fairy flame

Chapter 620 Iron Blood Thought

After the blue-faced old woman finished speaking calmly, suddenly something flew out of the blue light ball, and went straight to Luo Yu in a flash of white light. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

The ball of white light did not contain the slightest attack power. Seeing this, Luo Yu stretched out his hand expressionlessly, and after opening five fingers, he grabbed the white light in his hand.

Turning over the hand and looking, what appeared between the five fingers turned out to be a snow-white wrench that seemed to be made of exquisite jade, even without any mana support, it automatically emitted circles of white light rippling in the Luo In Yu's hand, bursts of coolness followed Luo Yu's palm and sank into the skin, and then a cold stream rushed straight into Luo Yu's mind, making him shiver uncomfortably at first, and immediately felt The chill became extremely refreshing again, and the whole person's spirit improved a lot.

This thing actually has a rare refreshing effect!

This made Luo Yu couldn't help but look at this treasure twice. It's not like he hasn't seen treasures that have the effect of calming the nerves and refreshing the brain. Back then, the 'Pursuing Evil Rosary' that the third sister asked for from the ancestor of Mrs. Fang had this magical effect, but the two For comparison, the rosary seems to be inferior to this little white jade finger ring.

But it's not good for Luo Yu to show too obvious concentration, so as not to be mistaken for greed by others, he can return to normal and put the white jade finger into his arms, and then hang a confident expression on his face, calm He said with a faint smile: "Senior is so thoughtful for this junior, I am already very satisfied. As for how to break the ban quietly, to be honest, although my cultivation base is not high, what I am good at is the restraint formation. , this junior has some confidence."

This is true. Although Luo Yu's cultivation is only at the foundation stage, his level of alchemy and formation is actually no worse than that of ordinary alchemy stage monks. He doesn't mind revealing a little bit about his strengths. The other party listened.

But after finishing speaking, Luo Yu suddenly showed a little doubt on his face, and this expression could not be lingered on his face.

Originally, people like Luo Yu were able to hide their emotional changes very well, but now they undoubtedly did it on purpose, and the purpose was to let the blue-faced old woman see it.

"What? Do you have any questions?"

Seemingly seeing something, the blue-faced old woman who was in a daze and didn't know what to think about came back to her senses and asked coldly with a straight face.

"I don't want to hide this from seniors. This junior thought about it carefully. Apart from two puzzles in my heart, there is another request for seniors to agree."

Luo Yu rolled his eyes, and said tentatively in a low voice, while showing humility again.

"Oh? What's puzzling? You ask, but you don't need to tell me. I probably already know what you want to ask."

The blue-faced old woman seemed to have expected what Luo Yu was going to say, her expression darkened suddenly, but she did not continue speaking.

Luo Yu naturally had a panoramic view of all this, but he still spoke frankly.

"Then just say it straight, the junior thinks that with the senior's cultivation ability, it should be more reliable than the junior to fetch the ice dragon cicada in person. Why didn't the senior do it himself? Also, is the seal in Ling'er's body in the end?" For how long it can last, this junior needs to have a solid foundation in his heart to prepare for it, and this last request, this junior wants to learn from Senior Yan how to use Ice Spirit and Cold Soul!"

Luo Yu's face was full of determination, but his heart was like a mirror!

"The junior can only have the ability to protect himself in today's turbulent times by refining the ice spirit and cold soul in his body as soon as possible. I hope the senior will be fulfilled!"

And Luo Yu's three things just hit the point, being able to see things so thoroughly in such a short period of time, this is not an ability that can only be possessed by a high cultivation base, but only belongs to a group of people who are vigilant and agile by nature. Only a few can have it.

Of course, the last request Luo Yu couldn't guarantee was the last one. He was both worried and expected.

Although the blue-faced old woman had already expected it, she couldn't help but look at him with admiration again in her heart. It seemed that the longer she spent together, the better Luo Yu's feeling for him was, which was quite different from the dull, timid and timid she thought at the beginning. , There is a feeling of being hidden.

"Hehe, why don't you go out? That's because I can't leave here at all. In fact, in Ling'er's body, the seal that restrains the spread of fire poison is my self-shattered golden core, and I have used the essence of my life's golden core to display it. Now I There are only two more months at most, and the time limit will come. After death, I will sit here and turn into a bone."

The blue-faced old woman said with a sense of loss, her eyes suddenly became sharper!

