fairy flame

Chapter 604

Luo Yu dared to do something to himself, which is really a rare thing in a hundred years. Could it be that he really wanted to 'die badly'?

Under the furious expression on Huotou's hunchback face, raising his hand was the effort of the alchemy period. The gray knife magic weapon that had grown bigger and stopped on the top of his head trembled, and then turned into a dazzling gray light. It poured down like lightning, and with fierce strength, it first merged with Luo Yu's hundred sword lights, and the blue lights couldn't bear it for a moment and burst open one after another!

The gray giant knife seemed to enter the land of no one, and under the package of hundreds of sword lights, it quickly wiped out the blue light!

Qingfeng ancient sword and Luo Yu's mind and heart are connected, and the injury will damage both. Luo Yu's mind was shocked after some involvement, and he resisted the spout of blood. It's nothing.

After Luo Yu still pointed at the black and green giant knife above his head, the giant knife let out a shivering sound, and without fear, he slashed wildly at the magic weapon of the gray giant knife that was about to get out of trouble.

clang clang!

The gray light radiated out all over the sky, directly meeting the black-green brilliance, wrapping the latter in the blink of an eye just by virtue of the quantity, and at the same time, under the rapid washing of the flexible gray light, Luo Yu had been optimistic about the light of Tu Ling and the evil spirit. Although the combination was not wiped out in an instant, where the gray light passed, the black and green brilliance began to dissipate in pieces, and after a few breaths, most of it was eaten away, and the brilliance of the remaining ones was extremely dim, almost in the middle of the sky. Between annihilation!

And the gray giant knife was cut down by Luo Yu's Seven Stars, the brilliance only flashed for a moment, and then it immediately returned to normal. However, the huge force carried by the black and green giant knife still pushed back the gray giant knife for tens of meters, and fell into the package of hundreds of scattered cyan sword lights again.

After completing this step, the black and green giant knife whined, and couldn't hold it back into seven light-colored green lights and flew back to Luo Yu's hand unsteadily. Long and deep scratches, it is obvious that the damage to the magic weapon is not light, and it will take a lot of hard work to restore it.

But at this moment, Luo Yu felt the stronger and stronger fluctuations in the earth attribute aura behind him, knowing that success or failure is just a moment away, and he must hold on!

The fire-headed camel on the opposite side was also taken aback when he saw Luo Yu's desperate fighting style, but after finding out that those cyan sword lights were entangled with his own talisman, he couldn't help smiling disdainfully, and changed the tactic in his hand , the gray giant knife added another three points to its momentum, and as it spun around, it turned into two, two into four, and four into eight. It turned into a gray knife shadow all over the sky, and when the gray knife finally stopped with a whistling sound, Luo Yu He took a deep breath and found that the gray sword shadows in the sky were hard to be counted by the naked eye, almost enveloping the hundreds of sword lights in reverse.

I'm afraid there are at least hundreds of sword lights slashing sword energy in the sky!

And amidst the crackling of swords, lights and sword shadows, Qing Guang undoubtedly showed his defeat!

But just when the cruel look flashed on Huotou Tuo's face, when he thought that Luo Yu's sword energy would be wiped away in the next moment, and Luo Yu wanted to feel the feeling of being hacked into pieces, the blade of light sword At the place where the air was intertwined, suddenly a white giant sword appeared through the air, and as soon as it appeared, it shook off pieces of white waves with a clear sound!

Layers of white waves piled up, enveloping the gray Daoguang and the blue sword energy like a tide!

Like the Milky Way hanging upside down, the stream of light flies away, and a scene that surprised both Luo Yu and Huotou Tuo happened!

All the gray knife lights that touched the white waves were unexpectedly slowed down. Although their movements were not as difficult to move as ordinary magic weapons, their speed was still greatly reduced. What surprised the two of them most was that they were in the white waves The rippling blue sword energy was originally dim, and the sword light flickered weakly, but at this moment, after encountering the white waves, it seemed that everyone had taken strong medicine, and the blue light could not help re-radiating, piercing and screaming, spinning, And there are circles of character-like white borders wrapped around the cyan sword energy!

After these seemingly bluish-white sword qi and those sword lights touched together, the spiritual light flashed wildly, and the crackling sound continued. Although the bluish-white sword aura was still somewhat invincible and was forced to back again and again, but it was in a strange way. The white border casts streams of milky white energy and sprinkles down the back of the sword. The sword energy that had been scattered just now became firm and solid again. This white slow light has the magical effect of repairing the blue sword energy!

