fairy flame

Chapter 609 Ice Demon 'Yan Yuqing'

This is too unbelievable, Luo Yu couldn't believe it, and couldn't help but want to mobilize some spiritual power in his body to truly feel it. It's not without reason that the pie that suddenly fell from the sky hit him. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

But what Luo Yu didn't expect was that it would be no problem for him to drive the spiritual thoughts in his mind a little bit, but just as the spiritual thoughts communicated with the spiritual power in his body, just when he was about to run for a while, suddenly, an extremely intense pain suddenly came from his body. From every joint in the whole body, it was as if a scorching fire was burning in the bottom of my heart, and the feeling of being torn apart like a thousand knives made Luo Yu couldn't help but shout!

And as the severe pain spread all over his body in an instant, the veins in Luo Yu's painful hands could not help but bulge, he gritted his teeth and kept moaning, his brows twisted upside down.

But the more Luo Yu wanted to control it, the hot pain was deliberately against him, burning from every corner of his body, even blinking his eyes without any problems when he woke up, it could affect the spasm and pain of a certain nerve in the body, enough After a long while, the consciousness of the pain gradually subsided, and Luo Yu only felt that his chest was so tight that he wanted to take a few breaths, otherwise he would be suffocated to death on the spot.

This is an anecdote. I can’t guarantee anything else, but Luo Yu’s experience since he was a child is extraordinary. He walked through various pains until now. He always thought that he had a strong immunity to pain, but he didn’t expect this. This time really let him know a lot.

Luo Yu resisted and glanced at his hands, but he didn't know when the bright red blood was gurgling, and the blood dripped down on the cave floor continuously, and it was difficult to stop for a while without mana running. , this is too exaggerated.

Such a frightening scene made Luo Yu feel horrified as if he fell from a high-altitude cloud to the ground.

And after the pain, finally that flood of memories flooded in again, and at this moment Luo Yu hurriedly kept the Lingtai clear and began to accept all this. The memory is slowly integrated in the mind.

As some vague consciousness gradually recovered, just when Luo Yu was in a daze and didn't know where he was thinking, there was a whistling wind above his head, and a graceful figure floated down, turning into a beautiful white figure.

In the dark cave, against the background of white clothes Shengxue, it looks like the legendary moonlight fairy floating down to earth.

"Luo Yu, you're awake."

The originally crisp voice was deliberately lowered to a low level, as inaudible as a mosquito buzzing, but before the words fell, Luo Yu felt a gust of fragrant wind hit his face, and suddenly the white figure came to the edge of the stone bed, stretched out a The tender and white hands supported him, and quickly flicked a few flashes of spiritual light into Luo Yu's bleeding palm, and then Luo Yu felt a warm air flow in the palm of his hand, and immediately stopped the bleeding up.

"Your body is seriously injured. Fortunately, you have practiced some superficial exercises, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. But before your injury recovers, you can lie down and rest at ease."

After finishing speaking, she seemed to realize that her behavior was a little too intimate. The woman in white took a short breath, her lips fell asleep, and she immediately withdrew her hands with a blushing face, and stood by the bed feeling a little at a loss.

But it is even more like a closed moon and a shameful flower!

Luo Yu was completely stunned at this moment, he was very familiar with who the person in front of him was, wasn't it Yan Lingsu who was trying his best to protect and escape?

Why is this woman with him again, and she still appears in this strange and unfamiliar place, and what surprised Luo Yu the most is that this woman's behavior is completely different from the original cold appearance towards him. All revealed the deep concern for themselves.

What the hell is going on here!

Luo Yu didn't feel like he was living in the real world anymore, but he immediately remembered what he had said to this girl before he felt he was going to die. Under the circumstances, Luo Yu's previous thick skin was useless, and he looked at this woman for a while and didn't know what to say.

To be honest, if it weren't for the severe pain in his body and the familiar and unique fragrance from the beautiful woman's body in front of him, Luo Yu would have doubted whether all this was reality.

"Miss Yan, I remember that I fell into the black water and ice pool when the hunchback knocked me down, but at that time, I only felt extremely cold all over my body, and even my consciousness was frozen. I don’t remember all the things clearly, what happened afterwards, how did my cultivation level soar to the peak in the middle stage of foundation establishment? Where is this?”

After Luo Yu breathed a sigh of relief, he said all the doubts in his heart at once.

Yan Ling was originally standing there shyly, but when she heard it, she was so confused that she didn't know how to face the man in front of her, although she had already thought about what she would say to Luo Yu hundreds of times when she woke up, But she, who has never had any experience of dual cultivation of men and women, suddenly felt numb when she thought of the things that only dual cultivation couples would do between herself and the man in front of her. It was like a dream, like a dream, and deeply rooted in her heart.

