fairy flame

Chapter 628

"We leave from the rear, but before we leave, can't we give the Six Factions Alliance a sound transmission talisman first, if you tell them the truth that the two of us are still alive, your master and my father won't be so desperate."

After thinking about it for a while, Yan Lingsu couldn't help saying with worry.

"Ling'er, from ancient times to the present, every outbreak of a state war or the scramble for a certain spiritual mountain and blessed land is beyond the control of us little people. Even if we go to the sound transmission talisman, the battle near Yuanhe will still go on. Go on, and now it seems that the Six Paths Alliance has a slight upper hand, but the fierce battle between the monks ultimately determines the outcome of the key is the number of high-level monks, in my opinion, if the number of alchemy cultivators on both sides is about the same, then the fierce battle will continue There will be no results. Those who died were all monks in the Qi training period and the foundation building period. It is definitely not just the trivial matter of my two lives that is involved. I don’t know how many shady interests are hidden. Besides, after returning to Mengzhou, you and I will inevitably be recruited to go to the battlefield at the border to kill the monks. A state war does not last at least a hundred years, now is just the beginning, more tragic is yet to come, but if we come back from Rongzhou after our healing, we will have the ability to protect ourselves completely, no matter you or me You can feel much more at ease when you do anything, now that we are too busy to take care of ourselves, it is better not to fall into it."

"Actually, it's not that I don't want Zhang to give the sound-transmission talisman to Master. It can reassure the elders a lot, but think about it, now near this Yuanhe, I don't know how many air-forbidden laws and hidden restrictions have been arranged. The sound-transmission talisman It must be impossible to fly out, it will only expose your whereabouts and put you in a dangerous situation, we can no longer think about other people, this troubled world is not for ourselves, sooner or later we will be punished by heaven and earth!"

Luo Yu completely opened his heart and told Linger all his thoughts.

And Ling'er was not a compassionate and kind person in the first place. In her heart, except for Luo Yu, a man, she could be extremely indifferent to people who had little to do with her. She didn't think there was anything wrong with Luo Yu's mentality, she immediately agreed in her heart.

Everyone knows that in the world of cultivating immortals, if you don't kill and be decisive, it is difficult to survive all kinds of schemes and intrigues.

"Well, maybe it is true as you said, this war will not be quelled for decades or even a hundred years, we are finally together, and I also hope to stay away from this place of war."

Yan Lingsu said softly without meaning, and leaned her head on Luo Yu's shoulder after speaking.

These words really touched Luo Yu's heart, didn't he think the same way.

"It's not too late, I'll level up the Earth Escape Talisman now."

Gently patted the storage bag, and a piece of brass antique talisman flew out of it 'swish', only the size of a palm, with yellow fluorescent light flowing slowly on it.

Luo Yu held this earth escape talisman in his hand and stared at it for a while, but he didn't immediately arouse the talisman, instead, his eyes gradually revealed a look of emotion, and after Ling'er who was leaning on him saw it, A thoughtful look flashed across her beautiful eyes.

"The last super-earth escape talisman, I tried all kinds of hard work and failed to send you away. In the end, we both fell into the poisonous pool, but God didn't stop me from Luo Yu, and on the contrary let us get a marriage. , this is the most unpredictable thing in this world."

After Luo Yu finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and stroked the blue hair beside Ling'er's ear, and sighed with a hint of melancholy.

Then Luo Yu stopped talking, but opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of aura to envelop the yellow talisman, and after Luo Yu uttered a mysterious incantation, the yellow talisman suddenly burst into light, With a trembling, it automatically flew in front of Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu, sending out circles of yellow ripples on the two of them!

After a while, Luo Yu stopped the spell in his hand, and suddenly embraced Ling'er with both hands, and after holding Ling'er tightly in his arms, the two of them converged under the flickering yellow light, and quickly disappeared in place.

The power of this level of earth escape talisman can be said to be more than ten times that of ordinary low-level earth escape talismans, but how much more than ten times is related to the cultivation level of the caster. After all, monks with different cultivation levels have different effects on spiritual power. The degree of control varies. The higher the level of cultivation, the more you can save your own mana consumption and use the power of the talisman more perfectly. It may be that it cannot be completely stimulated, or a lot of power will be dissipated in the air during the process of activation.

