fairy flame

Chapter 608

Through the huge crystal-like ice, two fiery and red bodies were faintly shaking inside!

At first glance, the two of them were only embracing each other intimately under some unsightly cover, entangled tightly. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

His gaze pierced through the huge ice that sealed the two of them, and if he wanted to take a closer look, it seemed that there was an extraordinary woman in ragged clothes, leaning close to the arms of a man with thick eyebrows and sword-like eyes, a large piece of tender and tender eyes. The body trembled slightly, what a stunning picture of fragrance!

The snow-white silk dress on this girl seemed to have been torn violently some time ago, and a blush appeared on her face covered with thin powder. The state of joy and anger in life is enough to seduce people's hearts.

Above the uncommon pretty face, there are red lips and bright teeth, jade fingers and plain arms, behind the head is covered with long watery hair that reaches to the buttocks, below the pretty face, the exquisite and impeccable figure and slender waist and snowy skin have infinite charm , against the backdrop of wisps of white cold air drifting and coiling, it seems that the water spirit is delicate and yet inverts all living beings.

And the thick-browed man who hugged the woman tightly showed a resolute and tenacious look on his knife-sharpened face, and a faint red light radiated from his whole body, which flickered on and off, looking strange and mysterious.

Accompanied by the red light, the completely naked body showed a well-proportioned and strong physique, and in the frozen space, some yellow clothes that had already turned into pieces of ice could be vaguely guessed, this man with thick eyebrows The appearance of the previous clothes!

At this moment, when the black ball completely collapsed and shattered, the white light emitted by the huge ice cube continued to flicker, and with the flickering of the white light, the two people inside, a man and a woman, frowned at the same time. Yan Ming's pain happened to the two of them!

Immediately, the instinctive man couldn't help tightening his arms around the woman, the bare skin of the Jue vulgar woman instantly turned a seductive pink color, and her fragrant lips trembled slightly as if she was about to make a sound, but half After the sound, nothing could be said.

However, the white light only flickered violently for a while, and then returned to normal. The white crystal light became stable immediately, and the two people inside also stopped their lustful actions immediately.

This man and woman are not others, I am afraid it is beyond everyone's expectations.

The frozen ones turned out to be Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu who seemed to have had enough time to escape at the last moment!

Now for some unknown reason, both of them were frozen together and fell into this mysterious space!

Fortunately, there is absolutely no one around the black ball except for the yellow ape who is also frozen and motionless, otherwise it will be a surprise.

But at this moment, something happened to the two of them, making them what they are now, and both of them seem to be in a coma or in a state where they cannot extricate themselves from some kind of illusion, and it seems that they will not be able to get out of it for a while. There is no sign of waking up, just maintaining their respective postures monotonously.

But when such a tender thing happened while the two were in a coma, I'm afraid they really will wake up. At least with Luo Yu's temperament, they will definitely feel very cramped, and even their minds will go blank in an instant, and they don't know how to end it.

After such a long time, the two people in the ice cube stood there quietly like the living dead. Although I don't know how the two were injured before, if no one cares about this weird place for a long time, even the gods may be killed. A sleepy day.


In the long and endless darkness, the bright and bright ice cubes were submerged in the dense fog for an unknown period of time, and suddenly, a blue wave of light swept through the black fog like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and passed through the darkness like a ray of light from outside the sky. After a burst of tumbling and rolling, it seemed to be submerged with a huge wave. Wherever the blue light passed, the black mist rolled away and was completely wiped away!

For a moment, it wasn't just something that dazzled the blue haze that illuminated this mysterious space, like an illusion descended into the world.

In the sparkling blue light, all the light flickered, gradually revealing a blue light group the size of a water tank. After the light group appeared, a sweet and refreshing smell immediately permeated the air, and there seemed to be some 'buzzing' insects following it. sound!

And at the top of this light group, there was a blue-faced old woman with an extremely terrifying and ugly face, looking at the white ice block standing in the black mist with a trace of doubt!

The old woman's face was so ugly that it was unsightly, but she was surrounded by several bright blue light bands like clouds of smoke in an extremely uncoordinated way, which really made people laugh.

It can be said that it is the ostentation of a fairy when she descends to earth, but she has the face of an evil spirit.

I saw that the blue-faced old woman first looked at the white ice with concentration, and after thinking for a while, her eyes gradually showed an unconcealable shock, and then more surprises came from the two hugging each other in the ice. people!

At this time, suddenly two low-pitched roars came from behind the blue light group, and then two beams of light, one white and one gray, rushed out of the blue waves, revealing that they had escaped because of extreme fear The fourth-level river monster and the gray demon spider!

After the two beasts flew out of the blue light aggressively, they stopped in front of the blue-faced old woman with extreme taboo. Not only did they not show any ferocity on their faces, but they were as well-behaved as if they were being raised in captivity, with extremely docile eyes Glancing at the blue-faced old woman with only a head exposed in the blue light, she opened her mouth and let out a low cry twice, as if to tell something. After a while, the two beasts lowered their bodies in unison, lying motionless Beside the blue-faced old woman, she didn't dare to take another step forward.

