fairy flame

Chapter 627 Instant Kill

"Really? That person will still"

Yan Lingsu was taken aback, but her half-speaking voice suddenly stopped, as if she had discovered something.

But it was obviously quiet and there was no movement around here.

Holding his breath, after a few full breaths, a gray spot of light gradually appeared in the western sky where the white-bearded old man disappeared just now. As soon as the gray light appeared, its brilliance and piercing speed soared, and the direction It also shot directly at the place where Luo Yu and the two were talking, and after a while, an old man with a slightly surprised look under his old face appeared above the river bank.

It was the old man with white beard that Luo Yu had mentioned!

Seeing that Ling'er had used a cup of tea from what he discovered until this person came here, Luo Yu was shocked at the moment. It seems that although Ling'er has no mana cultivation base, the spiritual consciousness in his mind is still there. Able to use it freely, this fake alchemy stage cultivator really deserves his reputation. Luo Yu asked himself that after entering the foundation stage, his spiritual consciousness is stronger than ordinary late stage stage monks, but just now he found that the old man with white beard did not return as long as Linger Quick and far, it seems that although Ling'er has no cultivation base and no combat power, relying on her powerful spiritual sense, she can let the two of them avoid some dangers in advance.

"Hey! Impossible, the feeling just now can't be wrong."

When the white-bearded old man came here, he lost his calm attitude and looked around gloomyly, as if he was looking for something.

However, this person looked at it for a long time, and the puzzled look on his face did not decrease by half.

"Could it be that my induction is wrong?"

After watching for a while and seeing nothing, the white-bearded old man muttered to himself with some annoyance.

But as soon as the old man finished speaking, he was caught off guard!It seemed to be right next to his ear, with a slight fluctuation, a sarcastic and playful voice rushed into his ear!

"Tsk tsk, this ginger is still old and spicy. I want to see how a monk who has not yet reached the foundation stage can sense the abnormality."

The voice of the sneer was too close, and the old man's gloomy face instantly showed a look of incomparable horror. Under the shock, he only had time to let out the last scream before he died!

He just turned his head with his eyes wide open, and before he could see who it was, suddenly, a dazzling bright light appeared between the old man's eyebrows, which was so abrupt that there was no trace of it beforehand. The fluctuations are scattered!

Moreover, this strong light was extremely dazzling and painful, and in an instant it turned into an invisible wave of light that broke through the old man's scalp and flooded into the old man's mind in an instant, shaking the old man's soul consciousness to collapse. during the time.

The white-bearded old man only felt his head faint for a while, and then his neck, eyebrows and heart felt cold, and a burst of dark red blood arrows shot out from these vital parts of his body.

At this time, the strong light was fleeting, and after the light faded away, five silver-white flying needles fell lightly into the hands of a young man in ocher clothes. The beautiful woman with a slightly sick face, but she did not hide her stunning appearance, the two appeared near the white-bearded old man at some time, and looked at the white-bearded old man's corpse on the spot with cold expressions.

The young man beckoned expressionlessly, but the five silver-white flying needles flew back to the young man's left hand automatically with a clear sound. When the young man turned his hands, the flying needles all sank into the storage bag and disappeared.

The man and the woman were naturally Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu who used the smoke robe to hide their figures.

"Although I don't have the ancient Qingfeng sword, I'm not suitable for the first road of sword cultivation. This time I got Xue Yinyang's five-tone penetrating bone needle, which is not bad. If it can cooperate with my soulless needle in the future, that would be great." A set of dark weapons, but since I discovered that the soul-searching technique of the magic way is so vicious that it can kill a monk, as long as the soul is not dissipated for a short while, it can be used to extract the soul and refine the soul. In the future, killing people can be more relaxed."

Luo Yu glanced coldly at the old man's body, and waved it without hesitation? The vicinity of the Yuanhe River has been surrounded by casual cultivators from the Yaotian League and monks from the Hezhou Demon Dao who teleported over from the short-distance teleportation array. I had guessed about the teleportation array in advance, and I had a sound transmission jade slip with my master. During several consecutive battles in this month, the teleportation array hastily set up by the monks of the sorcerer's path has been almost destroyed. There are now a large number of monks stationed at the gate of Mengzhou, and the idea of ​​returning to Mengzhou first and then taking a shortcut to Rongzhou is probably difficult to realize. "

Luo Yu calmly analyzed and said, looking at the black sky in the far north, with a casual wry smile on his face, he continued.

"What's funny is that now the monks of the six sects in Mengzhou think that you and I are already alive and dead, but my master still misses the old relationship and led a large number of monks to fight a few fierce battles with the monks of the magic way near the Yuan River, and you Father Ouyang Dong also thought that you had fallen here, so he ran out of the retreat in a hurry, and brought a large number of monks from the Xi Nu Sect to join the fierce battle on the Yuanhe River. This time, the Xue family betrayed and killed several Mengzhou knots After Brother Dan, the flames of war between the two states were completely ignited, and there was no place for peace in the world of cultivating immortals in the two states. Now, after several battles between the two sides, it seems that more monks of the magic way have fallen. Get the upper hand."

"However, it seems that my father-in-law is also a hot-tempered person?"

While talking, Luo Yu looked away, and suddenly joked with a low laugh.

Ling'er, who was familiar with Luo Yugui's many ideas, immediately understood that Luo Yu had made a decision after thinking about it just now.

"My dad is here too? Thanks to you, you can still laugh. Seeing how confident you are, you must have thought of a solution again?"

Although Yan Lingsu is usually indifferent to her father, since she knew that what happened 30 years ago was her mother's fault, she gradually began to understand his father's difficulties. As the monk fought hard, he was naturally moved.

"There is one idea. My idea is that it is better to follow the plan and simply let everyone know that we have fallen, and you and I will no longer appear in Mengzhou for a short time, and will not go to Mengzhou from the southeast of Yuanhe in the future." Zhou, instead, took a risk and went deep into the hinterland of the Loose Cultivation Alliance! We sneaked out from behind the Kuaiji Mountains. Reaching the place of bitter cold in time will also give me more time to find the ice dragon cicada for you. You know that what I am most concerned about now is the fire poison in your body, and I also learned from the mind of this white-bearded old man The general terrain of the Kuaiji Mountains and the distribution of monks, you and I naturally did not fly away from here, don't forget that we still have a Super Earth Escape Talisman, the power of this Talisman is enough to teleport us to the place behind the Kuaiji Mountains At the edge, by then we only need to avoid a few monks guarding the border."

If this plan hadn't been inspired by the various messages coming from the mind of the old man with white beard, Luo Yu might not have been able to think so thoroughly and so cleverly——

I finally went home. After youdao went to a classmate’s house for a wedding two days later, I will completely start retreating to write a book. Next month, I will resume two updates a day. will come at the same time!

Youdao went to another place for an internship for half a month, thank you book friends for their support and encouragement during this time!

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