As far as Luo Yu is concerned, if he uses the super-earth escape talisman, the power of the shock is at the same level. This is because the mana he can use is only equivalent to the late stage of Qi training, but Luo Yu's spiritual consciousness is not. Yuan's own cultivation is even above the late stage of foundation establishment. As we all know, the stronger the spiritual consciousness of a cultivator, the more refined his control over spiritual power, and he can reduce the loss of the power of the talisman as little as possible. .

A low-level earth escape talisman can escape about four or five miles away. From this point of view, a super earth escape talisman can sneak up to forty or fifty miles underground. According to the information obtained, if he and Linger wanted to cross the Kuaiji Mountains, they would have to travel about [-] to [-] miles straight from the ground. If it was normal, Luo Yu would use the super earth escape talisman to escape for [-] miles. The range of the ground is not a problem, but now because of his special situation, he is not sure how far he can escape.

But anyway, this is the only way now.

However, in order to be safer and more feasible, the route chosen by Luo Yu has been carefully considered. Although it is not the shortest, it has cleverly avoided the Hall of Elders in the Kuaiji Mountains and some passes where a large number of monks are stationed. There must be many high-ranking monks gathered in these places. Maybe there are some people who practice some kind of celestial clairvoyance or monks who have cultivated the method of earth escape. The consequences were unimaginable.

Luo Yu asked himself that with the assistance of those three drops of golden elixir liquid, he could restore his cultivation for a short time, but he couldn't hold back the crowd. Besides, although there are only a handful of casual cultivators in the alchemy stage of the Kuaiji Mountains, now with the addition of several people from the magic way After becoming a monk of alchemy, the number is not too small. If any one appears, Luo Yu will have to run away.

About two hours later, the night was still dark, but on a desolate ruin-like gravel ridge, there was a thunderous cracking sound. The ground was full of strange rocks, and a small pile of earth-colored stones somewhere At the same time as the loud noise, they were all thrown away by a yellow beam of light shot out like a crossbow arrow, but the yellow beam of light was quickly restrained like a flash of light.

After the yellow beam of light disintegrated and disappeared, two figures, a man and a woman, suddenly appeared on the rubble pile that exploded just now. Both of them looked a bit embarrassed, and their clothes were covered with a lot of dust. The two of them looked around with burning eyes, with a hint of curiosity and vigilance on their faces.

The man and the woman are naturally Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu who have used up the power of the super earth escape talisman, but they don't know how far they are from the river when they left, where they are, whether they are lucky Fly out of the Kuaiji Mountains?

At this time, after about a few breaths, Luo Yu gave a light 'huh' as ​​if he had realized something, and there was a faint look of surprise on his face, but he didn't get too excited at once, but quickly bent over, With five fingers, he casually picked up a piece of yellow pebble scattered on the ground, put it in front of his eyes, and looked at it carefully. After watching for less than half a quarter of an hour, Luo Yu suddenly threw the gravel in his hand to the ground, and clapped his hands at the same time, muttering.

"What's the matter? This place looks uninhabited, and the spiritual energy is also strangely thin. There must be no immortal cultivators willing to live here. Could it be that we have already left the Kuaiji Mountains?"

After Yan Lingsu's beautiful eyes moved, she shifted her gaze to Luo Yu, and asked with a slightly joyful tone.

"Hehe, not yet."

Luo Yu flicked the repair robe lightly, and a weak spiritual wind spun out from the sleeve, and after whirling around him and Ling'er for a week, it blew away the dust on both of them, and at the same time Luo Yu replied with a calm smile.

When Linger saw Luo Yu's caring appearance, although this kind of handy little gesture was nothing, but never had a man treated her so carefully. In her opinion, although the wind is small, it has a kind of sweetness. smell.

"Oh, haven't you gone out yet? But seeing how happy your husband is, I'm afraid it's not far from the border of the Kuaiji Mountains?"

Ling'er pursed her cherry lips, and said in a coy voice.

That beautiful and provocative figure and thrilling smile can always make Luo Yu intoxicated by accident. Thinking about it, Linger is too alluring, at least it is the world of cultivating immortals that Luo Yu has seen and heard. He is the crown of the crown, and he is a low-level monk who is so unknown that he almost has no chance of cultivating immortality, but he has become a beautiful woman by chance. Whenever he thinks of this, he feels too unreal, and it can even be said that there is a faint crisis. feel.

Luo Yu didn't care about this kind of feeling when he was in the black water ice pool back then, but after he came out, the feeling became obvious——

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