Immortal Artifact

Chapter 371 The End of the Buddha Realm Alliance

Chapter 371 The End of the Buddha Realm Alliance

The subduing magic pestle and the long sword god are mighty, piercing through the sky, hostile to each other.Please use to visit this site.At the same time, the bulging space formed by the battle between Xiao Hansheng and Zhunti has formed a disc with a radius of ten miles, and it is still expanding.

Due to the interaction of the Seven Wonders Treasure Tree and the Divine Whip, the bulging space is constantly rolling inwards, forming an incomparable vortex, constantly devouring everything around it.

Xiao Hansheng looked at the bulging space, and could clearly feel that it contained a powerful force to destroy the galaxy.

"The bulging space is becoming more and more difficult to maintain. If it bursts suddenly, its power will be unimaginable!" Xiao Hansheng secretly said.

Zhunti was also full of anxiety, after all, this is the Buddhist kingdom opened up by Yingying.If it really breaks, how should the army of the Buddha Realm Alliance resist?

Just at this moment, the subduing magic pestle and the long sword suddenly moved.I saw a golden light glowing from the Subduing Demon Pestle, the body of the pestle moved sideways, and hit directly at the blade of the long sword.

The tip of the long sword has the strongest attack, and the body of the sword supports the attack of the tip.Therefore, the blade is actually the weakest link of the longsword.As long as it hits the sword body, the long sword is bound to be difficult to stabilize, and the only thing left is defeat.

Leading and directing the subduing magic pestle is to hit the weak point of the long sword to achieve the goal of winning by surprise. [

The long sword is a murderous aura formed by the force of fate, and fate controls everything in the world, so it has a very strong sense of the subduing magic pestle, and understands what the subduing magic pestle is going to do.Soon, the long sword began to turn its body, stabbing the subduing demon pestle horizontally with the tip of the sword.

Although the long sword is a million miles long, it is extremely fast, and it completes a series of movements almost instantly, pointing directly at the subduing demon pestle.

The Subduing Demon Pestle rushed forward, and it was too late to turn around.Since you can't turn around, call at a faster speed.

The long sword obviously felt a strong threat, and the milky white light of Tianshu was even more intense.In an instant, milky white light covered the blade of the long sword, giving people a feeling of purity and warmth like jade.Without stopping, the long sword crossed the sky to meet the subduing magic pestle.

This is the collision of the most powerful divine weapons, the subduing magic pestle is the strongest magic weapon of Buddhism, and the long sword is a peerless divine weapon formed on the basis of Taoism.

What kind of sparks will the two confront each other? !

'Crack', the two great soldiers collided together, the space began to shrink violently, the light seemed to be swallowed by a black hole, and the Buddha's country became pitch black, and you couldn't see your fingers.

In such an instant, time seemed to freeze, and the scene these masters saw was like a picture in a movie, played out frame by frame. ,

The masters felt this extraordinary aura, and felt an indescribable sense of panic.Perhaps, this is the feeling before death.

Suddenly, the Buddha Kingdom brightened up again, the light cut through the void, passed through the darkness, and illuminated all generations.This light is the light of creation, momentary and eternal.

At this time, all the masters felt intense burning, as if the aura in their bodies had been ignited, making them miserable.Some of the weaker masters formed bloody gaps in their bodies, and blood dripped down.

Immediately afterwards, all the masters heard the voice of Pishi, which is more noble than the six-character mantra.However, this sound is mysterious and unusual, and it is forgotten after hearing it.

This voice is actually the embryonic form of the six-character mantra.At the beginning, the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp listened to the sound of the creation of heaven and earth, realized the six characters with his unparalleled wisdom, and then became the most holy character of Buddhism.However, at this time, the sound of breaking the world is just a mere deed, and has no practical significance at all.If the masters of the Demon Saint Alliance and the Buddha Realm Alliance hear the real voice of breaking the world, they can definitely become gods immediately, and become the supreme gods overlooking all living beings.

Unfortunately, they do not have this blessing.

