fairy flame

Chapter 621

"Green Zha flute? That's the magic weapon of the senior! No wonder there are many complex formations engraved on the body of this flute, and no matter how the junior instills spiritual power, this flute has not moved at all. The natal magic weapon that can only be possessed and used by the cultivation level, this junior has never thought of it, but I am afraid that the natal magic weapon of the senior is driven by the junior's cultivation."

Even though he was extremely surprised to hear the origin of the 'Green Flute', Luo Yu would not be overwhelmed by the surprise. No matter how powerful a treasure is, it needs the same level of cultivation to drive it, otherwise it would be easy to be caught by the treasure itself. The powerful power can explode the body!

The current Luo Yu has always been very shy about those talismans with earth-shattering power. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

"Hehe, I have to say that there is indeed some fate between you and the old lady. Although it is not impossible for monks in the foundation building period to master a little bit of ice spirit and cold soul, there are rumors that several monks with magical cold physique can do it , but it is undoubtedly rare and pitiful, even the old lady had the opportunity to practice this supernatural power after forming the alchemy, and I checked your spiritual root attribute when you were injured before, and you do not have the ice attribute spiritual root , but through the medicine of Bingyue Orchid to forcibly increase the body's cold resistance in an acquired way, although this method is a bit stupid, but the drop of water, at least the huge danger brought by the quick method, in the current situation, although the old woman I'm very curious, but I won't ask why you have so many high-year ice spirit cold soul medicinal materials to cleanse your body. On the contrary, I just need to help you use the ice spirit cold soul in your body as soon as possible. , you may be able to save your life when facing a monk in the alchemy stage."

The blue-faced old woman turned her gaze, and said with a slow smile, a hint of deep meaning flashed in her eyes.

Hearing this, Luo Yu couldn't help but move in his heart, secretly thinking that the other party really suspected the 'mysterious flame', he was worthy of being a patriarch in the alchemy stage, but he still showed a respectful look and waited for the other party's next words.

"After I die, it's useless to throw this talisman here, so it's better to give it to you for self-defense. The old woman's natal talisman is all made from the extremely rare 'deep sea ice', and There was only this kind of material when it was refined, which also caused the attributes of this treasure to be too single. Compared with other natal magic weapons of the founder of alchemy, the magical powers changed less, but the advantage was that the attack power was by no means ordinary natal magic weapons. Comparable, there is a unique property, this treasure itself is extremely cold attribute, in addition to being driven by the magic power of the Jindan cultivator, in addition, if the power of extreme cold comes into contact with it, it can also stimulate part of the power of this treasure Come on, it even has the effect of increasing the cold air."

The blue-faced old woman had a look of nostalgia on her face. After all, to the alchemy stage cultivators, every natal magic weapon is as important as life, and it is a treasure that the alchemy stage cultivators will accompany for the rest of their lives!

"It's a pity that you don't have the ability to use Ice Spirit and Cold Soul, and your mana hasn't recovered yet. If you want to really drive this 'Green Flute', there is only one way!"

Luo Yu listened to the blue-faced old woman's explanation. Although he didn't fully understand it, he still nodded without any doubts. After the above, I can't help but look forward to it, even if the talisman is the lowest level, it is far superior to some ancient weapons in terms of attack and defense.

Unless it is flying, hiding, escaping the five elements, etc., the ancient artifacts may have unique features, after all, it is impossible for the natal magic weapon to have too many supernatural powers.

So for Luo Yu, with the help of this treasure, it is not impossible for him to have the ability to compete with monks in the alchemy stage in the future even in the foundation stage!

"Dare to ask senior, what kind of method do I need to use to use the green flute? If I can drive it, how many percent of the power of the natal magic weapon can be exerted?"

Luo Yu actually wanted to say thank you, but thinking that this old man is already making some last will-like preparations, it would be too pretentious to say thank you.

Since the other party is explaining everything to him, then he can say what he has. What's the use of being polite at this time.

The blue-faced old woman nodded, she disliked some villains who beat around the bush the most.

"Using the Ice Spirit Cold Soul alone, you should be able to exert five or six layers of power, but before you can control the Ice Spirit Cold Soul, how can you drive the 'Green Flute', even with Linger's fake pill? It's far from enough mana, not to mention that you haven't practiced the method of ice soul, it's even more impossible."

Although the blue-faced old woman turned Luo Yu's extravagant hopes into naught with several consecutive 'negatives', Luo Yu still heard some hidden words.

