fairy flame

Chapter 588 Blood Pendant and Yin Shape Technique

The person Xue Jing whispered to, just as he muttered, the light was no more than ten feet away from him, and it was a dark red alms bowl emitting a dim red light. There was a monk with a horse face sitting upright, and at the same time, a familiar voice came from Xue Jing's ears. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

"It turns out that Fellow Daoist Xue is here to cast spells. No wonder there is such a commotion that even the Ice Fairy is trapped. But this woman is not easy to deal with. It is the old monk who came to help Fellow Daoist."

The horse-faced monk was naturally anxious to save Yan Lingsu's Luo Yu. Originally, Luo Yu was fully capable of killing Xue Jing and the two foundation-building ghost generals, but just in case, Luo Yu decided to change his appearance It would be more appropriate to change his appearance. With his strength, under the unexpected sneak attack, the two corpses of this person would not even have a chance to escape!

No matter what you do, it's best to be foolproof!

After Luo Yu finished speaking, he glanced at Yan Lingsu with lustful eyes, and a trace of despair flashed across the woman's pale face. Naturally, she couldn't see Luo Yu's disguise of painting skin, but What was even more desperate immediately was that Luo Yu's attacking momentum was astonishing!

With a slight shake of the sleeve robe, a white bone flag flew out first, and within a burst of blood spurting around, it quickly came to the top of Yan Lingsu's head. When it came out, it covered an area more than ten feet wide.

Immediately afterwards, seven black and green short flying knives shot straight at Yan Lingsu, revealing an astonishing evil spirit, like seven black light spots. After flickering for a while, they appeared in the obviously dimmed place Near the silver mask, it looks like a poisonous snake that stings and bites!

"Senior Huanxi doesn't need to make a move, just be the next person! Not good!"

When Xue Jing saw the middle-aged man who was sitting on the acacia bowl and disguised as a monk with a horse face attacking him, instead of being grateful, he sneered, because he knew that although Monk Huanxi was practicing Buddhist skills, But it was Huanxi Xunchan, who specialized in harvesting and seizing yin. Now that Yan Lingsu is such a stunning beauty, it is inevitable that she will become daring. This person probably wants to fight against him!

Although Xue Jing had resentment in his heart, he didn't like to get angry with a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment, so he could only persuade him with kind words, but when he was halfway through speaking, the situation changed drastically!

I saw that I was very close to Xue Jing, almost on a towering tree at the foot, suddenly a large cyan sharp sword energy emerged without warning, and under the leadership of a cyan quaint flying sword, it turned into A whirlwind of sword qi enveloped him from head to toe, and the naked eyes were full of cyan sword qi shooting towards him, and behind the cyan sword net, there was a man in green robe staring at him coldly!

Just now, Xue Jing's mind was stunned by the appearance of the horse-faced monk, and he did not concentrate. After thinking that the horse-faced monk would not hurt him, he did not release more defensive methods.

But just like that, Luo Yu easily calculated again.

Jian Guang was faster than Xue Jing expected. Almost when his spiritual sense was touched, his whole body was blocked. There was no way to escape. His expression was terrified, he felt that before the sword light arrived, thousands of needles pierced his whole body, but before he could make any movement, Jian Guang slammed into the blood sword fiercely with the force of splitting mountains and cracking rocks. Above the released defensive shield!


A series of metal 'bang bang' sounded at the intersection of the blue sword energy and the blood-colored light curtain, and the blood-colored light curtain was hit into ripples immediately, and began to shake very unsteadily, obviously unable to withstand the opponent's attack. .

But Xue Jing couldn't react in time with such a quick start, and coupled with the fact that his strength was so different from Luo Yu's, the bloody shield couldn't even hold on for half a breath, and was immediately caught by the crazy surge. After the cyan sword energy pierced through, it immediately penetrated in!

But the blood sword magic weapon just wailed, and the brilliance fell vertically dimly!

Perhaps this blood sword is of good quality, but with the spiritual support of a monk in the Qi training period, compared with the Qingfeng ancient sword controlled by Mu Ying's clone, there is undoubtedly a huge gap between the two, and the blood shield can't resist it. inevitable thing.

"No! I don't want to die! Senior Huanxi, save me!"

The blue light pierced into it crazily, the brilliance dazzled the eyes, before Luo Yu could see whether Xue Jing was dead or not, he heard a howl like a pig being killed in his ears!

It's really pitiful, I didn't even know that the monk I liked was being pretended to be, but if Xue Jing had a chance to take a look outside at this moment, I would find that the monk I liked with whom he was talking politely and jokingly had changed. It looks like, the dark red pottery under the feet was taken away at some time, and replaced by a blue boat, slowly floating in mid-air!

It's a pity that Xue Jing can't see it!


Just when Luo Yu was about to regard Xue Jing as a dead person, his eyebrows twitched suddenly, and a look of surprise flashed on his face!

