Chapter 373

Zhunti thought for a while, but couldn't think of a good solution.After all, his cultivation base is limited, and he cannot support himself alone.Although he has the treasure, the other party is not inferior to him at all!This also caused him to have no good way to deal with the attacks of masters such as Xiao Hansheng and Di Jun.

"I hope they don't have a way to resist my Seven Wonders Treasure Tree!" Zhun Ti secretly thought.

"Zhunti, you'd better catch them with nothing! Resistance is death, and non-resistance is death! If you are smart, you should choose an easy way to die!" A master of the Demon Saint Alliance said coldly.

Zhunti glanced at the master and said with disdain: "Who are you?! How dare you talk to me like that?!"

The master was suffocated, and when he was about to refute, Di Jun stepped forward and said with a sneer: "Zhunti, you are dying, how dare you be so arrogant?!"

Zhun Ti pinched the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree and said with a smile: "I think you should be very clear that you don't have the strength to kill me at all. So, you don't have to say anything harsh!"

Di Junnai smiled, "That's true. You hold the treasure in your hand, and it is extremely difficult for us to kill you. Therefore, we have no intention of killing you! However, we can't kill you, but not waiting represents our You can't kill the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance! Once they are all wiped out, how can you still have the strength to travel eastward in the Western Paradise?"

Although Di Jun clearly told Zhun Ti that they had no strength to kill him.However, the following words hit the point that Zhun mentioned.His Buddha Realm Alliance has been planning for a long time, isn't it just to carry out the great cause of Buddhism traveling eastward!Di Jun said this because he wanted to defeat his ideals, which made him more uncomfortable than killing him. [

Zhunti's eyes suddenly turned red, "It's better to be broken jade than to be whole! My Buddha Realm Alliance has suffered heavy losses, and your Demon Saint Alliance will have to pay the corresponding price." After finishing speaking, the Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees swept away and hit the emperor. handsome shoulder.

Unafraid, Di Jun took out Hetu Luoshu and resisted Zhunti's Qimiao Treasure Tree.Just at this moment, Zhunti's life and death Buddha dust suddenly activated, and the pure white silk thread like snow stretched out, trying to wrap Dijun around.

Xing Tian had been on guard for a long time, he waved his sword and stabbed Zhun Ti's left wrist.If Zhun Ti's left wrist was stabbed by Xing Tian, ​​the consequences would be unimaginable.

Without hesitation, Zhunti withdrew his life and death whisk and hit Xingtian instead.Xing Tian didn't expect Zhun Ti to be so decisive, he was wrapped in silver thread in an instant, and then the silver thread of Life and Death Fu Cen began to shrink, and he was going to hoop him to death.

Xing Tian was not of the easy-going type either, he threw away his relatives, and directed it with his spiritual thoughts, stabbing at Zhun Ti.He had no choice but to do this. After all, the dust of life and death is an innate treasure. Although his relatives are strong, with his current strength, the fundamental way to break the dust of life and death is to use the trick of besieging Wei and saving Zhao.

At this moment, not only Xing Tian made a move, but even Xiao Hansheng blatantly made a move, attacking Zhunti.I saw Xiao Hansheng waving his magic whip, turning into a wandering dragon, tearing apart the sky, and attacking Zhunti.If Zhunti was hit, the only thing he could do was die.

Xiao Hansheng is fast, and there are faster masters than Xiao Hansheng.I saw that Houyi had already shot the arrow to shoot the sun.The sun-shooting arrow pierced through the void and hit Zhunti's head.

Zhunti was horrified to see three peerless masters attacking at the same time.Any one of these three masters can fight against him alone.Now he has to retreat in the face of the attacks of three masters, which can be said to be unimaginable.

Originally, Zhunti could use the Qimiao Treasure Tree to wipe out the magical soldiers attacked by Xingtian, Xiao Hansheng, and Houyi.However, his Qimiao Treasure Tree was tightly entangled by Dijun's Hetu Luoshu, and there was no way to pull it away.

"Could it be that I will die here?" Zhunti exclaimed secretly.Suddenly, he thought of something, which was the half golden relic of Amitabha Buddha.Ever since, he took it out, and the strong breath of Buddha was rippling.Xiao Hansheng suddenly felt that he was facing an absolute master, which made him dare not have any thoughts of resistance.

With the appearance of the golden relic, the powerful Buddha power directly resisted Xiao Hansheng's divine whip, Houyi's sun-shooting arrow, and Xingtian's relatives.

"This is half a golden relic of Amitabha Buddha! With him, Zhunti will not be afraid of us at all!" Xiao Hansheng exclaimed.He had lived in the body of Amitabha, so he naturally understood how powerful Amitabha was.His random words are laws and possess great power.

Of course, Zhunti has not yet fully integrated the half golden relic, and only possesses one ten-thousandth of the power of Amitabha Buddha, perhaps not much.But this power is enough to change the situation of the battle, don't you think it's terrible? !

Seeing the expressions of Xiao Hansheng, Xing Tian, ​​and Hou Yi, Zhunti smiled happily, "Haha, you all have to die today, and all your treasures will belong to me!" It is unstoppable to resist the attacks of the four peerless masters.

At a critical moment, a chaotic clock suddenly appeared in the space, spinning continuously, its power shocking the past and the present.Slowly, the chaotic clock reversed, trying to take away half of Amitabha's golden relic. [

"Damn it! I didn't expect the Chaos Clock to appear at the critical moment!" Zhunti cursed.The situation can be said to have changed suddenly, and the situation has become very critical.The golden relic is the key to resisting the magic whip, the relatives and the sun-shooting arrows.If Zhunti pulled the golden relic away, it meant that he couldn't resist the attack of the three great treasures, and he would end up dead.If he continues to resist the three great treasures, it means that he is very likely to lose the golden relic.

The golden relic is something he must never lose, it is more important than his wealth and life.Without this half golden relic, he would lose everything.This really made Zhunti difficult to choose.

Zhunti could only watch helplessly as the Chaos Clock landed and swallowed the golden relic.

At a critical moment, Youdao's golden ball of light suddenly hit the Chaos Clock, forming a vast sound wave that rolled in all directions and shattered countless spaces.The weaker masters were instantly pulverized by the powerful sound waves, leaving no bones left.

"Junior brother, let's go!" Received and guided the voice transmission.

Where is the time to think?Summon the dust whisk of life and death, and beat Di Jun.Di Jun had no choice but to let go of the suppression of the Seven Miao Treasure Tree and escape.The seven wonderful treasure trees turned into streamers and fell into Zhunti's hands.Then, Zhunti summoned back the golden relic and fled with him.

"You all wait for me, I will avenge this revenge in the future at Daleiyin Temple!" The voice of the guide rolled over.

This series of things happened extremely quickly, and it was completed between the ups and downs of rabbits and falcons.Xiao Hansheng didn't have time to react at all, so he made a countermeasure.

"It was decisive to accept Zhunti, and he was willing to abandon all the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance and escape alone." Xiao Hansheng sighed.

"Yes! They are very cruel, but it is such characters that are scary!" Di Jun said with emotion.

'Pfft', Tai took a big mouthful of blood.Then, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a wry smile: "Oh, I still can't hold it back! What kind of treasure was shot at the end! I was so shocked that I was seriously injured."

Seeing that Tai Yi could still tease himself, Xiao Hansheng felt relieved, and said with a smile: "The one he played just now should be the other half of Amitabha's golden relic."

After hearing this, Tai Yi finally understood, "No wonder it's so powerful!"

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