Immortal Artifact

Chapter 370 The Book of Heaven

The "it" that Xiao Hansheng refers to is the seven gods in the colorful glazed cup.Please use to visit this site.

Six of the seven divine twists are intact, and one is broken, but after a long period of repair with lamp oil, it has recovered more than half of it, and it will be completely recovered in a short time.

Xiao Hansheng read the magic formula and began to summon the seven gods.The seven gods seemed to be sensing something, swaying their bodies, flashing brilliantly, and waving at Xiao Hansheng!

Then, the seven divine twists began to circle and weave each other, and finally became a whip more than ten feet long.This whip is constantly swimming, whipping the space, forming a series of dark cracks, showing its unparalleled power.After playing for a while, the whip pierced through the chaotic divine soil and floated in front of Xiao Hansheng.

This whip was very naughty, when Xiao Hansheng stretched out his hand to grab it, it suddenly jumped away, and Xiao Hansheng missed it.

After doing this two or three times, Xiao Hansheng got a little angry, and shouted: "Come here soon?!" The whip stood still for a moment, and then shook the whip body, as if to please Xiao Hansheng.

Xiao Hansheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he waved his hands, and the whip fell into Xiao Hansheng's hands.This situation made him very surprised, "Hey, this whip is really spiritual! After I scolded it like this, it became honest."

Under normal circumstances, Xiao Hansheng would not be angry, but now is the time when Zhunti is showing his might, how can he calm down? [

Immediately, Xiao Hansheng came to the outside world with the magic whip in his hand.When Xiao Hansheng's consciousness returned, Zhunti was holding the Qimiao Treasure Tree and drawing it towards him!

It seems that Xiao Hansheng took a long time to get the magic whip, but in fact it happened in the blink of an eye.It was too late to say it, and it was soon, when Zhunti's Seven Wonders Treasure Tree was about to hit him, and he could clearly feel the call of death.

However, Xiao Hansheng will not sit still, brandishing the magic whip, and whipping towards the pointed end of the Seven Wonders Treasure Tree.

'Whoo, whoo', the two incomparable forces collided together, forming a bulging space.This is a special phenomenon caused by the extremely fast speed. It shatters the interior of the space, but also forms a strong concave force, preventing it from shattering.

I saw that the bulging space became bigger and bigger, and the contained energy increased geometrically.If the bulging space is shattered, it will have extremely dire consequences.

"At a critical moment, he was able to take out the most precious treasure, the seven wonderful treasure trees that resisted me!" Zhunti was extremely surprised.

"Haha, the feeling of having the treasure is really different from the feeling of not having the treasure! If I didn't have this magical whip, I would probably be beaten to death by the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree!" Xiao Hansheng secretly felt excited.

They are in the middle of a battle, and they don't need to consider the feelings of the outside world at all.But as the creator of the Buddha Kingdom—Jieyin dare not ignore it!He already felt a strong breath of destruction.

If Xiao Hansheng and Zhunti are allowed to continue to stimulate the bulging space, the Buddha Kingdom is very likely to be collapsed.The masters of the trillion Buddha Realm Alliance who support the operation of the Buddha Kingdom will suffer unimaginable heavy losses, which is an unimaginable disaster for Jieyin.

Jieyin had to give up attacking the Buddhist kingdom opened up by Xiao Hansheng, and several golden lights were continuously arranged and combined, gradually forming a vast demon pestle.This subduing pestle traverses millions of miles, and its power can destroy the heavens.

"Hmph, you want to keep the Buddha Kingdom, but you haven't asked us if we agree!" It was the master of the Demon Saint Alliance who spoke.Previously, they were suppressed by the Buddha Realm Alliance, and they had already suppressed their anger. Now that they have managed to win some advantages, how can they allow their advantages to disappear?

Although the bulging space explosion will also hurt the demon saint alliance army itself, but the two evils are in power, and the Buddhist kingdom that is arranged by the guide will do more damage.I saw the masters of the Demon Saint Alliance exert all their spiritual power, and several rays of brilliance shone into the sky, just like stars.

"Everyone, use your magic power to the fullest! I will condense all your power and attack the Demon Subduing Pestle." Fuxi roared.

I saw him take out the heavenly book and run the formula.The heavenly book seemed to be sensed, the milky white light flickered, and the heavenly book began to turn the pages.The speed of the first seven pages is very fast, and the speed becomes slower as it goes to the back. When the ninth page is turned, the heavenly book seems to be greatly restricted and cannot be opened at all.

"Nine are extreme numbers, it is difficult to return to one!" Fuxi sighed secretly.Although he has mastered the heavenly book, he can only peek at the contents of the first seven pages, but he cannot read the contents of the eighth page.Now, it is even more difficult for him to turn to the ninth page. It is like a mountain that cannot be climbed across the wilderness. [

Fuxi who opened the eighth page of the Tianshu was already profusely sweating, and his body was shaking violently.

"Brother Fuxi, you don't have to hold on." Di Jun said.He knew very well what Fuxi wanted to do, which was to condense the power of the Demon Saint Alliance into a rope, forming an unparalleled attack power.Although the demon saint alliance's palm force is a lot, it is very scattered after all, and it is difficult to shatter the subduing magic pestle.

Therefore, it is necessary for a master to use his physical strength to condense these forces, so that there is hope.Among the masters of the Alliance of Demon Saints, only Fuxi is the most suitable.Like Gu Meng, he is extremely powerful alone, but he has no ability to integrate the power of numbers.

Other masters are also facing the same dilemma, but Fuxi is different. He holds the heavenly book in his hand and controls his destiny.He can completely use the power of fate to condense all the power into one, and shatter the Demon Subduing Pestle.

It's an ingenious idea, but extremely difficult to implement.After all, the book of heaven is a treasure of heaven and earth, and using it forcibly will only confuse oneself.Fuxi also understands this situation, but he can only do his best for the victory of the Demon Saint Alliance.He tried his best, but he couldn't open the ninth page of the heavenly book.

"It seems that's the only way!" Fuxi's blood began to boil, and the blood flowed backwards, gradually converging to the heart veins, and then he forcibly extracted the essence of the blood.

I saw that the essence in Fuxi's body was completely swallowed into the blood essence, and his aura suddenly soared, like the reincarnation of a demon god.Suddenly, the condensed blood essence was released by Fuxi, the size of a goose egg.

After the blood essence was released, Fuxi was already paralyzed, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"Hey, brother Fuxi, I owe you something from the Demon Saint Alliance!" Di Jun said with emotion.He understood that the essence of the blood had exhausted all of Fuxi's spiritual power and most of his energy.If there is no special opportunity, there is no possibility for Fuxi to improve his cultivation base.

Fuxi shook his head and said in a trembling voice: "Let's settle the troubles before us first!" After saying that, his blood essence suddenly disappeared and merged into the heavenly book.

The heavenly book was blessed with the essence of blood, and the ninth page of the heavenly book was opened immediately, and the path of fate began to revolve around the book, "Go!" Fuxi pointed to the book.

The book of heaven turned into rainbow light and came to the front of the power played by the masters of the Demon Saint Alliance.Faced with the power of counting, the Dao of Destiny will not be incorporated and reorganized, and gradually form a long sword that traverses millions of miles, and its power can destroy the sky.

The Subduing Demon Pestle and the long sword reflected each other in the distance, and faced each other faintly.

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