However, after this woman and Luo Yu's eyes that were pure enough to be just puzzled met, they couldn't help but feel a little bit disappointed in their hearts. I gave him my innocent body and many years of cold yin essence, but the other party didn't behave like I had imagined. , when he woke up, he cared for himself in every possible way, and his eyes were not tender.

Yan Lingsu felt a little wronged for a while, but what was even more frustrating was that she didn't dare to talk to Luo Yu about the experience of being frozen during that time.

"This is actually the bottom of the Blackwater Ice Pool. I could have escaped at the beginning, but in the end I gave up. Anyway, I was poisoned by the heart fire poison, and I couldn't live long. Even if I did escape, I would most likely be killed by the Xue family." The cultivator realized that instead of falling into their hands and not having a good end, it would be better to forget it with you, so I took the initiative to withdraw the intermediate earth escape talisman, and then fell with you in my arms. I didn’t know why at the time, I really I'm not afraid of death at all"

When the woman said this, she paused and continued.

"However, I didn't expect that it was the uncontrollable ice spirit and cold spirit in your body that frozen you. I was caught off guard at that time, and I was also frozen inside together. After that, we fell into here."

Yan Lingsu spoke softly, but Luo Yu couldn't tell from the interruptions that this woman was obviously hiding something, but at this moment he really didn't think about what he had done, and continued after hearing the words rather puzzled.

"Did it fall together? What about my cultivation?"

Just as Luo Yu wanted to ask about the specifics of what happened, but just as he said this, a bright blue light flashed like ripples in the grotto, causing Luo Yu's eyes to be stabbed shut, and he couldn't figure it out immediately. When something happened, I only felt an invisible pressure oppressing me, and an unpleasant voice of yin and yang came from my ears.

"Cultivation? Hehe! Do you think that the cultivation of immortals can skyrocket for no reason? How could it be such a good thing! That's because after you and my daughter double-cultivated, you got the Xuanyin of her years of hard work. It’s only because of your aura that you’ve broken through to this point, Ling’er, you see what the old woman expected, there are not many good men in this world, you must not trust them easily!”

This weird voice came from behind Yan Lingsu. Luo Yu was inexplicable and shocked at the sound. After slightly relieving the stinging pain in his eyes just now, he opened his eyes to look.

The result was a blue light ball in the shape of a water tank. There seemed to be countless blue threads running through the light ball, which was very mysterious. On the blue tank, there was only a wrinkled, ugly and scary face!

This is not an ordinary horror, the face is almost covered with dark blue tumor spots, some disgusting abscess liquid is slowly flowing out, combined with the strange voice of yin and yang, if this appears in the world of cultivating immortals outside, I am afraid that it is just based on appearance It can scare many low-level monks, and I am afraid that the image of the evil ghost in the rumors is nothing more than this.

Fortunately, Luo Yu is also a person who has seen all kinds of horrible and weird things, and his character has no habit of judging people by their appearance, so after a flash of strangeness in his eyes, it is more unbelievable to hear those words in his ears!

"What! Shuangxiu! Could it be me and me!"

When Luo Yu was about to continue talking, his eyes suddenly trembled, his mind was struck by lightning, and a trembling voice came out of his mouth.

"Huh, that's not right! Daughter? You said you are Miss Yan's mother who has been lost for many years and has been looking for? You are Yan Yuqing, who was known as the ice demon back then!"

This time Luo Yu's head exploded like a 'boom', he never thought that after he fell into the black water ice pool, there would be so many strange and abnormal things in a series, which made it difficult for Luo Yu to accept for a while.

"Lost? Hahaha, you're right. I never thought that I've been trapped here for more than [-] years, and there are still people in the world of cultivating immortals outside who remember the title of 'Ice Demon'!"

After hearing Luo Yu's gaffe words, the blue-faced old woman showed a trace of confusion and sorrowful expression on her face, as if she had got "lost insanity"!

Although the blue-faced old woman in front of her didn't have the beauty and beauty in the rumors at all, and she even ran completely against her, but when she looked carefully at her pair of sharp and unparalleled eyes, she was somewhat similar to Yan Lingsu's eyes.

Just when Luo Yu was shocked by what the old woman said and completely connected Yan Lingsu's abnormal changes, the damaged memory in his mind suddenly seemed to have found the source, and was pulled by a mysterious 'memory thread'. Everything is connected in series!

All of this is wrapped up in the double cultivation that happened to me and Yan Lingsu in a daze!

Everything flashed quietly and orderly in my heart like a blessed soul!

But after he understood everything in an instant, all kinds of ups and downs filled Luo Yu's nerves!

This made his mind swell, and Luo Yu's facial expression showed a distorted look of pain.

"Mom! He just woke up, and he doesn't remember many things, so don't force him, wait until he recovers completely!"

Seeing Luo Yu's painful expression, Yan Lingsu only felt that his heart was full of pity and intolerance, so he said to the old woman who was caught in the past with a worried expression——

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