fairy flame

Chapter 626

The monstrous waves swooped down, and the violent vibration of the water hitting the river bank made the nearby mountains start to rumble. There are all kinds of fish, shrimp and sea beasts, flopping their tails one after another, struggling to return to the river.

As for the original green trees and flowers beside the river bank, they were blown away by the instantaneous huge impact, and they were broken and destroyed everywhere!

But after the huge waves receded quickly, the river bank seemed as if nothing had happened, and suddenly became extremely quiet again, only the fish and shrimp jumping on the ground could explain something.

It was only half a stick of incense after the vision of the river here, and within less than half a stick of time, four figures stepping on yellow magic weapons flew over from far away in the sky. As if extremely scared and nervous.

After the four people got closer, they realized that they were all wearing uniform blue brocade clothes, and all had a dark hill mark on their chests.

These four people are all in the Qi training stage, and the two young men are in the Qi training stage. They are stepping on the same super yellow sword weapon, and they are bowing down to look at the other two with a respectful and flattering attitude. The cultivation level of a person who can be so respected is naturally much higher than these two people, namely an old man with narrow eyes and a long white beard and a young man with dark eyes.

Both the old man and the young man are high-level Qi training monks, no wonder they are respected by the other two, but at this moment, these two people have a worried look on their faces, and they dare not get too close even after they came here.

These four people came here with the brilliance of the magic weapon, so naturally they couldn't just pass by by chance, it seems that they were attracted by the amazing image just now.

Sure enough, when the four rays of light flew to the bank of the river, they stopped in unison, but they didn't dare to land on the ground, but stayed in midair, and the four pairs of vigilant eyes looked around, but they had changed here. Naturally, nothing was found on the calm river, but the four of them immediately let go of their spiritual senses and searched every inch of the surrounding land very carefully, appearing very cautious.

"Huh? There was a loud noise just now, why is there suddenly no movement at this moment? Looking at the scene of ruined walls on the ground, something must have happened here? Could it be that the younger generation has a low level of cultivation and cannot see through the weirdness? I wonder if the two seniors have discovered anything?"

One of the young men in the Qi training period first murmured to himself with doubts on his face, then changed the topic, and asked the two senior Qi training monks in a very respectful voice.

As soon as this remark came out, another monk in the Qi training period heard the words, turned his eyes, and withdrew his spiritual sense with a look of resentment. He thought it was because his spiritual sense did not cover enough, so he didn't notice it, but in order to take care of Face, I didn't dare to say it first, since my companion said the same at the moment, it doesn't matter.

However, after hearing the question from this period monk, the young man with a higher level of cultivation did not answer immediately, but looked rather embarrassedly at the old man with long beard.

This old man with long beard seems to be the one of the four, but at this moment he looked at him for a long time, his face gradually showed a trace of confusion. All Qi training monks, the respected 'Old Senior Tan' have nothing to show for them.

But I didn't expect that after the old man pondered for a while with a calm demeanor, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly stretched out his hand to stroke his long beard and said with a smile.

"From the old man's point of view, there is nothing suspicious here. Fellow Taoists, you might as well look at the sky. Today is the night of the full moon, and the river bank here is close to the Jedi Black Water Ice Pool. I think it may be that the black water ice cloud exploded again. The vision is not what we are worried about, it is the work of monsters or the sneak attack of monks from the six sects."

The old Tan's voice sounded a little cynical, but the other three nodded without thinking, and immediately showed a look of awakening.

"Senior Tan's cultivation is still profound. The juniors are really ashamed. Although they are both high-level Qi training monks like the seniors, if the seniors hadn't reminded me, the juniors would almost have to pass the sound talisman to the senior Foundation Establishment in the alliance. After all, the changes here are too big, if there is some kind of danger, I'm afraid we can't handle it with our cultivation base."

After hearing the words, the stern young man cupped his fists and said politely.

"That's right, because of the crazy onslaught of the six faction alliances recently, we people have to be vigilant at all times, and we can't even squeeze out a little time for cultivation."

One of them, a strong man with a broad nose, also nodded in a complaining tone.

"Hey, this is the end of the matter, what can I do with Qi training monks, those elders don't pay attention to our life and death at all, everyone just resigns themselves to fate."