Immediately afterwards, the space began to explode, and the turmoil swept across thousands of miles. [

'Puff' 'Puff', the master of the Buddha Realm Alliance spit out blood and was seriously injured.They are the main force to maintain the operation of the Buddha Kingdom. Under such a strong explosion, it is only natural for them to be seriously injured.

The Buddha Realm Alliance suffered heavy losses, while the Demon Saint Alliance had no major problems.After Fuxi drew his sword, Taiyi took out the Chaos Clock and injected it with peerless mana.The chaotic clock suddenly grew larger, forming a big clock surrounded by chaotic air for millions of miles.I saw the Chaos Clock bucking down, protecting all the masters of the Demon Saint Alliance.

In this way, the army of the Demon Saint Alliance has a slight advantage in this battle.

After the violent collision ended, the subduing magic pestle and the long sword disappeared, and the book of heaven returned to Fuxi's hands, which was extremely dim.

After a while, Tai Yi took back the Chaos Clock.As soon as he held the Chaos Clock, he collapsed to the ground and couldn't get up.

The reason for Tai Yi to do this is entirely because the Chaos Clock consumes too much celestial power, and his cultivation is too weak to satisfy the Chaos Clock's gluttonous swallowing.Fortunately, the Chaos Clock saved the lives of the demon saint alliance army. Is there anything more gratifying than this?

Just at this time, the Buddhist kingdom opened up by Jieyin suddenly shattered, and all the famous rivers and great rivers that were originally derived suddenly disappeared.Cracks suddenly appeared in the space barrier of the Buddha Kingdom, like spider webs.

With a crisp sound of 'bang', the originally vast Buddha kingdom was suddenly unraveled, and obvious cracks appeared in the figure of Amitabha Buddha, and subtle golden light was released from the cracks.

'Boom', Amitabha's figure exploded, and the golden light formed flashed and disappeared.

The rupture of Amitabha's figure triggered a domino effect, and the already precarious Buddhist kingdom suddenly collapsed and disappeared.Suddenly, the dark night sky appeared.This is exactly the void of the mortal world, and seeing a distant light shining into their eyes made them feel a little uncomfortable.

"Retreat, retreat for me!" The emperor yelled regardless of his injuries.He had already seen that the bulging space formed by the battle between Xiao Hansheng and Zhunti was about to burst.

Once ruptured, the Emperor could not imagine the catastrophe that would ensue.

Obviously, Xiao Hansheng and Zhunti can no longer maintain the bulging space, and the rupture is a foregone conclusion.

After hearing the sound of retreating, the demon saint alliance army withdrew step by step.Although they experienced danger, the formation was not dispersed, so they could evacuate in an orderly manner.

Jieyin also found that the situation was not good, and like an emperor, he let the army of the Buddha Realm Alliance withdraw.However, they have been seriously injured, and their strength is not one in ten, which makes their actions look extremely slow.

After the Alliance of Demon Saints withdrew for thousands of miles, the Alliance of Buddha Realm only withdrew for tens of thousands of miles.

Xiao Hansheng saw that the army of the Demon Saint Alliance had evacuated to a relatively safe position, and no longer maintained the bulging space, he pulled the magic whip away in an instant, performed great teleportation repeatedly, and escaped.

Seeing Xiao Hansheng's movements, Zhunti's eyes were tearing apart, "Xiao Hansheng, you bastard, you..." Before he finished cursing, he knew that if he didn't escape, he would have no chance to escape.He had no choice but to stomp his feet resentfully, cast a big teleport, and left.

Without the maintenance of the magic whip and the seven wonderful treasure trees, how can the bulging space persist?It exploded in an instant, and this scene was like the last brilliance of a dying star.

I saw all kinds of particles scurrying around, forming an incomparable turbulent flow, which directly reduced the number of masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance.Then, the spatial rift opened, and the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance on the second floor were drawn in again, life and death were unknown.

It can be said that this is the end of the Buddha Realm Alliance.

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