The army of the Buddha Realm Alliance has indeed encountered big trouble, and several masters have been swallowed by the broken space.When the cracks in space subside, the surviving masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance are less than half of the original number.

This is a fatal blow to the army of the Buddha Realm Alliance.More importantly, the surviving masters were all wounded, and their combat power was almost wiped out.

"This..." Jieyin looked at the sluggish army, but couldn't say a word!

Zhunti fled to Jieyin's side in embarrassment, and cursed: "It's all because Xiao Hansheng that stinky boy, who caused us to lose so badly! Even if my Buddha Realm Alliance has a hard time, I won't make it easy for the Yaosheng Alliance!" Come on, he is going to attack the army of the Demon Saint Alliance with the Seven Wonders Treasure Tree.

"Junior brother, don't go!" Jieyin called Zhunti, saying: "You are our last hope, if you are entangled again by the masters of the Demon Saint Alliance, I guess we really have no way to leave alive .”

Zhunti showed a look of resentment, "Hmph, today is considered a good deal for them. I will settle this account with them sooner or later." In fact, even if he wiped out all the weapons of the Demon Saint Alliance army with the Seven Wonders Treasure Tree in his hand, he did not With the cooperation of the Buddha Realm Alliance, how can he completely kill the army of the Demon Saint Alliance?Therefore, the wisest choice is to take revenge later, save your life first.

However, at the critical moment, Zhunti was very confident and believed that the Demon Saint Alliance would never dare to pursue them.

After Xiao Hansheng fled back to the army of the Demon Saint Alliance, he saw Fuxi who was sluggish.When he heard what Fuxi had done, he was filled with admiration.To be honest, the life and death of the Demon Saint Alliance has nothing to do with him.But in order to win the ally of the Demon Saint Alliance, he did not hesitate to destroy the Buddha Kingdom at the cost of his own life energy.

"Brother Fu Xi is all for Xiao Meng!" Xiao Hansheng was secretly grateful.Immediately, he took out the fifth-grade living elixir, handed it to Fuxi, and said, "This living elixir is called Congealing Blood Pill, which can just make up for the loss of your life energy. Although this elixir can completely replenish your life energy, but It can also be greatly relieved." [

Fuxi was not polite either, and directly put the coagulation pill that Xiao Hansheng handed over into his mouth, and took it.After a while, his face turned rosy.Although it still looks weak, it is much stronger than before, and there is no problem in acting alone.

As for Tai Yi's injury, Xiao Hansheng didn't intend to give him any pills.What Tai Yi lost was only the immortal power, not the energy of life.It won't take long for him to fully recover.

Then, Xiao Hansheng said in a loud voice: "Everyone, the Buddha Realm Alliance is now a lost dog. We only need the last blow to destroy them. This opportunity cannot be missed."

"That's right! What Dad said is not wrong at all." A young figure flew to Xiao Hansheng's shoulder and sat up cross-legged.Both feet dangled in front of Xiao Hansheng's chest, and a sweet smile appeared on his small face.Who is it not Xiaoyi who called Xiao Hansheng his father? !

Seeing Xiao Yi's happy appearance, Tianyu was very jealous of Xiao Hansheng, "Huh, that brat, put her down for me." Tianyu jumped in front of Xiao Hansheng, pointed to Xiao Hansheng's nose and said.

Xiao Hansheng was a little stunned, showing a half-smile expression, "You really plan to talk to me like this?!"

Tianyu shrank, as if he was afraid of Xiao Hansheng, "You...what are you, put that...that chick down for me, or I will call you molested!"

Xiao Hansheng made a sudden move, slashing his palm towards Tianyu, bursting out with powerful force.When Tianyu saw Xiao Hansheng's palm force coming, his face suddenly became serious.He could clearly feel the almost enemy power contained in the palm.

However, he is not afraid of Tianyu either.His recent strength has improved rapidly, even if he has not reached the level of an immortal emperor, his combat power is not far behind.Therefore, he is not afraid of the palm strength that Xiao Hansheng exerted.

Then, his fleshy palm swung sideways, and hit Xiao Hansheng's Mingming Palm.

'Hoo', a strong force came, Xiao Hansheng flew back nearly a hundred steps, and Tianyu retreated more than a hundred steps before he could barely stop.

Xiao Hansheng was a little surprised by Tianyu's performance.In recent years, his strength has improved extremely fast, but he didn't expect that Tianyu's strength would not be weaker than him!

"Haha, boy, let go of that chick quickly, or I will be rude to you!" Tianyu laughed triumphantly.Before, he was still afraid of Xiao Hansheng, but after a short fight, he instantly concluded that Xiao Hansheng's strength was only mediocre, so he had the confidence to speak.

"Hmph!" Xiaoyi wrinkled Qiong's nose and said in a childlike voice, "If you talk about Dad like that again, then don't blame your aunt for being rude to you! Humph! It won't hurt to hit your legs and feet. !"

Tianyu took two steps back, a little afraid of Xiaoyi, "Ahem, I don't say he is!" [

Only then did Xiaoyi nod in satisfaction, lay her head in front of Xiao Hansheng, giggled and said, "Dad, don't be afraid, that guy will never dare to bully you again. If he dares to bully you again, I will teach him a lesson for you! I You have to protect Dad!"

Xiao Hansheng's face was covered with black lines, and he had the urge to grab the ground with his head.

The masters of the Demon Saint Alliance also showed warm smiles when they saw them fighting.

After fighting for a while, Di Jun suddenly asked: "Brother Xiao, you said that we want to beat the dog in the water, and I agree. But, how should we deal with the seven wonderful treasure trees mentioned?!"

Xiao Hansheng pondered for a moment, and said with a smile: "Brother Di Jun, don't worry, I already have a way to deal with Zhunti's Seven Wonders Treasure Tree." Di Jun heard Xiao Hansheng's words, so he didn't ask any more questions.Since Xiao Hansheng said he has a way, then there must be a way.

Then, Di Jun ordered the army of the Demon Saint Alliance to go out and pursue the army of the Buddha Realm Alliance with all its strength.

The army of the Buddha Realm Alliance has been away for a long time, and they didn't see the army of the Demon Saint Alliance chasing them, so they were relieved and moved closer to Shantiden.

"Hehe, since the Buddhaland Alliance has been defeated like this, why bother to leave?!" Xiao Hansheng stepped forward.Xiao Yi, who was sitting cross-legged on his shoulder, was holding a lollipop and sucking it!Behind him are hundreds of masters at the Immortal King Realm level.

At this moment, they are staring at the army of the Buddha Realm Alliance with unkind faces.Before that, they were suppressed by the Buddha Realm Alliance and suffered a lot of humiliation.Now when they face the Buddha Realm Alliance again, how can they have a good face?

Zhunti's face suddenly became gloomy, "Do you really think you can control my Buddha Realm Alliance?"

Xiao Hansheng smiled lightly: "Whether you can be sure of you, you have to try it to know!"

Jieyin looked at the masters who came, and felt bad, so he sent a voice transmission to Zhunti, "Junior brother, you have to be careful! They only come to these masters, and they probably want to hold you back first. Soon after, the army of the Demon Saint Alliance They will come and kill us. Therefore, we can't fight with them, we have to get out as soon as possible."

Zhunti thought secretly, "Yes! The only thing they care about is the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree in my hand. If I am held back by them, they will not be afraid of the current Buddha Realm Alliance at all."

Thinking of this, Zhunti's eyes flickered, and he quickly thought about how to deal with it.

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