fairy flame

Chapter 607 Breaking the Cocoon

The three were vigilant and did not dare to approach each other. After a long while, the giant ape with golden yellow hair saw this scene, blinked twice, and looked back at the black ape in front of him. The giant ball sniffed sharply with its slightly flat nose, and immediately a spiritual light flashed in its eyes, then suddenly raised its head and let out a piercing mournful cry, which sounded very sad!

But a strange scene appeared, when the other two giant beasts heard it, they raised their giant heads together with excitement, and their shining eyeballs also widened, as if from the sound of the ape cry. What order did you receive?

But right away, after the two giant beasts looked at the group of poisonous beasts gleaming in the black sky above, they didn't notice any change. Immediately, the two beasts showed a combination of surprise and anger after being deceived, and opened their bloody mouths together. , two bell-like roars immediately rang out, and the ear-piercing roar echoed continuously, even shaking the surrounding black mist to shake and collapse.

Before the roar fell, the giant river monster and the giant monster spider looked down at once. Unfortunately, in the eyes of the two beasts, they only saw a violent yellow light rushing towards the black ball at a very close distance. It was too late to stop it.


There was a loud explosion, and the yellow light and the black ball directly collided with a large piece of 'black lumps' and scattered in all directions. Unfortunately, the falling 'black lumps' hadn't flown far. A ray of yellow light was swept out by the yellow light, and it was taken away, and quickly fell into the mouth of the huge yellow ape.

After the beast swallowed a large amount of 'black lump' in one gulp, it seemed to have chewed it a little bit, and then showed a surprised expression on its face, as if it had tasted some kind of delicacy, and then showed excitement, regardless of the other two. Seeing the threat of a giant beast, he unceremoniously stretched out two long arms like iron rods, and swung them down heavily!

Immediately, a pair of giant golden fists like a wheel smashed hard at the center of the black ball, as if he couldn't wait to get the contents inside, or as if he was afraid that the other two giant beasts would come to share a piece of the pie. , before the opponent fights with me, I want to stretch my fists deeper in, so that I can hug more 'black lumps' out!

Such unscrupulous behavior is naturally not allowed by the other two giant beasts. Among them, the river monster immediately waved a long tentacles as thick as a bucket, and was about to land on the greedy yellow ape like a glimpse, while the monster Not to be outdone, the spider opened its huge mouth fiercely, and more than a dozen streaks of extremely cold gray spider fluid shot out in a flash, and a strong corrosive smell rushed towards the face. Parry it!

It seems that the two beasts were so angry at the yellow ape's 'preemptive' behavior that they wanted to teach each other a lesson in a two-on-one way!

But at this time, Huang Yuan's huge fist turned into two dazzling golden lights. After a "thunderbolt", it had pierced through a large number of black blocks and penetrated deeply. Attacking a grin, it seemed that he was not only showing off his intelligence, but also despised the opponent for being too stupid.

But at this moment, something that frightened the three beasts happened suddenly!

I saw that the golden light rushing into the black giant ball had a strange and inexplicable pause when it entered a depth of several feet, as if it was greatly hindered, and it was difficult to move forward any more, and the yellow ape beast had a tyrannical face. After a flash of unwillingness, just as he was about to intensify his attack, he let out a terrifying scream without warning!

Unknowingly, his originally golden fist had a burst of tiny ice crystals like fish scales, which looked crystal clear.

Don't look at the fact that there are not many ice crystals, but the golden fist was easily pressed down by the ice crystals, and the golden light was pierced through without any hindrance, and it quickly extended to the arms of the yellow ape. In an instant, two huge His long arm was submerged by the strange ice crystals, and it was only a short moment!

But the yellow ape beast only felt a chilling feeling of falling into the cold pool. The terrifying sense of crisis made it unprepared, and its arms that could normally lift thousands of catties began to be completely disobedient. Struggling and twisting in a thin layer of ice crystals!

What's even more frightening is that after the ice crystals covered both arms, they didn't show any intention of stopping their hands, instead they spread straight to the whole body of the yellow ape!

This time, the yellow ape beast, which has lived for an unknown amount of time, finally showed an extremely panic expression in its eyes. Under the hissing and mourning, the fear of death inspired it to instinctively condense the evil spirit of years of hard work into a ball in its belly, Then it sprayed out without waiting for a moment, and Huang Xia, who was as tall as Zhang Xu, swept down wildly, and met with the spreading terrifying ice in an instant!

