fairy flame

Chapter 605 The Fall

Facing the ferocious attack that had blocked the surrounding area and had no way out, Luo Yu remained motionless, as if he was unaware of all this. When he struggled to gradually raise his head to look at the huge gray knife, his expression was extremely scary!

In the depths of the dark black pupils, there was a touch of breathtaking whiteness!

This reveals a pair of incomparably strange and terrifying eyes!

Seeing that, more than a dozen dark red air columns shot down, and the ten fire armor puppets blocking Luo Yu's body gathered their arms and slammed towards them, but they couldn't get the slightest chance to breathe. The bodies of iron were pierced through one after another, turned into fragments scattered all over the sky, and finally those dark red air columns all fell on the black hurricane that wrapped Luo Yu. At this time, a sly smile hung on his face up

On the other side, Yan Lingsu, who was gradually wrapped in the yellow mask, did not care about the majestic suction from below, and exclaimed in pain in the mask, his face pale in despair!

Just now, a dark red air column shook the black hurricane. At this moment, more than ten dark red air columns fell together, and the rotation of the black hurricane stopped abruptly. Immediately, the black light and the dark red light intertwined, and the sound of cracking was chained. It sounded like a sound, and the light radiated in all directions. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

But this stalemate lasted for less than a moment. After the black hurricane roared wildly, it burst open like a wind and cloud!

All defenses have been disintegrated!

But in the next moment, there was no sound at the center of the explosion, and the silence was terrifying!

Amidst the scattered auras of all colors, there was a dead silence!

Although there were no screams, it didn't make the alchemy cultivator overly suspicious. He thought that Luo Yu was wiped out in ashes under the attack just now, so his face showed a smug look, and he raised his hand to cast Some kind of soul-stirring spell captured Luo Yu's soul and tortured him in every possible way.

But immediately, an unbelievable scene that made this person's eyeballs twitch so frantically that they were about to fall appeared before his eyes!

Suddenly, after the brilliance faded a bit, a thin white crystal wall appeared out of nowhere in front of Luo Yu in that dead silence, and at this moment, Luo Yu's arms were like white snow jade icicles straight forward. Stretching, his arms were already covered by a thick layer of finely crushed ice crystals, and his two icy crystal clear palms lightly pressed on the crystal ice wall in front, those dark red air columns continuously bombarded the crystal ice wall , but the latter relies on that thin layer, so that no matter how many dark red pillars of air are, they have to return in vain!

On the contrary, after being rebounded by the crystal ice wall, the dark red air columns dropped sharply in mid-air, and tiny ice crystals could form on the invisible air columns, and then they collapsed and wailed tremblingly. A strange scene happened at On all the dark red pillars of air, as long as they have been in contact with the crystal ice wall, none of them can escape!

The natal aura of a monk of alchemy is the extremely refined mana of a monk of alchemy, which is enough to frighten the same rank. It is a bit overkill to kill low-level monks, but the vivid scene in front of him breaks common sense, ignoring the years of cultivation in the world of immortality. Iron law!

This is tantamount to a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage fighting head-on and injuring a monk in the Alchemy Stage. This is too much of a joke!

"You dare to break my natal energy! Suffer death!"

Under such an incomparably weird atmosphere, Huotoutuo's more than [-] years of experience in cultivating immortals could not figure out what was going on. He couldn't help being frightened, his expression changed drastically, but he still commanded Gray without hesitation. The giant sword fell on the head, Luo Yu is bound to be killed here today!

But at this moment, Luo Yu looked at the giant gray knife with a pair of strange cold and white pupils, a fierce look flashed on his face, he suddenly puffed up and opened his mouth, and his lower abdomen was suddenly sunken!


A heart-piercing roar of a wild beast came out of Luo Yu's mouth, and it swept out in all directions like a turbulent sonic tide. He hurriedly wanted to take back the magic weapon of the gray knife. Although he didn't know what Luo Yu's method was, in his opinion, he might not be able to confront it head-on at this moment. Luo Yu was really weird

It's a pity that it was too late. After opening his mouth, a white air wave shot straight out of Luo Yu's mouth, just in time to collide with the giant gray knife that was falling head-on. Inside something extremely tough, the falling speed of the giant knife dropped a lot, and every point it fell, it would be accompanied by layers of fish scale-like ice chips covering the gray knife!