"However, if the two of you are together, when Ling'er cultivates the "Guanghan Gong" with the help of the ice air to play the "Frozen Song", it will assist you to drive the ice spirit with her unique rhythm and rhythm. The method of ice soul you have learned controls the movement of mana in your body, and then instills it into the 'Green Zhadi'. When the piano and flute are combined, you can temporarily borrow part of the power of the Green Zhadi, and use this method to display The power can be superimposed. A peak monk in the mid-foundation stage and a fake alchemy stage monk, even if they encounter an immortal cultivator in the alchemy stage head-on, there will be little difference in the power of supernatural powers. At most, they will not last long enough. Forget it, this method was thought up by the old woman after a long time of hard thinking, after considering all the pros and cons, after all, the old woman's method of ice soul is useless for you to cultivate, firstly, you don't have ice-type mutated spiritual roots, and secondly, you can practice now Wake up, it's too late, but I can teach you some methods of condensing the 'Ice Soul Cold Needle' in the last month. This is the method that the old woman has learned from the ice soul method after practicing for more than a hundred years. Come up with some ingenious tricks."

The words of the blue-faced old woman were a bit convoluted, but Luo Yu still understood some tricks, but this was too magical.

"The combination of qin and flute? It turns out that the senior asked Linger to teach me the way of temperament to prepare for the future. It's just that the younger generation is only a beginner in rhythm, so it may be difficult for me to understand the profound meaning of his profound spirit. Moreover, the effect produced by this method seems to be similar to that of some people. The people who practice the mutual generation technique are almost the same, but the mutual generation technique that the younger generation understands takes a long time to get used to it, then "

After Luo Yu lowered his head and pondered for a while, he asked uncertainly.

"Hehe, it may be the same for others, but don't forget, the two of you are deeply affected by the Qiansi Calamity Curse, and your mind and soul are closely connected. The question is, besides, you still have a month to live under this black water ice pool. When your physical injuries are almost healed, I will take advantage of the black water ice wind that will appear every full moon night, and put The two of you sent them out secretly, and you can swim freely in the sea and sky in the future, and you don't need to worry about the time."

The blue-faced old woman seemed to be very confident about the Thousand Threads Calamity Curse, and she was not worried at all about whether her elaborate plan would really succeed, so she said calmly.

As for the matter of being sent out on the night of the full moon later, Luo Yu heard Susu talk about it, it seems that every night of the full moon, a strong poisonous ice wind will erupt in the black water ice pool, which will stir It absorbs a large amount of venom from various poisonous beasts and mixes them together, rushing straight up into the pink poisonous cloud that hangs over the Black Water Ice Pool all the year round, that is, the frightening Black Water Ice Cloud, but no one knows about it What's more, every time a black water ice cloud appears, the burst of poisonous ice wind will take away a large amount of venom swamp, and that place is the weakest place where the venom in the black water ice pool accumulates, and it is also the place where the two Where is the hope for people to go out.

The blue-faced old woman seemed to have known about this a long time ago, and with her temperament, she should have rushed out to avenge her, but why did she stay here for more than [-] years.

But it was still inconvenient for Luo Yu to ask some irrelevant questions.

"Since the seniors have already made arrangements, the juniors will follow the arrangements."

It seems that this senior Yan has already made a plan for the two of them. Even without the restraint of the Qiansi Calamity Curse, Luo Yu will still do his best. After all, his feelings for Lingsu are sincere, and The other party could easily answer all his concerns, but Luo Yu really felt that there was nothing to worry about.

"Since you have become the son-in-law of my Ice Demon, I can remind you that once the matter between you and Ling'er is made public after you go out, the road ahead will not be smooth in the future, and I will help you think a lot. Let me make up for your kindness, well, I shouldn’t have talked about this with you during the double cultivation ceremony today, but the old lady never likes to be muddy when doing things, whether you are willing to listen or not, I’ll still tell you the good and the bad. Up front, you should go back and think carefully, and after waiting for so long, Linger will probably blame me as a mother."

The blue-faced old woman nodded slightly as usual, and then asked Luo Yu to leave.

Originally, Luo Yu was still immersed in the various entrustments just now and didn't recover, but when he heard that the other party had given the order to evict the guest, he had no choice but to turn around and walk out with fists in his hands.

The moment he turned his head, Luo Yu exhaled lightly, but he hadn't taken two steps before he heard another casual sentence from the blue-faced old woman!

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