fairy flame

Chapter 587 Fleeing and Pursuing

At this time, Luo Yu's powerful and abnormal spiritual sense faintly felt that there was a strong breath of mana fighting coming, and it seemed that there was more than one person. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

But at this moment, Luo Yu instinctively hid himself deeper, thinking that no matter who is fighting, it's better not to affect him.

But things are often what you don't want, and he will come!

The sound of fighting was getting closer and closer, and Luo Yu's face gradually became gloomy. Coincidentally, those breaths were flying towards him!

But immediately, a series of passionate piano sounds suddenly sounded like a thunderstorm rushing to thunder. The moment Luo Yu heard the sound of the piano, a look of astonishment appeared on Luo Yu's face!

The sound of the piano is getting closer and closer, Xiao Xiao rustling!Confused!

Such as Fengming Heming makes people's blood boil, and the spiritual power of the whole body is fluctuated by the sound of the piano, and it suddenly starts to run a little unstable!

"This piano sound!"

Luo Yu was struck by lightning!His face was full of shock, this voice was not as clear and melodious as it used to be, and congcong, on the contrary, it had a murderous aura like gold and iron horses!

It's just that the sound of the piano is intermittent, as if it can't be maintained.

Luo Yu didn't need to think about it, it became clear in a flash of inspiration in his mind, and the lingering beautiful figure suddenly emerged.

And at the moment when Luo Yu lost his mind, a white ray of light shot towards Luo Yu's location like lightning across a distance of several tens of feet. A woman in plain clothes was wrapped in the white light, it was Yan Lingsu!

However, at this moment, Yan Lingsu's snow-white clothes and the corners of her mouth were covered with traces of blood, and her complexion was strange with red and white lights floating, obviously seriously injured, but this woman still gritted her teeth and persisted. Move quickly!

Seeing the woman's weak aura, Luo Yu's heart froze, and he looked directly behind the woman, and saw a cloud of blood mist emanating from a bloody magic weapon flying sword. Standing a man with a pale complexion and sinister eyes, he was chasing Yan Lingsu's white light at a very fast speed, and beside the man, there were two ghost corpses with blue faces and fangs following him from left to right!

"Xue Jing! Foundation Establishment Ghost General!"

Luo Yu's voice suddenly became extremely cold, and the murderous intent on his face was revealed without reservation!

Although I don't know why Yan Lingsu's cultivation base in the late stage of foundation establishment was so embarrassingly chased by two ghost generals and Xue Jing who was in the Qi training stage, but don't think too much, the obvious facts are in front of him, as long as Luo Yu With a shot, these three people can be easily dealt with!

Xue Jing was nothing to be afraid of. As for the two ghost generals in the foundation building period, they were even more unlucky to meet Luo Yu, the nemesis. The method is too proficient, and all of them are learning the skills of the ancestors of the Shahun Sect - "Sura Bone Path".

What are the advantages and disadvantages of ghost generals, where are their key points, and how to defuse their attacks? Luo Yu is probably more familiar than the foundation-building demon cultivators who have practiced "Hundred Souls" in Shahun Sect for many years!

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Yan! You have been hit by my father's poisonous palm. No one in the world of cultivating immortals in Mengzhou can save you. I think you should be obedient and arrest you. Otherwise, don't blame Xue for being rude. Although you are the woman my elder brother must get, it is just the pure Yin Hongwan that values ​​you. If you don’t know how to flatter you, it will fall into Xue’s hands, even if the pure Yin Hongwan is not lost. , There are also several magical techniques that can make fellow daoists want to die, I don't think fellow daoist Yan wants to try it."

Xue Jing followed closely behind the white light, and sneered with a filthy mouth. Seeing the two getting closer, the evil fire in his heart became more and more intense. Who is the person in front of him? It is one of the three fairies of Mengzhou. head!

If a woman who is so beautiful can have a good time with Yan Lingsu, then Xue Jing really deserves to come to this world for a while.

When Xue Jing's obscene and sinister voice reached Yan Lingsu's ears, the girl's delicate body immediately trembled violently, her face became even more ugly with anger, and finally she couldn't bear the "wow" spout of blood After coming out, with a determined look on his face, he suddenly stopped the Dunguang above the black water ice pool, and said angrily and coldly.

"Shameless, you really think that if I try my best to die, I won't be able to kill you with me!"

After finishing speaking, Yan Lingsu flicked his fingers, and an invisible ripple shot out from Tian Lai Su Xinqin, accompanied by a crisp silver bell, and shot straight at Xue Jing and the two ghost generals beside him!

After all, Yan Lingsu's cultivation was in the late stage of foundation establishment. Even though he was seriously injured, his attack power was not as good as before, but the lean camel was bigger than a horse, and his attack speed did not slow down at all. Xue Jing, a monk in the Qi training period , touched at such a close distance, the blood light outside the body was instantly pierced by the sound waves, Xue Jing's body trembled immediately, as if his mana had completely disappeared, and his body glistening with rays of light fell down, but only then did he fall. Less than a few feet away, the blood sword under his feet also made a strange 'woo-woo' sound into Xue Jing's ears, and the two voices clashed with each other and were annihilated, and then layers of spiritual power shields emerged from Xue Jing's body again. The person also stopped in mid-air stably.

As for the two ghost generals, they are dead creatures without intelligence. The sound waves that Yan Lingsu can disrupt the rhythm of the cultivator's spellcasting have no effect on them at all!

"Shame on your face! Wait until I catch you, and use the Blood Desire Skill to make you struggle under my crotch!"

Xue Jing shouted sternly, but to be on the safe side, he still poured all his spiritual power into the slender blood sword in front of him. After a thick layer of blood-colored mask protected his body airtight, he finally Barely regained composure.