Under the full force of the wooden shadow clone, it was almost wrapped in a group of light like a "sword pupae" by hundreds of blue sword qi. The sword qi continued to rush forward with a slight swing, and pierced the spiritual shield on Xue Jing's body. Just as he was about to pierce his heart with ten thousand swords in the future, suddenly the front of Xue Jing's chest was burst by a red light, and then a piece of blood-colored jade pendant on his neck turned into a bright and dazzling blood sun that rose slowly, and settled in the sky. On Xue Jing's head, the blood sun looked extremely strange, sending out rounds of blood-colored light waves rippling down!

All of Luo Yu's Cuixu sword energy hit the bloody light curtain, and there was a burst of 'crackling', but no matter how hard Qingguang struggled, it was always blocked by the thin bloody light!

At this moment, Xue Jing, who was in the bloody light, was still a little unclear, so from the expression on his face, it seemed that the bloody jade pendant was not inspired by himself!

Luo Yu's face darkened, and he also didn't dare to look around lightly. He had never seen this kind of treasure before, so it was inevitable that Luo Yu would think that an expert would help Xue Jing.

But at this moment, Xue Jing was full of surprises in his heart. This jade pendant was given to the two brothers by his ancestor Xue Qinglin. He only said that it could be used for self-defense. It actually contains such a great power that it can resist all the dense sword energy around him!

However, Xue Jing still faintly felt that he was in a boat swaying in the sea of ​​swords. Once the spiritual power of the unknown blood light shield was exhausted, his life would still be lost. He wanted to put his last hope on the two ghost generals who liked the monk and himself, but when he raised his head, his pupils shrank in fright!

"It's you! How dare you sneak attack on this young master!"

Xue Jing, who was terribly frightened, had no choice but to shout fiercely, but timidly.

It's okay if Xue Jing didn't look at him, but he felt as if he had seen a ghost, and found that there was a man in yellow robes and ocher clothes standing in the place where Monk Huanxi was originally, staring at him with cold eyes, and there was another man in front of him The man in the green robe, who looked exactly the same, also stared at him with a murderous look, as if there was something hard to resolve the deep hatred!

And the two ghost generals he drove were surrounded by the man in ocher clothes who released a white bone flag and seven green throwing knives. The method of "the air of the corpse" was taken away by the black wind before it was completed, which seemed extremely easy.

This highly poisonous corpse aura has never been so useless before, even the monks in the foundation building period were afraid of getting it, but the scene in front of him truly told Xue Jing that the corpse aura was completely restrained by the black wind, regardless of the two No matter how much the ghost general roared, it was of no use at all!

What's even more exasperating is that the ghost general has clearly received his order to rescue him as soon as possible, but every time the ghost general is about to shoot out, streaks of black and green brilliance suddenly appear in front of his eyes, interweaving into a large black and green... The net shrouded it, and the ghost smashed its fists comparable to middle-level magic weapons, but the tiger's mouth shattered, howling in pain, and then the black-green light stuck to the ghost general like a tarsal maggot, once touched When it touched the surface of the ghost general's body, it was even more evil. The body that could not even be harmed by a mid-level magic weapon suddenly emitted a large amount of black smoke like burning, and the smell of the black smoke spreading was extremely unpleasant. The ghost general kept roaring in pain, as if seeing his destined nemesis!

While Xue Jing was extremely flustered, he had to say that this person was unlucky to meet Luo Yu who fully understood the weakness of ghost generals and had many ways to restrain ghost generals!

Even if the two ghost generals were driven by the demon cultivator of the foundation building period, they would be restrained by Luo Yu to the end!

But Xue Jing was not completely panicked by the fright. He could only see obscure incantations sounding from his mouth one after another, and his hands hidden in the blood-colored light wave quickly made a tactic, and streaks of blood that were almost visible to the naked eye spread out from his body. The bloodshots were crystal clear and slender, and shot out rapidly. After penetrating the light curtain unstoppably, they suddenly disappeared strangely before colliding with the blue sword energy. A ghost appeared on the top of the head instantly, and disappeared into the head of the ghost in a flash!


The ghost general who got the help of the bloodshot suddenly turned blood red in his eyes, and at the same time his whole body was raised a lot, his fists slammed forward regardless of the consequences of self-injury, and two black beams of light as thick as his arms rushed out. The beam of light was in mid-air, and the magical two black pythons of Huawei rushed towards Luo Yu fiercely, baring their teeth and claws, so majestic!

However, after Xue Jing was bleeding, his expression looked sluggish. It seemed that there was a price for using this secret method, but as long as he could rescue the ghost general first, then he might find a glimmer of life!


Facing the attack of the two giant black pythons, Luo Yu showed no fear on his face, but he had already thought of a magic formula called "Yin Shape Technique" recorded in "The Ancient Way of Shura" in his heart, and he knew it clearly. Next, Luo Yu pointed lightly at the small white bone flag, the small flag trembled slightly and gave a clear cry, and the large black light emitted began to disperse and shrink, and in the blink of an eye, black light rays converged. If it is, it seems to have a strange feeling of black and transparent.

At this moment, Luo Yu's curse stopped, and he pointed at the densely packed black silk, all of them suddenly made a low muffled sound, and then went straight to the giant black python without hesitation!

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