Starting from the tip of the knife, the more it fell, Bai Jingjing's cold air crazily wiped out the aura of the magic weapon itself, and even the handle of the knife was completely frozen in the blink of an eye!

In a short moment of less than half a sound, when the gray giant knife finally stopped at a distance of only a few inches above Luo Yu's head, it froze in place and could not move an inch.

No matter how frantically the gray knife magic weapon released circles of terrifying spiritual energy ripples and violently oscillated and struggled, it seemed that thousands of mountains and rivers were separated, and it was impossible to descend to strike Luo Yu.


At the moment when the gray giant knife was frozen, the originally aggressive fire-headed hunchback suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and almost fell from the mid-air, shaking his mouth tremblingly: "Ice! Spiritual Cold Soul! You are only at the foundation stage, how can you use the ice-forbidden art of Ice Spirit and Cold Soul!"

This person's words were full of inconceivable and deep fear from the depths of his heart, and his face turned pale. It seemed that his talisman was injured, and he himself was not much better.

And Yan Lingsu's face was full of despair, but after hearing the words, he looked at Luo Yu with an unbelievable splendor in shock!

But at this moment, Luo Yu suddenly thought of a strange sound of "crack bang bang" all over his body, and the crystal ice wall suspended in front of him also dissipated with a bang, followed by the ice scales that only reached his arms. It actually began to spread to Luo Yu's whole body, and at the same time, Luo Yu's face showed an extremely distorted and painful expression.

"Old ghost! Die together!"

At this time, after the ice crystal wall exploded uncontrollably, Luo Yu finally couldn't hold back the threads of ice spirit and cold soul in his body, and the power of backlash from the ice spread throughout the province, and the last moment came, and he could never survive. Can't help but roar like a shock!

Luo Yu glanced regretfully at the other side. When he found that the talisman that Yan Lingsu had already completed was triggered, Luo Yu smiled bitterly, and then frantically circulated his whole body's mana, and a tyrannical breath emanated from Luo Yu's body. He came out, and then Luo Yu stared down with both feet, and shot at the fire like crazy!

And at the moment of rushing over, Luo Yu turned into a huge ice cube in the blink of an eye!

What's even more frightening is that this white crystal ice cube can't stop blooming beautiful crystal ice flowers into the void, which is so beautiful!

"Explode? This lunatic!"

The fire-headed camel had just seen the power of the ice spirit and cold soul, how could it dare to resist it now? After shaking its body, it resisted the injury and quickly moved away. At the same time, it pointed at Luo Yu's head with some anxiety. Swing down!

Suddenly, a gray giant hand appeared in front of Luo Yu without any warning, and after frantically absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy, it slammed down!


There was a thunderous bang, and the thin air waves rolled and exploded. Luo Yu, who was frozen, only felt that his eyes were filled with a strong colorful light, and then under the severe pain in his head, he lost consciousness instantly!

The crystal white ice cubes dropped straight down into the black water ice pool below with their brilliant crystal long tails, looking very sad and beautiful. After a crisp sound of 'gudong', the giant ice fell heavily into the black and heavy poison-covered land!

In the drowsy twilight, Luo Yu seemed to hear an extremely sad heart-piercing call, and after a faintly beautiful yellow cloud flashed before his eyes, it was completely swallowed by the boundless darkness

Half an hour later, above the Blackwater Ice Pool, an old man with a red crown stared down with gloomy eyes, and beside him was a pale meditating monk, who was the Ancestor Jiedan who had gone through a fierce battle just now. camel with fire head.

But the old man in the red crown stared blankly for a while, his face suddenly flashed with grief, and he muttered to himself: "Is it God's will that the ice spirit and cold soul will reappear here after 30 years?"

The mist was heavy and the cold wind howled, but the sound seemed more chilling than the cold wind. Even the fire-headed hunchback who was meditating could not help but twitch his eyebrows, as if thinking of something extremely terrifying.

But all of this has drifted away with the sound of the hunting wind!

(End of Volume [-])——

The second update of "Xianyan" has been delivered, and the long first volume has finally been written, but all this is not the end, but a new and more ambitious beginning. The wonderful second volume of "Xianyan", "Leihai Fengyun" " will tell you more thrilling stories!

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