However, he didn't do it himself, but after a strange incantation sounded from his mouth, the faces of the two foundation-building ghost generals on the left and right next to him flashed fiercely, and they flew out without the slightest hesitation, bringing an unpleasant smell The corpse's breath went straight to Yan Lingsu's crumbling body!

These two tall ghosts walked unscrupulously among the circles of sound waves generated by Yan Lingsu's flying Suxinqin, and they didn't seem to be affected in the slightest. As the fists slammed, beams of black light rushed out quickly, blocking Yan Lingsu's escape route from all directions like crossbow arrows.

And Luo Yu hid in the grass and saw this scene with his own eyes, and he no longer had any doubts in his heart. Xue Jing's spell like a mosquito buzzing just now was indeed a simple corpse control spell he was familiar with, but with Xue Jing's ability, There should not be two powerful foundation-building ghost generals. There is only one possibility that Luo Yu is most unwilling to face, that is, the teleportation array hidden somewhere in Yingxue Mountain has been activated, and the monks of the Hezhou Demon Dao have come here!

As soon as Luo Yu's thoughts changed sharply, the battle in the sky was already fierce!

Yan Lingsu didn't dodge or dodge, flicking his sleeves lightly, one was only the size of a thumb when it appeared, but it immediately swelled up to the wheel-like bead ring magic weapon and shot out, bringing a burst of silver starlight to the room, straight Meet those black beams of light!

The shape of the bead ring instrument is simple and simple, in the very center is a shining silver octagonal spar, and a few inches away from the spar is a silver-white ring, which continuously releases some silver light waves, and at the same time circles The ring tightly wrapped the octagonal spar, and the two were inseparable.

Every time the octagonal spar turns around, there will be some silver lights that look like starlight. These silver lights were originally only a small piece, but after passing through the silver-white ring, when they radiated out again, the number increased by more than ten times!

The attacks of the three collided in an instant, and after a 'pop', the light flashed for a while, the silver light and the black light became entangled, and they collided continuously!

Facing the strong attack of the two foundation-building ghost generals at the beginning, the bead ring magic weapon did not show any sign of weakness, and after resisting the black beam of light, it trembled slightly and flew back to the top of Yan Lingsu's head, continuing to release circles The silver light spots floated down, and after falling on Yan Lingsu's body, they quickly rushed into the body.

The amazing thing is that this silver light spot seems to have a healing effect, which actually slowed down the speed of the alternating red and white on Yan Lingsu's face, but the red and white light still hasn't disappeared. It is obvious that this woman can only use the silver light spot at most. Restrain the injury, and in the current situation of being besieged on all sides, it is hard to say how effective this restraint will be.

"Star bead ring!"

Xue Jing, who was standing in the distance, saw this scene, and his face suddenly sank a lot. He had heard that this woman had a total of two extremely famous magic weapons in her hand, and they used one for attack and one for defense. Tianlai Suxinqin and Star Bead Ring, this woman's cultivation base in the late stage of foundation establishment is almost impossible to say that she is invincible in the foundation stage by virtue of these two top-quality instruments, but at least the place of immortality is not an exaggeration .

If this girl hadn't been seriously injured by the fire-thirsty palm of the hunchback, and the poisonous fire power in her body spread rapidly, and she couldn't use the icy aura that this girl has cultivated for many years, then I wouldn't be this girl at all today Opponent, but now there is a ghost general and a sound-devouring blood sword beside him who specialize in restraining the sound wave technique, the situation is very different!

Thinking of this, Xue Jing looked at Yan Lingsu's weak body and expression, although he tried his best to restrain himself, but the power of the poisonous fire became more and more serious, and his face turned ferocious!

I saw that he slapped the storage bag first, and then quickly typed out the magic formula in his hand, and at the same time, he used all kinds of attack methods frantically!

"Hundred ghosts come out! Blood Wheel Soul Lock Fog! Ice Fire Explosion Flame Talisman! Go!"

As soon as the words fell, the two ghost generals who were fighting fiercely with the silver light spread their hands apart. Amidst a strange sound, a large amount of thick green corpse gas spewed out quickly, and it turned into a green streak in the blink of an eye. The corpse cloud wrapped Yan Lingsu in it, and there were creepy ghostly screams in the corpse cloud, and bloody and miserable ghosts all rushed towards the silver light curtain that guarded Yan Lingsu.

Immediately afterwards, the blood sword in front of Xue Jing trembled slightly, turning into a large rain of blood-colored swords and converging on Yan Lingsu's head. After brewing in the blink of an eye, dozens of blood-colored lightsabers made a piercing sound of '咻咻', All hit the silver light curtain below.

Almost at the same time, another six or seven low-level talismans flew out from Xue Jing's sleeve. The brilliance of these talismans was different, but they all contained only two types of aura, either extremely cold or extremely hot, six or seven Under the control of Xue Jing, the Dao Ice Fire Talisman exploded at a distance of several meters away from the silver mask. There were loud noises one after another, and the crazy twisting and alternation of the opposing forces of ice and fire caused the spiritual energy disorder in that area. It was unbearable, and the silver mask was almost submerged by blood light, green corpse aura, ice and fire aura, etc. without any resistance!

At this moment, Xue Jing's face showed excitement. After feeling the slightly trembling body mask, his heart throbbed secretly. As long as the mask was broken, it would be something he dreamed of doing. It's about to happen!

But when he was holding the winning ticket, he suddenly found a dark red brilliance rushing up near the black water ice pool, and it went straight to attack him!

Xue Jing was shocked when he saw this, and without thinking, he released the three-sided iron shield magic weapon to protect himself tightly, but immediately sensed the face of the approaching person, he was slightly startled, and his expression eased and he said suspiciously.

"It's him?"

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