For a moment, the menacing cover of the ice crystal stopped for a while, and was blocked by Huang Xia forcibly, unable to advance an inch. Seeing this scene, the yellow ape looked lucky, and continued to spit out monster energy, commanding When Huang Xia drove the strange ice away from her arm in one go, her eyes were suddenly terrified as if she had seen a ghost!

Seeing that Huang Xia barely blocked a breath, after the yellow and white light flashed for a while, all Huang Xia was trembling violently, all of them were smashed away by the tiny ice crystals, and then they were wiped out in ashes!

The yellow ape beast has no other means to save itself at this moment. Seeing that the strange ice spread all over its belly in an instant, it was about to completely cover its neck. After the pleading eyes, it completely turned into a crystal clear ice sculpture of a giant ape!

Coincidentally, the moment the ice sculpture was formed, the long tentacles of the river demon were about to hit the ice sculpture, but the beast, which was so frightened, stopped it with a roar, and the gray spider fluid spit out by the demon spider Even worse, the arrow-like spider liquid only touches the ice sculpture at the front end, and the white light flashes away from the ice sculpture again. Slender icicles on top!

The scene where the yellow ape beast was instantly frozen, the two beasts could see it clearly just now, now they flew back desperately as if seeing a nemesis, just kidding, the yellow ape that is usually as strong as them instantly Having become like this, they no longer dare to pay any attention to this mysterious 'black ball'.

Even if you get closer, you will feel a chill all over your body after feeling the slightest chill from the ice sculpture of the yellow ape. It's hard to say.

After fully understanding what not to do, the two beasts backed up a few feet with a look of fear, and looked at the black ball and the ice ape fearfully for a while, as if they realized that the black ball was really not to be touched lightly, so they also Gradually put away their unwilling eyes, each took strange steps and slowly retreated into the black mist, and was soon enveloped and submerged in it.

After a while, Heishi and Ice Ape were plunged into the deep and silent black mist again, and there was no movement at all, as if the fierce battle just now was like a dream and never happened.

In this dark and misty day, with no sun or moon, it seems that no matter how long it has passed, there is no sign of daylight about to appear. Naturally, it is impossible to calculate how many years have passed in the outside world.

But finally, after the black ball fell into the black mist for an unknown amount of time, slight changes gradually broke the silence of this place.

I saw that on the black ball's originally tightly wrapped surface, at the place where the yellow ape stretched out his two giant fists, there suddenly flashed a series of faint white lights with indeterminate brightness. This white light was extremely weak at first, but every time it flashed After the movement, there will be some cracks extending outward along the hole made by the giant fist. Although the cracks seem small, every crack will make the surface of the black ball automatically fall off some "black blocks".

This weird scene looks a bit like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon.

And it has been like this all the time, after the slow and repeated scene of water dripping through stone lasted for a long time, the vicinity of the two fist holes on the surface of the black ball was finally covered with dense black lines of cracks, all of which would turn into cracks and fragments at any time mean.

Although the entrance of the hole did not grow much larger, after a black block the size of a skull landed crisply and crisply, bursts of violent vibrations reappeared in the black mist, and along with the larger black block As the lumps fell, the black lumps that had already been on the verge of collapse in other places seemed to have become a flood embankment with a corner missing, collapsing into the ant nest all at once, and the huge black ball was completely crushed in one fell swoop!

After the sound of "rumbling" rose and fell in the black mist, the black ball was like a huge mountain collapsing. After a large number of black blocks rolled down, an unstoppable white dazzling brilliance shot out from the gap of the black blocks. Thousands of white light beams rushed straight out, like treasures that had been dusty for many years, and the shining brilliance could not be concealed, making the originally dark and strange fog extremely bright!

At this time, if the yellow ape standing near the black ball and still maintaining the posture of attacking with both fists can still move, the huge eyeballs will probably see a shocking scene!

Inside the seemingly rough and dirty black ball, there is actually a huge crystal clear ice cube standing quietly. Through the irregular appearance of the hazy ice cube, if you look inside, you will find that there seem to be two holes inside. The figure is flickering and shaking!

It is indeed moving!

Moreover, in an environment that seems to be sealed by ice, the people inside don't seem to be completely sealed, and the cold air has little effect on the two of them, and the cloud-like cold air has no effect on the two people inside. There are no restrictions!

At this moment, if someone sees the appearance of the figure inside and the various 'taboo' gestures revealed by the swaying figure, they will probably be speechless in surprise. scene! ——

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