Luo Yu , and had no choice but to yell at the low-level monks outside the light curtain.

Speaking of which, the two elders were thoughtful, and pretended to be smart, thinking that Luo Yu was deliberately holding back, pretending to be running away, trying to lure the two of them to remove the protection of the nether hood, and then attack in reverse , but this time I was really careless.

After hearing about it, more than a dozen qi-training monks outside were really excited, and all of them poured out their spiritual power. After chanting the mantra in unison, the formation disks flew out with even more dazzling rays of light. The aura that was originally as thick as a thumb merged together and turned into the thickness of an arm, and all of them poured into the light curtain desperately, as if they really thought that Luo Yu couldn't escape!

And for these people to cooperate so neatly and coherently, if they were really caught off guard, it might be troublesome to rush out forcibly, but Luo Yu, who was aware of the crisis from the beginning, wouldn't have left behind for himself!


Luo Yu's face remained unchanged, but instead he stared coldly at the five-color light curtain in front of him, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly!

This made the hearts of the two elders in the underworld tense, including the dozen or so Xue family monks who were outside the Qi training period, who were also baffled!

However, Luo Yu didn't take much action against the powerful and abnormal restriction in front of him, he simply waved his sleeve robe casually, and there was a soft 'ch' sound, and a golden saber aura about a foot long shot out from the sleeve robe Out of it, the yellow light flashed and hit the inconspicuous ground on the ground in the eyes of everyone who was puzzled. After hearing a bang, a yellow and white brilliance rose from the explosion, and they scattered into nothingness. Immediately afterwards, the five-color light curtain above Luo Yu's head flickered wildly without warning, as if it had been hit to the core, with a 'pop' it turned into a five-color light that shot out all over the sky.

Such a powerful shield of five-color flame light array was broken by Luo Yu with a single blow, and the extremely powerful five-color light waves rolled down, causing a gorgeous colorful rain to fall in this small valley.

And almost at the same time, the moment the light went out, the more than ten low-level monks outside who connected all their minds with the array, all of them were spitting out blood with pale faces, and fell to the ground. The ground screamed and wailed!

"Fellow Daoist Luo knows where the eye of the array is!"

This time, it was the monk surnamed Du who had been unable to break out of the ban this time. With all his strength, the magic weapon turned into a dazzling light and attacked for most of the time, but it didn't do anything, but Luo Yu just waved his hand , did not hit the forbidden light curtain, but it shattered the forbidden light curtain at once. This is by no means the reason for the excessive strength, it just means that Luo Yu knows where the formation's eye is!

But what puzzled this person was that after the array flag in the hands of the five people sank into the ground, the array flag was no longer in its original position through the changes caused by the activation of the array, how could Luo Yu know it!

I'm afraid no one would have thought at this moment that Luo Yu had prepared in advance. When he got the formation flag, Luo Yu calmly took out the poisonous thorn glove that he had been wearing close to his body, and quietly wiped it heavily on the formation flag. With one hand, the violent liquid on the thorn of the poisonous cockroach immediately stained the formation flag. As long as the position of the formation flag is not too far away from Luo Yu, and does not exceed the sensing range of Luo Yu's consciousness, then you must find the formation flag. It is very easy!

At this moment, the light curtain dissipated, but Luo Yu seemed to have expected it long ago, his face was neither surprised nor surprised, and he stepped on the sun boat without hesitation, and the latter rushed out with a burst of blue light, without the five-color flame array blocking it Luo Yu was like a bird out of the cage, under the horrified eyes of the two elders of the underworld, he escaped a distance of more than ten feet in an instant!

This kind of terrifying escapism, among the monks in the foundation building period, the second elder of the underworld has only seen it on Xue Yinyang!

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