The narrow-eyed old man followed with a sigh and said: "Actually, the little old man's spiritual perception didn't show any abnormality, it's just some experience of living here for many years, and Daoist Chen couldn't see it, I'm afraid it's because of the black water ice cloud this time. The movement is much bigger than before, and in addition, recently, the alliance of six factions attacked our Yaotian Alliance frantically, which made everyone feel a little bit like soldiers."

The old man seemed to believe that he was right, and smiled as usual.

"Senior Tan is too modest. I have long heard that senior is a knowledgeable person in the alliance. Today, I and other junior monks have really opened my eyes. However, since there is nothing unusual about this place, should I return here or not?" Do you want to continue patrolling here?"

This time it was another Qi training period monk who spoke. Although this person was asking for advice, there was a clear meaning between the lines, as if he didn't want to stay here for a moment longer.

The other two immediately looked at the old man with a hint of approval on their faces. Although they knew that this place was not dangerous, but in the days of frequent wars recently, everyone would like to stay in their respective caves and not come out. They shouldn't be patrolling this place, but it's because the caves of these people are closer to the place where the vision was born, plus a group of monks who have to be drawn together to advance and retreat together in order to protect their lives. No one can be sure whether the alliance of six sects will be able to capture the Kuaiji Mountains in the near future, or whether the casual cultivators of the Kuaiji Mountains will survive until the day when the reinforcements from the Yaotian League arrive. Drumming very well.

They are not willing to put themselves in a dangerous situation, but they are not the only ones who have such thoughts. In the past month, because of the Xue family's rebellion, the Loose Cultivation Alliance is now the Yaotian Alliance The cultivators often died under the onslaught of the six sects, especially the Cuixia sect and the Xi Nu sect. It is said that they were led by two alchemy patriarchs, who wanted to defend their beloved disciple and the sect respectively. To avenge the love of her daughter, recently many monks of the alliance were thrown their corpses and hung on the pillar of Yin fire that reached the sky.

"Since there is nothing wrong, then I should go back to meditate and practice. There is nothing to do in this wilderness. However, the old man has one more important thing to go to the League, so I will say goodbye to fellow Taoists first." gone."

The long-bearded old man said in an unusually kind tone, and after he finished speaking, he didn't even have the slightest intention to stop, and without waiting for a response from the three of them, he drove a magic weapon like a wooden stick, and was wrapped in a layer of gray light towards it. Flying towards the west, it disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

The other three seemed to be at a loss for the old man's abnormal behavior, but after seeing the old man really flying away, they suddenly looked around and felt that a gust of dark wind was blowing into the vest. Coupled with the dilapidated scene on the ground, even if they frightened themselves, they all flew away from the place impatiently.

After flashing several times for a while, the light disappeared completely, and the river bank became strangely quiet again.

But after the three people left, after a cup of tea, suddenly there was a bland voice near the place where the three people were standing just now.

"I really didn't expect the poisonous ice wind to be so violent this time, it completely wiped out a third-level river demon beast. Fortunately, at the last moment, I discovered the self-destruction of this beast in advance, and flew out first. Otherwise, even if there are ancient artifacts guarding it, the consequences would be unimaginable, but fortunately, the movement just now did not attract the monks of the Foundation Establishment Period, otherwise we will have to work hard to leave this place safely."

The place where the voice came out was right next to the three people talking just now, but with the naked eye, they could only see a piece of darkness, and it was impossible to find out who the speaker was or exactly where it was!

As if there is a 'transparent person' hidden here.

"Husband, the invisibility effect of your smoke robe is really good. When you are a monk in the Qi training period, you have managed to hide from the spiritual detection of those three people at such a close distance. Since they have all left, we There is no need to stop any longer.”

Suddenly, after the plain voice appeared, another clear and pleasant female voice responded with a chuckle.

These two people were obviously nearby, but they couldn't catch a single silver shadow. If someone found out, they would definitely be terrified.

"Hey, those three people did leave, but Ling'er, didn't you realize that the old man who practiced Qi clearly sensed it just now, but he pretended not to notice it. He was able to hide it from others, but he lied to him Forget me, if my prediction is not bad, he should be returning now."

The two people hiding in the void are naturally Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu, but after experiencing such a thrilling experience in the body of the river monster, they actually hid here——

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