fairy flame

Chapter 622 The Covenant of the Year

"I've heard about the mutation and fusion of ice and fire in your body. Although I don't know the specifics, according to some ancient books, this is an extremely rare blessing. Unfortunately, few people can really use it successfully. I have a piece of advice, you just don’t need to ask about it, it will not cause any harm to you, as for the rest, after you reach the alchemy stage, you will understand after experiencing it yourself.”

Luo Yu had long been wondering about the fusion of ice and fire without any abnormalities in her own body, and from what she heard, the blue-faced old woman seemed to know something about it.

After Luo Yu heard this, he only twisted slightly, then he paused, raised his head and walked out.

The figure quickly disappeared at the entrance of the demon bone attic, and not long after, there was a sparse and crisp sound of 'crackling' from the demon bone cable bridge outside the bone hall, and then everything returned to calm.

After Luo Yu left here, on the high platform in the demon bone attic, the blue-faced old woman took out the picture scroll engraved with the beast of the purple universe at some point, and the pale yellow picture scroll was automatically fixed in the air lightly, the blue-faced old woman Looking at the two bright red 'red dots' that appeared on the unicorn of the divine beast at an unknown time, a look of hesitation flashed across his face, and after staring at the picture scroll with burning eyes for a long time, He just opened his mouth and spewed out a pillar of spiritual energy, and after the sound of "Zi La", the pillar of spiritual energy turned into a white mask and wrapped the scroll and itself in it.

After a cup of tea, Luo Yu returned to the entrance of the dark grotto, the expression on his face finally adjusted along the way, and gradually became as if nothing had happened. He slightly lowered his head and looked at the dim At the entrance of the cave, there was no sound below, thinking in his heart that with Ling'er's temperament, he might be waiting for him shyly, but it's a pity that the two of them really couldn't do the dual cultivation before they got rid of the poison of fire and cold.

The future will be long, and what belongs to me will surely have a very happy time sooner or later.

When Luo Yu was thinking and was about to jump down, a white shadow suddenly flashed past in front of his eyes. Luo Yu was startled and was about to rush out of his consciousness to follow the white shadow, when suddenly a pair of slender and slender jade hands came out Passed by his own eyes, and then slammed his eyes!

A warm scent of nephrite jade slowly drifts into the nostrils!

Except that Luo Yu didn't release his consciousness in the tunnel because he didn't think there would be any danger at first, he had already figured out who it was the moment the white jade hand appeared and after smelling the familiar scent from his sensitive nose. But before he could open his mouth, a melodious and crisp laughter came into his ears.

"You don't need to guess who I am, but now you are under my control. For the sake of being honest and obedient, tell me obediently what my mother told you, and see you walking along in a daze. You must be in trouble."

The person who spoke was undoubtedly Yan Lingsu. When Luo Yu heard the other party ask about what happened just now, he was already prepared in his heart for what to say and what not to say, so his face looked extremely calm and natural.

"Okay, I just became Luo's wife, so I started to attack her husband. It seems that if you don't punish you, you will be offended in the future."

The same chuckling voice came out of Luo Yu's mouth, Yan Lingsu only felt a yellow shadow flashing in front of her eyes, without the slightest wave of spiritual energy dispersing, Luo Yu's body disappeared in place, she naturally knew Luo Yu's magical martial arts She was learning how to walk, but Luo Yu was so fast that this idea came to her mind, and immediately felt her whole body tightened, and Liu Yao was hugged firmly.

Immediately afterwards, a strong force rose from his knees again, causing him to be unsteady, and he was hugged horizontally by the waist with a scream.

Immediately, Yan Lingsu's entire body was supported in the air by Luo Yu's hands.

"Be careful, you have just recovered from your injury, and the Shining Step puts a heavy load on your body, so don't tear the wound open again."

Yan Lingsu's pretty face blushed, and she said in a seductive and fragrant way.

After feeling the warmth and firmness brought by those arms, a blush gradually emerged, but at the same time, he really didn't expect Luo Yu, who was a little dull, to be so spooky.

"Hehe, you really think your husband is so unbearable."

Seeing that Yan Lingsu had replaced the previous plain skirt, he was wearing an elegant white palace dress, with some white stars shining on the dress, it seemed that it was not an ordinary cassock, Luo Yu took a look, and naturally Putting it on Yan Lingsu's delicate and beautiful face, she couldn't help joking.

This naturally made Yan Lingsu feel extremely ashamed when he heard it, he couldn't help but squeezed his fist and hit Luo Yu's chest heavily, and even spat lightly, but the voice was as low as a mosquito, Luo Yu didn't even listen It is clear, but it is obvious that Ling'er has no intention of letting her go.