"The blue sky and the wall!"

Almost at the moment when they saw this scene, Luo Yu's hulking hunchback and the two of them had an idea in their hearts, and they couldn't help but blurted out in surprise.

Luo Yu had heard about the "Blue Sky Twin Walls" a long time ago, but he had only mastered the ancient Qingfeng sword. After killing Xue Yinyang, he got the Celestial Eye Sword from the other party. The ancient sword was not long, but Luo Yu hadn't thought about using the two swords together when it was too late to escape. At this moment, under the intention of inserting willows, he showed a trace of the power of the legendary set of ancient weapons.

But even so, since Luo Yu had never used the 'Blue Sky Double Wall' skillfully, he couldn't exert its strongest power at this moment.

Seeing that, under the continuous blow of the gray knife light, the recovery speed of the milky white energy didn't take long, and it was quite difficult to catch up, and the blue light was still scattered by the overwhelming blow!

"You think this can stop the old man! If you can display the full power of the 'Blue Sky Double Wall', it may be difficult for the old man to deal with you, but now hum! Addictive heart fire and poisonous gas! Disease!"

After the fire-headed camel felt that the talisman was safe, he decided in his heart, and couldn't help but waved two dark red lights from his sleeves, and sank into the giant knife in a flash. Suddenly, the gray giant knife was covered with Some dark red lines, like the meridians of the human body, flowed endlessly lifelike, and I saw the streamer flashing on the lines!

Bang bang bang!

Continuous pillars of thick dark red air swayed from the knife, like thunder rolling, and the pillars of dark red air crazily stretched out from all directions. Wherever they passed, no white light and green sword could stop them in the slightest. It was the brilliance that was struck so easily and flashed wildly, and finally amidst the bursts of mournful sword sounds, the blue light burst into countless blue light spots!

In an instant, several dark red pillars of air rushed out of the blockade of sword energy and shot straight at Luo Yu, intertwined with the outermost fiery red shield for a moment, and the red light shone brilliantly like a flash in the pan After a while, without the slightest blocking effect, the dark red beam of light pierced through countless holes in the fiery red shield, and even a fire armor puppet standing in front of Luo Yu was struck by the dark red air column in an instant. When the body exploded, the defensive armor on his body was like paper, and the blow of the 'natal aura' cultivated during the alchemy period was so terrifying!

No wonder the world of cultivating immortals always hears that there is a huge gap between the alchemy monks who have cultivated "Qi" and those who have not cultivated "Qi".

Luo Yu only had time to have such a thought in his mind, and felt the black hurricane transformed by the Qijue Lingtu Formation flag violently shake several times, making Luo Yu dizzy for a while, but after waking up, he found that he had actually fine!

It turned out that this seemingly powerful heart-thirsty gas did not penetrate the black hurricane as sharply as before, but disappeared like a mud cow into the sea!


Huotuo Tuo naturally saw this weird situation, and what surprised him was that he was so addicted to fire and poison that even ordinary monks at the alchemy stage did not dare to take it. Luo Yu, a monk at the foundation stage, actually managed to get down, but His sense of surprise was only fleeting, and it must be known that the wooden shadow clone behind cast a spell to stimulate the middle-level earth escape talisman on Yan Lingsu's head, and it was at the last moment.

Under the frontal interception of a monk who formed an alchemy, if the monks in the foundation establishment period can leave safely, it will be a big joke in the world of cultivating immortals!

Seeing this, the fire-headed camel frantically urged the whole body's mana, and the giant gray knife finally blocked the sword energy and pierced the wounded holes. The Tianmu Divine Sword and the Qingfeng Ancient Sword fell from the sky in unison, screaming again and again. The gray giant knife with hundreds of dark red air columns slashed down on Luo Yu's head with brilliance!

With a strong wind and thousands of swords, he shoots wildly!

That aura really looked like it would split mountains and split seas, chopping Luo Yu into ashes and annihilation!

And at this moment, a layer of tiny ice crystals with a cold light appeared on Luo Yu's hands at some point, like a layer of beautiful powdered fat, under the dazzling sunlight, it looks a little coquettish, this ice crystal looks crystal clear , spreading inch by inch to completely wrap Luo Yu's arm——

The first update of "Xianyan" has been delivered, and the second update will be released at noon today, which will also be the last chapter of the first volume of Xiliang Land!

Although there is an exam this morning, the last two chapters of the first volume of "Fairy Flame" are indispensable, and they need to draw a successful conclusion.


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