"But it must be God's arrangement! The old woman has killed countless people in her life, and in the end it is not an exaggeration to be rewarded for this. After 30 years of torture under the black water and ice pool, I realized some truth, and for my mother If this is the case, how can I bear my daughter's fate like mine? In fact, I could have saved her life with fire-eating poisonous insects, but it is inevitable that I will end up as a person, a ghost, and a ghost. I have already suffered this once. The pain that ordinary people can't bear, I will never let this fate be imposed on my daughter, besides, Ling'er is now at an age of unparalleled beauty, I would rather she die if she can't find the ice dragon cicada, than May she suffer from the pain of ten thousand insects devouring her body."

When the blue-faced old woman said this, a powerful spiritual pressure erupted out of nowhere, and the entire hall of monster bones was shaken several times by invisible air waves!

Scared so much that Luo Yu's face quickly flashed with horror, but immediately, as the blue-faced old woman calmed down and withdrew her spiritual pressure, Luo Yu couldn't help returning to normal and let out a long breath.

"Boy Luo! It doesn't matter if you understand this point, but before you leave the Blackwater Ice Pool, you must keep it a secret from the old woman, otherwise, with Ling'er's temperament, knowing that I used my life to save her life, Then you will probably do something stupid, after you go out, don't come back, and you will tell her all this on the day when the two of you are truly relieved of your respective fire poisons and cold poisons."

"Here is a jade slip. On the day when you can tell all the secrets, you can give this jade slip to Linger. At that time, she will understand my painstaking efforts. As for the secrets in Linger's body The fire poison seal can last for about ten to 15 years. Judging from the fact that Hanshanwu accepts disciples once every ten years, at worst, you still have a chance to steal the ice dragon cicada, but whether you can get it depends on your ability and made good."

As soon as the words fell, a fiery red slap jade slip flew out from the blue light under the body of the blue-faced old woman, and shot directly in front of Luo Yu, then turned away the brilliance and fell into Luo Yu's arms. Tears flickered slightly in Luo Yu's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and put the jade slip into his arms without looking at it. Those words just now made his blood boil, he felt sad, angry and annoyed, and he felt helpless.

Maybe Luo Yu had all sorts of incomprehensible views on the blue-faced old woman before, but after the other party's affectionate words were finished, Luo Yu's heart was as firm as a rock, and he couldn't help but be deeply moved. !

He gave his life for it, but he didn't care, even some paranoid people didn't give others a chance to choose.

At this moment, Luo Yu knew that he still had an invisible responsibility, and he couldn't even imagine what it would be like the day he really said it. This faintly made Luo Yu very heartbroken, but he didn't know what to say .

After all, what the blue-faced old woman did can't be wrong, on the contrary, it was a very real exchange of life. Since the other party has done this, Luo Yu will really waste the other party's hard work if he tells Linger now. It will cause Ling'er to regret and suffer. It's not that Luo Yu doesn't understand the reason for this, but if he wants to keep this secret, his heart will be tortured.

But these pains are nothing compared to the other party!

It's a blessing to have a mother like this!

"The junior will remember what the senior said, and will definitely keep it secret until that day! Luo Yu will definitely do it."

This is the end of the matter, and the ending is doomed. Although it is impossible to imagine how the Ice Demon, who was once all-powerful, will be alone when he is about to die, in Luo Yu's view, this is not what fate should be like at all, it is all because of some things , you are not ruthless and iron-blooded enough, this will lead to all kinds of tragedies!

People are not for themselves, and heaven and earth will destroy. In the unfair world of the jungle, everyone should be selfish and seek everything for themselves and the people they care about. As for the means, there are all available!

You can't change the cruel reality of the world of cultivating immortals, you can only change yourself and learn to adapt!

Although the realization and feeling are small, somewhere, because of unwillingness, that bloody seed has quietly taken root and sprouted in Luo Yu's heart.

"Okay! Haha, it looks like you've finally got the hang of it, at least you're still a man to make, and it's not in vain that I've tried so hard to tell you so much."

Seemingly aware of the change in Luo Yu's momentum and expression, the blue-faced old woman stared at Luo Yu with admiration for the first time.

Based on her many years of experience and experience, these words are based on countless life and death tests. If future generations can be regarded as a wake-up call, it will definitely save a lot of trouble in the long journey of cultivating immortals in the future.

"Your third condition is that you want me to teach you the mantle of the way of ice soul. Naturally, I should agree to you. In fact, the old lady has this intention for a long time. Why haven't I realized it until now? My natal magic weapon, the green flute 'Are you used to it?"

The blue-faced old woman's temperament changed very quickly, her face changed from the sadness just now to a smile, and she even said something that surprised Luo Yu——

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