"Okay, Senior Yan did tell me a lot, but let's go back to the grotto."

Luo Yu, who had experienced a lot of hand addiction, looked at the hole that only allowed two people to pass through with some complaints. Luo Yu had no choice but to put Ling'er down, but he still used the method of "hugging close to the body" to feel light fell down.

Since the entrance of the grotto and the stone bed inside the grotto are facing each other, Luo Yu simply tapped his feet together when he was about to land, and immediately stabilized his center of gravity. A wall on the side, and Yan Lingsu fell firmly into Luo Yu's arms.

I saw that Ling'er's pretty face was so bent that she was almost buried in her arms, and she didn't dare to look directly at Luo Yu.

Luo Yu watched and watched, his eyes became more and more distracted, and the two of them were silent for a while without saying a word.

Yan Lingsu, who was still a little shy at first, seemed to sense that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and didn't care about Luo Yu's flushed face being seen from the front, she lifted her head lightly, and looked at Luo Yu beautifully with a wink.

But what she saw was only Luo Yu's unnatural expression that he quickly restrained.

"What's the matter? Did my mother force you to do something?"

Yan Lingsu, who had never seen a trace of Luo Yu's embarrassment, also seemed to see that her husband was slightly different from before after returning from this trip, but he couldn't grasp the specific change.

In fact, he and she knew very well in their hearts that if nothing happened, mother would not leave Luo Yu alone.

"You think too much, but it's really nothing, I just know that if you want to detoxify you, you need to travel a long distance to a farther place, and the toxicity in your body has not weakened in the slightest. After becoming my wife, I can't Give you a little bit of comfort, I'm just a little disappointed in myself."

Luo Yu had already made up his mind not to tell the story of the blue-faced old woman, so naturally his face remained unchanged at this moment, and he couldn't see anything unusual.

"It turns out that this matter, the fire poison will not explode immediately, and you should not be too concerned about the matter of removing the fire poison. It is up to people to plan things, and it is up to God to make things happen. We will do our best, but no matter what, Linger will cherish and be with you." Every day you're together."

Quietly hiding the slight sadness in her heart, Yan Lingsu said optimistically.

But Luo Yu listened, but felt more and more uncomfortable. He just tightened his embraced hands, lowered his head quite touched, put his face on the black hair, and murmured: "I know, you I understand what you are thinking, and now I just want to hold you tightly and never let go, and even wishful thinking that we can hold you in this way until the daytime soars, that would be great, and I don't need to pay attention to the world of cultivating immortals who are fighting each other."

This sounded childish words were in Yan Lingsu's ears, but they were as sweet as honey in her heart. She giggled lightly, and said in a joking voice: "Fool, you can say something nice to me." Listen, don't talk nonsense and want to soar, even if you cultivate to the realm of the Nascent Soul Stage, then you can live for 1000 years, don't you want to hold me for 1000 years, I think you will get tired of watching it by then. "

"Hehe, it depends on whether you have become old and ugly. If you become an old man in sixty years after a thousand years, I will definitely turn around and leave."

Luo Yu rubbed his face against Susu's cloud-like show, and smiled happily.


Agitated by Luo Yu's intentional irony, Yan Lingsu couldn't hear that Luo Yu was deliberately teasing herself, with a touch of slyness on his face, and said in a calm tone: "That's good, I The "Guanghan Gong" practiced already has some beauty-preserving effects, so don't get old first, so I won't be with a bad old man."

"Hey, it's hard to say if I'm going to grow old, but you definitely won't, because I have this."

There was a bright smile on the corner of his mouth, and at some point in Luo Yu's hand, a black brocade box came out. The bottom of the brocade box was flat and the top was convex, and it was only the size of a fist. It looked quite delicate. Luo Yu held it with one hand and put it away Swaying in front of Yan Lingsu's eyes, a trace of fresh scent overflowed into Yan Lingsu's nose, making her widen her bright eyes like water waves, and couldn't help asking curiously: "What is this?"

"The first gift for you, Tianyan Pill!"

While talking, Luo Yu slowly grabbed Yan Lingsu's little hand, and gently put the brocade box in his hand.

"Tianyan Pill? Could it be a panacea that is rumored to have miraculous effects of eternal youth? Why do you have this in your hand?"

As soon as Luo Yu said the word 'Tianyan Pill', Yan Lingsu immediately asked in surprise.

For any woman, I am afraid that she would like her beauty to stay in the most blooming season, and Tianyan Pill has undoubtedly become the most sought after thing by many beauty lovers——

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