At this moment, the old woman who didn't know what she saw, or heard something from the animal language, suddenly looked strange, and seemed to be a little excited to take out a piece of white chalcedony. After spitting out a ball of white spiritual power, it hit the chalcedony that flew out of his sleeve, and the latter instantly emitted a cloud of white light, dotted with some familiar stars. Patterns such as the sun and the moon!

And a strange scene appeared again, at the moment when the white chalcedony appeared, a white beam of light rushed out of the huge motionless ice block without any hindrance, and blocked the white ice as if it was nothing in a flash. It shot straight to the top of the old woman's head and then slowly fluttered around it. You can vaguely see the almost identical patterns of stars in the light beam also arranged in it, which is surprisingly similar to the pattern of light emitted by the chalcedony in front of the old woman!

"This this!"

Seeing this scene, the old woman was stunned and speechless for a moment, muttering to herself as if sleepwalking, a faintly familiar feeling filled her mind in an instant!

This made the blue-faced old woman's ugly face make a trembling voice, which was full of incredible taste!

However, after seeing some ways of Bai Bing's cold air, the blue-faced old woman quickly put away her excited and shocked face, turned her head back to sleep, and suddenly opened her mouth to spew out a stream of pure spiritual energy, which turned into a stream of cold It quickly shot into the chalcedony in front of her, and was quickly absorbed completely. Then the old woman murmured a low-pitched incantation, and an extremely powerful mana wave emanated from the blue light!

Just because of the fluctuation of this aura, if Luo Yu is still awake and has a keen sense of consciousness, he can find that the cultivation base of the strange old woman in front of him definitely exceeds that of Li You and other ordinary monks who are in the early stage of alchemy. The mid-term patriarch has everything!

The sound of the incantation suddenly stopped after a long time, and the white chalcedony lightly shook, and immediately broke away from the shackles of the blue light. The two suddenly fluttered and danced around!

This scene completely stunned the eyes of the blue-faced old woman!

But the two beams of light that were mixed together suddenly flew down in an orderly manner, and the white light came to the vicinity of the huge ice block in a flash, and then quickly circled around the huge ice block in a circle, just like before. There is no difference in the scene of dancing around the old woman!

This caused the blue-faced old woman's fierce expression to suddenly become soft, loving, puzzled, and other complicated colors alternately.


"where is this?"

In a black grotto that shone with faint red light, a voice full of doubts and a little dull suddenly came out. As soon as the voice fell, there was a clear and crisp bone sound, followed by a deep and painful moan. Then it rang.

Looking through the faint red light in the black grotto, I saw a thick-browed man lying half-lying on a gray stone bed, looking as if he was about to get up, but unfortunately his body froze in mid-air for less than a moment, and then hurt again. Humming and fell down on the stone bed.

Since he couldn't get up, this handsome man didn't show a strange panic like ordinary people, but his eyes started to look at the place he was in with a bit of agility.

It is extremely rare to be able to have such a calm attitude at such an age!

This person was Luo Yu who was knocked down into the black water ice pool that day!

As he survived the catastrophe, a wave of vague memories flooded his mind. In fact, there were too many doubts and puzzles in his mind, but when it was difficult to sort out the situation for a while, Luo Yu began to look a little less vigilant!

Although the dim red light around here is not bright, it can still be seen from the small stone walls beside it. It seems a bit like the cave where I practiced before, but if this is the cave, I can't see any place of cultivation at a glance. It needs to be arranged by cultivating immortals, but Luo Yudao didn't suspect that it was a lair of monsters. After all, any place where monsters live, not to mention the concentration of monsters, at least still has some strange smells.

The monk's cave should be relatively dry, but since Luo Yu woke up, his rather sensitive sense of smell has always found a faint trace of moisture permeating the cave or grotto!

As for why it is called a grotto, it was when Luo Yu looked up at the top of his head and found that if it was a stone cave, the upper stone wall should naturally be sealed, but everything in front of him clearly told Luo Yu that there was a black hole on it. In the lacquered tunnel, faint cold wind blows down from the tunnel, just facing the stone bed on which he is lying, which makes Luo Yu feel the fresh and cool air, and at the same time makes Luo Yu not believe in the cold wind tunnel. The distribution facing the stone bed was just a natural formation, so he immediately felt it carefully.

In the end, within a short time, Luo Yu's face was suddenly stunned!

"What! My cultivation is actually at the peak of the mid-stage Foundation Establishment!"

On Luo Yu's pondering face, a daydreaming expression instantly appeared. He remembered that before he was knocked down into the black water ice pool, it was clear that the foundation was stable in the initial stage, but why did he seem to be so dizzy and unconscious after the incident, but now he opened his eyes to see his strength? Advance by leaps and bounds!

If this happened to other monks, I am afraid that everyone would be overjoyed and excited.

But Luo Yu firmly believes in the truth that what you sow brings you what you reap. There is no such thing as a white pie in this world, and there must be demons when things happen!

He wasn't overjoyed by it like ordinary monks, but he was worried too much. Could it be that there was something wrong with his body suddenly?

But Luo Yu's suspicious look at the beginning finally returned to his surprised expression after he continued to look inward with his spiritual sense for a while, and Luo Yu, who had carefully checked his body this time, was completely appointed to believe that he was real. After the 'sleep', he inexplicably possessed the strength of the middle stage of foundation establishment! ——

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